Sunday, January 28, 2024

Ladies, Put Your Husband Before The Children

1st Peter 3:1-6, “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

The average American woman today is an example of shame. Tragically, American women have become angry, rebellious and empowered by the courts to crucify men. If you are a feminist, then no doubt I have already offended you. Our text passage says that Sara revered her husband, even calling him “Lord (master). How many women do you know today who have this degree of submission for the husband? Most of us cannot think of even one.

I certainly have never been blessed enough to have such a wife. Kindly said, my rebellious former wife divorced me in 2006 and she still disrespects me as a man. I speak that to her shame. I godly wife reverences her husband, submitting to him as unto the Lord. Pastor Jack Hyles was right, divorce is a sin which perpetuates for a lifetime. The Bible doesn't teach wives to only submit to a perfect husband. That is the big thing for rebellious wives, to find whatever excuse they can to justify their lack of submission. The United States is so far from God these days that the requirement “to obey” has been removed from nearly all marriage vows.

The key to a happy marriage is for both husband and wife to focus on walking with God. I wouldn't want my wife to put me first in her life; but rather, to put God first. If she does that then she will submit to me. And if I put God first, I will love her as the Bible teaches.
I have read umpteen dating profiles where women say that any future man in her life will never be more than second place in her life, her children always come first. Although that may sound reasonable because we all love children, it is totally unbiblical. Your children will one day grow up and move out, getting married and going their own way. What kind of marriage will remain after your children are gone? The reason why divorce has become a major epidemic problem in America is because women have their priorities wrong. Biblically a wife should always put her husband first, not the children.

What do I mean? I mean that the man should eat before the children. The wife should satisfy and meet her husbands sexual needs before spending time playing games with, caring for or cooking for the children. Kindly said, if you disagree with me you are not right with God. I heard Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001) mention in a sermon that his mother partly blamed herself for her failed marriage. They were poor living in east Texas during The Great Depression. They only lived a two room house; not a two bedroom home with a kitchen, dining room, living room, den and bathrooms, but just two rooms! They had the stove in one room, and the bathtub in the other. They had to go outside and walk a distance to use the restroom in an outhouse. The outhouse had no heat during the winter, nor air-conditioning in the summer. Brother Hyles said he didn't use a flushable toilet for the first time until he was 15 years old. Brother Hyles' mother felt to blame for her failed marriage because she refused to meet her husband's needs when he wanted her. She put the children first and refused to send the children outside to play while they did what husbands and wives do. I admire her honesty, but she is right to feel partly to blame for her failed marriage.

A wife should never turn her husband's advances down for romance. To do so goes against the Bible. Today's American woman is scary! I've read their dating profiles, showing their ridiculous shopping list of demands for a husband. They want a man who is tall, financially secure, with a strong jawline, fit and attractive, making a 6-digit salary, et cetera. One Christian woman said she only wanted a man who likes classical music like her. I want, I want! I want. Gimme, gimme, gimme! I've never read even one female's dating profile where she has a list of all the nice things that she wants to do for her future man when she finds him. What women want is a man to use as a tool to give her children, a home, money, a cottage on the lake, vacations and the good life; but they don't just want, a man.

Ladies, if you are married you should always put your husband before the children. I am not saying to neglect the children. Use common sense. The children are not going to starve by having to wait to eat after Dad has eaten. Men are treated like garbage in American culture!

The Problem With Ridiculously Woke “Every White Man Is Stupid” TV Commercials

The Dumb Dad and the Domestic Commercial

Wow unto the ungodly society that degrades and insults men and fathers with such disparaging commercials that encourage them to be lazy, reckless and irresponsible. It is sinful to put men down like feminists are doing. Can you imagine the fallout from the National Organization of Women (NOW), the feminists and the ungodly media if men made a commercial portraying women as being ignorant, stupid and incompetent? All hell on earth would follow! Why is it that women can degrade men, but men cannot treat women the same way? I'll tell you why, because God has ordained that wives should obey their own husband. It is because God commands children in the Holy Bible to obey their parents. Wicked society tries to undermine God's plan for the home.

