Friday, January 31, 2025

You Don't Have To Be Willing To Reform To Be Saved

Matthew 1:21, “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

John 3:17, “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”

The inspired Holy Bible plainly teaches that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, who came into the world to save mankind from our sins. Luke 19:10, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. I have shared just a few Scripture passages with you that clearly teach why Jesus came into the world and died on a cross, which was to save humanity from our sins. This is what the inspired Word of God teaches.

Unfortunately, false religion has infiltrated many once New Testament churches, perverting their doctrine and turning them into religious cults. One of the biggest deceptions which Satan has crept into churches today is False Repentance. In his helpful book titled: 'Enemies Of Soul Winning,' Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) gives six reasons why you DO NOT need to repent of your sins to be saved:
1. God says to the unsaved, "Repent of your unbelief." 
It's very interesting that in I John the word "repentance" is never mentioned, and yet the purpose of I John was to give people the assurance of salvation. I John 5:13, "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." Of course, repentance is certainly implied throughout the entire book, because the book tells us that what saves is believing on Christ (or relying on Him) to save, which, of course, implies that that person must repent of what makes him lost, which is unbelief.

2. God says to the saved people, "Repent of sin."

This is done by the Holy Spirit as He comes in to live to remind us to take the clothes off the bedpost, the shirt off the chair, put the shoes into the closet, etc.

3. If a person must repent of his sins to be saved, of what sins must he repent?

Can he repent of all of them? Isn't that sinless perfection or holiness? Isn't that salvation by works? Of what sin must one repent? He must repent of the sin that makes him lost, and that's the sin of unbelief.

4. If turning from sins would get you saved, then turning back to sins would get you lost.

In Acts 16:30 the very simple question is asked, "What must I do to be saved?" This is the one time in the Bible where this question is asked. Now the answer to this question must be what saves a person. Acts 16:31, "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." There's the answer—belief. There is nothing about repentance here, except, yes, there is something about repentance, because you can't believe without repenting from unbelief.

5. If a person has to clean up his own life before he gets saved, we are back to Arminianism or salvation by works.

6. We cannot do what the Holy Spirit can do.

The Holy Spirit first convicts us of our sin of unbelief to bring us to Christ. Once He brings us to Christ, He comes in us to live. Romans 8:9, "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." I Corinthians 6:19, 20, "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."

Then when the Holy Spirit is in us, He begins to convict us of things in our lives that should be changed. Then the Christian life becomes a constant repenting until we wake in the likeness of Christ. SOURCE: Pastor Jack Hyles, 'Enemies Of Soul Winning'; chapter 4, 'Misunderstood Repentance'
Amen and amen! Not one verse in the inspired King James Bible teaches that to get to Heaven you must forsake a lifestyle of sinning. Neither does the inspired Word of God teach that you must “be willing to turn away from sinful bad habits. Yet, in nearly every Baptist church today, you will hear such blatant lies preached from the pulpit, telling lost sinners that if they desire to go to Heaven they must forsake their past sinful ways, and promise to do their best to follow Christ for the rest of their life. No such teachings are found in the Holy Bible.

Sad to say, but true nevertheless, we've got a bunch of misled lying ministers behind America's pulpits today. In nearly every Bible college today, a counterfeit plan of salvation is being preached, requiring lost sinners to give up their sinful ways to be saved, which is an impossible thing to do. Those lying preachers will say that no one is perfect, so we can only do our best with God's help to forsake our sins. Although this statement in itself is very true, it is false doctrine when required to get to Heaven, because it is WORKS.

Pacific Garden Mission Is Wrong On The Gospel

A changed life has nothing to do with someone freely receiving God's gift of eternal life, which Jesus paid for with His precious blood (1st Peter 1:18-19). A changed life is the fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-25). This fruit is produced AFTER a person is saved, not before or as a condition of the new birth. This is what the Bible means in 2nd Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Notice carefully that this man is already “in Christ who has become a new creature. That new creature is wrought by the indwelling Holy Spirit. Nowhere in this Scripture passage does it imply behavioral modification.

Tragically, Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, on their 'UNSHACKLED' radio program, horribly misapply this passage of Scripture, using it to coerce lost sinners to commit to forsaking their sinful bad habits and addictions as a prerequisite to be saved. This is a perversion of the Gospel of free grace! The Bible in multiple passages called eternal life the gift of God. It is not something that must be earned, merited or some form of reward that requires a trade of sorts.

John MacArthur Is Wrong On The Gospel

In his popular 1988 book titled, “The Gospel According to Jesus,” infidel Pastor John MacArthur even heretically uses the word “exchange” concerning being saved. What you are about to read by John MacArthur is totally unbiblical dam
nable heresy:
“Thus in a sense we pay the ultimate price for salvation when our sinful self is nailed to a cross. . . . It is an exchange of all that we are for all that Christ is. And it denotes implicit obedience, full surrender to the lordship of Christ. Nothing less can qualify as saving faith.” [emphasis added] —Pastor John MacArthur; The Gospel According to Jesus, p. 140 
Dear reader, salvation is not an exchange! Receiving the free gift of eternal life is not a trade. John MacArthur is preaching another gospel of partial faith in Christ plus works (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4). Salvation is not doing your best, it is having Christ's best put to your account through receiving Him by faith. Salvation is not a reward for the righteous, it is a gift for the guilty.

