Monday, June 8, 2020

Abortion Stops A Beating Heart

Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”

No matter how small, a person is a person. God told the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah, that He knew Jeremiah before he was even conceived in the womb. It is a tragedy to decide a child must die, so that you may live as you wish! Abortion does not make a woman unpregnant, it just makes her the mother of a dead baby!!! Truth is still truth, even if no one believes it; a lie is still a lie, even if everyone believes it! Abortion is first-degree murder! That is the truth!!! 

Listen dear mother, your body STOPS where baby's body STARTS! It's a child, not a choice! A child in the womb is still a human being in every sense of the word. The ungodly U.S. Supreme Court will split Hell wide open when they die, for all those who voted to legalize mass-murder since 1973 in America. It is a big deal to God almighty! I heard former President Bill Clinton say that even leading theologians cannot agree on the issue of abortion, so how could a mere U.S. President makes such crucial decisions? Sadly, Mr. Clinton was half-correct. He is right that leading theologians cannot agree, just like they cannot agree on the bodily resurrection of Jesus, the inspiration of the Holy Bible, and the virgin birth of Christ. These pseudo-theologians are all reprobate liberals, who masquerade as theologians, confusing the masses with their Satanic junk theology. There is no controversy if you believe the Bible. Exodus 20:13, “Thou shalt not kill.

Hey, if it's not a baby, you're not pregnant! Did you know that 93% of women regret their abortion? You'll never heard that from the liberal controlled newsmedia. The media are a bunch of professionally-paid LIARS! They read teleprompters and reports whatever they're told to report, selling their souls for the almighty dollar. Truly, the love of money is the root of all evil (1st Timothy 6:10). LIFE begins at CONCEPTION; ABORTION begins at DECEPTION!!! All Christians who fear God and are right with God are PRO-LIFE!!! Dear reader, like it or not, some choices are WRONG! Just because you can do something legally doesn't make it RIGHT! Just because you can murder your child, doesn't mean that God approves if it. I am so sick of abortionists using the rape and incest argument to justify murdering 99.9% of healthy children in abortions caused by fornication!!! A whopping 83% of all abortions are sought by unmarried women. Only 4% of abortion are sought by married women. GET MARRIED AND STOP WHORING AROUND!!!

I call for EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN IN THE WOMB! Do you know how much an abortion costs? It costs ONE HUMAN LIFE!!! Abortion is the hand that robs the cradle! It's east to be PRO-CHOICE when you're not the one being KILLED!!! Abortion hurts women, and is the ultimate child abuse! Abortion needs to be stopped!!! There will never be an abortion again, when the Lord Jesus Christ returns to establish His earthly millennial Kingdom. Life begins when abortion ends! Abortion violates women's rights, especially unborn women in the womb! Abortion is homicide!!!

It is tragic that so many women desire to bear children, but cannot; yet tens of millions of healthy women who do bear children, cold-heartedly murder their babies!!! Don't you understand that every baby is a gift from God? Psalms 127:3, Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.There is no one in this world as selfish, as the pregnant mother who claims she alone has the insane RIGHT to deprive her baby of its God-given life! Abortion stops a beating heart!!! If a child is not a human being, then why does a mad doctor have to terminate it's life? The abortion doctor is a scary person, for he disregards the life of the weakest among our race. Statistically, the most dangerous place to be nowadays is in the womb of a mother!!!

Sadly, very few churches and pastors even preach against abortion anymore. Our degraded American society has sadly accepted abortion as a normal thing. Don't you understand that we as Americans are corporately responsible for the assassination of 60,000,000 human lives? People go ballistic when a solider throws a puppy over a cliff. The public demands action if a kitten is being abused. But insanely, people say nothing and don't care when a human baby's life is being terminated in a murderous abortion clinic. Liberals allege that if abortions were not legal, pregnant women would harm themselves with botched self-abortions. That doesn't matter, because two wrongs never make a right! Are we going to pass laws next to just give thieves our wallets, to avoid being mugged instead? Where does the insanity end? Anything can be justified. 

Having an abortion is just plain old selfish. We live in an ungodly society today that thinks it knows more than our holy God. People reject the wisdom of the Holy Bible; thus destroying their own happiness, family and life, and then blame God for their wickedness! If you get pregnant outside of a legally binding marriage, then you are a fool. The immoral male that impregnated you, very likely won't be step up to plate as a man, to do the right thing and marry you. So now you have a bastard child and you want to get rid of it, like an old car. Humanity has a self-destructive nature! A wise person heeds the Word of God. Psalms 119:9, “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?  by taking heed thereto according to thy word.” Satan is the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). The Devil wants every young person to become immoral, have an abortion, ruin your life, live a life of sin (John 10:9-10). The choice is yours alone to make, but God's judgment is upon all evildoers (Colossians 3:5-6). I choose to live for the Lord...
Joshua 24:15, “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

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