Like it or not, God commands wives to obey their own husbands. Children are to obey Mom and Dad. If Mom disagrees, then the child is to obey Dad. Men are to rule their own homes! If a man is a godly person, then his wife and children will gladly submit to his leadership. Feminism poisons women's minds to view marriage as something bad, to think that a stay-at-home wife and mother is somehow a slave to a man. Nothing could be further from the truth. What we have in the United States today is a disaster zone or broken marriages, ruined homes and chaos because of social engineering which has poisoned women's minds. Feminism is not compatible with the inspired Word of God.

Sara called Abraham (her husband) “Lord.” You should have the same Christian spirit ladies toward your man. If you don't, shame on you for going against the Holy Bible. Your prayers will be hindered and God will not be pleased with you ladies, until you submit to your man. The biggest threat to a good Christian wife is bad friends, who will poison her mind with feminist ideologies.

And let me warn you ladies, 95% of Baptist women today (including pastors wives) are feminists in their wicked thinking. Many don't even realize it. They've been raised up in our toxic American culture, and don't even realize that they've been indoctrinated with Satanic ideas. From U.S. movies, books, seminars and music to liberal church teachings, feminism has crept into nearly every Christian home and marriage. Ladies, you need to be smarter than the average bear in these perilous times!

In your home, Dad should come first, not the children. Little girls should be taught to fetch Dad's slippers. Sons should be taught to offer to help Dad when he works around the house. Wives should cater to her man as if Jesus were a guest in your home. Instead, these spoiled brats today refuse to lift a finger to help Dad mow the lawn. Kids get away with that type of bad behavior if the parents are irresponsible. Children should be made to do what is right, and that includes doing work around the house. Children should learn by working.

That is one reason why so many kids are spoiled brats who grew up in the big cities in apartment buildings, because there isn't enough hard work for them to do, as exists on a farm. Children need to work to instill character into them. When I was growing up my Dad made me paint the house foundation each year. I overturned the dirt in the yard each spring to plant a garden. I regularly did the dishes after dinner. I cut the grass in the summer. I raked the leaves in the fall. I shoveled the snow in the winter. I was required to assist my Dad whenever he worked around the house, while my friends went off to play and bum around in the park. In hindsight, I am glad that my Dad taught me to work hard before playing. Work before play!

Our characterless nation is in shambles today. This Generation Z are spoiled, lazy, entitled, disrespectful, arrogant, brats. Things will only get much worse! Television and Hollywood movies today ridiculously portray women as leading armies of men, a single female defeating a dozen masculine men in battle, and other utter insanity. This is ungodly intentional social engineering designed to undermine family values and society as a whole. We have been seeing a lot of smash & grab crimes committed nationwide over the past decade.

This level of open crime is unprecedented in our country's history. Each year there are now over 600 random mass shootings. Society's lame solution is to create more laws, hire more police, impose stiffer prison sentences and rise up a police state. Unfortunately this won't work! Morality simply cannot be legislated. All that will result is an authoritarian police state like exists in China today. We already have nearly 2,000,000 laws, ordinances, codes and regulations in the United States. They aren't working!!!

The only answer is Jesus Christ! The answer is to put the inspired King James Bible back into the public school system. Better yet, we should get rid of government (public) schools. Don't put your child on the public fool bus!!! Bible-believing churches with caring, people-loving, Christ-honoring, sin-fighting, free-grace-Gospel preaching, pastors is the answer! Sadly, today's churches are pathetic, which is why 90% of the churches are 90% empty each Sunday. Our nation is in big trouble! Truth means nothing anymore to the clergy; they just want the money.
“Old-fashioned, Spirit-filled, Christ-honoring, sin-hating, soul-winning, Bible preaching! It is the hope of the church! It is the hope of the nation! It is the hope of the world!” —Pastor Jack Hyles)

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