Saturday, August 12, 2023

Remember The Old Paths

Jeremiah 6:16, “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.”

Remember the days when...

Moms were at home,
Dads were at work,
Brothers were in the army,
and Sisters got married before having children!!

Crime did not pay!!
Hard work did and
people knew the difference!!

Moms could cook;
Dads would work;
Children would be quiet!

Husbands were loving;
Wives were submissive;
Children were polite!!

Women wore the jewelry;
Men wore the pants;
Harlots wore the paint and
children wore the stripes!!

Women looked like ladies;
Men look like gentlemen,
and children looked decent!!

People loved the truth and hated a lie;
they would follow the Pastor and ignore the world;
they came to get IN and not to get OUT!!

Hymns sounded Godly;
Sermons sounded helpful;
Shouting sounded normal and
crying sounded often!!

Church folk were faithful;
Sinners were respectful and
everybody had manners!!

Cursing was wicked;
Drinking was evil;
Divorce was unbelievable;
the Flag was honored;
America was beautiful and God was welcome!!

We READ the Bible in public;
Prayed in school and
preached on the court house steps!!

Going to Church was a blessing;
going to school was an education
and going to a gas station that sold beer was a disgrace!!

Grandma and GrandPa were wise;
Mom and Dad were together
and Children were precious!!

To be called an American was worth dying for;
to be called a Christian was worth living for and
to be called a traitor was worth fighting for!!

Cowards were shot;
Deserters were hung and
Criminals were sent to prison, not WASHINGTON!!
Sex was a dirty word;
Homo was an unheard of word
and abortion was an illegal word!!

Love was clean;
courting was watched;
dating was going to Church and
marriage was till death!!

Preachers preached because they had a message;
Singers sung because they had a song;
Christians shouted because they had the VICTORY
and sinners got convicted!!

Preachers preached from the inspired KING JAMES BIBLE;
Singers sang from the heart;
Sinners repented of unbelief and got SAVED!!

A New Birth meant NEW LIFE in the Holy Spirit;
Repentance meant A CHANGE OF MIND, not a change of behavior to be saved;
Salvation meant being indwelt with the Holy Spirit;
Discipleship meant being changed by the Holy Spirit;
Joining the Church meant you would attend that church!!

Being a Preacher meant you were CALLED OF GOD, not choosing it as a profession;
being a Deacon meant you would serve the Church;
being a Christian meant you would live for Jesus and
being a Sinner meant somebody was probably praying for you!!

Laws were based on the BIBLE;
HOMES saw to it that the Bible was read
and churches taught the Bible!!

You could borrow money on your Church letter;
a Man's word was his bond
and a woman's virtue was priceless!!
Preachers were more interested in NEW CONVERTS
than new clothes and new cars!!

Churches wanted to reach every creature with the GOSPEL
more than new buildings and paving parking lots!!
People prayed and wept over the lost in their community!!

God was worshipped;
Christ was exalted and
the Holy Ghost was followed!!

The Bible was believed not corrected;
Sinners got Saved;
Converts were CONVERTED!!

The Gospel was PREACHED not shared.


We would go witnessing in tears!

We prayed a lot and talked little on the phone!

We spent more time with the Bible than the TV!

We would weep about lost souls!

We would enjoy going to CHURCH more than anything!

We had testimony and song services!

We would really try to do something for God!

We would say AMEN to the truth!

We would go to the ALTAR to repent of sin!

We would bring folks to Church!

We would take the Pastor home for Sunday dinner!

We gave tithes and offerings gladly!

We would seek the WILL OF GOD on everything!

We would stand against sin anytime and anywhere!!


But today...

Isaiah 5:20,
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil;
that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

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