Jeremiah 17:9-10, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.”
I am sure that everyone reading this blog could exchange numerous stories with me about horrible things people have done to hurt and take advantage of yourself or others. I could tell you hundreds of stories of the horrible wicked things that I've seen in my lifetime. I've been personally hurt by more people than I can remember. Our text passage from the Old Testament warns that the human heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all else, not to be trusted. Thank God for the blessed Lamb of God who has made a way of escape, so that us sinners don't have to spend eternity burning in Hell where we all deserve to go. Romans 5:9, “Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.”
Someone has wisely said that the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. I agree. The opposite of truth is not lies, it is indifference. We sadly live in a time of massive indifference, when many people just don't care one way or the other anymore and are coldhearted...
2nd Timothy 3:1-5, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”
I am often reminded of 2nd Timothy 3:1-5. We are now living in “perilous times.” I've never seen such wicked times as today in America. The United States is unrecognizable compared to when I was growing up as a child in the 1970's. So many people today are liars, fierce, unholy, false accusers, without natural affection, traitors, highminded and “lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.” We live in a very selfish generation. Granted, there are still a lot of good people in the United States; people who are generous and want to help those who have needs and are hurting. But unfortunately those good people are in the minority of the overall population. When I say “good” I mean good as far as sinners go. We are all guilty sinners (Romans 3:10-23).
There have been hundreds of shocking recorded incidents of “Flash Mob Robberies.” There is a simple solution that is guaranteed to stop the stealing. What saith the Scripture? Exodus 22:2, “If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him.” Under Mosaic law you could kill a thief with impunity. We need to give business owners and employees the legal right to kill thieves. That would permanently stop the Flash Mob Robberies overnight!
Dishonest Advertising Is Everywhere Today
I could write for days about all the evil things in American society today. If you go to any search engine and type in the word “professional banjo,” several dozen webpages will appear. You will find cheap imported garbage from China priced below $500 on most of the webpages, and then at the bottom of each webpage you'll read a disclaimer notifying you that they get paid to promote certain products (i.e., worthless garbage).
Here's a classic example of how rotten and dishonest people have become. I searched online at Duck-Duck-Go for “professional banjos.” One of the webpages that appeared on the first page is “9 Best Professional Banjo Reviews 2022.” One of the top banjos they recommend buying is the PYLE-PRO 5-string banjo for $147.89 from China. I can tell you as a musician since age 15 that this item is NOT a professional banjo!!! I professional banjo would be one of Arthur Hatfield's banjos from Kentucky. Of the thousands of banjos that Arthur has built and sold, you won't find a single negative comment about Arthur or his banjos.
Now, take a look at the disclaimer at the bottom of the website:
“CMUSE is a participant of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program – it is designed to provide an aid for the websites in earning an advertisement fee – by means of advertising and linking to products.”
Isn't that sickening? They're admitting (because legally they have to) that the only reason they are promoting certain products is because a company is paying them to do so. They are shamefully manipulating the internet and exploiting you as a human being just to make money. That is why when I search for a product online, or for reviews, I always look for a disclaimer at the bottom; and if I do find a disclaimer, I exit that website as fast as I possibly can, because I now realize that they are lying dishonest people. They don't really think that these are the “Best Professional Banjos,” they just want the money and are lying to you!!! If you don't see anything wrong with such unethical behavior, then you need to get right with God. Truly the LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil in the world (1st Timothy 6:10).
The Ungodly Corrupt Bible Publishing Industry
How much do I have to change in my own work to make a new claim of copyright?
You may make a new claim in your work if the changes are substantial and creative, something more than just editorial changes or minor changes. This would qualify as a new derivative work. For instance, simply making spelling corrections throughout a work does not warrant a new registration, but adding an additional chapter would. See Circular 14, Copyright Registration in Derivative Works and Compilations, for further information. [emphasis added]In other words, if you want to obtain a legal copyright status for your new Bible version, you would have to “SUBSTANTIALLY” change your work, from other existing original works (i.e., previous Bible versions). And they must be “CREATIVE” unique changes, not just minor alterations. I'll show you some of their Satanic creativity in a moment. May I say, God's Word is not as wild game in a forest for anyone who wants to go hunting and kill it. No one has a right to get creative to change God's inspired Word (Proverbs 30:5-6). Even worse, they're doing it for money!
