Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Best Advice I Can Give Christian Parents

Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

I heard Pastor Jack Hyles one time in a sermon give a beautiful illustration. He was driving down the street one day and saw a home that had burned to the ground. A little while later he drove by a brand new home. At first he pitied the house that had burned down. After pondering the matter for a time, he realized that he had looked at it the wrong way. In fact, he realized that he should have been admiring the home that burned down, because it had served its purpose. A family once lived there. Memories were made. The foundation was still there to rebuild upon! The new home had never heard the hollering of children playing. The new home had never encompassed the smell of home cooked meals, as a mother diligently prepares meals for her family. The new home had never been lived in, and had not not fulfilled its purpose for existing. 

Likewise, children need a solid foundation Mom and Dad. The absolute BEST thing you could ever do to ensure the spiritual success of your child's future is to center their life around a local Bible-believing, soulwinning, church! And my second BEST bit of advice to you is to absolutely enroll your child into a Christian school associated with a local, Bible-believing, New Testament church! You won't regret it down the road!!! Children grow up so fast! From the time they are born, they'll be running around and talking in just a couple years. By age five they'll be philosophizing, saying amazing things, and able to solve problems. I am amazed at how brilliant my grandson was at age 4. He is now 6 and his intelligence is astounding for a child. His parents are homeschooling him, which is wise. They are all involved in a local Baptist church, that I have been attending with them. Praise God for Bible-believing , soulwinning, people-loving, Christ-honoring, sin-fighting, New Testament churches! Your children will be adults before you know it!

The biggest, stupidest and most foolish decision you will ever make is to enroll your child into a Satanic public school. Those are the Devil's schools. Public schools are indoctrination centers for the LGBTQ agenda, new age doctrine, evolution, atheism and all manner of filth. Even worse is the influence of other worldly children, which will destroy your child, I guarantee it! Worst of all is the absence of the knowledge of God. Children need a moral compass. It is cruelty to deprive a child of a godly education! Look at how messed-up American society is today! Crime is at epidemic levels. Adultery is everywhere today, which has become an accepted part of our ungodly culture. Years ago I saw an interview on 'Good Morning America' with Valerie Bertinelli, who is married to guitarist Eddie Van Halen, bragging that they both commit adultery in their disgrace for a marriage (now divorced to no surprise). Sin is no longer shameful in our nation! Proverbs 14:9, “Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.”

GET YOUR CHILD INTO CHURCH AND A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL! If you love your children at all, you'll take my wise advice. If you don't heed my godly advice, one day your child will break your heart. They will go down a worldly path with worldly friends. They will start fornicating, which is the way of the world today. There will likely be a pregnancy out of wedlock and perhaps an abortion. Drug abuse and alcoholism are the way of the sinful world, killing many young adults. It is shameful to see teenage girls covered in dark green ink, tattooed like markings on a herd of cattle! Women today have impudent faces, disrespectful, bad attitudes, rebellious, irreverent of the sacredness of the human body, the sacred marriage act, and the sacred things of God. Their sordid heroes are homosexuals, atheists, blasphemers and the most wicked people in society! 

Should we be surprised that pedophiles and perverts (both men and women alike) plague our culture? I think not. Netflix streams violence, torture, bloody gore and hardcore smut and indecency to over 182 million subscribers worldwide. Of those 69 million are Americans! We deserve God's judgment on America! According to the Center For Disease Control (CDC), suicides among youth (ages 10-14) between 2007 to 2017 TRIPLED in the United States! The Devil has a bid for your child. Satan desires for every young woman to start fornicating (sinning) in the teen years, get pregnant out of wedlock with a bastard child, have an abortion because you're not ready yet to be a parent, pursue a career instead, and end up being one of the most miserable lonely people on the planet by age 42

Young people don't stand a chance spiritually in this backwards, confused, gender-bending, God-hating, amoral generation of rebels. Kids need the Lord! Young people need to be in a Bible-believing church! Children and teens desperately need Christian education! I hope some wise parents will take my advice, and invest in your children while you still have control over them. The day will come, mark my words, when they will correct you Mom and Dad, and go down a wicked path of spiritual and likely mental and physical self-destruction! By raising them in a fundamental Bible-believing church, you will be giving them a foundation, which even if they do go into sin at some point as an adult, they'll always know what they need to do to get back on track spiritually. Please listen to Pastor Bob Gray Sr. preach the beautiful MP3 sermon titled: 'Why You Should Be A Part Of A Growing Church.'

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