Ray Comfort Is Wrong On The Gospel

Kindly, Evangelist Ray Comfort says that “repentance” means “LIVING A LIFESTYLE THAT PROVES THE REALITY OF YOUR REPENTANCE!” And then he adds, “IT'S A CONTINUAL THING!” Read for yourself what Mr. Comfort horribly teaches this woman, in this transcript from the Living Waters video...
“So if the plane goes down, you'd end up in Hell! There are two things you have to do to be saved. Do you remember what they are? I told you what they are—You've got to repent and trust the Savior! ... God's offering you everlasting life upon your repentance and faith in Christ. Who in his right mind wouldn't say, 'Whoa! That's a good offer!' (The curious woman asks what it means to “repent”?)... Have you ever said you're sorry to someone you did something wrong to? That's all repentance is—You've sinned against God; it's a matter of saying, 'God, I'm sorry,' and then LIVING A LIFESTYLE that proves the reality of your repentance. That's what repentance is, it's a continual thing! God, 'I'm sorry, but I'm not going going to lie or steal or blaspheme Your name ever again. It has that attitude! And the second thing—trust in Jesus!” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Evangelist Ray Comfort, “I've never killed anyone” (MP3 clip from video)
Dear reader, I triple-dog dare you to show me even one verse from the Holy Bible that teaches that “LIVING A LIFESTYLE” is required as part of being saved. You cannot! Now my friend, “a double-dog dare” is serious business, but a triple-dog dare is something you don't want to mess around with! I triple-dog dare you to show me even one Bible verse that agrees with these false statements by Ray Comfort.

Beware Of False Prophets!

All of these men and institutions that I have just exposed are pulling on the same rope as the Devil, the blind leading the blind into Hell forever.

Kindly said, John MacArthur has God's plan of salvation very wrong!

Pacific Garden Mission and their popular 'UNSHACKLED' radio program have God's simple plan of salvation very wrong!

Evangelist Ray Comfort has God's simple plan of salvation very wrong!

In fact, biblically, you DON'T have to try to turn away from your sins for the rest of your life to get to Heaven.

The Gospel of John is God's Gospel track. John 20:31, “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.” PLEASE DON'T MISS THAT! God authored the Gospel of John specifically so “that believing ye might have life through his name.” That means we don't need any other Scripture than what is found in the Gospel of John to be saved.

Where in the Gospel of John are we taught that, “LIVING A LIFESTYLE,” is necessary to receive eternal life? You cannot! Mr. Comfort is a bold-faced theological liar! Ray is ADDING to the Gospel, perverting it! This means Mr. Comfort is accursed by God. Galatians 1:9, “As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” I didn't say that, almighty God did!

It grieves my heart to know that most Baptists and neo-evangelicals today have fallen hook, line and sinker for the Devil's lies of Lordship Salvation and Misunderstood Repentance. I wrote this article to warn others of what is happening today in the churches, so that you will be informed and prepared to deal with it. You shouldn't attend any so-called “church” that is wrong on the Gospel.

I don't like churches that use the Devil's corrupt bibles, but I humbly think it is even worse when they are wrong on the Gospel. Usually the two go hand in hand! You'll have a difficult time finding a church that uses the modern corrupt Bibles that is correct on the Gospel. If you are attending a local church that uses only the inspired King James Bible, and the church preaches a free grace Gospel, then count yourself very blessed dear friend because such churches are becoming rare in these perilous times. Thank you for reading my blog.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

A Dire Warning About Billy And Franklin Graham

2nd Corinthians 11:13-15, “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”

This is an often overlooked and disturbing passage of Scripture. The Apostle Paul well understood the danger of false prophets, who appear to look just like God's true prophets. Jesus said, “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:20). There is much debate and confusion today over the meaning of “fruits” in this passage. Most Bible students say that fruits refers to our works, but they couldn't be more wrong. Proof that they are wrong is found in Matthew 7:21-23. These accursed false prophets were standing in judgment before the Lord Jesus Christ in eternity. They boasted of having done “many wonderful works.” They had plenty of good works; not just a few, but many of them. Yet, Jesus called them “ye that work iniquity.” That proves that fruit cannot mean works in Matthew 7:20. 
The fruit is one's doctrine (1st John 4:1).

The reason why Jesus called them workers of iniquity is found in Isaiah 64:6, “But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.” Your best works are rotten filth to God, because no matter how much good you may do, the bad works are still there. You cannot undo your sins with good works. The payment for sin is death, not good works (Romans 6:23). That is why Jesus had to die on the cross in our place.

Having said that, one of the most dangerous preachers today is Franklin Graham. He still continues his father's legacy at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). Tragically, like his corrupt father, Franklin Graham preaches a perverted plan of salvation which requires human effort (works) to get to heaven. Read for yourself. The following is a quote from an article written by Billy Graham (which is the same heresy that his son teaches) titled, “Peace With God.” Billy Graham has been deceased since 2018, but this webpage is still active...
We suggest a prayer like this one: 
"Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I want to turn from my sins, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe He died for my sins and that You raised Him to life. I want Him to come into my heart and to take control of my life. I want to trust Jesus as my Savior and follow Him as my Lord from this day forward. In Jesus' Name, amen."