SOURCE: Registering A Work
How can any group which attempts to translate the Holy Bible, be honest and scholarly when they are forced to “substantially” change the work to creatively differ from existing Bible versions? And then those rotten LYING Bible-butchers claim that it's a “LITERAL TRANSLATION.” What a pathetic joke! What injustice to the inspired Holy Scriptures!!!
Since there are already literally hundreds of copyrighted English Bible versions (all of the Devil), any new Bible versions are going to have to be butchered substantially and uniquely to qualify. My friend, you should be outraged and alarmed as I am, if you love the Lord Jesus Christ. Literally anybody who wants to publish a new Bible version is legally forced (if they want to publish their own exclusive version that is copyright protected) to significantly CHANGE THE WORD OF GOD!!!!!! That is wicked and wrong.
Of the hundreds of English Bible's available today, most of the publishers claim theirs is a “LITERAL TRANSLATION.” Since the versions all differ considerably, and theologically conflict oftentimes, how can they all be a “LITERAL TRANSLATION”? Obviously they cannot! It's a bunch of shady marketing tactics. The truth (as I have just shown you) is that in order to receive a legal copyright, Bible translators and publishers are legally REQUIRED to butcher God's Word, making significant and substantial changes to receive a copyright. That's the ugly truth!!!
What an evil and wicked thing to do, intentionally corrupting the Word of God to make a buck, which the Holy Bible calls “filthy lucre” (1st Peter 5:2). I hope you see how evil and criminal in God's eyes all of this Bible-tampering really is. Nothing is more important to God than His holy Word. Psalms 138:2, “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” Yet, men and women are so reckless and hardened in their hearts, that they flippantly corrupt the Word of God to sell their own exclusive copyrighted version. When you consult the 13 different Bible versions on your bookshelf, you get a wide array of conflicting ideas, contradictions and CONFUSION. 1st Corinthians 14:33 tells us that God is “not the author of confusion.” The Devil is the author of confusion!!!
Beware Of The Ungodly Religious Racket
2nd Timothy 3:5, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” There are billions of religious people throughout the world who have never been born-again. There are over one billion Roman Catholics who have a form of religion, denying “THE POWER” of the saving Gospel of free grace. Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” The Gospel is THE POWER of God to every one who believes it!
The world is full of religious people who play church but deny the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sadly, this includes hundreds of millions of professed Christians! This includes the dangerous cult at Pensacola Christian College with their counterfeit plan of salvation. PCC requires lost sinners to follow and obey God instead of their self-serving sins to get to Heaven. PCC requires unsaved people to turn from their sinful bad habits to get to Heaven, which is a false gospel. PCC are religious frauds! Tragically, the Sword of the Lord wickedly bids PCC Godspeed. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!
Our Wicked Treasonous Federal Government
I have been absolutely disgusted to watch 8,500,000 illegal aliens flood into the United States since President Joe Biden took office in 2020. It is obvious to me that Joe Biden didn't do this, he is merely the fall guy who will take the blame as he leaves office, doing the dirty work of the Luciferian group operating behind the scenes to destroy the Old World Order to make way for their New World Order. Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) preaches a great sermon titled, “Why The Antichrist Must Come Soon.”
“The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.” —Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952
“Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government - a bureaucratic elite.” —Senator William Jenner, 1954“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” —Benito Mussolini
I will never get adjusted or feel at home in this ungodly rotten sin-cursed world.
The Ungodly Wicked and Unreasonable Chase Bank
I bought a banjo in May of 2022. The merchant lied to me. He said I'd receive the banjo in 4 to 6 weeks or sooner. Well, it took 5 months! I had asked Chase bank (I have a VISA card with them) in August how long I have to file a dispute, but they said due to high call volume I'd have to wait for a response. They never responded. Chase has employees who are as lazy as all get out! From within my online account, I again sent them a secure message, asking the same question. They totally ignored me, again. I hate Chase bank and don't recommend them!
