Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Pensacola Christian College Denies We Have An Inspired Bible Today

Psalms 12:6-7, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”

There is no greater truth in the world than that we have an inspired Holy Bible. By “inspired” I mean that the words in the Bible we hold today, were not merely authored by sinful flawed men, but by almighty God. Sadly, 99% of today's Bible colleges and pastors deny that we have any inspired Holy Bible today. It is tragic that schools like Pensacola Christian College (PCC) and Bob Jones University (BJU), blatantly deny that we have an inspired, perfect, infallible, incorruptible Holy Bible in 2023.

Here is the Statement of Faith of Pensacola Christian College (PCC) regarding the Holy Bible:
We believe that the Bible is the verbally inspired and infallible, authoritative Word of God and that God gave the words of Scripture by inspiration without error in the original autographs (2 Tim. 3:16–17, 2 Pet. 1:21). God promises that He will preserve His Word; Jesus said, “My words shall not pass away” (Matt. 24:35). We believe that God has kept that promise by preserving His infallible Word in the traditional Hebrew and Greek manuscripts and that the Authorized Version (KJV) is an accurate English translation of the preserved Word of God. [emphasis added] SOURCE
What idiotic contradictions! PCC foolishly denies that we have a Holy Bible today without error, but then hypocritically contradict themselves by saying that God has kept His promise to preserve His infallible Word. Well which is it? How can God have kept His promise in Psalms 12:6-7 to preserve His "PURE WORDS," if they are in error today as PCC claims? What saith the Scripture? ...
Psalms 12:6-7, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”
What does Psalms 12:7 promise that God will keep and preserve? Obviously, the "PURE WORD" mentioned in verse 6, as silver tried in a furnace of earth 7-times. This method has been used for millenniums, and is still used today, to separate metals to obtain the purest form. Oil refiners use the same process. By heating crude oil drawn from deep within the earth, the lighter kerosene and gases float toward the top and the thicker grease used to lubricate automobile wheel bearings sinks to the bottom. Gold is purified the same way. By heating mined ore from the earth up to thousands of degrees Fahrenheit, the metals separate.

Dear reader, I ask you, how can God's Words be "PURE WORDS" if they have ERRORS in them? PCC ought not be in the business of educating Christian young people, because they are shaking their faith in the inspiration of the King James Bible. SHAME on PCC and their ignoramus leaders, pastors and professors, who deny that we have an inspired 97% of so-called "Bible colleges" today deny that we have an inspired Holy Bible today without error.

Sadly, since 2008 neither does my home college, Hyles-Anderson College (HAC), believe that we have an inspired Holy Bible today. I am sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Dr. Jack Hyles is angry up in Heaven, and if he could come back down here to earth to make some changes, He would fire the pastors and staff at the First Baptist Church of Hammond (FBCH), Indiana. Many pastors and churches today are betraying the Word of God. Somebody who is a close friend of the present pastor of FBCH said he has no choice, because the church staff demand that he not go back to what Pastor Jack Hyles believed and preached, that the King James Bible is the only inspired Bible today. I emailed back and kindly told him that he essentially is saying that the new pastor, Dr. John Wilkerson, is henpecked. Dr. Hyles would have rather died before he would allow anybody to interfere with his preaching.

Pensacola Christian College (PCC) is a shameful disgrace! Their impotent leaders don't care about right doctrine. When I moved from the island of Guam to Pensacola, Florida, in July of 2021, I attended PCC's Campus Church for a few months. I was mistreated by Pastor Jeff Redlin my first day at the church, when I attended their 4th of July picnic.

I had kindly told Pastor Redlin that I was sleeping homeless in Walmart's parking lot, because the hotel where I had made  30-day reservation screwed me. I had confirmed a 30-day stay for $55 per night. When my plane on Guam was delayed because of an idiot light which wouldn't go off (federal law prohibits a plane from taking off if a fault light is on). Consequently, I missed my connecting flight in Honolulu top Denver and ended up sleeping in Hawaii overnight at a hotel United Airlines provided. I called the Woodspring Suites Hotel in Pensacola in advance, to tell them I was still coming and they could bill my credit card upfront for the entire 30-day reservation (including for the missed day), but they said they cancelled my entire stay. I was so angry at them, but they couldn't have cared less. God will punish them for the evil they did.

Anyway, when I told Pastor Redlin, he just looked startled and walked away as a coward. That was my first and lasting impression of Jeff Redlin. It didn't surprise me that in the months to come, Redlin would continue to abuse me. When I told him kindly that I am a Hyles-Anderson College graduate, he hated me without cause. I was kind, nice and loving toward Pastor Redlin; but he was cruel, cold and mean toward me.

