Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Phony Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) Industry

Romans 16:17-18, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Have you ever felt like something is wrong with today's Contemporary Christian Music (CCM), but couldn't figure out what it was? Well, you have plenty to be concerned about friend! 

The top 7 of Billboard's top Christian artists for 2023 are as follows (note: you won't find the Gospel on any of their websites, which proves how money-loving and Christless they all are):
  1. (Lauren Daigle)
  3. (Brandon Lake)
  5. (Phil Wickham)
  6. (Kanye West)
  7. (Katy Nicole)
You won't find the Gospel or any plan of salvation presented on any of the preceding so-called “Christian artists websites. That is the first major thing wrong with CCM today, it is devoid of the Gospel. Sadly, all of the preceding performers are a bunch of apostate, sodomite-looking clowns, dishonoring to Jesus Christ whom they claim to worship. Dear reader, it is no coincidence that nearly all of the males in today's CCM scene are effeminate looking. These CCM performers are mere corporate pimps for the music industry to make billions of dollars in filthy lucre. They are as worldly as can be.

K-love began in 1982 and is heard today by 20,000,000 listeners on 520 FM radio stations across America. They only play CCM. K-love take in billions of dollars. To my amazement, they actually get the Gospel correct! Now, I do have a problem with K-love calling Mary "the blessed virgin," because any Catholic would immediately identify with that term. You won't find those words in the Holy Bible. Yes, Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus, but we ought not use the phrase "the blessed virgin" because it is Catholic in origin and will confuse some people. Mary was a dirty sinner, just like you and me. We are all sinners! Mary was not born without original sin (aka., Immaculate Conception). Mary had the same inherited sinful nature from Adam that we all do (Romans 5:12). Mary sinned and needed to trust Jesus just like anyone else who wants to go to Heaven. Mary did not remain a perpetual virgin, she had at least 6 more children (Matthew 13:55-57), Mary was not assumed into Heaven (aka., the Assumption of Mary). These are demonic false doctrines taught by the cult of Roman Catholicism.

Klove are extremely ecumenical and wishy-washy, far more interested in making money than winning souls to Christ. I had to dig deep into their website to find what they believe about the Gospel, which is tragic. That should be the very first thing that appears at the top of their main webpage, not buried layers deep in the background. It just shows where their hearts are at—in making money.

Not one of the seven CCM artists, that Billboard lists as the top Christian singers of 2023, bother to share the Gospel on their personal websites. It is abundantly clear where their allegiance rests—in making money, not winning souls to Jesus Christ. The lost world is going to Hell, while the CCM industry is preoccupied singing and making billions of dollars. I would rather listen to secular music than to listen to phony professed "Christians" who let the world go to Hell unwarned. CCM is phony! The singers are frauds! Many of them are hellbound unsaved Catholics. Some of them exploit religion to make money, having no genuine faith in Jesus Christ at all. Some of them are homosexuals and proud of it. God vomits out CCM!

Above Photo: CCM Magazine cover from July 2007 featuring the worldly Christian Rock group, 'Barlow Girl.' They should be renamed the 'Bratty girls.' God deliver our nation from the feminist rebellion sweeping our churches and infecting our homes. No wonder the divorce rate is so high! The members of the group 'Barlow Girl' appear worldly, arrogant and sassy (which the Bible condemns as sin in 1st Timothy 2:9).
CCM is straight from Hell—a complacent form of apostate Christianity that takes no stand against crimes in government, doesn't expose public wickedness, doesn't call sin by name, doesn't call false religions by name, doesn't preach the gospel, doesn't step on anyone's toes... I'M VOMITING!!! CCM appeals to the flesh and is often derived from worldly secular songs. Many CCM artists mention The Beatles and other ungodly music groups as being their musical influences. If you like The Beatles, fine, I do to, but I won't sing worldly music and claim that it is pleasing to the Lord. The music of the world is the music of the world.
Psalms 96:1, “O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth.” 

Ecclesiastes 7:5, “It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.”
DANGER Will Robinson... DANGER!!! Apostate so-called “ministries” (what a joke) such as CCM magazine (which stands for Christ, Community, Church—differs from the most common meaning of the CCM acronym: Contemporary Christian Music). NOTE: When I refer to “CCM,” I always mean Contemporary Christian Music. From henceforth I'll refer to “CCM magazine” as “CCM magazine.”