Did you pray to receive Jesus Christ and begin a relationship with him? [emphasis added] SOURCE
What you have just read may seem reasonable, but there are SIX damnable heresies in the alleged 'Sinner's Prayer.' Let us review them:
  1. “I want to turn from my sins” - Nowhere in the inspired King James Bible (which is the ONLY English Bible that hasn't been corrupted) will you find any teaching that you must turn from your sins to be saved. Ungodly religious men sincerely added these words to the Holy Bible, perverting it. The Bible sternly warns in Proverbs 30:5-6 about adding words to God's Words, making yourself a liar. Jesus came into the world to die on a cross to pay our debt of sin as guilty sinners (Romans 3:19-20, 5:6-9); He does not require that you first reform of your wicked ways to qualify to receive God's free gift of eternal life (Ephesians 2:8-9). Billy and Franklin Graham are dirty liars!
  2. “I want Him to come into my heart” - The heart is a muscle about twice the size of your fist which pumps blood. How do you invite Jesus into a muscle? This ridiculous terminology has been confusing children for decades. Nowhere does the Bible teach such nonsense!
  3. “and take control of my life” - You cannot show me this perverted teaching in an inspired King James Bible! The Gospel of John was penned for the specific purpose of showing us the way to obtain eternal life (John 20:31). Nowhere does the Apostle John mention giving Jesus “control” of your life to get to Heaven. They are confusing discipleship with sonship. They are mixing service with salvation. They are confusing sanctification with justification. The Apostle Paul warned others in 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 that Satan's minions transform (meaning in the Greek language: imitators) themselves into ministers of righteousness. They are deceivers! Satan's preachers look just like godly preachers, but they are actors. You might find it interesting dear reader, that Billy Graham was honored by Hollywood with a star on their Walk of Fame. You see, Billy Graham was a religious actor—he transformed himself to pretend to be a minister of righteousness!
  4. “and follow Him as my Lord from this day forward” - There is nothing in the Word of God about becoming a follower of Jesus as one's Lord to get to Heaven, let alone continuing doing it for the rest of your life to be saved. This is works, not God's grace (Romans 4:4). If you recall, the workers of iniquity in Matthew 7:21-23 were loyal followers of Jesus. They even called Him, “Lord, Lord.” Yet, Christ denied knowing them as His sheep. If you trust in following Jesus to get to Heaven, you won't be going.
  5. “Did you pray” - Not one verse in the Holy Bible requires someone to pray to be saved. Many people within the New IFB (Independent Fundamental Baptist) movement have been caught up into this unbiblical heresy, requiring sinner's to pray and ask Jesus to save them, or else they are told they cannot be saved without saying a prayer. Anyone who teaches that you must pray to be saved is a LIAR! Jesus taught us simply to BELIEVE (John 6:28-29).
  6. “and begin a relationship with Him” - And lastly, nowhere does the Holy Bible require that a lost sinner begin a relationship with Jesus to get to Heaven. Why use such confusing terms when the Bible does not? Although it is true that every born again believer is related to Christ as a child of God, the terminology implies that you must fellowship with Jesus to be saved. And again, why should we confuse people by telling them to do something that is nowhere taught in the inspired Word of God. Where does the Bible command us to begin a relationship with Jesus to get to Heaven? It does not.
Dear reader, we have examined the suggested Sinner's Prayer of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and it is way off the mark when compared to the inspired Holy Scriptures. These people are lying false prophets, who have adopted another gospel.

If your church partakes of Franklin Graham's 'Operation Christmas Child,' then you have blood on your hands because of the counterfeit plan of salvation that they propagate. It breaks my heart to see thousands of foolish Baptists today wickedly bidding Godspeed to hellbound false prophets who espouse a different Gospel than the one presented in the inspired King James Bible in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4. Have you been deceived?

Don't Confuse Sanctification With Justification By Foolishly Mixing Them

Jesus plainly taught that we are saved by faith in Him. John 6:47, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” Nowhere in the inspired Holy Bible can you show me where Jesus ever said to give Him control of your life, start a relationship with Him, turn from your sinful bad habits, or pray a prayer to have eternal life. No, the dear Savior simply said to BELIEVE ON HIM. Even a small child can do that. Even a retarded person can do that. Even a college professor with a PhD can do that! BELIEVE ON JESUS and be saved. John 6:40, “And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”

Here is my favorite quote of all, from Pilgrim's Progress author John Bunyan:
“If you do not put a difference between justification wrought by the man Christ without and sanctification wrought by the Spirit of Christ within, you are not able to divide the Word aright; but contrariwise, you corrupt the Word of God, and cast stumbling blocks before the people.” —John Bunyan (1628-1688)
John Bunyan fully understood the danger of confusing and mixing service with salvation, which is LORDSHIP SALVATION. Lordship is a matter of service, which has nothing to do with the free gift of eternal life. To be saved simply BELIEVE that Jesus did it all for you through Calvary's cross. Faith is the only righteous thing that I can do.

