Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Why People Hate Pensacola Christian College So Much

Since I was kicked out of Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) in 2022, I have written numerous blogs and webpages about my own unfortunate experience at PCC. Sadly, the cult system always comes first at PCC, but individual people don't matter. They have a bunch of strict rules at PCC, but without any genuine love or compassion for human beings. The following testimony is from one of PCC's former disgruntled students, which with I agree 100%.
As a former student at Pensacola Christian College...

Yes. I did go to Pensacola Christian College. After my experience of one semester there, I will never go back. And since I don't go there anymore, I figured I might as well share my experience of what really goes on from the inside.

When I first arrived there, it was big. . It's pretty big for a Christian college. Anyway, the first few days were basically registration and getting things in order. Not to also mention a church service every night until classes began. But I'll discuss that in a little bit.

Anyway, the first thing I want to share with you is there " Work Assistance" program. They will tell you about the "wonderful opportunities" they have and Student Testimonies about how they got through college just by working there. Guys, it's all a scam. It's not going to help pay for even less that HALF of your tuition. As a student working there, they pay less than 25% of your tuition, and you have to pay the rest yourself. Yes, they pay minimum wage for hard labor and work to students who are in deep financial need. I won't tell you where i worked at, since I'm going to remain anonymous, but I can tell you that where I worked at, they treat you like they would in the real world. Crap. You get to work. And let me tell you, I almost didn't make it. I was telling myself it wasn't worth waking up early to do this job, and then have to go to classes with barely enough time to shower and get something to eat. Then I had to do the make-up chapel service, since I was one of many students who had to work. If we didn't, then we would get demerits. To sum it up, it sucked big time.

Classes, they were OK. I really didn't have a problem with it at the start. Aside from the Christian principles they had, It was fine with me. Most teachers there are very smart and wise. They seem to know what they were doing. Some teachers, however, were new grads and they didn't have a clue on how to run a class. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Chapel is pretty much just like Campus Church. Only it's shorter, with announcements. Yep. We pretty much had Church everyday except for Wednesdays, which we had night service. Sometimes Chapel can be fun, but most of the time it was just like church.

Church services on Wednesday night and Sunday was like attending a funeral almost every time. It's too repetitive. When we go in, the church band would play the same thing over and over again. Then someone would come up, and conduct the church body like a choir with his hand. It was silly, and it still is. There's no real worship, no emotion. It seems like a job they wanted to do just to get over with. They looked like they were happy to be there, but I wondered if they just wanted to go home. And most of the time as I observed it, most people really didn't want to be there as well. The only thing that seem excited by the student body is the fact that they can sit next to each other. That's one of the only freedom the students had and they didn't take advantage of that. I remember groups of 20 people going into a row of two, just to sit together. Most didn't care about church, as I've observed. They just wanted to socialize. And at the same time, they looked like they wanted to go leave as well. But we didn't have a choice. We were forced to go to Church. Sometimes we would have special guests, but most of the time it was either Pastor McBride, or Mullenix. 
Mullenix is someone who would put many, many people to sleep as I observed. He put me to sleep sometimes as well. Yes, he does speak on important topics, but the way he does it doesn't make it effective. I even asked one of my friends if he was ever like this and they told me that you will get used to it. I never did, so whenever he speaks, I just didn't care. Even I just wanted to go to bed. Pastor McBride was cool. Everybody pretty much likes him. But I feel that there's only so much he can do as a pastor, since the system controls what he can and can't do. One more thing. We had to dress up for every service. We couldn't leave the halls without someone spotting you for wearing the wrong thing. To me, they feel like dressing up makes you better than everyone else in the world.

Residence hall life. Now, since I was older, it really wasn't much of a problem. Yeah, we had floor leaders, but they were cool. As far as my roommates go, I can't reveal much information as I want to keep them anonymous as well. But what I can say is that for myself, I didn't care about the rules after a while. For instance, they are tight on no headphones. At first I complied, but after making some friends who knew the system and broke that rule, I bought headphones and listened to anything I wanted. I was careful about where to use them and didn't get caught. Even when I walked off campus sometimes, I would slip them on and listen to my music.

Yeah. They are tight about that as well. But, from what I learned, most of my friends listened to music that wasn't allowed. I even had incidents where I would walk into one of my friends rooms and they would be listening to artists like Imagine Dragons, or Bruno Mars. So, I did the same. Even for movies. I would go to an undisclosed location and use the internet to get movies or TV shows that I missed. To sum it all up, you can beat the system, but you have to be careful. Fortunate for me, I never got caught because I was.

