Monday, November 4, 2024

I Humbly Think Kamala Harris Will Win The Election

Isaiah 3:12, “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.  O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.”

I lost confidence in our U.S. government after the 9/11 Inside Job. Kindly said, you are woefully ignorant if you still think Osama Bin Laden was behind 911. It was our own President George W. Bush run White House that orchestrated the attacks. I was alive on 911, I did much research, and the evidence is overwhelming that high members of our own federal government not only had prior knowledge of 911, but helped make it happen. And I regrettably voted for that piece of human trash, Bush Jr.. He murdered 1,455,590 innocent people in Iraq. Bush and company also murdered 2,997 Americans in the World Trade Center. Hell will be hot enough!

Having said that, some Christians want to know my opinion of the upcoming election in 2 days. I honestly think Kamala Harris will be our next U.S. President, for a few reasons, namely:

➔ I don't believe that President Joe Biden and Kamala had the power to let 10,000,000 illegal aliens flood into our country. The Bible says that Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). The world is the Devil's playground. It has been clear to me for the past few decades that a group of Satanists (Luciferians) control the major political affairs of this world. So, I believe the Luciferian elite wanted to bring in the illegals to destroy our nation's sovereingty. The same flood of illegal immigration has happened in Europe. There is an obvious global agenda at work, leading toward a New World Order. Having said that, I absolutely do not believe that the Luciferian elite will allow Mr. Trump to remove millions of illegals from the country. It would be counterproductive. So, this is one reason why I think Kamala will win the election. I SURE HOPE SHE LOSES! I am not making an official prediction. I haven't had a premonition. I am not a Seer. Based on my knowledge, I simply don't think Mr. Trump will win re-election this week. I would be glad if I am proven wrong.

➔ I heard in the news last night that Kamala and Mr. Trump each have 49% of the vote. I DON'T BELIEVE IT! The news media have been proven again and again to be manipulative liars and deceivers, parroting news from one controlled source. I have a very hard time accepting the claim that 346,000,000 Americans are equally divided between Mr. Trump and Kamala. I don't trust the media, not as far as I can see!!! I believe Kamala will win by a tiny margin, which will be attributed to women concerned over abortion. If I am proven wrong in a couple days, I will rejoice with the Christian world that Mr. Trump has been re-elected, but everything in my soul is telling me that Kamala will be our next U.S. President, and she will be our doom as a nation. I guess the American people love skyrocketing inflation, rampant illegal immigrant crime, feminist rebellion and murdering babies in the womb. We'll see, won't we.

➔ The fact that Kamala was chosen to run for the highest office in the land, to me, is a giveaway which reveals the intentions of the Luciferian elite. I highly suspected when she was chosen as President Biden's Vice President that there was a good chance he might die, and she would automatically become U.S. President. Thankfully that didn't happen. But I also suspected that if Mr. Biden didn't die, she would run for U.S. President, and I was right about that. Now I suspect that she will win, which I feel has been the plan all along. But again, I am giving a disclaimer, I am NOT making a prediction, I am just saying that I strongly think she will win in 2 days. If I am wrong then I am wrong, and I will rejoice with you. I am not sure of anything, except that God is 100% in control.

Isaiah 3:12, “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.  O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” The Bible is very clear that when a woman rules over men, she causes the people TO ERR, destroying THE WAY OF THE PATHS. If Kamala wins, she will lead our nation further astray from God. I have some concerns about Mr. Trump as well. He fully supports LGBTQ rights. Mr. Trump is foolishly a Zionist. Zionism is a deceptive falsehood! In a recent interview Mr. Trump said that you get to Heaven by being "good," which shows that he is NOT a born again Christian. Mr. Trump is fully supportive of IVF, which is highly controversial, destroying embroyos. No candidate is perfect. Some people literally get angry and go ballistic if they find out that you're not voting, but they are hypocrities to judge others based on what they would or wouldn't do.

