Sunday, October 6, 2024

You Will Never Be “Well Adjusted” Without Faith In God

Isaiah 26:3, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”

Isaiah 48:22, “There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.

2nd Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

In an interview recently, heard rock band Van Halen's infamous lead singer David Lee Roth (born 1954 in Bloomington, Indiana) answer the question why he never got married. David's answer was simply that, “I am not well adjusted. I thought that was a very honest answer. So, I got to thinking, what exactly does it mean to be a well adjusted person? I looked at various websites, but one in particular caught my attention at Psychology Today. I mean, these are the so-called experts in human behavior, right? They have earned degrees in psychology. They've all attended heathenistic, atheistic, evolutionistic, humanistic, secular universities to earn their degrees. Here is a quote from their website...
4 Key Qualities of Balanced People
What it means to be psychologically balanced.
Posted October 3, 2021
A new paper published in Frontiers in Psychology attempts to define an important yet elusive term in positive psychology: psychological balance. According to the researchers, it has to do with the degree to which someone is able to possess a consistent yet flexible outlook on life while also knowing how to spend the right amount of time taking care of oneself versus others.

“In the literature, absence of psychopathology infers psychological balance, which is associated with psychological continuity across time and an ability to cope with daily challenges,” say the authors, led by Anastasia Besika of the University of Zurich in Switzerland. “In spite of [...] a strong association between psychological balance and well-being, investigations of how an individual remains psychologically stable in a constantly changing environment are missing.”

To fill the gap, the researchers constructed a model of psychological balance containing, at its center, the following 10 value domains: Self-direction (e.g., “I decide about which way my life goes”) 
  1. Self-direction (e.g., “I decide about which way my life goes”) 
  2. Stimulation (e.g., “I am open to discovering new things in life”) 
  3. Hedonism (e.g., “I can enjoy life to the fullest”) 
  4. Achievement (e.g., “I strive to do my best and succeed in what I do”) 
  5. Power (e.g., “I strive to gain resources and influence over others”) 
  6. Security (e.g., “I want to be safe wherever I am”) 
  7. Conformity (e.g., “I follow social rules out of respect for others”) 
  8. Tradition (e.g., “I follow ideas of my culture or religion”) 
  9. Benevolence (e.g., “I care about my family, friends, and other people”) 
  10. Universalism (e.g., “I care about all things on the planet”)
“All of the 10 universal values are important and they all influence psychological balance to a different degree,” says Besika. ...
As a born again Christian, I couldn't help but notice right away that they left out God completely. I chose a few Bible passages of hundreds that I could have cited for our text. Isaiah 26:3, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Apart from faith in God, no one can have perfect peace. No matter how well-adjusted you may be as a person, you will be a mess spiritually without God.

I also noticed (as you will find is true of all secular psychologists), they didn't mention the reality and problem of sin. Isaiah 48:22, “There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked. A person who is unsaved, or saved but living in wickedness, will never have any peace. I have known plenty of saints during my lifetime who strayed away from God and ended up ruining their lives, and other people's lives too. I could name a handful of Christians I have known personally who commit suicide. Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) was correct that anybody is capable of committing any sin under the right circumstances. That is why years ago I chose as my favorite Bible verse Proverbs 4:23, Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”
“Don't you ever let your guard down!” —Pastor Jack Hyles
“I do not think I've ever seen fundamentalists as carnal as I do now.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “What Blocks You From The Spirit Filled Life?

“A strong pulpit is the safeguard to a nation's life” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “The Importance Of Preaching

You'll never be well-adjusted if you choose to live a life of rebellion against your Creator. Happiness begins with fearing God, to obey His Word in the Holy Bible. Ecclesiastes 12:13, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” I am not being unkind, God knows my heart. I do humbly think that some people need psychiatric help. I heard Dr. Jack Hyles say that, and I fully agree with him. Some people need medications to help them cope with mental illness. However, I also humbly think that most of our mental issues in society are caused by rebellion against God's Word. Pastor Max Younce addresses this subject...

Human Wisdom Versus Divine Wisdom
(Pastor Max D. Younce)

I mentioned singer David Lee Roth at the beginning of my article. I feel sorry for Mr. Roth. He has no wife, no children and no grandchildren. I am sadly divorced (not by my own choice). My former wife abandoned me in 2006. I regret ever meeting her, because she quit and left me alone. I haven't been blessed to meet a woman to remarry for the past 18 years. I will very likely live alone for the rest of my sad life. But God is good and I am by his grace going to continue preaching the Gospel, contending for the faith, and making a difference for Christ. I give God ALL the praise and credit, for without Jesus I can do nothing (John 15:5).