When the banjo arrived it was horrible. The intonation was so bad that it was unplayable. The strings (4 and 5) had a bad buzz. So I sent the banjo back to the store. The owner talked me into upgrading to a more expensive banjo, and I agreed. I had asked him twice how long it would take, but he wouldn't tell me. That banjo took another 6 months because he had to order it from Deering. When the banjo arrived at the store in March of 2023, the owner said he couldn't send it to me because it was defective, having a bad buzz on string 5. He told me he would sent it out to a professional Luthier, but said the guy was very busy.
In September of 2023 I still didn't have the banjo and had had enough. I kindly asked for my $4,899 back. The owner insisted that I wait 90 days for a refund. I am hoping the man will honor his promise, but I have to wait to see. In September of 2023 I received a crazy letter in the mail from Chase bank, saying that they had sided with the merchant, and the charge was legitimate. I told Chase that I had never filed a dispute and didn't know what they were talking about. I didn't even have a banjo, so how could they say it was a legitimate charge? Chase's employees are so stupid, rotten and incompetent that they dropped the ball, causing all of this. I am still bewildered how insane this whole mess is!
Evidently, someone at Chase decided to file a dispute without saying a word to me. Nobody ever asked me for supporting documentation, which I could have provided to them, showing that the store owner lied to me concerning when I would receive the banjo. I had simply asked Chase on August 11, 2022 how long I had to file a dispute, but they never answered my question, saying that they were backed up due to high call volume. Nobody cared at Chase! I didn't hear a word from Chase for one year, until they sent me a retarded letter in September of 2023 to say that they sided with the store owner (for a dispute that I never even filed, nor did I ask Chase to file a dispute). This is insanity! I may be out $4,899 because of Chase bank. This is the wicked world that we live in today. 2nd Thessalonians 3:2, “And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.”
I've Been Cheated And Defrauded By Many Thieves
Years ago I purchased a used Sho-Bud S-10 (single neck 10 string) pedal steel guitar for $1,500. I sent the guitar to Indiana and paid the man $1,300 (using my PayPal as he requested) for him to rebuild the pedal steel guitar. A year passed and I never heard from him. I had since learned that he had cheated over a dozen musicians, keeping their money and guitar. Sure enough, he stole my $2,800. I told the man that he could keep the money, because I had read that he had cancer and I felt sorry for him.
As a Christian, I always try to show compassion on people. I just asked the man to please ship my guitar back to me, even if it was in pieces, I didn't care. He kept lying to me, promising that I'd get it in “2 weeks.” But he never kept his promises. Then he changed his phone number and didn't give me the new one, but I got it from a fellow member of the Steel Guitar Forum when this evil man preyed upon his victims. Long story short, he cheated me out of $2,800 and there was nothing I could so, except expose him in the Steel Guitar Forum.
Just to show you how rotten people can be, when I told the fellow members of the Steel Guitar Forum what this wicked man in Indiana had done to defraud me, a horrible member of the forum posted photos of how nice a job this crooked man had done rebuilding his guitar years earlier, rubbing it in my face that his guitar came out real nice. That is the Devil, wickedly mocking someone in their pain and calamity? I was sickened a couple years ago
Thieves, Thugs, Liars And Incompetent Cops
When I was married (1987-2006), my former wife told me how she had been hit by a car when she was younger before we got married in 1987. She was coming home from work. It was raining. An elderly man didn't see her crossing the street and he accidentally struck her and her frail body was hurled 25 feet onto the asphalt. She said a car of punks then drove by with the windows down laughing at her as they drove away. Those are the Devil's children.
That reminds me of this recent horror story in 2023, about two evil punks who intentionally drove over a retired police officer and murdered him. As you can see in the preceding video for yourself, the two monsters laughed in the victim's families faces in the courtroom. My father was so right, who once said to me after watching the local Chicago news: “People can become real monsters without Jesus Christ.” Dad was right! That is why my favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 4:23, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” Pastor Jack Hyles used to say that anybody is capable of committing any sin under the right circumstances. Dr. Hyles was absolutely right! The preacher was right!!!
