Wednesday, January 3, 2024

I Am Growing Weary Of The New IFB

Jude 1:3, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

I am growing weary of the New IFB myself. Their unbiblical requirement to ask, call and pray to be saved is totally wrong. I have written numerous blogs exposing the New IFB camp...

I wasn't aware that Pastor Anderson sanctions illegal aliens (and even hires them). Wow! That is really bad. A nation without borders ceases to be a country. Our leaders are traitors and have commit high treason against the people of the United States.

Regarding the wide open southern border and flood of over 8,400,000 illegals into the country, I was suspended for 24 hours from Twitter for saying that a certain wicked U.S. President should be tried in a court of law and then punished. I guess calling for justice is now considered hate speech in America. Albeit, our incompetent leaders (and hidden Masonic accomplices) have already condemned themselves and thankfully God will punish them (Ecclesiastes 5:8). No one can escape God's justice, no one (Hebrews 4:13; Proverbs 24:12).

We Should Reject The Sin, But Never The Sinner

The biggest problem I have with Pastor Anderson is his hatred of homosexuals. They are broken sinners who can still be saved (formerly homosexual, but now Christians). No one is beyond the hope of the Gospel. If there is a point of no return that a rebellious sinner can cross (i.e., a reprobate), we cannot know when that line is crossed, only God does. And it is the individual sinner, not God, who prevents them self from being saved. John 5:40, "And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life." Jesus said "ye will not come," He didn't say "ye cannot come." Since I don't know what is in any man's heart (and neither do you - 1st Samuel 16:7), I am going to preach the Gospel to "every creature" as the Bible commands (Mark 16:15), not just to straight sinners like the New IFB does.

I love Pastor Anderson and I support soulwinning saints everywhere, regardless of their religious denomination or particular affiliation. In my mind, I don't see New IFB versus Old IFB, I only see New Testament churches. But I have some issues with the New IFB (which began in 2006 with Pastor Steven Anderson's Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona). You do not have to ask, call or pray to be saved. To teach otherwise is to risk confusing people about how to get to Heaven.

I got saved at age 13 in 1980. Unfortunately, I literally wept in tears for the next several years, scared that I might not be saved, because every Baptist preacher and religious tract that I had been influenced by told me that I needed to pray a prayer to get to Heaven. That confused me utterly, and it hid the simplicity that is in Christ (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4) from me, which simplicity is that you can be saved by just BELIEVING the "Good News" (Gospel) that Jesus died on a cross to pay for my sins, He was buried, and three days later He bodily resurrected from the dead for my justification (1st Corinthians 15:1-4).

I knew I was a guilty sinner when I got saved. I simply received Christ's sacrifice on the cross as full payment for my sins, believing that I was trusting in a risen Savior that moment, and He did gloriously save me. But as time passed, looking back, I had been horribly mistaught by Baptist pastors that praying is the way you put your faith in Christ. So I began to doubt and question what I had prayed. Did I miss something? Did I leave something out? What if I didn't get something right? What if, I thought. Since I couldn't remember every vivid detail, especially as time distanced me from the time I was born again, I worried even more.

So I began to pray and pray and pray the Sinner's Prayer, at least 50 times over several years (perhaps even 100 times). I simply cannot remember how many times I asked God to save me, all because no one had ever properly taught me that you get saved by simply BELIEVING without the need to ask, call or pray. This is why I am 100% against the heresy being preached today by the New IFB, and it all originates with Pastor Steven Anderson, the leader of the New IFB. People just want to be loved.

The Blessing Of Big Families And The Curse Of Big Cities

Having said all that, I sincerely love Brother Anderson and I support his soulwinning ministry. I regularly pray for his wife and 25 I can't keep up with their number of children. I think they now have 11 children. Praise God! I love and believe in big families. Please don't ever let anybody, nor any doctor or nurse, pressure you to stop having more than 2 or 3 children. You tell them to mind their own business!!!

I went through that myself as a young father. I remember our shop union steward at work asking me how many children I had. When I told him “four,” he criticized me and said that is too many. No, he is a wicked person with worldly values. My wife's obstetrician even repeatedly tried to convince us not to have any more children. So, be forewarned young people, the ungodly world will try to hinder you from having a big family. You kindly tell them to mind their own damn business!