The Truth Is Not Very Popular Nowadays

The Lord has successfully exposed the evils of CCM music through my ministry and others, but most people simply don't care about the things of Jesus Christ as Philippian 2:21 states. Woe unto this wicked and adulterous generation! CCM is of the Devil. What a bunch of religious fakes and phonies! All they sing about is “worship, worship, worship” while the world goes to Hell without hearing the biblical Gospel of salvation by faith alone in Christ WITHOUT WORKS (Romans 4:5-7, 10:3-4).

I actually heard an audio advertisement on CCM magazine's website, to buy TobyMac's “MAKE A DIFFERENCE TOUR” album to make a difference. What a sad testimony! Really? I have to buy their album to make a difference? The only difference is in their bank account. God hates the apostate CCM industry and so do I. Christianity does not elevate love over convictions. Christianity does not permit wicked compromise in the name of going along to get along under the pretense of love, love, love. Psalm 97:10 commands for God-fearing Christians to HATE EVIL. Instead of hating evil, Christian phony Kirk Cameron appeared on Pat Robertson's demonic 700 CLUB. Sadly, Pat Robertson split Hell wide open when he recently died in 2023 in his sins and falsehood of Lordship Salvation.

In CCM magazine they feature such musical apostates as TobyMac, Third Day and Michael W. Smith (who is a hellbound Roman Catholic). I clicked on: “A Righteous Revolution” featuring mega-apostate CCM singer, Natalie Grant. The site features music by apostate Rita Springer, singing the repeated lyrics: “All I need to do is worship.” You had better get born-again Rita!!! She repeats the same words over and over and over, like a broken record, which is a characteristic of modern pseudo (false) worship music used in many bad churches. It is referred to as "7/11 music" (7 words repeated 11 times).
“But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.” —Matthew 6:7
It's no coincidence that the VAIN REPETITIONS that Jesus warned about in Matthew 6:7 have subtly crept into our churches in the form of worship music. Whether it be prayer chants or repetitious singing, vain repetitions are vain repetitions. God rejects meaningless chants, repetitious words and the bogus worship & praise meetings.

It makes sense to the carnal nature to go along to get along, thinking that cooperation is the way to lead people to Jesus Christ. However, that is NOT God's way. The Bible teaches that the truth offends people, as it should. This is why Jesus said that He came to turn family members against each other (Matthew 10:35). That is, because it's better to be divided over truth than to be sinfully united by error. Matthew 10:34, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” I have led people to Christ, whose families shunned them afterwards. This is especially true in Catholic families.

They killed Jesus for telling the truth. In John 18:37 Jesus told Pilate that He came into the world to bare witness to the truth. Jesus told the Samaritan woman in John 4:24 that God can only be worshipped in spirit and truth. The truth is important! Today's CCM scene is devoid of soulwinning and biblical separation from the heathen world. I thank God for the old hymns of the Christian faith. I'm not interested in today's shallow neo-evangelical Contemporary Christian Music (CCM). Any music that doesn't inspire our heart to share the Gospel with the lost is worthless.

Today's CCM catapults the listener's emotions into the stratosphere, but then like a firework's rocket that soars high and never explodes, there is a feeling afterwards of total emptiness and even sometimes depression.

CCM Is A Trojan Horse

On The Scribe's Portion website, they share this helpful information about the dangers of CCM...
CCM Has Bad Theology

This is what I have the most problem with; Christian songs that have bad theology, who paint an easy and wide path to Christ. And then there are the more problematic songs who mention New Age philosophy. These you have to be very careful with. Sometimes these songs have it very well hidden, it takes great discernment and knowledge of Scripture to detect. Music is an effective way to infiltrate the church with a false Gospel and doctrines of demons.

One huge problem I have is the fact that most CCM songs today don’t even mention God by name. “He” and “you” can be anyone. They could be singing to Satan for all we know. Many songs go through a long chorus and verses and bridge without a single mention of God. Makes you wonder to whom they are singing.