Having said that, at least I was once married. At least I have four children and seven grandchildren. So, I've been there and done that, so to speak. I feel sorry for a guy like David Roth, who has no family of his own. When he sings Van Halen's popular song, “Running With The Devil,” he really is giving his own autobiography. It is so sad and tragic. David's life will soon be over. He is 69 years old. Unless he repents of his unbelief to trust in Jesus Christ before he dies, Hell will be David's eternal doom. God loves Mr. Roth and doesn't want him to go to Hell, but the Lord won't force anyone to get saved (2nd Peter 3:9).

Tragically, I am 100% convinced that Eddie Van Halen (1955-2020) went to Hell forever, since he was a devout Roman Catholic (his brother Alex is an ordained Catholic minister, go figure). There is no salvation in keeping the Seven Sacraments of Catholicism, which is a prisonhouse of religion. Salvation is found only by faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26), apart from all works (Romans 4:5-7; Ephesians 2:8-9).

I didn't write this blog to criticize David Lee Roth, not at all. David just got me thinking when I heard him say that he is “not well adjusted, which is why he never got married. I don't think anyone is a complete package. As humans we all have weaknesses, areas in our character that need improvement, sinful tendencies and Skelton Closets. We've all done things that we're not proud of. I am the biggest sinner I know, so I am not looking down on David Lee Roth or anyone else. I don't want to be a religious Pharisee (Matthew 7:1-5). We all deserve to go straight to Hell forever (Romans 3:10-23). I am at best a redeemed sinner.

I wrote this blog to emphasize the biblical truth that the ONLY way to become a well adjusted person starts with faith in God. Mark 11:22, “And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. It bothers me that Psychology Today looks at ten different aspects of our human character to determine who is “well balanced,” none of which include faith (which is effectively obedience) to God.

John 3:36, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” Dear reader, if you have not yet by faith (trust, reliance) received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, accepting His sacrifice on the cross as full payment for your sins, believing that He raised up physically from the dead, as your only hope for Heaven, then God's wrath abides upon you continually.

If you are not born again, you are still in the boat of the wicked. If you died this moment in your sins friend, you'd plunge forever into the fires and brimstone of Hell beneath (Revelation 21:8). This is the truthful message that every psychologist should be telling their patients! If they did so, they'd lose their license and get sued for malpractice. This simply evidences how far away from God this world has become. When an impressionable student goes to university to train to become a psychologist, the concept of sin is never introduced or taught to them. They don't learn about how sin destroys people's lives.

You see, in the inspired Scripture the homosexual deathstyle is a sinful abomination to God (Leviticus 20:13). The LGBTQ community have perverted the Holy Bible (Romans 1:25), in a wicked futile attempt to lessen and justify their sins. Job 20:5 tells us that the triumph of the wicked, and the joy of the hypocrite is but for a moment. The LGBTQ community are accursed by God almighty, awaiting judgment (Romans 1:24-32). No one ever escapes God's scrutiny, judgment and wrath (Hebrews 4:13), except through faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 5:9). Even as saints, we still have to give account for the good and bad done in the body (2nd Corinthians 5:10-11). We will all be judged as individuals by almighty God (Romans 14:10-12; Ecclesiastes 12:14).

A truly well-adjusted person takes care of themselves spiritually, emotionally and physically. God is a threefold being: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Mankind was created in God's threefold image. Man is comprised of: spirit soul and body. Psychologists only focus on the body and soul, ignoring the spiritual. If they do delve into anything spiritual, it is only in a secular sense, but woefully lacking any biblical truth. Yet, true psychology is the study of the soul and absolutely MUST deal with one's relationship to God, sin and the Holy Bible. Sadly, most people have a strong relationship with the sins in their life, but rarely if ever read the inspired King James Bible (all modern Bible revisions are corrupt).

A well-balanced person is right with God, both in POSITION as God's redeemed child; and in their CONDITON, living in holiness as God's commands (1st Peter 1:15-16). From living a wicked lifestyle of fornication, nerve-racking heavy metal rock music, chronic substance abuse and blasphemy against God, I can easily see how David Lee Roth's life became unbalanced. It's still not too late for “Diamond Dave” as Roth is well known by his fans. But the moment when David Lee Roth breathes his last breath, it will be too late for him to repent (change his mind) to trust Jesus as his personal Savior. I hope and pray that he does get saved.

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You Will Never Be “Well Adjusted” Without Faith In God

Isaiah 26:3, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 48:22, “ There is no p...