Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Don't Throw Your Virtue To The Dogs Young Lady

Matthew 7:6, Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

We live in a sexually perverse generation today, especially in the United States! The believer's body is sacred, the temple of the Holy Spirit (1st Corinthians 3:16-17). Marriage is sacred (Hebrews 13:4). Life is sacred (Leviticus 17:11). The things of God are sacred (1st Corinthians 2:11). 1st Corinthians 11:12, “For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.A wise and godly young person waits until MARRIAGE before having carnal knowledge! 

Also, if it's not for sale ladies, don't advertise it. American women are notorious for dressing seductively, lewdly and immodestly in public. A godly man cannot go to any beach in America, lest he see a bunch of naked women (literally, wearing nothing but a tiny string between their buttocks and buttercups for a bra). By every definition in the Word of God, they are completely naked! Consequently, we live in a fornicating society of sinners, who seek abortions as a remedy to their whoring around! Due to the evil influence of Hollywood, America is a very adulterous and immoral culture, provoking the wrath of God (Colossians 3:5-6). 

I have known of countless young women throughout my life, who foolishly gave their virtue (virginity) to some dog, just to end up burned, and ultimately have a nervous breakdown because they got spurned by their casual lover. All men are DOGS ladies! Matthew 7:6, Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.Your virtue is holy and sacred in the sight of God your Creator! Please don't cast your body to some dog in heat! The good news is that YOU DON'T HAVE TO GET BURNED! Simply GET MARRIED FIRST!!! I can guarantee you young lady, that if you open your legs before getting married, THERE IS A 95% CHANCE THAT HE WON'T MARRY YOU—he'll dump you down the road for someone else! That is what happens when you don't do things GOD'S WAY! 

I knew one young Christian woman who fell in love with a married professional hockey player. She was a virgin and slept with him. That dog had a great time no doubt, giving her ticks and fleas! She was his play thing. Poor little fool! She really believed that this man would leave his wife for her instead, but HE DIDN'T. It was a fling for him, but this young lady fell in love with him. So he dumped her, changing his phone number, avoiding her, and I watched her have a nervous breakdown for a couple years. Her life fell apart and worsened! She went into a deep depression and gained weight. She eventually commit suicide. All so that piece of trash could have a little fun on the side, violating his sacred marriage vow before God! Young lady—marriage is not just the old-fashioned way, it is the right way!!! God instituted marriage for a reason—because it protects the family! 

I know of several Christian marriages that fell apart, because the wife was working a secular job, and ran off with some handsome man at work who was being nicer to her than her husband at home (so she thought at the time). As it turned out, those suitors who seduced those women were as much smelly dogs as their imperfect dogs (husband) at home! Ladies, if you are married, the only difference between your dog and the dog next door is they have different flea collars! Men are men, don't delude yourself! 

In other words, be content with what you have, because the grass only seems greener at a distance. That's why the Devil took Jesus way up into an exceedingly high mountain. If he could have, Satan would have taken Jesus on a jet ride 50,000 feet above the earth, to show Him out the window how beautiful the world is! Matthew 4:8, “Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;The Devil didn't want Jesus to see up close—all the hungry children in the streets, all the poverty and homeless beggars along the way, the deaf and blind who were afflicted, the broken marriages and destroyed homes because of booze! The Devil didn't want Jesus to get a close-up look of the suffering and hurting people. Satan always shows people the bright neon lights of Las Vegas ('SIN CITY'), but upon closer inspection you'll be horrified what you find! The Devil only shows you what he wants you to see. You don't want the Devil as your tour guide!

I say in all kindness young lady, that if you let that boy have his way with you before getting LEGALLY MARRIED, you are STUPID and GET WHAT YOU ASKED FOR! I wont say anybody deserves to be used and abandoned, but you certainly asked for it!!! All I am saying in this article is to GET MARRIED FIRST and you cannot get burned. Once legally married, your spouse MUST stand before a judge in a court of law to divorce you, which is a lot harder than just walking out the door! GET MARRIED! GET MARRIED! GET MARRIED!

So I say to you as a born-again believer, and as a fundamentalist Baptist preacher, and as your good friend—GET MARRIED FIRST! I said get legally married first! I am leery of these shady unofficial marriages today that avoid getting legally married. Folks, you might as well not get married at all then, because in a marriage that is not legal, when the going gets tough your partner can just ride off into the sunset and leave you with nothing!!! Please young lady, don't be a fire-hydrant for some dog! 

Remember, the Devil is a beautiful liar! Beware of those starry full moon nights, when the music is playing, and some handsome boy is making his advances toward you. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE YOUNG LADY! There's a loose tiger in the building! Do you want to be in a hospital delivery room, giving birth to some dog's bastard child, because you don't have a lawful husband? If not, then don't let yourself become a victim! Keep your clothes on in the first place. Boys are slick, let me tell you! They'll throw every line in the book your way. You tell him to marry you first, and ONLY THEN, does he get anything. And ladies, don't you even let a boy kiss you until you get married, because kissing leads to petting, which leads to carnal knowledge! So don't even let him kiss you. Just call me old-fashioned, because I GLADLY AM! 1st Corinthians 7:1, “Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman.” If he thinks you're weird, dump that bum and find a real man to marry!!! 