Dress code. It wasn't a problem for me, but they are strict on what you wear. They want you to be an example as a Christian and to the world.

The segregation of males and females. Yes, they are serious about that as well. When I was there, most people told me that things changed, but some things stayed the same. There's a separate elevator and stairwell so that we can't walk together. There's no dating, unless we are older. At the commons they would watch people who are sitting together. There's no touching or hugging, which I've done a few times and didn't get caught. But it seems to me that people do it anyway, if they are careful. I heard a story from one of my friends that a guy and a girl had sex on campus and got caught by a security guard. Yes, they got expelled, but because of what the college stands for, that's why people do what they want. They love to enforce the rules, that it gets to a point where people just don't care anymore and do what they want. I knew people who were there for a few years and I was surprised at what they did. Some people make those choices, and whatever happens, it's on them.

The food there is good until it gets to the point where it gets sick to your stomach. That's all I'm going to say about that.

The Student Court is just ridiculous. You have to check on your computer to see if you have to go to student court. If you do, you have to wait in a long line full of students who most of them are there for no apparent reason. For example, since I was working, I couldn't go to some events. They actually have attendance cards that you have to give when you go in. If you don't, then you have to go to student court. Then you have to waste your time and tell whosoever "judging" you that you are working. Then you are on your merry way. I had to tell my boss that I was getting these notices and they should know that I was working. So they had to actually tell the office that I was working, and yet again I had to go down there again! Seriously...

But one thing bothered me a lot even before going to the college was that they really don't care about victims of rape. You can read Samantha's tragic story here.

After what I read, I couldn't believe that a Christian college who claimed to be caring would expel people because they were in a situation that they had no control of. As I read more stories of the victim, and the more time I was on the campus, I was beginning to understand that the administration has no heart. They only care about enforcing the rules, no matter what. They stick to their code, and get a paycheck at the end of the day. They don't have compassion and reach out their hand, like Jesus would and comfort them. They don't want the police involved because obviously they are a private school and don't want to ruin their reputation. They brush them off like dirt and take their money. And then the people who are responsible for doing it walk away with a degree. It's just sickening. Now, I know that some stories may not be what it seems, but is it hard to believe that PCC would turn their backs on their students? Is it?

In all, I wouldn't encourage anyone to go to this school. It's like a cult. A daily routine with no change. Even with the friendly people and some people who care, it's just not worth it. Even the most of the education there is not accredited. That means all of your hard work and money spent just goes to waste, because you can't' get a job in most places. And that's bad. I won't take anything from that college except for the friends I've made there. Like I said before, I'm not going there anymore and don't plan to. So, I decided to write about it, and I did. SOURCE
I recently read these negative reviews about PCC on Google...
Erich Baacke - a month ago
This collage has the worst set of rules I have ever seen for a college. this college needs to be checked by an ethics committee and someone to change rules to be less of a cult. I would never consider sending my child to this school.

Thyino Jinko - 3 weeks ago
Absolutely sickening. You wonder why religion is falling apart it’s because of freaks like this college.

donna lie - a week ago
Horrid rules, horrid system. i do not understand why this school is still open. it is ruining people lives.

Haven Blair - 3 days ago

I am so sorry for the people in these reviews who have been brainwashed by this school.

My Own Testimony Of Abuse At PCC

I used to attend Campus Church, but left because of Pastor Jeff Redlin's abusive behavior. He is a graduate of PCC also. I was berated because I am divorced. I was 54 years old and a grandfather when I started attending Campus Church in July of 2021. I emailed the kindest introduction letter to Pastor Redlin to ask how I can serve God at Campus Church. I kindly mentioned that I have been divorced since 2006, when my wife abandoned me. I mentioned to Redlin about my ongoing chronic neck pain and related bodily afflictions since 2004.

I also kindly made a one sentenced comment that I hoped to “find a wife” at Campus Church. Of all the thousands of words in my heartfelt email, Pastor Redlin zeroed in on my comment about finding a wife, scolding me as a 54-year old man for coming to church to find a wife. I was cut to the heart that the senior pastor of such a large religious institution could be so cruel, stupid, heartless and rotten to scold a divorced man who is lonely and desires companionship (just like his wife provides for him). I wrote back and informed him kindly that he wrongly judged me, and that I never said the reason I came to Campus Church was to find a wife. I simply mentioned in passing that I hoped to meet a Christian woman to marry.