Also, please don't buy into the Devil's lie of overpopulation on the earth. There is ample space and arable land to grow crops. As of 2023, the entire state of Wyoming only has 584,057 residents. I hate seeing humans herded into large cities like cattle. Big cities have always been bad for humanity. You won't see people lying abandoned on the street in a small town of 3,500 people. Urbanization has destroyed the world. Dr. Hyles said that in the book titled, “Attorney David C. Gibbs Jr. Interviews Dr. Jack Hyles.” My humble advice to all parents is to leave the big city and move your family to a smaller town in a rural area. That is why more Americans in 2020 moved to Tennessee than any other state. They want a better life for their family.

Be Loyal To Truth And Principles, Not To Men Or Institutions

I was trained by Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) as a preacher. Dr. Hyles taught us not to be loyal to men or institutions; but rather, to truth and principles. Brother Hyles and the administrators of their Christian schools met together and decided what rules to create, based on Scriptural principles. They then decided what the punishments would be for students who violated those agreed upon rules. Students and parents were required to learn the rules and sign an agreement for their children to enroll into the Christian school. This way the school operated on set rules and not personal opinion, bias, nepotism or favoritism.

Pastor Hyles told us about situations which had risen, where the parents of children who broke the school's rules were also church members, so they expected preferential treatment. But Brother Hyles allowed the set rules and policies to make the decisions, not anything else. Some of those church members, who were also parents of children enrolled into the church's schools, quit the church and removed their kids from the school in anger. That is their prerogative, but I respect, admire and support Dr. Hyles' wisdom in allowing the rules to dictate the outcome, and not personal bias and favoritism. That is the only way to be fair.

We should be loyal to truth and principles, never to men or institutions. That is what is wrong with places like Pensacola Christian College and Bob Jones University. Those carnal institutions are loyal to men and to each other, instead of to truth alone. In those organizations the cult system always comes first, but individual people do not matter. Their behavior proves what I say. PCC has a bad reputation for expelling students, mistreating divorced church members and shunning people like me whom they despise.

When I say that I am becoming "weary" of the New IFB, I simply mean that I am disappointed that they continue to veer away from the fundamentals of the faith. Teaching that homosexuals are beyond the hope of the Gospel is a strange doctrine. I do believe that there is such a thing as a “reprobate” sinner. That is, there is a point of no return, which once crossed, a sinner will never come to Christ to be saved. But it is my belief that we cannot know when someone crosses that line. To say that a homosexual has crossed that point is wrong.

Romans 1:28 says that God gave them over to a “reprobate mind.” I humbly think this means that God knows when a person is beyond being reached with the Gospel. But for the New IFB to claim to know who, when or where a sinner has come to that point is very wrong. We are not God. To claim that homosexuals cannot be saved is to place one's self in the place of God, condemning an entire class of sinners to Hell. As if adulterers and fornicators are still capable of being saved, but sodomites are not. I have taken a lot of heat and even lost ministry supporters for my association with the New IFB, but I am loyal to truth and principles and not to men, websites or institutions.

There Are Only Local New Testament Churches, Not New or Old Baptists

I have been an Independent Fundamental Baptist (IFB) since I became saved at age 13 in 1980. That doesn't make me a child of God. Only by being BORN AGAIN can any lost sinner become a child of God. Faith is the only righteous thing that I can do.

I love the New IFB for their aggressive soulwinning zeal. But now the New IFB are preaching that you cannot be saved without praying, which is strange doctrine. What next? I decided long ago that I wasn't going to get caught up into this “new” versus “old” IFB Baptist conflict. 

The New IFB is essential the beliefs and methods of Pastor Steven Anderson, who started his Faithful Word Baptist Church in 2006 in Tempe, Arizona. I thank God for him, but lately they've been preaching some strange doctrine, by errantly requiring a Sinner's Prayer to get to Heaven. The Bible says that you can be saved simply by BELIEVING ON JESUS. John 6:47, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

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