When I told him that I was divorced, he patronized me, making me feel like garbage. When I told him how I felt (that he made me feel like garbage), his Smart Alec reply was to say: “That is your reality.” No, the reality is that Jeff Redlin is an overpaid rich arrogant snob, who doesn't walk with God and may not even be saved. He is abusive and mistreats people. As the senior pastor of Campus Church, Redlin gets paid a disgusting 6-digit salary. His public sermonettes are dry, lacking in substance and woefully void of any presence of the Holy Spirit. PCC is a cesspool of formalism, spiritual lifeless, snobbery and an abusive authoritarian cult leadership.

In July of 2021 Pastor Redlin emailed to tell me that he and the other pastors of Campus Church looked over my website ministry. I hadn't told them about my ministry, but one of my neo-evangelical enemies (likely from the demonic Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, which is a cesspool of incompetent Bob Jones alumni) contacted Campus Church to slander me. Pastor Redlin had been ignoring me for 10-days, and I didn't know why, so I kindly emailed to ask him the reason. Redlin cruelly said that he and his associate pastors saw that I “find weaknesses in preachers.” That hurt and his words cut to my heart. All these many years I have been FAITHFULLY contending for the Christian faith (Jude 1:3; Titus 1:9-14; Ephesians 5:11), but now these neo-evangelical pastors at PCC are falsely accusing me of picking on weak preachers?

And let me make clear dear reader, PCC are neo-evangelicals. “Neo simply means new.” These are the church-destroyers who deny the inspiration of the King James Bible. These are the church-destroyers who errantly teach that faith is not enough to get to Heaven, but also, PCC says you must repent of your sins so that your behavior changes. Don't take my word for it, see for yourself. The following actual screenshot (I added the cancellation circle to warn people) was captured from a YouTube video of the Wednesday evening church service held on July 21, 2021 at Campus Church. Associate Pastor Timothy Zacharias showed a heretical Ken Ham video promoting a Young Earth heresy, and then Dr. Zacharias spoke afterwards, preaching the Devil's lie that to be saved you must turn away from your sins...

Damnable Heresy Being Taught At Pensacola Christian College

Dear friend, they are a hateful bunch at PCC. They hated me without cause because as a Baptist preacher I have been faithful to expose the corrupt Bob Jones University (BJU) cult. BJU are guilty of sinfully bidding Godspeed to Dr. John MacArthur (one of their alumni), who is today considered the godfather of Calvinism in America. BJU are guilty are selling, using and promoting corruptible seed (i.e., the Devil's modern corrupt Bible revisions). Take a look how corrupt the English Standard Version (ESV) is, that BJU uses, sells and promotes. Ladies and gentlemen, the inspired Word of God is under attack today like never before. PCC, BJU and HAC all deny the inspiration of the Bible.

Sadly, you can add Crown College in Powell, Tennessee to that list as well. Pastor Clarence Sexton (senior pastor of Temple Baptist Church and chancellor of Crown College) sinfully bids Godspeed to BJU, recently speaking in their chapel services, selling out for the compromiser that he is. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!! There is nothing “Christlike” about hobnobbing with the Devil's religious crowd: who deny the inspiration of the King James Bible, who preach another gospel of “Lordship Salvation,” who teach a misunderstood meaning of repentance (aka, they say you must “turn from your sinful ways” to get to Heaven), and who idolize infidel Martin Luther as a born-again Christian (Luther taught the damnable heresy of Baptismal Regeneration until his death in 1546 AD). These are FALSE TEACHERS, wolves in sheep's clothing!!!

Like everyone does, PCC has drawn a line where they want to stand. When you're as good a Christian as you want to be, you're as good a Christian as you're going to get.
 Everybody chooses where to draw the line. But just because PCC is comfortable bidding Godspeed to the Bob Jones cult doesn't mean that God approves of it. BJU is a CULT! I certainly don't agree with many teachings of Pastor Peter S. Ruckman (1921-2016), but as a man who held three earned degrees from Bob Jones University, Dr. Ruckman more than anyone has a right to expose his own college. I absolutely love what Dr. Ruckman wrote in the following series of articles titled: 'THE ALEXANDRIAN CULT SERIES,' exposing BJU.

Pastor David A. White has also exposed Bob Jones University as the fountainhead of the corrupt Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort Greek. BJU didn't turn corrupt overnight, this departure from a free grace Gospel started several decades ago. First, the Devil stuck his foot in the door, introducing corruptible seed at BJU. They bought into it hook, line and sinker. Second, as they used the Devil's bibles, BJU's doctrine began to change toward Calvinism (which is known today as, Lordship Salvation).

