Friday, December 8, 2023

Traitor President Joe Biden Is Merely The Fall Guy

Ecclesiastes 5:8, “If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.”

I don't believe for one second that President Joe Biden has the kind of power necessary to utterly destroy our society by bringing in 8,062,646 illegal aliens since 2020 to plunder the economy, bankrupt the hospitals, overburden cities across the country, drain welfare and wreak such irreparable havoc to our communities.

“Crooked Joe” Biden will merely be the fall guy who takes the full blame with him when he leaves office in 2024. That was the whole plan before it all began. The evil Luciferians who put Biden in the White House want us to foolishly think that 8,062,464 illegal alien criminals flooding into the United States since 2020 was all the consequence of one incompetent man. You are very naïve friend if you agree with that lie. It is blatantly clear to me that the Luciferian powers behind the scenes are doing this to further destroy the Old World Order, all necessary to bring in a demonic New World Order. ...
“The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.” —Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952 
“Today the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government - a bureaucratic elite.” —Senator William Jenner, 1954
Look how evil and rotten our government has become, allowing criminals to steal people's houses...

Squatters take over home, call police on neighbors for harassment

This is what our crooked politicians, judges and leaders have done to us! I don't know about you, but that makes me mad as hell. Shame on our nation's leaders!!! This is treason. I am stunned how evil our leaders have become, and how innocent people are being hurt and taken advantage of by criminals who illegally enter into our country and then steal our homes, all sanctioned by our maggot-infested rotten government. Where is justice? All of those squatters should be immediately arrested and deported.

Liberals love to spend other people's money, give away other people's houses and force others to shoulder the social burdens. Ungodly liberals continue to blatantly lie to the public. Fools like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton boast that illegal aliens boost the U.S. economy by $11 billion each year. What they failed to tell you is that not one penny of that alleged $11 billion in annual economic contributions recompense the hospitals for the billions which they have lost treating illegal immigrants. Democrat liberals are liars! The Republicans are no better. I've lived long enough to learn that Democrats and Republicans are just two separate legs both walking toward a New World Order.

I don't claim to have any uncanny ability to predict the future or have some special insight. But I do have a thinking brain that God gave me, and I have paid attention to what is going on in the world since 2002 when I began my website ministry. I woke up in 2002 to the reality of the demonic New World Order at age 35. I've learned a lot since then. It is my humble opinion that the reason why the Luciferian powers working behind the scenes to destroy America, have allowed tens of millions of illegals to enter into the country to bolster up the failing economy.

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney nailed it, I humbly think. She said that the U.S. government has been hi-jacked by criminals. I fully agree! Cynthia said that these criminals working behind the scenes are hallowing out the economy. She is right. If you do some research about the sinister Federal Reserve System (which began in 1913), you will learn that it is a massive Ponzi Scheme based on total criminal fraud (all legal in the corrupt U.S.). As our economy is further hollowed out, the evildoers doing all this don't want the American people to wake up, because there would be deadly riots overnight across the country against the government.

Sadly, ninety-nine percent of Americans haven't a clue what the criminals behind the Federal Reserve banking system have done to us! So to hide what they have done, they have to keep coming up with ways to prevent the economy from imploding, which is absolutely will eventually. It has to, because the whole money system is based of fraud! That is why our traitors for leaders have allowed U.S. corporations to move their manufacturing operations to foreign soil, to exploit cheap (effectively slave) labor. These corporations simply cannot pay $30 an hour to American workers and continue being profitable.

That is why 60,000,000 illegal aliens have been allowed to flood into the United States over the past 40 years, which effectively provide cheap (slave) labor for corporations and businesses. Since the economy is being hollowed out (bankrupt), as Congresswoman McKinney rightly said, the Luciferian powers behind the scenes have to bring in workers who are willing to work for slave wages under the table. Open borders, deindustrialization and importing 90% of everything we purchase at the store from communist China, have patched over the problem temporarily. But this is only a quick fix! In time, our economy will implode. The people will riot! A domestic police state will rise up like you've never seen before. Have you noticed that the middle class is disappearing? It is inevitable!

We are living in an insane society today, when illegal alien criminals have more rights than U.S. citizens do. Shame on our government authorities. This is sanctioned evil. By law the government should be required to reimburse those injured homeowners, recompensed for every penny lost on missing rent, incurred utility bills, vandalism, stolen appliances and any other costs. This is so evil what is happening, while the local authorities sit back and do nothing. Where is justice?

(Watch on X - December 8, 2023 - I love these guys!)

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