Sunday, April 7, 2024

Another Hurting Student At Pensacola Christian College

Ephesians 4:30-32, “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.”

Here are innumerable negative reviews of Pensacola Christian College (PCC). These reviews are public information. Dear reader, one thing I have learned in my 57 years of life is that PEOPLE JUST WANT TO BE LOVED, something that PCC has not learned in the 50 years of their college's existence since 1974. I'll start with my negative review of PCC first, and then share with you innumerable more from their hurting victim students.

As a humble redeemed sinner, I care. I care because God cares (1st Peter 5:7-8), and if you know God as a born-again Christian and spend time walking with Him, then you will love everyone with God's unconditional love too, regardless of their sins and flaws as humans. There is nothing worse than religious snobbery, which is all they know at PCC and their Campus Church cult. The way that we treat people matters. It really does!

As I regularly do, I comb social media for victims of PCC's cult. I don't do it to be mean or malicious, but simply because they have a serious problem at PCC with how they treat people. I know firsthand the religious abuse, hatred and woeful lack of compassion and forgiveness that exists at PCC. As of August 2, 2022, their senior pastor Jeff Redlin has banned me in writing from attending Campus Church, so now we are enemies by his choosing. It didn't matter that I sincerely apologized in 2022 for offending the gods at PCC, they have no room to forgive or permit me to just come back to their so-called “church.” In hindsight, they did me a favor because I have since learned much more about the workings of their authoritarian abusive cult at PCC, where the cult system always comes first but individual people do not matter. People just want to be loved. PCC personifies sinful pride and arrogance.

I found the following criticism of PCC this morning from one of their present female students. For obvious reasons she cannot disclose her real name, or she'll face a clergical firing squad. The details she provides is evidence enough that she is telling the truth. If you don't dot your i's and cross your t's at PCC, walking a very fine line, you will be on the outside looking in before you realized what happened. PCC is a cold-hearted cult of strict rules without any love, compassion or understanding for human beings. PCC lacks proper spiritual leadership.
Beauty Burst (April 2024)

I had many bad experiences at this school but the most recent one was when I woke up late for chapel and my RA [Resident Assistant] came in the room and woke me up, urging me to hurry and she said just throw [on] my clothes and and leave. I ended being written up and getting 10 demerits for being “disrespectful” because the RA's told Student Life on me. (Mind you these girls are my peers and they can easily get me kicked out of school if they wanted to.) I went to Student Life to resolve this, but all the woman did was keep on making excuses for the girls and blaming me saying: “maybe you were feeling a little upset that day?” “Do you think you had the attitude first and that’s why they responded the way they did?” She told me to talk to my RA and ask her about the situation and email her when I did. I ended up emailing her and was ignored after. Nothing was resolved. This is the email I sent:
“I did ask my RA Gracie why I was written up for being disrespectful, and she said it was because I took so long getting ready when they kept asking me to hurry up (even though I took about 15 Minutes or less.) After she told me this false statement, I told her I went to Student Life, and that Student Life explained that she and the other RA wrote me up due to disrespect. She then changed her statement and said it was due to my tone of voice. And when I asked her about the other RA's tone of voice towards me she said, “that’s just how she is.” I don’t think it’s right that I get disrespected by other young women who are supposed to be my examples and leaders, when all I did is confront them concerning their behavior and it leads to a situation seemingly untruthful and unnecessary. I was also told during my Student Life appointment that they said I was taking long to get ready and that’s why another RA came to my room but I don’t believe that’s the case, as she came about 5 minutes after I started
getting ready to converse with her friend.

The situation that occurred this day was that I slept through my alarm (a few minutes past 10 am) and I was late to chapel. My RA Gracie came and woke me up and I rushed to get ready. She told me to get ready as soon as possible. She came in another time a few minutes later telling me to try and be ready in a few minutes. Shortly after the other RA came and they began chatting in my doorway for a few minutes. I was putting my shoes on and was ready to go, when the RA was very rude in her tone of voice and overall demeanor and as well what she said. She said “let’s get going, we’ve been waiting for you let’s go!” She was waving her hands to motion for me to come and seemed very fed up and had an attitude.

So I responded in a normal way, not escalating anything, saying, “I don’t appreciate the way you’re talking to me. I'm an adult too. That is very rude.” She didn’t say a word to me after that but my RA Gracie just replied as we started to head downstairs that she wasn’t being rude. I responded that “it just seems like it.” And neither of them would look me in my eye or explain why that wasn’t the case if it was. This was the situation that occurred that morning. I was very confused to be called to the Student Life concerning this situation because I thought it wasn’t a huge ordeal.”
That was the email and this was just one minor incident that happened last semester. It’s so awful that students have no control or say in these situations. [SOURCE: Google reviews]
Yes, dear student, PCC leadership has some serious issues with their attitudes. Clearly they have a double standard at PCC, one for students and another for staff. I am sorry for the horrible conditions at PCC and that you were clearly mistreated. You trusted them with the best years of your life, and they treat you like crap while taking your money, like they did me as a 54-year-old grandfather in 2021. Sadly, PCC have religious bullies for leaders, who elevate their own bigoted authority over God's authority in the inspired Word of God.

The letter of the law comes before all else, but there is no spirit of the law, which is love. At PCC it's their way or the highway. When your time of the month as a female comes at PCC, you must obtain a doctor's note to miss class or chapel each and every month. That sounds like North Korea to me! What the hell is wrong with PCC leadership? I'll tell you what is wrong, they don't know and walk with God. PCC is a carnal institution with a religious label slapped across the building. RUN FROM THIS PLACE!!!

99% of Bible Colleges and Churches Today Are as Carnal as Can Be!

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