Beware Of Pensacola Christian College And Bob Jones University

There is a very dangerous teaching that is circulating in both the Bob Jones University (BJU) and Pensacola Christian College (PCC) religious camps (cults) today, which says: “Justification, sanctification and glorification are a package deal which cannot be separated.” I have heard their pastors preach it! For example: Pastor Josh Thompson teaches a class at PCC. He is a local pastor at the Fairfield Drive Baptist Church in Pensacola, just five minutes away from my home. I have attended their church, which feels a lot more like a classroom than a New Testament church. Their church is essentially a recruiting ground for PCC. If I had my way, PCC would be out of business! PCC horribly mistreats people (as they did me multiple times in 2021 and 2022), and have wickedly perverted the Gospel. Woe unto PCC!

In a disturbing conversation with Pastor Josh Thompson in 2022, he told me that, quote: “Justification, sanctification and glorification are a package deal which cannot be separated.” Neo-evangelical pastors are like parrots, repeating this damnable teaching again and again. When I attended PCC's Campus Church in 2021, I heard them teach this same damnable lie—confusing service with salvation, mixing sanctification with justification and thus perverting the Gospel of free grace. And remember, Pastor Thompson teaches at PCC.

Dear reader, if you've been following what I have shown you, then you can clearly see that what John Bunyan taught and what Josh Thompson teaches are diametrically opposed to each other. These two philosophies are worlds apart from one another! PCC and BJU foolishly teach that if your behavior hasn't changed (sanctification), then you're not justified. They have wickedly corrupted God's simple plan of salvation, by linking your changed behavior (reformation) with God's free gift of eternal life (which is obtained by faith alone, Galatians 3:26).

Salvation is not a reward for the righteous, it is a gift for the guilty!

Salvation is not doing your best, it is having Christ's best put to your account through receiving Him by faith.

Turning away from sinful ways would be a work. Faith puts all of the merit where it belongs, on the object of our faith, Jesus and His work.

If to “repent” means to forsake our sinful ways TO BE SAVED, but Jesus already paid for our sins by dying on the cross, then what are we repenting from?

The true Gospel always points you to CHRIST; a false gospel always points to YOU.

We must stay true to the simplicity of the Gospel!! Repentance regarding salvation is a change of mind from unbelief to belief!!! We must earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 1:3).

By Supporting Operation Christmas Child (OCC), You Are Sinfully Bidding Franklin Graham Godspeed

What saith the Scripture? 2nd John 1:11, “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” We are living in apostate times. In 2nd Timothy 3:1-7, the Bible foretells of “perilous times” when people would become very selfish and have “a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” That power is the Gospel according to Romans 1:16. PCC and BJU appear to be godly, but they are very wrong on the Gospel. Look at the garbage that BJU teaches how to get to Heaven. These are dangerous hellbound ministers of unrighteousness, whom the Bible says will be judged according to THEIR WORKS!!! Since their faith is in turning from sins, surrendering control of their life to Christ, and praying a prayer (WORKS) instead of solely trusting Christ, they can only be judged according to their works. The $64,000 question dear friend is: Are you relying upon your works to get to Heaven?

I know a professed Christian lady who has an older brother and sister-in-law who are caught up into the cult of Church of Christ. This lady told me that she thinks her brother and sister-in-law are saved, even though they are relying upon water baptism and forsaking a lifestyle of sinning to get to Heaven. They are NOT saved, and I question the lady's salvation as well. My mindset as a born again believer is that JESUS PAID IT ALL, period, end of story. But someone who sincerely thinks that they must be water baptized to be saved, has a completely different mindset concerning Christ and salvation.

Folks, there is ONLY one acceptable mindset to be saved, which the Bible defines in 1st Corinthians 15:1-4, “Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” There you have it, Jesus' death on the cross, burial and bodily resurrection after three days. Trust in the Gospel and you are saved!

Now how does what we just read from God's inspired Word, compare to Billy and Franklin Graham's distorted and embellished plan of damnation? They are ballparks apart. It is time for pastors and laymen alike to get right with God, by ridding their churches of these imposters.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The California Fires Were Not God's Judgment

Luke 13:1-5, “There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.”

I have tremendous respect for Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. I love my Brother in Christ and support his aggressive soulwinning ministry. 

Having said that, Pastor Anderson is considered the founder and leader of the New IFB (New Independent Fundamental Baptist) movement in the United States and abroad. This all began in 2006 when Brother Anderson started the Faithful Word Baptist Church. He has a strong influence over hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. I have been slandered, attacking and horribly criticized by some members of the New IFB for daring to disagree with Pastor Anderson, who is effectively the New IFB Pope in the eyes of some followers. Regardless, I am going to preach what I believe to be THE TRUTH, even if it harelips every dog in the county.