I guarantee that wherever you find Devil's bibles, you'll find Calvinism, Misunderstood Repentance and Lordship Salvation. PCC thought they could eat at the Devil's table at BJU without being poisoned, but they were woefully wrong. PCC foolishly thought they could play with the Devil's fire at BJU, but they got burned bad. Consequently, PCC now teaches the same counterfeit plan of salvation as BJU, teaching that your behavior must change or you're not saved. That is WORKS (Jonah 3:10). Pensacola Christian College is a dangerous religious CULT—where the Gospel is perverted, individual hurting people like me are ostracized (I've been banned in writing since August 2, 2022 from attending Campus Church), an abusive authoritarian leadership exists, and infidels like Ken Ham are honored and promoted (PCC invited Ken Ham to speak at Campus Church).

The following words were written by my friend and mentor, Pastor Jack Hyles. I attended Hyles-Anderson College for 8-years from 1985 to 1993. I humbly graduated with a degree in Pastoral Theology. I thank God for that blessed opportunity to attend such a wonderful place of learning, love and soulwinning under the influence of Dr. Hyles:
Pastor Jack Hyles On The Importance Of Bible Infallibility

John 12:47-48, “And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day.”

John 14:23, “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”

Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001)

Folks, I'm going to go to seed [to become worn] before I die on defending this Book—I'm going to go to seed on it! I'm a little tired—by the way, every preacher in America, before he met a theologian, believed exactly what I'm preaching tonight! Theologians messed us all up—they messed me up for a while, I'll be honest with you—messed us all up! When I went off to college, I thought I had the words of God in this Book right here. When I was in college for awhile I found out I didn't. Not only that, I found out nobody did! Not only that, I found out you couldn't have them! Not only that, I found out there was no such thing as any book in all the world that had the words of God in 'em!

But my Bible said that we're supposed to keep His “WORDS”; not His truths, not just His doctrine, but His “WORDS”! ...

Mark 8:38,“Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”

Folks, here's what's happening in America. The old-time preachers that built this country believed that this Book right here had the words of God in it! Your grandpa and grandma, that built this country, shed their tears on this Book, thinking they had the very words of God in their hands. And fundamentalists ALL believed what I'm preaching tonight, until we got our own Bible colleges, and seminaries, and sent our professors off to train at the feet of Karl Barth, and Reinhold Neuber, Emil Brunner, and others, who said that the Bible does not have the “words” of God, it is the Word of God, and that all the Bible is not inspired word-for-word. So we did not want to be considered “unintellectual” by the intellectual community; we're not willing to be called “nuts” and “fools”—just chalk me up as a nut! Chalk me up as a fool! Yea! Chalk me up as an uneducated illiterate if you want to, but I guarantee Ya—I'd rather study my A-B-C's in Heaven, then Greek and Hebrew in Hell!

Whosoever shall be ashamed of “ME AND MY WORDS”; it didn't say His “WORD,” it says His “WORDS”!

SOURCE: Pastor Jack Hyles, “There Are Too Many Smiths In The Land
I plead with you, whoever you may be, to RUN FROM PCC! They are not what they appear to be. PCC wickedly bids Godspeed to devil preachers like Ken Ham, who says that faith is not sufficient to get to Heaven; but in addition, Ken Ham says you must turn from your wicked ways to be saved, which is 100% WORKS. PCC blasphemes the Word of God by denying that we have an inspired Holy Bible today. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God according to II Timothy 3:16. The five words "given by inspiration of God” were chosen by the 54 translators of the King James Bible to render the one Greek word, Theopneustos. “Theo” means God, and “Neustos” means air. That is, all Scripture is God-breathed.

The Holy Bible is God's Word. God spoke those Words! Matthew 4:4, “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” If I am to obey the Bible's commandment to live by EVERY WORD of God, then I must have an “every Word Bible!!! That is what inspired means. Some fool knucklehead theologian decided that inspiration only refers to the original words (which God breathed out to holy men of old through His holy Spirit). So those dishonest men claim that only the original autographs of the Scripture were inspired, but not today's King James Bible. THEY ARE DECEIVED LIARS!!! If we do not have any inspired Bible today in 2023, then we do not have God's Words. Do you really think that God would allow corrupted men (all men are corrupt, sinful and flawed) to contaminate his VERY PURE Words (Psalms 119:140)?

Shame on PCC, BJU, HAC, Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary Moody Bible Institutive, Maranatha Baptist University, Crown College, Liberty University and other cesspools of apostasy, iniquity and neo-evangelical rot today.

The Consequences Of Denying That We Have An Inspired Bible Today

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