Tuesday, December 26, 2023

I Hate The New Thinner Pop-Tarts

Hebrews 13:8-9, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.”

I hadn't eaten a Pop-Tart in over 10 years. But this past week I was craving a Pop-Tart, which I was fond of when I was younger. So, I went to Walmart and I bought a couple boxes of Pop-Tarts. I wanted to wait until Christmas Day to eat one. I opened the box yesterday with eagerness, anticipating my long lost tasty treat, but I was horribly disappointed when I took the first bite. Oh no, they shrunk the Pop-Tarts!!!

The new Pop-Tarts are only half as thick as they used to be. It totally changes the eating experience and flavor of the pastry. Since there is less filling now and more crust, it tastes empty; like eating an unsalted Saltine cracker with sugar on it. I absolutely hate the new Pop-Tarts and doubt if I'll ever buy them again. The eating experience is not what I happily remembered over 10 years ago. The struggling economy and skyrocketing food prices have taken their toll on Pop-Tarts.

Pop-Tarts were first produce in 1964, and still today, by the Kellanova company. I am sad that they have made their product inferior to compete with the slowly failing economy. I guarantee you that things will get MUCH worse in our economy. Homes are already priced way out of reach for most Americans. Prices will continue to rise. Homelessness is just getting started. Within 25 years or sooner, if the Lord tarries His return, I humbly foresee 3 to 5 million Americans homeless on the streets and living in their vehicles. Right now there are about one million homeless Americans. Crime will increase at shocking levels. Increasingly, we will see lawlessness across the country without any resistance or intervention from law enforcement (just as we saw in the Black Lives Matter 2020 riots nationwide).

The Federal Reserve Act (passed into law in December of 1913 while most of Congress was away from the holidays) is the most heinous evil scam ever perpetrated upon the American people, which robs men of their hard-earned wealth, filling the pockets of the rich. The Federal Reserve is a Ponzi Scheme!!! It is inevitable that the U.S. economy must ultimately collapse, because the Federal Reserve is based on fraud, not actual wealth. The wicked families behind the Federal Reserve central banking system are thieves who ruthlessly steal men's labors under the guise of law and justice, earning nothing legitimate for themselves except the wrath and judgment of almighty God (Ecclesiastes 5:8; Hebrews 4:13). Exodus 20:15, “Thou shalt not steal.

Pop-Tarts aren't the only thing which have changed for the worse in our country. The gender-bending insanity that is being forced upon our nation's children today will continue, but increasingly with the law on the side of the liberals, nuts, perverts and wicked perpetrators of this sick-minded, carefully plotted, Luciferian agenda to recruit and corrupt children. Satanism is right in front of everyone's face but they don't even see it. That is how Satan operates, in plain sight undetected!

I thank God that He never changes (Malachi 3:6). I am thankful that the Holy Bible never changes (Psalms 119:89). I am grateful that Jesus never changes (Hebrews 13:8). But I am sad that Pop-Tarts have changed. I can't believe how thin they are now. The new ratio of filling to crust is all wrong, making them taste like sweet cardboard.

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