Wednesday, January 22, 2025

I Built A Big Snowman In Pensacola, Florida

We had a historic heavy snowstorm in Pensacola yesterday on January 21st, 2025. It snowed about 8 inches. I felt like a little kid again today, even at age 57, playing in the snow...

My Snowman!

I used some 5-gallon buckets that they gave me for free at Harbor Freight. I filled the buckets with snow to make snow blocks. I used charcoal briquettes for the eyes, nose and mouth. I used my John 3:16 hat for Mr. Snowman. I found that old Christmas decoration in my den. I took several dozen photos of the snowstorm yesterday, and my snowman today, for you to see. Enjoy them...

I built a big snowman in my front yard today. The snow was perfect packing! I used my John 3:16 hat, some sticks from my yard, and some charcoal briquettes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Here are some videos of my cool snowman (no pun intended)...
  1. Video 1 of My Snowman
  2. Video 2 of My Snowman
  3. Video 3 of My Snowman

It was a WINTER WONDERLAND in Pensacola, Florida, on January 21st, 2025. I talked with one of my neighbours today, showing him my snowman as he walked by. He said that he has lived in Pensacola for 24 years, but has never seen a major snowstorm like this. God is good. I love snow! Since I moved away from Chicago in 2004, and lived on the island of Guam for 17 years, this is the first time I have seen snow in 21 YEARS! I had a blast yesterday and today!

Here is a video of the birds enjoying the feeder I put up for them with food. Unbelievably, the hundreds of birds that come to my feeder will eat 10 pounds of bird seed in just 4 days...

God is so good and awesome! I felt like a kid again today. People were stopping in their cars to take pictures. I loved it! THANK YOU friend for reading my blogs. Jesus is precious!!!

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