I heard a sermon last week by Pastor Steven Anderson titled: “California Wild Fires Are The Judgment Of God.” I humbly disagree. When told about some victims whom Pilate sacrificed upon an altar with the animal sacrifices, Jesus mentioned the Tower of Siloam that fell and killed 18 victims. Jesus asked the group if they thought the victims were more sinful than they are. The Lord makes it very clear in this passage from Luke 13:1-5 that accidents and disasters are NOT God's judgment upon specific sinners; but rather, they are the result of living in a fallen world because of Adam's sin (Romans 5:12).

If Jesus were here today and you told Him about something bad in the news, He might mention the wild fires in California. Jesus might ask you if you think those victims in California are worse sinners than you? This was a rhetorical question with the implication that we are all equally guilty sinners. James 2:10, “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” One sin is enough to send a person to Hell.

The wild fires of California are simply a natural occurrence in that region. In recent years southern California had above average rainfall, which made the grass and brush grow. Then a drought affected the area this past year. All of that extra grass and brush dried out and became fuel for the fire this year. The fires are not God's punishment upon California.

I saw some fool holding a sign recently in Hollywood, which said that Californians don't want God in their state. Many superstitious churchgoers are using that one person's foolish sign to claim that the wild fires are God's judgment on Californians. In fact, the state of Mississippi had the most murders in 2024. The state of Florida had the most abortions in 2024. The state of Alaska had the most rapes in 2024. I hope you get my point. If God were going to judge a state, why would it be California when you've got more murders, rapes and abortions in three other states? If I were God and I wanted to punish a city, I would judge “Sin City Las Vegasa cesspool of iniquity if ever there was one! Religious people can become so foolish in their thinking. Always remember that there is a fine line between faith and foolishness.

What is happening in California is simply a natural part of living on planet earth. Granted, there has been much mismanagement by Democratic government in California. The mayor of Los Angeles cut the fire department's annual budget by $17,000,000. That was very foolish. The governor of California rejected a bill that would have redirected billions of gallons of rain run-off water to be used to fight fires and help the people. The governor felt that the Smelt fish in the Pacific Ocean needed the additional water more than the people he serves do. That also was very foolish. Everything rises and falls on leadership. The 12,000 homes that recently burned down and $250,000,000,000 in damages could have been mostly prevented by responsible government. Regardless, forest fires have always been, and always will be, inherent to southern California due to their dry climate.

I remember when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, which caused $160,000,000,000 in damage and killed 1,392 people. Then, just as now, the superstitious religious crowd were claiming that it was God's judgment upon New Orleans.

In 2019, a little 11 year old Girl Scout was instantly killed in a freak accident when a tree fell over and landed on her. It had been raining all week, which loosened the soil. Was God judging that little girl or her parents? Some ignorant people would say yes. God was not judging her anymore than He is judging California in 2025. Bad things happen. It's just a part of living. Life is a veil of tears.

Certainly, the Bible teaches in Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is death. We all must eventually die as a result of our fallen sinful state. When a person gets born-again by trusting the Good News (Gospel) of Jesus Christ crucified, buried and risen the third day, that person's soul is redeemed. The flesh won't be redeemed until the Rapture, when we receive our glorified body fashioned like unto the Lord's perfect risen body (Philippians 3:21; 1st Corinthians 15:51-58).

When something bad happens to a person, unless it is a direct result of their own foolishness (e.g., a drug overdose), we ought never think that it is because of God's judgment. Jesus made it clear in Luke 13:1-5 that we are all equally guilty as sinners. California has always had wild fires, so this is nothing new to southern California. I think it is a horrible thing for Pastor Anderson (or anyone) to take the high ground in hypocrisy, by condemning the people of southern California as if they are worse sinners than we are. That is not fair, honest or right. 

How would you feel if your home burned down, and all your neighbour's homes burned down too, and some self-righteous hypocrite said that it is because you are all sinners? The New IFB do a great disservice to their movement by preaching hatred, unforgiveness and vengeance on everyone with whom they disagree. Just because it snows 10 feet in New York doesn't mean that God is judging them. I am wearied from hearing superstitious Christians cite every accident, disaster and hardship as God's judgment. If God were to judge humanity, the ground would immediately open and swallow all of us whole into the everlasting fires of Hell.

There are many forms of judgment. There is judgment when someone breaks the law of man. That is why millions of American citizens are incarcerated in prison. Then  there is God's judgment when we die. Hebrews 9:27-28, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” Death itself is a form of judgment because of Adam's sin, which allowed sin and death into the world according to Romans 5:12.

In the Old Testament, God often used a heathen nation to judge His people in Israel. We see this in Judges chapter 6. Judges 6:1 teaches that because of Israel's wickedness, God gave them into the hands of the Midianites for seven years as judgment. So we see that there are different forms of judgment.

The $64,000 question arises then: Does God sometimes cause bad things to happen in a person's life as judgment against them? When King David sinned by committing adultery and having Bathsheba's husband murdered, evil never departed from David's house. David's sons commit rape, murder and conspiracy against their own family. Absalom revolted against his own father's leadership, which eventually led to his untimely death. But I do not believe God caused these evil things to happen. James 1:13 teaches that God cannot be tempted with evil nor can He commit evil. God is completely holy, righteous and innocent.