I had a weirdo neoevengelical religious boss 35 years ago, who got angry when I told him that our church was giving away pumpkins to the children who rode our buses that coming Sunday. He blew up and said that he would quit his church immediately if they ever give away pumpkins on Halloween. Okay, fine, that's you, but I don't ascribe to your strict religious beliefs, so back off! I like Christmas trees. I like some secular music. That same hypocritical boss came pimping into work one day listening to Christian Rock Music, something that I have never listened to. Do you see how people can be such hypocrities? If you're going to listen to Rock music, then just do it, but don't mix in Christian words with it.

Anyway, I'd infinitely rather have a man as our highest leader than a woman. It seems to me that the Luciferian powers lurking behind the scenes want a female leading our nation, which will be the nails in our country's coffin. I hope Mr. Trump wins, but I also know that if Mr. Trump wins he WON'T "Make America Great Again!" Our nation will never be "great" again until we become Godly Again, and that cannot happen as long as Same Sex Perversion is legal. It cannot happen as long as the vile Abortion Pill is legally available. The answer to our nation's woes has never been in the White House, it's been in the Church House. That is, the answer resides in local New Testament, soulwinning, King James Bible only, free grace Gospel preaching, people loving, local churches. And I thank God for both of them!!!

I also want to say something. I have often heard people errantly say that if you don't vote you have no right to complain. Nothing could be further from the truth dear friend. If you are an American citizen, voter or not, you have every right to complain. Many people, especially Christians, are so fed up and disgusted with the whole rotten corrupt government that they don't want to vote anymore. For the first time since 1996, the Teamsters Union refused to endorse a presidential political candidate in 2024. A lot of Americans are tired of the corruption.

I mean, the fact that Hillary Clinton ran for the office of U.S. President in 2012 is sickening and telling. How does a degenerate criminal like Hillary get selected to run for the highest office in our land, bypassing millions of honorable, capable and U.S. veteran men? Clearly, criminals have hi-jacked our federal government! It's nobody's business whether you vote or not. Jesus didn't vote as far as we know, and He didn't teach about voting. We are commanded as saints to pray for our leaders and obey the higher powers, God being the highest.

I prayed this morning for the upcoming election, for God's will to be done. I prayed for our nation, we are in trouble. China and Russia are a formiddible nuclear threat to the United States. We need a strong leader and a strong military. I sincerely hope that Donald Trump wins, I would be delighted; but if my concerns are confirmed and Kamala Harris wins, she will plunder our nation further down into the abyss of wickedness, apostasy and socialism.


  1. I want Kamala Harris to win because I don't want Trump the traitor, 34x convicted felon, 91x lawbreaker, fraudster and liar conman to rule the country making himself a autocratic dictator if he wins. he will insurrect and blood bath if he loses and will be like his friend the war criminal Putin. Trump or America. Please pray.

    1. The prior comment is unbelievable. Please wise up.

  2. This election will be last opportunity to preserve democracy. This is it. Our last chance.

  3. Kamala Harris! What? You are definitely an uninformed and ignorant person. If she takes office, you deserve everything that's coming. Everything. You have no idea. Why don't you move several illegal invaders into your home since your okay with her policies! Idiot!

  4. Donald Trump has to win this election, otherwise he could not fulfill his role as the Antichrist, if he really is the Antichrist. And I believe he is the Antichrist, the one who will take control of the world once he became the president once again of the United States of America. But rapture is going to happen first before the Antichrist reveals himself. 🤔

    1. Trump cannot be the Antichrist. Because the Antichrist will wage war against Israel (Daniel 7:19-27, Daniel 9:24-27, and Revelation 12). I am astounded by the ignorant Christians who believe that Trump is the Beast.

      Trump is no saint. I understand that. But Trump, for all his faults, defends Israel. He recognized Jerusalem as the capital city and moved the US embassy there.

  5. Trump is not the antichrist. SMH


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