Kindly said, Pastor Jeff Redlin is a narcissist. A narcissist is a self-centered personality style characterized as having an excessive preoccupation with oneself and one's own needs, often at the expense of others. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. What saith the Scripture? Philippians 2:3, “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.” God knows my heart, that I was willing to make peace with the PCC camp in 2022, but they refused. They refused to forgive me because they think they are better than others. That is why they refuse to make things right with Samantha Field, Allen Armentrout and other wounded former students at their college. Of course, PCC leaders would never admit such a sinful thing, but their shameful unforgiving behavior proves that they are not humble, not in the least.

Here are some more negative reviews about PCC from Google...
“Don't go here if you're a Christian; they don't actually follow the Bible. They just use it as an excuse to treat people like trash.” —Danielle Tate (2016)

“This institution did more to harm my personal development than any other. As a 38 year old professional, I still bear the scars of how I was treated by this harsh, unloving, uncaring college.” —Greg S (2015), a former abused PCC student

“17 years later and I'm still shaking off the trauma. So many extra-biblical rules it'll make your head spin. Great place for Pharisaical training if your into that. The rule book has more rules than the Bible.” —Jorn Anderson (September 2022), former mistreated PCC student

“Pcc is the worst school ever. It was a complete waste of my time and money. They kicked me out for going to the wrong Sunday school class. And that was a year ago. They still will not release my transcripts which has put me behind in my college career. They schools not be called a Christian college if they cannot even live by what the Bible has to say. If I was able to take it all back and not go there I would in a heartbeat. I am warning you if you are thinking about going DONT DO IT!!!!” —Gavin Bufford (2017), abused former PCC student

“I'm a 2018 graduate of PCC and I went here for all 4 years. It's really sad that this place calls itself Christian, its legalistic places like pcc that give Christians a bad name. They do have a lot of rules regulating most areas of life. I was treated very poorly and rude by several "Christians" on staff and faculty and I saw many of my friends treated the same way. I've personally seen people who were once people I would hang out with, when given positions of leadership become legalistic monsters taking joy in getting as many students in trouble as possible, and this is done in the name of Christ! As a student you are guilty until proven innocent and can be kicked out just because someone accuses you of something.” —Nick Harrison (2019), a mistreated PCC alumni

“It is NOT a friendly environment. All they care about is rules instead of encouraging and building you up in your Christian walk.” —Hannah Elizabeth Kirchhoff (December 2022), mistreated former PCC student

“They call themselves Christians, but Christians are supposed to show compassion and patience.” —Angela (January 2023), mistreated former PCC student

“In retrospect, I thank God for not having the opportunity to attend here (Pensacola Christian College) and myself for not making the decision to enroll.” —Richard Deuto (January 2023)

“Crackpot unaccredited school.” —Meryl Montgomery (November 2022)

Pastor Redlin's cruel, judgmental, patronizing and childish response to my initial contact with him in 2021 is sadly typical of the holier-than-thou hypocritical attitudes of the PCC camp. In truth, Jeff Redlin is a religious bully, a pulpit punk, a disgrace to the name of Jesus Christ. Pastor Redlin is a fool to patronize a 54-year old grandfather. I am older than Jeff Redlin, and he should show some respect, just as I did toward him as the pastor of Campus Church. What is the problem at PCC? I'll tell you, PCC have grown too big for their britches. PCC takes in tens of millions of dollars revenues. They have tens of thousands of supports worldwide. So like the carnal church at Laodicea in Revelation 3:15-17, PCC thinks they are prospering, when in reality Jesus called them spiritually “naked, poor, wretched, miserable and blind.”

Here are hundreds more negative reviews of Pensacola Christian College (PCC). The irony of all this is that I actually felt lonely in 2022 and begged to return to Campus Church. I moved from the island of Guam to Pensacola, Florida in July of 2021. I left Campus Church because of Pastor Redlin's abusive words and mistreatment of me. I criticized him on social media for the next several months, going into 2022. But then I felt sad and lonely, and I wanted to lay down my keyboard and mouse and reconcile with the PCC family. I wrote to Pastor Redlin in June of 2022, apologizing and pleading for a second chance. I offered to do whatever PCC required to make peace with them, even if it meant standing up in front of Campus Church and apologizing.