God does curse evildoers. Proverbs 17:13, Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house. Galatians 1:6-9 warns that God's curse is upon anyone who tampers with the Gospel. Revelation 22:19 warns that anyone who tampers with God's Word is not saved, because God promises to remove their name from His Book of Life. That is, corrupting the inspired Holy Bible is effectively the same as rejecting Jesus Christ, who is The Word Of God (Revelation 19:13).

We know in Hebrews 12:6-8 that God promises to scourge and chastise His children when we sin. I dare not speak for God. I do not claim to understand all the ways and intricacies of how God's deals with mankind. I know that God convicts His children when we sin. I believe this is what is part of chastisement. Sometimes God chastises us with human courts and magistrates, if we do evil. But I caution you dear reader not to become superstitious. I have seen some believers who thought God was judging them every time they sneezed. I think it will be obvious if God is judging us. But I humbly believe that 99% of the tragedies, disasters and hardships in everyone's life is simply because we live in a fallen world.

I heard in the news years ago about a deadly tornado that set down in Georgia. The tornado destroyed a Baptist church and killed 7 people. Was that God's judgment? No, I think not. We live in a fallen world. Bad and good things happen to good and bad people alike. And to be clear, even so-called good people are still guilty sinners in God's sight. We are all wicked.

I do not believe that A.I.D.S. in the 1970's through the 1990's was God's judgment against wicked homosexuals, anymore than I believe that COVID-19 was God's judgment against children and elderly people whom it affected the most.

Nor do I think that the 9/11 attacks were God's judgment upon America. Evil men in positions of high powers had prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks (Ephesians 6:12). President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney had prior knowledge of 9/11. The White House helped orchestrate and coverup the attacks. Fox News were instrumental in whitewashing the attacks. I still vividly remember paid LIARS Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly demonizing anyone who dared to question the official 9/11 narrative (which was fabricated by the government).

I still remember that ungodly liar at Fox News, Sean Hannity, calling former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura unpatriotic and telling the governor that he should move out of the United States, for daring to question the official 9/11narrative. I'll never forget what Governor Ventura wisely said: How do TWO planes bring down THREE buildings? No one would answer his simple loaded question. That is because carefully planned Controlled Demolition brought down all three World Trade Center buildings on 9/11. No plane struck building 7, but it imploded in classic demolition fashion to the ground in less than just 10 seconds! It is clear to anyone who has honestly done their homework that 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB!!! 9/11 was not God's judgment upon our nation; but rather, subversion from within by our own White House.

I encourage you dear reader to be careful not to blame God for disasters (e.g., Katrina in 2005, California's wild fires in 2025, the Blizzard of 1979 in Chicago, the devastating Chicago fire in 1871, et cetera). We live in a fallen world where bad things happen to everyone. That is why we get sick and eventually perish. That is why children sometimes get cancer and die at an early age. When Jesus disciples saw a blind man in John 9:1-5, their first impression was that either the man or his parents had sinned. Jesus rebuked them for thinking so foolishly. Jesus said that the man's blindness had nothing to do with anyone's sins; but rather, he was born blind so that God would be glorified. Amen and amen.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Being “Born Again” Doesn't Mean To Live A Changed Life

John 3:1-3, “There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

I was curious today what I would find if I typed “How To Go To Heaven” into DuckDuckGo. So, I tried it. The first website that appeared was wikiHow, an article titled: “How to Get to Heaven (Christianity).” Here is a quote from their corrupt plan of salvation...
Ask Jesus to come into your life through the prayer of salvation. Simply acknowledging that Jesus is the Son of God and he died for our sins isn’t enough to get you into heaven. You have to make a conscious decision to become a follower of Jesus, praying to God for forgiveness for your sins. This is known in Christianity as being “born again,” because your life should be different from that moment forward. In John 3:3, the Bible explicitly states that you can not go to heaven without doing this: "Jesus answered to him, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.'" [emphasis added] SOURCE

It upsets me as a born-again Christians and a Baptist preacher, to see incompetent fools like wikiHow pervert the Gospel, distort the truth and mislead lost sinners about how to get to Heaven. They are like children who have found their father's loaded gun and are playing with it. WikiHow gets it right that we are all sinners and cannot save ourselves, but they get it woefully wrong that you get born-again by becoming a follower of Christ.

Are you familiar with the disturbing story in Matthew 7:21-23 about a group of people who were standing in judgment before their Creator? They boasted of following Christ, doing many wonderful works, casting out devils and they even called Jesus, “Lord, Lord.” This is the deadly falsehood of Lordship Salvation! They were devout FOLLOWERS of Christ, serving Him with all their heart, but they failed to trust Christ alone for eternal life. Jesus rebuked them, calling them workers of iniquity. Sadly, they were cast into Hell forever to burn.

Remember, Satan's favorite weapon is to con people into living the Christian life without ever being born again. That was their fatal mistake in Matthew 7:21-23. Essentially, they were trying to work their way into Heaven. Romans 3:20, “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” The purpose of God's Old Testament law is to be used as a measuring stick, by which when men compare themselves, they see their sinnership and need for the dear Savior (Galatians 3:24-26). The sole purpose of God's law in getting saved is to show men their need as sinners for faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:19-20). God never intended for men to first commit to keep the law to the best of their ability, as a prerequisite to receiving God's free gift of eternal life.

