Sunday, April 16, 2023

Baptists Ought Not Divide Over The Rapture

Galatians 5:13-15, For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.

One of my favorite sermons by Pastor Anderson is titled: "DEAL BREAKERS." In this sermon he explains that as Baptists we ought not divide over minor doctrines, such as the timing of the Rapture. I humbly agree. The two big deal breakers are the inspiration of the King James Bible, and a free grace Gospel. We ought to separate from those pastors and churches who preach Lordship Salvation and other perversions of the Gospel, and also separate from those who use, sell and promote the Devil's corrupt Bible revisions today. Using corrupt Bibles will adversely lead to concluding corrupt doctrines!

Granted, some believers will argue that a Pretribulation Rapture is not a minor doctrine, but in my humble opinion it is. A major Bible doctrine is a belief that affects salvation. Such major (fundamental) doctrines of the Christian faith include: Jesus' virgin birth, His sinless life, His death on the cross and subsequent burial, Christ's bodily resurrection, His substitutional (vicarious) death on the cross in our place, the Godhead (Trinity), the necessity of Jesus' shed blood and application to the heavenly Mercy Seat, et cetera. I am 100% settled on a Pretribulation Rapture. It is biblical.

Respectfully, Pastor Steven Anderson goes as far as to teach that the Rapture will happen "75 DAYS" after the prophetic event of the Abomination of Desolation (AOD - Matthew 24:15). That is date setting! Jesus said in Mark 13:35-37 that no one, not even the angels, know the TIME of His return. The Abomination of Desolation is the chaotic event when the Antichrist stands in the Jerusalem temple and claims to be God. The False Prophet will erect a talking image of the Beast (possibly a hologram), demanding that all humanity worship the image or be murdered. The daily sacrifices in the temple will cease. The peace agreement between the Jews and Arabs will be dissolved. All temple worship will be discontinued.

Daniel 9:27 and 12:11-13 teach that from the "midst" (middle) of Daniel's 70th week of prophecy until the end will be 1,290 days (3 1/2 years). So logically there must also be 3 1/2 years before the AOD. This is where we get the 7-year Tribulation from, which Pastor Anderson denies. Since we know that there will be 1,290 days between the AOD and Christ's Second Coming, if the Rapture happened 75 days after the AOD, then we would know exactly the time of Christ's Second Coming, which would be 1,290 days minus 75, or 1,215 days.

But this throws a monkey wrench into Pastor Anderson's theology, because He errantly teaches that the Rapture and Christ's Second Coming are the SAME event. So how can the Rapture happen 75 days after the AOD, and yet there still be another 1,215 days before Jesus' Second Coming? Kindly said, the truths I have just shared with you blows holes through Pastor Anderson's teaching on Bible prophecy.

Only a Pretribulation Rapture makes sense and agrees with Bible prophecy. Only a Pretribulation Rapture allows for Christ's imminent unannounced return. Pastor Anderson, in his "After The Tribulation" film, says: "Jesus couldn't possibly return at any time." I totally disagree, and so does the Holy Bible. Jesus told us in Mark 13:37 to "watch" for His return. Why would the Lord command us to "watch," if He couldn't return at any time? That wouldn't make any sense at all.

Furthermore, we read in Titus 2:13, "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;" If Pastor Anderson is correct in his Pre-wrath Rapture theory, then we should be looking for the Man of Sin, the Antichrist (because the Antichrist must appear first before the Rapture can happen). That contradicts the plain teaching of the Scriptures that we should be looking for the glorious appearing of Christ.

Having said all that, I love and support Pastor Anderson's aggressive soulwinning ministry, which we so desperately need nowadays. In my humble opinion, Pastor Anderson is the Dr. Jack Hyles of our generation. Brother Hyles used to say: "I'd rather see a guy with wild fire than no fire." Yes, Pastor Anderson has wild fire, and I don't agree with some of his methods or teachings, but he is on the Lord's side. The church on its worst day is better than the world on its best day!

I thank God for the New IFB movement for their emphasis on soulwinning (Matthew 28:19-20), aggressive preaching against sin (Isaiah 58:1), and that they faithfully contend for the Christian faith once delivered unto the saints (Jude 1:3). I once heard Johnny Pope, who was a staff member at Hyles-Anderson College when I was a student (1985-1993), say in chapel one day: "We need a whole new breed of preachers in the next generation." By God's grace, Pastor Anderson and his proteges are that new breed of preachers, for which I am grateful to God.

