Monday, April 20, 2020

The Hypocrisy Of Alcohol And Drug Laws

1st John 3:8, “...For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

Marijuana is illegal in most of the world, while alcohol is legal, despite the fact that alcohol is a far more dangerous drug than marijuana in every way. People consider marijuana to be a dangerous drug, while they think of alcohol as being a fun beverage. They consider those who sell marijuana to be drug dealers, the scourge of society who should be hunted down and imprisoned, while those who sell alcohol (wine makers, grocery stores) are viewed as respectable citizens. Logically speaking, it should be the other way around. Alcohol tends to make many people aggressive, leading to a variety of violent crimes, while marijuana does not. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, and leads to a serious loss of coordination and motor skills.

At larger doses, alcohol renders one completely unconscious. Drunk drivers cause enormous numbers of automobile accidents and deaths. Marijuana is not a central nervous system depressant, and while one probably shouldn't drive while intoxicated on anything, it simply does not cause anywhere near the loss of motor control that alcohol does, and is only a fraction as dangerous as alcohol in terms of driving. And, a large enough dose of alcohol can and will kill you, while the same is not true of marijuana. I am not condoning either, I am just pointing out the utter hypocrisy of our nation's laws. 

Unfortunately, people are looking at this based on their feelings. Marijuana feels like a drug to them. It's illegal, isn't it? Alcohol feels like a fun beverage. It's legal, and socially acceptable, so it feels okay, so it must be okay, right? So the same cop who arrests someone for possessing Marijuana, can LEGALLY go home and get plastered on Jim Beam or Jack Daniel's alcohol. All of this is illogical and stupid, and typically human. It is tragic! The American people have proven themselves to be irresponsible when it comes to booze. Our sinful “get down and party” culture promotes boozing, irresponsibility and drunkenness. The beer cartel have much blood on their hands. 

Years ago they used the slogan, “Drink And Drive Responsibly,” which eventually got them into trouble, because it is IMPOSSIBLE to drink any amount of alcohol and drive responsibly; so they changed it now to just “Drink Responsibly” or “Have Fun Responsibly.” That is like saying, “Play Russian Roulette responsibly!” Alcohol is in fact a narcotic drug! What doctor and complicit pharmacy would permit patients to get buzzed or high on ANY prescription drug; and yet that is exactly what people do with alcohol every day!!! Habakkuk 2:5, “Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man...”

“Your doctor never heard of anybody who got to be an
alcoholic without taking the first drink.” —Evangelist John R. Rice

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