Here are some WISE PRINCIPLES for everyone to follow:
  1. Never be alone with the opposite sex, for any reason, unless married.
  2. Never touch someone of the opposite sex to whom you are not married (except to shake their hand, but I even try to avoid that.)
  3. Ladies, never hang on a man to whom you are not married like he is your brother, unless he is actually your biological brother. I saw a staff member at the shameful Harvest Baptist Church on Guam doing that, hanging all over a married man like she was his best buddy. I still wonder if they slept together? 1st Thessalonians 5:22, “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” Who cares, right? If they don't care about the accuracy of the Gospel, nor the purity of God's Word, why care about anything?
  4. Never be alone together in a car with the opposite sex to whom you are not married (Harvest again needs to work on this)
  5. Married ladies, do not accept gifts, poems or anything from any man who is not your husband. (When I had a helpful book to give to the senior pastor's wife at Harvest Baptist Church, I gave the book to her husband to give to her, because he is her authority. When my mother played Gospel hymns on the piano at the Rescue Mission in Chicago, a stranger form the audience gave my Mom a musicbox that he had made for her. My Dad went and gave it back to the man, saying: “She's my wife, not yours, get your own wife!” I love that!).
  6. Married couples ought not spend too much time alone with other couples. (Everything starts with relationships. You and your spouse ought to be best buddies in all the world. If not, something is very wrong! Adultery starts with close friendships.)
  7. Let everyone know that you are jealous over your mate and love them very much. (Eliminate any and all doubt if anyone is even thinking of taking you away from your spouse, that you love them and are happily married. If you're not, then do nothing and you may lose them someday.)
In this wicked generation today, the Devil's crowd have indoctrinated young people through Hollywood and social media, to think that sex outside of marriage is normal, acceptable and that everybody's doing it. Those are all lies of Satan! Everybody's not selling out to immorality! There are still a lot of chaste, virtuous and honorable young people, and I hope to help some of you STAY THAT WAY until you get married, which is GOD'S WILL FOR YOUR LIFE!!! 

If You've Already Messed Up—“Go And Sin No More”

John 8:10-11, “When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

Please understand that the intent of my article is to encourage young people, especially Christian young ladies, to protect your honor and chastity. If you've messed up, ask God to forgive you as His child. Here are some of my favorite sermons for you, by Pastor Jack Hyles, called: “So You Got Yourself In A Mess” and “It Doesn't Matter How You Got There.” In another sermon, which I cannot remember right now, Dr. Hyles tells the story about a teen girl who went on an Ocean Cruise with her parents. On the cruise she met an intriguing boy whom she had carnal knowledge with under a moonlit starry sky. She came back from her trip pregnant, having no clue who the boy was. She never saw him again, but she was pregnant with that stranger's child, which she gave up for adoption! Oh how the Devil is a beautiful liar! Oh how sin thrills and then it kills! Sin fascinates and then it assassinates! 

Young lady save yourself for your husband someday! Do you want to give leftovers to the man you choose to marry? Why give your most prized possession, your virtue and virginity, to some dog in heat that doesn't have the manhood to make a legally-binding lifetime commitment to marry you? If you have carnal knowledge with a male before getting married, you are a fool! I know what I am talking about young lady! Boys will lie and promise to marry you, BUT THEY WON'T! Why should they, you already gave them the only thing they wanted, your body! That is NOT love! 

I get e-mails from many frustrated women, who are living outside of wedlock, and they have a bunch of problems. They complain that the father of their child refuses to marry them. Kindly, I told you so! I always tell them the same thing—NO MORE PHYSICAL INTIMACY UNTIL MARRIED!!! That is 100% Biblical. Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” A girlfriend DOESN'T have to obey her boyfriend! You are NOT married! One woman wrote several e-mails to me, wanting my Christian advice. I kindly explained to her that she had all the problems of a normal marriage, but no marriage, because she sinned by having physical intimacy before getting legally married. I try not to give advice to web visitors, I give them Biblical principles to help them make their own decisions. 

Two wrongs don't make a right! It is never right to do wrong, in order to get a chance to do right! Wrong is always wrong!!! If you've already sinfully “shacked up” (i.e., the sin of fornication) instead of getting married, then you need to stop wallowing in sin like a pig in the mud. You need to discontinue all physical intimacy until legally married. I don't care if you've already gone into sin—it was wrong, and is wrong, and you need to stop committing sin against God. I strongly recommend getting involved with a local, Bible-believing, soulwinning, fundamental Baptist church! 

One young woman wrote to me in frustration, because her boyfriend (with whom she has a child) is trying to control her life, and she didn't know what to do. I told her that until that bum marries her, he has no Biblical right to even comment about ANYTHING in her life. Young males (I hesitate to call them “men) nowadays want the privileges of marriage without the responsibilities of marriage, which causes a boatload of problems and brings the judgment of God. Don't be stupid young ladies, that is my message for you today, please. I want God's best for you. Save yourself for the man you legally marry!!! 
“Life is too short not to spend it doing what God wants us to do.” —Pastor Jack Hyles

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