Jesus told them in Matthew 7:21, “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. We find the WILL OF THE FATHER in John 6:40, And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day. The will of the Father to get to Heaven is to BELIEVE ON JESUS. You cannot get to Heaven by becoming a mere follower of Christ.

WikiHow are very wrong to teach that the biblical phrase born again in John 3:3 refers to a changed life. That is not what it means to be born anew from above. The inspired King James Bible teaches that when Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, he opened the floodgate of sin and death upon the world (Romans 5:12). Consequently, we live in a FALLEN WORLD. This is why there have been horrible deadly forest fires in California recently. Contrary to what Pastor Steven Anderson errantly preached, blaming Californian's sins for their situation; the fires are simply the consequence of living in a fallen world because of Adam's sin.

I remember hearing in the news in 2019 about a little 11 year old girl. She was at a Campground in Indiana with the Girl Scouts. It had been raining heavily the week before. In a freak accident, a tree fell over and killed her instantly. Do you think God was judging that little girl? Was the tree falling on her God's way of sending a message to local sinners? No, of course not. She was just in the wrong place at the right time, and she tragically died.

Life is a veil of tears. The fires in California happened because the region is naturally prone to dryness and forest fires, just as the country of Indonesia is prone to volcanic eruptions more than anywhere else on planet earth. God is not judging those people! Death is the wages of sin for all humanity (Romans 6:23). We all must die. How and when differ for everyone. Ecclesiastes 9:11 in the Bible warns that TIME AND CHANCE happens to everyone. That is, there is such a thing as luck.

If your city burns down, I can be mean by looking to find someone who recently sad something bad about God, and then blame that person for the entire city burning down. This is what people do! By using this type of shallow thinking, you could literally attribute all natural disasters to sinful humans and God's judgment. I humbly do not believe that the fires in California are God's judgment, just as I don't think A.I.D.S. was God's judgment upon homosexuals in the 1970's through 1990's. We all suffer because we live in a fallen world because of sin in general, and not because we individually did something sinful. Granted, if you get drunk and drive into a tree, that is on you.

You Don't Get To Heaven By Praying

WikiHow are darn fools, who speak with authority on the matter of How to Get to Heaven, as if they know what they are talking about, when clearly they don't. It is a very wicked thing to put words into God's mouth, making one's self a liar (Proverbs 30:5-6). Here is what wikiHow foolishly teaches it means to be born again...
You have to make a conscious decision to become a follower of Jesus, praying to God for forgiveness for your sins. This is known in Christianity as being “born again,” because your life should be different from that moment forward. [emphasis added] SOURCE
Nowhere does the Bible teach that you get your sins forgiven by “praying to God.” Repeatedly in the inspired Holy Scriptures we are simply taught to BELIEVE ON JESUS to be saved. John 6:47, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” You do not have to pray to have you sins forgiven. WikiHow are liars!

You Don't Get To Heaven By Following Jesus

Furthermore, nowhere does the inspired Word of God teach to become a follower of Jesus to get your sins forgiven. You may follow Christ your whole life and yet never be born again at all. John 6:26, “Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. Notice that they followed Jesus, but were not saved. They had selfish motives. They just wanted a handout of food to eat, and to likely take some home for later.

One of my favorite Baptist preachers, Pastor Harry Ironside (1876-1951), wrote these excellent words:
“The Gospel is not a call to repentance, or to amendment of our ways, to make restitution for past sins, or to promise to do better in the future. These things are proper in their place, but they do not constitute the Gospel; for the Gospel is not good advice to be obeyed, it is good news to be believed. Do not make the mistake then of thinking that the Gospel is a call to duty or a call to reformation, a call to better your condition, to behave yourself in a more perfect way than you have been doing in the past …

Nor is the Gospel a demand that you give up the world, that you give up your sins, that you break off bad habits, and try to cultivate good ones. You may do all these things, and yet never believe the Gospel and consequently never be saved at all.” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Harry A. Ironside, from the sermon: 'What Is The Gospel?'
I absolutely love that quote from Pastor Ironside, because it is 100% true! I marvel in sadness that at least 85% of Baptist pastors today have been poisoned with the toxicity of Lordship Salvation, Misunderstood Repentance and Satan's corrupt Bible revisions. As my regular blog visitors know, I write about this topic quote often. I only do so to counter the woeful lack of preaching today against these deadly evils in the churches. Somebody has got to care! People are going to Hell with a false sense of security, blinded by the falsehoods of False Repentance and Lordship Salvation. By God's grace, I must diligently and faithfully exposes these dangerous lies!

WikiHow have got God's plan of salvation very wrong! Living a changed life is NOT what it means to be born-again. Ephesians 2:1 teaches that we were all born as humans in trespasses and sins. That is, we were all born spiritually dead. This is why we must be born anew from above by the Holy Spirit of God. The new miraculous supernatural birth has nothing to do with one's behavior improving.

1st John 5:20, “And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.” The passage we just read teaches that Jesus is eternal life. If you have Jesus, you will live forever. If you haven't been born again, then you don't have the Holy Spirit in you. Romans 8:9 calls the Holy Spirit, the “Spirit of Christ,” which ever born again person has indwelling them.

