Wednesday, April 15, 2020

We Need A Bible Revival Today!

Acts 5:29-33, “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins. And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him. When they heard that, they were cut to the heart, and took counsel to slay them.” 

Everywhere that the early Christians preached in the book of Acts, either REVIVAL or RIOT broke out! Oh how we need revival in our churches today! I am listening to a great sermon right now by Brother Lester Roloff called: “The Book That Makes The Difference,” in which he says:
“Now, there's only one thing we need in America—and that is an old-fashioned real Bible revival! I mean a real BIBLE REVIVAL! It'll straighten out the home, straighten out the children, make the husband act right, put the wife in order; it'll take care of the preacher, the church; I mean it'll fix up the community, I mean it'll stop the Devil dead in his tracks; I mean it'll give victory to God's people—the Word of God!” —Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982), “The Book That Makes The Difference!
I hope you will take the time to listen to that life-changing sermon. Brother Roloff talks about the time in America, when he was growing up in the 1920's and 1930's, when there were no juvenile shelters or jail houses for teenagers. There was a time when the parents had charge! There were no jails for youth. They didn't need them! Back then children obeyed their parents! Today there are juvenile prisons in every state, and many youth cannot be controlled by anyone, hardened criminals under the age of 18. They have to be incarcerated in a jail to protect the public from them. Those judges who removed the Bible from America's schools ought to be hung! The public school system never should have been started, which Satanists started to deprive Children of the Word of God. Look at the results! 

The Bible says in Daniel 8:25 that the Antichrist “by peace shall destroy many. We're seeing this evil already in America. We've let a bunch of kook liberals and atheists take the Holy Bible away from children, in the name of freedom, and the consequence has been to enslave ourselves to a generation of criminals who have no moral compass! The great need of this hour is preaching PREACHERS!!! The average church today is lifeless, because they've lost their authority. That authority is the inspired King James Bible!!! Most churches and Bible colleges today cannot even spiritually discern which Bible God authored, let alone discern the things of God. Since the 1970's, these have been the generations of seeking to rewrite the Holy Bible! The Holy Spirit doesn't need our help! The answer is to get back to using ONLY the King James Bible, and reject all of the Devil's modern revisions! 

It is shameful that thousands of churches today, including the shameful Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, have embraced the Devil's dozens of Bible PERversions! Oh, how we need to have a real BIBLE REVIVAL in our churches today!!! The Bible colleges (like the apostates at Bob Jones University) are controlling the churches, running them into the ground spiritually with the lifeless graduates they produce, who are pastoring today's dead churches. We need a whole new generation of Bible preachers who haven't come from the apostate Bible colleges!!! We need a real BIBLE REVIVAL and it won't happen in the money-oriented Bible colleges! The churches are America's only hope, if a generation of men will start seeking God instead of a worthless college diploma. The verbally-inspired King James Bible is all we need to have a real BIBLE REVIVAL!!! 

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