Monday, March 18, 2024

The Biggest Problem With Pensacola Christian College

1st Timothy 3:15, “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.”

There is nothing more important in a Christian's life than attending a local Bible-believing church! Now, beware of counterfeit churches. Sadly, most so-called "churches" are actually cults. A "cult" is a group of people led by a man (or a group of men). In a genuine New Testament church (i.e., a church patterned after the one's in the New Testament), the inspired Word of God is the only authority. When men are in charge you have a cult.

Having said that, kindly, Pensacola Christian College (PCC) is a religious cult. I was listening to Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) today. This Wednesday evening Bible study is titled, "The Science Of Calling A Pastor." Here is a brief excerpt from the study, in which Dr. Hyles explains that a church must control a school (college), and not the school control the church, or a school that operates independently of a church. When PCC was started in 1975, it was started as a mere school. There has never been a church associated with PCC. So, PCC sent their students as interns to participate in local churches around Pensacola. God never promised divine perpetuity to a college, He promise it to the Church (Matthew 16:18).

Dr. Hyles is so right! The biggest problem with PCC is that they operate independently of a New Testament church. Their tens of thousands of alumni have the wrong mindset that a college supersedes the church. PCC is cult headquarters, home base, which is wrong! PCC is nothing in God's sight!!! Yet they hold considerable power of influence over thousands of churches nationwide. Whatever PCC supports, their lemming graduates support. What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace.

This makes PCC spiritually dangerous because they wickedly bid Godspeed to infidel Ken Ham, and his young earth circus (the Bible teaches an old earth - Psalms 102:25). Kindly said, Pensacola Christian College is a CULT that needs to be exposed! PCC wickedly bids Godspeed to Bob Jones University & Ken Ham. Being in many Baptist churches today feels like being in communist North Korea, where you are not allowed to have a differing opinion from the pastor. At PCC, you must accept their demonic Lordship Salvation lies or else they will excommunicate your butt.

Even today in 2024, with their newly constructed giant “Campus Church” on the property of PCC, they still don't have a true church. “Campus Church” is a misnomer, not a real church; it is a mere chapel for PCC's thousands of students. If Campus Church were a genuine church, then everyone would be welcome, but they are not. Their senior pastor Jeff Redlin unkindly emailed me on August 2, 2022, to let me know that my “remarks were consequential and I am banned from attending Campus Church. Only a cult selectively cares about people.

Pastor Jack Hyles in a million years would never tell someone that they cannot attend church. How can people hear Bible preaching if you drive them away? Dr. Hyles even permitted the wicked Hammond Times reporters to attend services at the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, because he wanted them to hear the Bible preached, in prayerful hope that they'd get saved and live for Jesus Christ. The Word of God is powerful (Hebrews 4:2).

Romans 1:16 teaches that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to them that believe it. The Gospel is the Good News that Jesus died on a cross to pay for our sins, He was buried, and three days later He physically resurrected from the dead (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). Just BELIEVE IT dear friend and you'll instantly and forever have eternal life!!!

The Church is the House of God, the pillar and ground of THE TRUTH. 1st Timothy 3:15, “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” Thank God for local churches! But, make sure that you are attending a genuine church, and not a deadly religious cult. Mormon churches are cults! Jehovah's Witness churches are cults! Seventh-day Adventist churches are cults! Roman Catholic churches are cults! Lutheran churches are cults! Church of Christ churches are cults! Baptist churches that teach Lordship Salvation are cults! Pastor John MacArthur's Grace Community Church in California is a cult! Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church in Texas is a cult! All of the aforementioned groups have men in charge instead of God's Word.

Dr. MacArthur foolishly teaches that salvation is an exchange, a trade of sorts. The Bible says that eternal life is a free gift, not an exchange or trade where you must surrender your will to receive Christ. Campus Church and PCC legally exist and operate as separate entities. Campus Church does not have any control over PCC. The college started a church and controls it. That is 100% unbiblical. The false gods at PCC are guilty of having huge misplaced egos, petty prejudices and a woeful lack of human compassion.

The sad fact that in writing I have been forbidden to attend Campus Church proves what I say. There is no Christian love, concern or compassion for people at PCC. The cult system always comes first at PCC, individual people do not matter. I know that hardly anyone will listen to my preaching rants on social media, while PCC wickedly laughs in scorn at me and my truth-telling ministry. However, PCC has a growing army of hurting victims (the 1% who fall through the cracks who PCC throws under the bus; including hurting people like me). Those 1% of victims do find my ministry and writings that expose PCC's cruelty, unfairness, pompous self-righteous attitudes, hatred and religious bigotry. If nothing else, I am thankful that God is using my humble writings to comfort, encourage and befriend PCC's countless victims of abuse.

God knows that I love everyone at PCC and Campus Church. I refuse to become bitter or hate people for any reason. Life is too short to live with a burden of hatred. The issue is one of authority. PCC are the authority in their college system; in a New Testament church only the inspired Word of God is the authority. Who is in charge makes all the difference in the world.

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