In 2018, two teenage boys (age 14 and 19) in Cocoa, Florida, heard a 31 year old man crying out for help as he was struggling in the water to stay alive. The ungodly boys laughed and refused to call for help, taunting the man saying, "You're going to die!" The man did die. The spoiled boys recorded the man drowning and uploaded it to YouTube. The boys weren't charged because there is no law against laughing and doing nothing to help a dying person. And to clarify, the 19 year old is not a boy, he was a young man (male better said) and should have been charged. No real man would have committed such wickedness. Cowards!
I have been financially cheated time and time again. I have shared one story with you, but there are many more. In 2004 someone(s) stole my car when I lived in Chicago's gang-infested Logan Square neighborhood. Someone(s) broke into my garage and stole my air-compressor. Back in February this year, thieves stole my brand new $75 propane tank from my yard. They vandalized my home, removing and breaking the cover for my internet connections. I now have a padlock on the cover. I have locks on all my gates. I now have a 6 foot 3/8" hardened steel chain around my barbecue, propane tank and a solid big pole in my yard. I have a table in my yard that I chained to the chainlink fence. It is a shame that we have to live like this in the world, but Jesus warned us in Matthew 6:19-20 that thieves would break thru and steal from us. That motivates me to work even harder on my website ministry, laying up treasures in Heaven as Jesus exhorted believers to do (also, 1st Corinthians 3:8-9).
So far this year in 2023, I have been robbed three times in Pensacola. The thief (thieves) even stole my King James Bible that I bought at Pensacola Christian College's bookstore in 2021. What hurts so much is that the thieves stole all my Bible notes that I had taken in church. The thieves stole my 2 portable radios (which cost me $150), an $80 MP3 player and about $40 in audio cables. They stole about $500 worth of stuff from my car. They were amateurs, likely teenagers, because they didn't steal my OxyContin pills. I had cleaned the car the day before and forgot to lock my doors, so the alarm was disabled. The thieves came during the night. All Honda FIT models since 2016 now have a cool feature called Walk Away Locks (when you walk 5' feet away from your car, it automatically locks the doors). Unfortunately my Honda FIT is a 2013 model and doesn't have that nice security feature. I HATE THIEVES!!!
When I called the police the next day, the jerk cop who came to my house to file a police report, horribly scolded me when he saw that I put my prescription drugs in an unmarked container. That scared me half to death, thinking I was in trouble. It's bad enough that I was the victim of a robbery, but now the attending police officer was more concerned about my prescription medications. After he left, I went online because what he had told me made no sense, since they are my medications. Sure enough, that cop was wrong and since the 1980's Florida law permits putting one's own prescription drugs into any unmarked container. I called the sheriff's department and asked the police officer to confirm the law, which he couldn't do. He gave me his promise that he would go check and then call me back, which he never did. That man is a liar!!! A man is only as good as his word, which is utterly shameful for a police officer. I know why he didn't call me back, because he was too proud to admit that he was wrong about the law. Sad, really sad.
The officer dusted for finger prints in my car while he was at my house. he told me that the assigned detective would call me with the results. No one called. After a couple weeks I called the sheriff's department. The female cop on the phone was surprised that no one had called me. She said she took notes and would have the detective call me. No one ever called me. This is sadly the rotten world that we live in today, when hardly anybody cares anymore. Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:12, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” After over 50 years of legalized abortion, murdering human beings in the womb, our whole ungodly culture has become uncaring, desensitized to sin and coldhearted. With all the homosexual sin, gender-bending insanity and perversion in our society today, fewer people care today than ever before. Sadly, many of the police don't care anymore. Respect for the police is at an all-time low today.
I can't wait to go home to be with my blessed Savior, Lord and God. His precious name is Jesus. I recently told a family member that back in July of this year, when I needed to make a trip to the local Emergency Room due to stabbing pain under my left shoulder blade and in my right side (flank), I was happy thinking that I might be told I had 3-months to live. I'm serious. The doctor ordered a CT scan to see if my right kidney was failing. I was hurting in so much pain all week that I thought I might be dying and I was happy. Going to Heaven and leaving that giant insane asylum called earth sounds great to me! Philippians 1:21, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” You can't scare me with Heaven. I am ready to meet my Maker. I know and rejoice that my name is written in Heaven in the Lamb's Book of Life (Luke 10:20).