You Get Saved By Believing The Gospel Of Jesus Christ

1st Corinthians 15:1-4 clearly defines 'THE GOSPEL' as Jesus' death on the cross, burial and bodily resurrection from the dead after three days. Any needy sinner who by faith receives Christ's sacrifice on the cross as full payment for his or her sins, believing that Jesus was buried but then raised up from the dead the third day is saved instantly, irrevocably and forever. Simply BELIEVE that Jesus did it all for you. Salvation is not doing your best, it is having Christ's best put to your account through receiving Him by faith. Salvation is not a reward for the righteous, it is a gift for the guilty.

Friday, January 24, 2025

All Women Pastors Are Serving The Devil

1st Corinthians 14:34, “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.

1st Timothy 2:11-12, “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”

Kindly, all women preachers are false prophets! Only men can preach with the authority of God's inspired Word. Women are commanded in the Bible to be quiet in the church business.

The fact that some people would argue with the inspired Word of God that women are not permitted to be pastors, just evidences how much Satan has corrupted this generation. ...
"WOMEN PREACHERS EXPOSED" (by Pastor Max D. Younce).

The Bible is an authoritative Book authored by an authoritative God, and it is only supposed to be preached with authority by men, not females. Ladies can share the Gospel and teach Bible on a personal level to others, but they are not permitted to interfere with church affairs. Women are not permitted to open the pastor's church mail without his permission. Women are not allowed to have a say in what is preached. Women have no biblical right to control the local church in any capacity, only men do! Female pastors are the ultimate rebellion!

Ladies can serve in the church kitchen. They can work in the church nursery. Ladies can write Sunday School lessons, but only if the pastor gives them permission. Ladies can speak from the pulpit with the pastor's permission, such as to give their testimony, but they CAN NEVER preach the Word of God! This is a matter of authority! Women have no say in the church.

Some of my readers won't like me after reading this blog, but as a born-again Christian for 45 years, I do not think women should have a right to vote in political elections. Men ought to control society. Women belong at home being homemakers, mothers, wives and cooks. 1st Timothy 5:14-15, “I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.” A young women in the Bible is any gal under the age of 60! Career women are turned aside after Satan. If that offends you, good, the truth should.


Pastor Joyce Meyer is a wicked woman, rebellious and greedy. She is wrong on the Gospel, preaching partial faith in Christ plus works. She teaches the lie of Lordship Salvation. I will never support women preachers, nor attend any church which has a rebellious female for a pastor. It's not a matter of male chauvinism; but rather, it is a matter of obeying the inspired Holy Bible. When women take control of society, all havoc ensues (abortion, homosexuality, public nudity, divorce, MGTOW, et cetera). Biblically, men must rule! Isaiah 3:12, As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

My Snowman Is Still Standing In Pensacola

It's been three days since the historic 8 inch snowstorm in Pensacola, Florida, on Tuesday (January 21, 2025). I'm milking this snowstorm for everything I

A Winter Wonderland In Pensacola - January 21st, 2025

I took these photos yesterday on Thursday...

I've had so much fun building this snowman. I felt like a kid again in the snow. God is so good! I hope you have enjoyed these photos, which I took to share with others.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

I Built A Big Snowman In Pensacola, Florida

We had a historic heavy snowstorm in Pensacola yesterday on January 21st, 2025. It snowed about 8 inches. I felt like a little kid again today, even at age 57, playing in the snow...

My Snowman!

I used some 5-gallon buckets that they gave me for free at Harbor Freight. I filled the buckets with snow to make snow blocks. I used charcoal briquettes for the eyes, nose and mouth. I used my John 3:16 hat for Mr. Snowman. I found that old Christmas decoration in my den. I took several dozen photos of the snowstorm yesterday, and my snowman today, for you to see. Enjoy them...

I built a big snowman in my front yard today. The snow was perfect packing! I used my John 3:16 hat, some sticks from my yard, and some charcoal briquettes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Here are some videos of my cool snowman (no pun intended)...
  1. Video 1 of My Snowman
  2. Video 2 of My Snowman
  3. Video 3 of My Snowman

It was a WINTER WONDERLAND in Pensacola, Florida, on January 21st, 2025. I talked with one of my neighbours today, showing him my snowman as he walked by. He said that he has lived in Pensacola for 24 years, but has never seen a major snowstorm like this. God is good. I love snow! Since I moved away from Chicago in 2004, and lived on the island of Guam for 17 years, this is the first time I have seen snow in 21 YEARS! I had a blast yesterday and today!

Here is a video of the birds enjoying the feeder I put up for them with food. Unbelievably, the hundreds of birds that come to my feeder will eat 10 pounds of bird seed in just 4 days...

God is so good and awesome! I felt like a kid again today. People were stopping in their cars to take pictures. I loved it! THANK YOU friend for reading my blogs. Jesus is precious!!!

Things You Need To Know About Drinking Booze

Few beer drinkers realize how quickly and significantly that alcohol affects the human body... According to CNN medical correspondent Dr. St...