Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Are You Looking For Antichrist Or The Glorious Savior?

Titus 2:13, “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;”

There is a popular heresy today known as a “PreWrath Rapture.” Effectively, this doctrine DENIES THE RAPTURE altogether! Respectfully, Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, sarcastically refutes the idea of “a secret Rapture.” Sadly, Pastor Anderson DENIES THE RAPTURE DOCTRINE entirely, he states:
“The Bible's real clear on what the coming of the Lord Jesus is—It is the Rapture! It is the trumpet sounding; It is us being caught up together with Him in the clouds. There are people out there who will tell you, that the Rapture and the Second Coming are two different things. We'll, either those people can't count; or they're basically just repeating what man has taught them instead of reading the Bible and seeing what God has taught them.” —Pastor Steven Anderson; a quote from the YouTube video: “The Rapture = The Second Coming” (an excerpt from 1 Corinthians 1)
I humbly disagree! I love Brother Anderson and support his ministry, family and him personally. I love the guy, but I think he is very wrong on this vital doctrine! I love a guy who has fire in his soul while preaching! Brother Hyles used to say: I'd rather see a guy with wild fire than no fire! Amen!

Our text Bible verse from Titus 2:13 commands every saint to LOOK FOR OUR SAVIOR'S APPEARING! Well if the Antichrist must appear first, then why would we look for our Savior? There's nothing to look for! Why would I hope, wait and look for Jesus, when I know He cannot come? Kindly, Pastor Anderson errantly believes that Christ's Second Coming IS THE RAPTURE, so he says:
The Rapture simply cannot happen at any moment!” —Pastor Steven L. Anderson; After the Tribulation: The PreTribulation Rapture Fraud Exposed (01:27:04 video)

If that be true, then what would be the purpose of LOOKING FOR THE GREAT GOD AND OUR SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST? If Jesus cannot return until the Man of Sin (The Antichrist) first comes, then perhaps we should be looking for the Man of Sin instead! Does that make any sense? For Titus 2:13 to make sense, Christ must return FIRST, which is the PreTribulation Rapture.

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