Also, be careful that you don’t end up singing along with songs with ecumenical theology. Ecumenism has infiltrated every facet of Christianity I’m afraid, and music didn’t escape. There are many Christian artists (search Phil Wickham, Matt Maher, One Thing conference, Jesus Adrian Romero, Alex Campos, Marcos Witt, to name a few) who have now sided with the Catholic Church and produce music to “bridge the gap” between Protestants and Catholics. [emphasis added]

Please don't miss what Isaac just said:
Music is an effective way to infiltrate the church with a false Gospel and doctrines of demons.
CCM is Pro-Catholic And Evil To The Core

The entire CCM industry is pro-Catholic. Many of the artists are devout Catholics. Yet, apostate churches invite these evildoers into their presence to encourage spiritual whoredom with the sinful world. They are religious drug dealers. The world is the whore and today's abundance of CCM masqueraders bring the Godless world into the churches, turning them into a den of thieves. God calls them adulterers and adulteresses. James 4:4, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” If you assist the sinful world then you are God's enemy. CCM singers are God's enemy. The entire CCM industry is worldly. They dress worldly, sing worldly, act worldly and are greedy for money like the world. All their music is for sale (just look at their websites).

CCM singer Michael W. Smith is as pro-Catholic as you can get. Smith has numerous songs listed in the TOP CATHOLIC SONGS website; including his hits, "I Give You My Heart," "Healing Rain" and "Let It Rain." This is solid evidence of the apostasy and ecumenicalism of today's so-called Christian singers. They're all a bunch of phonies!

Rock 'n' Roll music is a powerful influence upon the flesh, which is demonic in nature. Before there was ever so-called “Christian Rock,” there was Godless Rock. Those religious phonies today who attempt to justify devilish Rock music with Christian words are pulling on the same rope as the Devil. There is NO such thing as Christian Rock. There ain't no such animal. All Rock music is of the Devil. All Hip Hop is of the Devil. All Funk, Rap and House music is of the Devil. Those who disagree are worldly, rub shoulders with the heathen world, never go soul-winning and make lots of money selling their noise (and that's what a lot of it is... annoying noise!). TobyMac comes to mind, who praises the Pope by the way.
“It was quite an honor. The Pope doesn't come around that often. And for him to call a Hip Hop Funk band. I thought that was pretty cool... It was cool to see these priests rockin' out.” —Toby McKeehan (TobyMac)
Anything that portrays the Catholic Church, priests and the Pope as of God is Satanic to the core! Those who despise me, attack me and try to destroy my ministry, are those who reject the Bible and fight against the Lord Jesus. Life is short and God will be vindicated on Judgment Day. Woe unto every Catholic! I know people who attend the Catholic Church, even though I have warned them repeatedly that the Devil controls the organization, but they still go there. I have even heard people tell me that they know the Catholic Church is evil, but they still go there. They are in trouble with God. In their heart, they don't believe anything I have told them from the Bible, because they love their tradition more than God's Word (Mark 7:9-13). They want religion, but they don't want God and truth (John 4:24; 2nd Timothy 3:5-7).

Concluding Remarks

I am not against contemporary music, as some misunderstand. I am against the organized CCM industry and all the artists who hide the Gospel. The main reason is because nearly all of them are unsaved themselves. Truly, the love of money is the root of all evil (1st Timothy 6:10). The CCM industry rakes in billions upon billions of dollars a year from America's apostate churches. The music is worldly. Granted, some of the music is uplifting and excellent as far as music itself is concerned. Of course, the Rap and Heavy Metal is terrible and hardly resemblant of any meaningful music. I am against sensual Rock music, heavy metal, and musical rhythms that promote rebellion and sexual immorality.

CCM embraces a broad spectrum of different types of music. Certainly, there is some acceptable music; however, the CCM artists who do sing the acceptable music are as fruitless as the others concerning soulwinning. The so-called CCM band 'Jars of Clay' actually open concerts for Ozzy Osbourne (the self proclaimed 'Prince of Darkness'). Sensual music is sinful which is commonplace in CCM 
(Jude 1:19). The singers look like punks on their album covers, others appear as homosexuals, and some are. Is this pleasing to the Lord? No, of course not.

As churches become more worldly, so also is the world becoming more churchy. Heathen singer, Katy Perry, had the name above every other name, “Jesus,” tattooed on her wrist and back in the year 2000. Katy entered the music industry singing Gospel music, but today she is infamous for singing the lesbian-loving songs, 'I Kissed a Girl' and 'Ur So Gay.' Madonna and Katy Perry are personal friends. Perry also sings the blasphemous song, 'ROCK GOD.' Katy Perry is a whore who sings the song 'TEENAGE DREAM' from the album of the same title, which invites a male to stick his hands down into her skin-tight pants. Is this wholesome music for children and teenagers to listen to? This is America today. Woe unto our nation!

