Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Fallacies Of A Young Earth

Psalms 102:25, “Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.

The psalmist plainly acknowledges that the earth itself is old. David penned these inspired Words from God at approximately 1500 BC. It blows my mind that anyone could actually believe that dinosaurs roamed the earth 5,000 years ago, or that the earth is flat. Science tells us that dinosaurs lived between 60 to 220 million years ago, and that the earth is 4.6 billion years old and the universe is 13 billion years old. I humbly think this is the truth. The Bible teaches an old earth if you rightly divide the Word of Truth.

Here's the notes from Pastor Younce's YouTube video, "Part 4 - The Fallacy Of A Young Earth."

Part 4 - The Fallacy Of A Young Earth

Some Notes: Genesis One, "Created" and "Made." These two words, translated from two different Hebrew words, are very important in understanding God's Original Creation and His Remodeling of the Earth after its judgment. Let's examine each word and its significance in respect to the earth. A. "Created." The Hebrew word for "created" is 'bara." This word first appears in Genesis, Chapter One. It always means the instant, miraculous creation of something which had no previous existence in any form whatsoever. The three places "bara" (created) appears in Genesis One are as follows:

(1). Genesis 1:1 — "In the beginning God CREATED (bara) the heaven and the earth." They have never existed before this.

(2). Genesis 1:21 — "And God CREATED (bara) great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good." (They never existed before this.)

(3). Genesis 1:27 — "And God CREATED (bara) man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female created he them." (Man never existed before this.) B. "Made." The Hebrew word for made is "asah." This word means "to release from restraint, to make, to allow, or to assemble.

The late Dr. Harry Rimmer, D.D., SC.D., had this to say concerning the Hebrew for "made." "This is the word that would be used to describe the production of a piece of furniture by a carpenter, or the assembling of a motor by a skilled mechanic. In the case of the carpenter it would not be proper to say he had "created" a table: he merely manufactured the article out of materials which were already in existence. It would be equally wrong to say that the mechanic had created a motor which he had (only) assembled."

Note: When we see in English the words "made" and "created," they have basically the same meaning to the average person, which has caused much confusion; but, not so in the Hebrew. In the Hebrew, they have distinctively different meanings, the knowledge of which is imperative to understanding Genesis, Chapter One. This, the young earth advocates refuse to accept! 

Therefore, the first four days of Genesis are not an Original Creation, but a remodeling process of already existing materials that had been held in restraint or bondage. That is why the Holy Spirit used the precise Hebrew words brought into our English language as "made" and "let," i.e. or "allow."

Fallacies Of A Young Earth | 2 | 3 | 4 (Dr. Max Younce exposes the lie that the earth is young)

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