Saturday, April 29, 2023

What I Feel God Is Telling Me When I Am Upset And Frustrated

Matthew 21:28-32, “But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard. He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went. And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not. Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.”

I frequently get so upset over the wickedness in our culture today, and the apostasy in today's churches, that I start getting a bad attitude. I find myself using four letter expletives and cursing at it all. I get upset at abusive pastors and the shallow sickening spiritual condition of places like Pensacola Christian College. I start to feel guilty about myself and like I'm a horrible Christian, but then every time the blessed Holy Spirit encourages me.

I can almost hear my dear heavenly Father lovingly say to my soul: 
"David, my beloved son, I am so proud of you! Do you remember the story in the Bible about the two sons? The father told them both to go work in his field. The one son told his father that he would gladly go, but then didn't go. The other son had a bad attitude, like you David, and he argued with his father, insisting that he wouldn't go work in the field. But afterwards that son with the bad attitude repented and went to work in his father's field. Do you remember David which son pleased the father? It was the son with the BAD ATTITUDE.
So you see my son, I know that you get really upset over Lordship Salvation, and so do I. You get mad at the uncaring pastors who have banned you from attending church, and I am against them. I will punish them one day, because what they are doing is terrible; they are disobeying my commandment to love one another, and to restore you with a spirit of meekness. They won't even talk to you, and I see what they are doing, which is wickedness. They will be dealt with, I promise you David. 
But for now I want you to continue preaching my Gospel to everyone you can. Please continue with your website ministry, because people are being reached and I am working through your ministry labors to make an eternal difference. You just keep working hard David, and leave the rest up to me. You cannot save anybody, but I can. I am God, you are the clay and I am the potter. Just trust me son, and I will be with you all the way. 
I know that you feel bad when you get angry and think you have a bad attitude, but I couldn't agree with you more in your frustrations and anger against lying pastors, the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation, the Devil's lie that repentance means to turn away from your sinning, the Devil's counterfeit Bible revisions, and all the other falsehoods that I also hate! We are working together David to make an eternal impact. Now is the time to work while you still can, and then we will be glorified together at the Judgment Seat, and I will avenge you of Pastor Marty Herron, Jeff Redlin and others who have done so wickedly by mistreating you because you TOLD THE TRUTH. They condemned you based solely upon slander that they heard from gossipers and off the internet, but they were wrong. Let them condemn you son, because I know the truth about who you are, and they will one day be judged by the same evil standard by which they have judged you. They are just as big a sinner as Jeffrey Dahmer (James 2:10). I am the only Judge, not them, so trust in me, and leave their fate to my judgment and wisdom. 
I am so proud of you for working so hard, for son long, for free, never expecting or asking or accepting payment from anyone, even though many have tried to give you money. All you've ever asked for is their prayers and to help share your ministry labors for me. I love you David and we're in this thing together, for now and eternity. 
I know that you are suffering now in constant chronic neck pain, but suffering is a part of life because of the fallen nature of mankind. I will give you a new and healthy body that is perfect, just like my only begotten Son's resurrected body, when I come to get you at the Rapture. I can't wait to meet you in person David, and I apologize for the horrible carnal pastors who have mistreated you so badly. I see your hurting heart. 
I see your often anger at falsehoods and abusive pastors who don't care about you. Don't feel bad, because you are HOT, and not LUKEWARM like the Pensacola Christian College camp is (Revelation 3:15-17). They sing their insincere sycophantic music at PCC, and they go through all the motions of playing church, and their plethora of rules without love, but their hearts are far from me. For if they truly walked closely with me, they would love you as their Christian brother and seek to restore you to fellowship at Campus Church. 
Sadly, PCC couldn't care less about you David, because they have the wrong priorities over there, putting money before people. You know that I would NEVER do such a wicked thing to you. You mean more to me than all the money and gold in the world. I am not a respecter of persons. The fact that they are standing hand-in-hand at PCC doesn't excuse or protect them from the consequences of how they have mistreated you. I will deal with PCC. 
They are doing some good, and I see their labors. But I also see that they are getting paid very well (6-digit salaries to their multiple leaders). But that is okay David, because they already have the only reward they will ever receive. In contrast, you have served me night and day, sometimes laboring for 37 hours strait without a break on your website ministry. I saw you sitting in front of your residence on Guam, night after night working in front of your home, laboring diligently from sunset to 4 am on your laptop. 
Yet you've never asked anybody for a single penny since you started your website ministry in 2001. You have an excellent spirit my son, like Daniel did in the Old Testament, and I am so proud of you. I will make this all up to you in eternity, you have my promise of it! For now just keep walking with me. I know you are far from perfect, and so also is everyone else on earth.
When I see you upset, frustrated and angry over false doctrine, fake bibles, false prophets, shady Bible colleges, bad churches and the rotten pastors who have thrown you under the bus, I jump up and down in excitement to see that you are HOT for the things of God. I wish I had many more children like you David, who care. You care because I care, and you abide in me and I in you. You love my precepts, therefore you hate every false way as I do. You hate the pride and arrogancy of PCC's shameful pastors and leaders, as I also hate pride and arrogancy. 
The fact that they refuse to even communicate with you shows that they don't care at all. PCC's day of reckoning is coming. No amount of good that they do can make up for or justify the evil that they are doing to you and Samantha Field. I know that people just want to be loved, but at PCC they are blinded by their worldly success, mistaking growth and financial wealth with godliness, from such you should turn away. 
I vomit at the sight of PCC! They are disgustingly LKUKEWARM. As a preacher you are HOT, so you make them look bad, doe which Pastor Redlin is jealous and doesn't want you in his church. It is their church, not mine. A real church loves sinners and doesn't ban them from coming to church to hear the preaching. I am so disgusted with PCC's carnal attitude. They may be growing in the world, but they are very little in my eyes. 
The nation is going to Hell, while PCC is preoccupied making money and playing church. So be strong in my strength David, I am with you. Your Mom and Dad dedicated you to the Lord at the Salvation Army at age one, to be used by the Lord for my glory and purpose, and I have honored that dedication David. You are my humble servant. Hang in there my son and keep your chin up, because your future is brighter and more full of blessings than you could ever imagine. 
But for now you must suffer, labor and endure the tribulations of this life until I take you home to be with me in Heaven. BE OF GOOD CHEER my son, because I have overcome the sting of death by dying on the cross, and after I was buried for three days I physically resurrected from the dead and am now interceding for you in Heaven. I've got you covered! One man plus God equals a majority. 
Please keep praying, because if you don't trust in me then I cannot help you like I want to, lest your spirit be lifted up in pride. Stay humble David! Stay grounded in my inspired Word and don't stray away from my commandments. I know that you fear me and that is good. Most people don't fear me today, so they don't obey my inspired Holy Word. I might come back today David! Keep watching for my return!!! I love you my son, be strong in faith in my strength."
Pensacola Christian College Are Not Worthy of Samantha Field

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