This is what kids are listening to in the privacy of their room, with a headset on their ears for hours each day. These are America's children's idols, whom they want to emulate. Katy Perry is immoral. She uploaded YouTube music videos of herself jumping around in her panties, acting goofy, which is as wicked as the Devil. Katy Perry (real name: Katheryn Hudson, born 1984) is a she-devil and no friend of God. The Word of God warns that all humanity has an appointment with death... "BUT AFTER THIS THE JUDGMENT" (Hebrews 9:27, King James Bible).

CCM as a whole is apostate. It's all about making money. The biblical Gospel is not preached. Instead, a wishy-washy message of ecumenical compromise and religious devotion are taught. Much of what is taught today is a Social Gospel of unity, brotherly love and tolerance toward all groups, even embracing homosexuals and abortionists. There is no call for repentance or preaching against sin. CCM tolerates all forms of wickedness under the guise of Christian unity. It is in actuality, sinful compromise. God commands believers to separate (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17), and to expose all forms of wickedness (Ephesians 5:11). Instead, CCM embraces such wickedness and dares not step on anyone's toes for God.

In sharp contrast, the Bible is the most offensive Book in the world. If God doesn't apologize for His Word, then why should we? They are traitors against God, who are greedy for money, and so they corrupt the Bible to make it less offensive to today's thin-skinned Americans. Most Americans are big cry-babies, none worse than America's religious leaders. They are anything but Christian. Shame on any pastor who invites a CCM band into the church. You are encouraging their evil works. God said He would vomit up lukewarm believers (Revelation 3:15-16). 100% of them fail to win souls because they refuse to preach the biblical Gospel. The only message they promote is so vague that it is also embraced by Catholics, with few exceptions.

This is not to say that all contemporary sounding music is wrong, not at all, but the INDUSTRY is evil. Anything that involves the sale of albums, concerts and all the money-grabbing avenues of the greedy CCM industry is CORRUPT!!! Not one mainstream artist preachers the Gospel, and many of them (such as Katy Perry) move forward from singing Gospel music, to whoredom in the secular music world—stripping naked, embracing homosexuality, using foul language and blaspheming God. They have sold their soul to the Devil for fame and fortune (1st Kings 21:20). I say that all kindly. I love people, all people. My purpose in writing blogs like this is not to anger anyone, be mean or tear people down, God forbid; but rather, I write to expose the shallow, phony and unchristian CCM industry as a whole.

Since making money is their goal, CCM artists do not want to drive away Catholics. So everything they produce is intentionally obscure, general and applicable to Catholics and all faiths. Instead of warning Roman Catholics of the judgment to come in Hell, CCM artists would rather let everyone go to Hell forever in exchange for money. As much as they may try to deny this claim, the facts are self evident. I challenge you to find any mainstream CCM artist's website that offends Catholics. I challenge you to find any mainstream CCM artist's website that preaches salvation without works of self-righteousness. I challenge you to find any mainstream CCM artist's website that teaches their fans how to be saved. Good luck!

In view of the reality of Hell, where Christ-rejecting sinners will be tormented for all eternity, you'd think every CCM singer in the world would be warning people. But they don't care about anyone except themselves, making money and becoming famous. Oh sure, they'll give money to charity, because that makes them look good in the public's eye. Woe unto the apostate CCM crowd and their carnal followers.

The Gospel needs to be preached. Jesus never commissioned anyone to start a singing ministry. No one! The Bible speaks of singing melody in one's heart, not selling records and pimping across a stage in tight leather, with screeching guitars and flashing Satanic hand signs, receiving idolatrous praise from the audience. The fans never yell, “Yea Jesus!” No, instead they worship their favorite singer. Jesus hates all rock music, because it is all rooted in idolatrous praise of the performers and always has been.

Here is a photo of the worldly CCM band, Avalon...

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. —2nd Thessalonians 2:12

Ye that love the LORD, hate evil... —Psalm 97:10

Today's Apostate Church Worship

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