Jesus said in John 16:33 that we would have tribulation in this wicked world. It is inevitable. I have shared some painful past memories with you, things that I wish hadn't happened. Yet, I rejoice that I haven't suffered some of the horrible things that other people have endured, like poor Katie Stubblefield. Nothing in my life can compare to her suffering and loss. I heard yesterday that 18,484 Palestinians have bene murdered by Israel in just 2 months. That is so evil, needless and wrong! Shame on Israel. Back in February of 2023 there were 50,000 people killed by strong earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Death is a part of life. Yet, Jesus also told us in John 16:33 to 'BE OF GOOD CHEER' because He has overcome the world and is risen from the dead. In other words, BE OF GOOD CHEER in knowing that we have a blessed hope in Jesus Christ!!! That is my happy thought each day, and motivation to keep going and to work harder on my website ministry, because JESUS IS RISEN!!!
I am so sick of the pride, laziness, incompetence, liars, fools, irresponsible people, corrupt pastors who are brutish (lacking good sense), and wickedness everywhere we go today. It has become almost impossible to find honest business nowadays. The credit card companies are thugs, as greedy and corrupt as can be. Wall Street is a massive blatant racket! The crooked criminal banks cost American taxpayers trillions of dollars in the 2008 housing scandal. Nobody went to prison, but thousands of thieves should have. I hate this wicked world (1st John 5:19). The little guy who breaks the law goes to prison, while the famous and rich get away with their crimes.
I know of a Baptist pastor who was sentenced to 12 years in prison for having consensual sex with a 17 year old young woman (and he went to prison for over 11 years); but if your name is Frankie Valli, Steven Tyler (2 girls), Roman Polanski, Frank Sinatra or Elvis Presley, they are above the law. Go search for those names online and you see that all of them have been accused of underaged sex. Polansky admits to drugging and having sex with a 13 year old girl, but Hollywood producers are above the law. Steven Tyler also admits what he did, claiming that he had a right because he was a 16 year old girl's legal guardian (which is an insane defense). Rich and famous people are rarely prosecuted for their crimes and hardly ever go to prison.
When 77 year old singer Willie Nelson was arrested in 2010 for marijuana possession, the female judge in Texas let him go with a small $100 fine. You and I would have gone to prison. Personally, I don't think marijuana should have ever been outlawed. The government has no business telling us what we can consume. Our government has no business trying to be doctors and needs to get out of the medical business. The government has no business being in the education business. Our federal government has grown way too big and out of control. Now they're destroying our nation's sovereignty by flooding tens of millions of illegals into the country. A nation without borders ceases to be a country. Read the following quote and you'll understand why our wicked government has done this woeful evil to us...
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” —George Brock Chisholm, in a Speech given at the, Conference on Education, Asilomar, California, September 11, 1954
I get frustrated often by all the wickedness, unfairness and indifference—wicked pastors who preach a false gospel and refuse to heed the truth, corrupt Bible colleges who use and promote the Devil's perverse Bible revisions, our lying and treasonous government who open the borders for millions of illegals to flood into our country, mean people who are jerks, insane nuts who try to convince children they are the wrong gender, the forming police state and abusive bully cops, punks who run over people and laugh while driving away, flash mob robberies across the country, panhandlers everywhere we go, banks who hurt people, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera—American society is headed for the dust!
“There is a deep and mysterious depravity today which defies description. In the history of nations which now lie in the dust of the forgotten past, the same type of depravity that destroyed them is rampant now in America. The same type of mysterious, deep depravity that has brought other nations to the dust, is now in this country. ...This whole society is rotten and godless. The wrath of God is upon America. Mark my word: if God’s Word be true, this nation is headed for the dust.” —Pastor Tom Malone, 'Can America Survive?'

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