To no surprise, Pastor Redlin totally ignored me for weeks. So I write two more letters and mailed them through the U.S. Postal Service. One letter went to all the pastors of Campus Church, and the other to PCC leaders as a courtesy copy (so they could see how their shameful pastor was behaving like an unforgiving heathen). To no surprise again, both PCC and Campus Church completely blew me off for 6 weeks. No one cared enough, or valued me enough as a human being created in God's image, to respond.

So I became frustrated and started to openly criticize them on social media again, and they deserve it. Only then did their wicked pastor, Jeff Redlin (the Devil's little helper), email me to tell me that I am permanently banned from attending Campus Church. We have bene enemies ever since, and that is totally on them, not me. I tried to reconcile with them, but there is no peace the Bible says when dealing with a fool. Proverbs 29:9, “If a wise man contendeth with a foolish man, whether he rage or laugh, there is no rest.” God knows that the pastors and complicit leaders at PCC are fools, unable to be reasoned with. It doesn't matter if I am nice and apologetic toward them (as I was in 2022), or expose and criticize them all over social media (and I am just getting started), either way PCC's horrible leaders refuse to reconcile and couldn't care less.

Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001) didn't like PCC, because they are not based in a New Testament church, they are a secular institution that started their own campus chapel, erroneously labeling it as a “church.” The sad fact that I am not allowed to attend their Campus Church just proves that it is a private cult (like the private Jehovah's Witnesses), and not a genuine Bible church. Everybody is welcome in a true church!!!
“I am all for standards, but I am not for standards without love.” —Pastor Jack Hyles
“The pastors have destroyed the churches, and they've been trained by people that have never built churches, and they have no compassion.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Many Pastors Have Destroyed My Vineyard
SHAME on Pensacola Christian College and their pathetic Campus Church. The reason why many people hate PCC is because they are like big retail stores that have a monopoly over everything. I remember years ago that K-mart laughed at customers who had complaints, simply because K-mart was so massive a company that they could get away with mistreating and ignoring the 2% who were upset and frustrated. Well, K-mart went out of business, and in God's eyes so has Pensacola Christian College spiritually. PCC today wickedly bids Godspeed to false teacher Ken Ham, who preaches the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. PCC also wickedly bids Godspeed to Bob Jones University and their ungodly Harvest Baptist Church on Guam (a cesspool of BJU graduates who preach Lordship Salvation). Dear reader, please read this important sermon by Pastor Curtis Hutson (1934-1995) titled, “LORDSHIP SALVATYION: A PERVERSION OF THE GOSPEL.” RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

At PCC they sing pretty religious songs, but their heart is far from God. When I attended Campus Church in 2021, I sickeningly heard assistant pastor Timothy Zacharias claim that “Campus Church is Heaven on earth.” I don't think so, not by a long shot! I might by Hell on earth, but it sure ain't Heaven. In Heaven they are humble, not so high-minded and arrogant that they refuse to allow a fellow Christian brother to attend church. Perhaps their leaders are not saved at PCC, which would explain their hatred, pride and stubborn refusal to forgive me and let me attend Campus Church. It's not about me, it's about loving people as individuals. People just want to be loved. PCC hates people and selectively chooses who matters, that is, who can come to church and who cannot. That is wickedness!

Granted, PCC does some good, but so also did the false prophets in Matthew 7:21-23 who boasted to Jesus of their “many wonderful works.” Yet, Christ denied knowing them as His sheep. I wouldn't be surprised at all if PCC's leaders and pastors have succumbed to the damnable heresy being taught at Bob Jones University (BJU) today, which is NOT the Gospel of free grace. I question if Pastor Jeff Redlin is a born again believer, since he is okay with supporting infidels like Gary Walton at the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam; since he is okay with supporting infidels like Ken Ham; since he is okay with infidels like Dr. Steve Pettit (former president of BJU). Birds of a feather flock together!

There Is Only One Gospel

In a million years I wouldn't bid Godspeed to a cult like BJU that promotes Satan's corruptible seed (i.e., the Devil's modern perversions of God's Word). The reason why I harp on this topic so much is because no one else is taking the issue seriously. Dear friend, Galatians 1:6-8 warns that there is only ONE GOSPEL. ...
Galatians 1:6-8, “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”
Having said all that, God knows that I LOVE EVERYBODY, including everybody in the PCC family. I am not the one who refuses to forgive and reconcile, they refuse to forgive at PCC and Campus Church.

People Just Want To Be Loved

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The Beautiful Gospel Of Free Grace

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