The Devil always goes after the best Christians, so I pray for Brother Anderson, his family and church regularly, for God to protect them from evil. Google (who acquired YouTube in 2006) has horribly censored New IFB preachers (and old IFB as well), costing the loss of billions of sermon video views. Pastor Anderson alone lost over 7,000 sermons that YouTube deleted. Yet this transgendered ungodly filth, like Rosie O'Kelly and thousands more like him are welcomed and allowed by YouTube to promote their Satanic degenerate filth to ruin lives. But a godly preacher who preaches the truth of God's Word is banned from social media. Every moment of every day, all across America, our Bill of Rights is being violated by big tech companies.

Sadly, the corrupt U.S. government hides behind the courts, letting the courts do the dirty work of banning free speech. A Texas judge ruled a few years ago that since Google/ YouTube is a private company, they can censor whatever they want. That is so wrong when you consider that over 92% of all web searches are filtered through Google. This is effectively exactly what Communist China is doing, censoring their citizens. Tragically, in 2015 my website received 15,000,000 total visitors, but I'll be fortunate to have 600,000 total web visitors for 2023. This is what Google has done, censoring my ministry because I TELL THE TRUTH. Thankfully God sees everything and He ultimately is in control of my ministry, which is really Jesus' ministry since I do it all for Him (John 15:1-7).

God will NOT bless America! I stopped singing the hypocritical song: "God Bless America" over 15 years ago. No Sir, I don't want God to bless this filthy perverse, dishonest, adulterous and untoward generation. We are provoking God's wrath and judgment upon our wicked nation, it is just a matter of time (read Revelation chapter 18, which I believe describes the future total destruction of the United States). God damn America!

I think it is sad that so many Baptist needlessly fight and cannot get along. We need to fight against neo-evangelicals today with their damnable Lordship Salvation, and their plethora of perverted Devil's bibles. However, disowning each other over our different beliefs about the Rapture shouldn't come at the expense of working together to win souls to Christ. I don't like that the New Independent Fundamental Baptist (New IFB) movement denies a pretribulation Rapture, but I'm not going to reject their entire movement of soulwinning churches because of that. I am from the Old IFB movement, I admit; but I am a big supporter of the New IFB too.

The New IFB has a hunger for aggressive soulwinning that the Old IFB lacks, sad to say.

Also, the New IFB preaches on many different topics that the Old IFB won't touch with a 10-foot pole; such as, the New World Order, 911 being an Inside Job, the fraud of the Federal Reserve, the evils of Zionism, America's dysfunctional criminal injustice system, corruption in the U.S. federal government, the false doctrine of Dispensationalism, et cetera). I love that New IFB preachers spare not and cover all the bases.

Even though we disagree on several minor doctrines and methods, we are all on the same team, serving the same Creator, working to win lost sinners to Jesus Christ. We need each other. I am saddened to see Old IFB pastors hating, attacking and working against New IFB pastors. Not me, I'm helping both the Old and New IFB, because were all in the same boat. Our enemies are neo-evangelical Baptists, with their damnable lie of Lordship Salvation, and their counterfeit Bible revisions.

I'm talking about the corrupt neo-evangelical cult at Bob Jones University. I am talking about infidel Paul Washer and his Calvinist college at Southwestern Baptist University. I'm talking about Moody Bible Institute, who today boasts of leaning toward Calvinism, and whose Moody Publishers company prints all of Dr. John MacArthur's demonic Calvinism garbage. Neo-evangelicals are destroying churches all across America! I am talking about the demonic Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary in Ankeny, Iowa. These damnable institutions are all preaching another gospel of partial faith in Christ plus something more (like forsaking a lifestyle of sinning, inviting Christ into your life, making Jesus the 'Lord' of your life). The only way to Heaven is to put your trust wholly in the 'Good News' of Jesus Christ crucified, buried and bodily risen the third day. This is “the Gospel” (1st Corinthians 15:1-6).

Here is Pastor Anderson himself explaining the differences between the Old IFB and New IFB...

Old And New Independent Fundamental Baptist Differences
(New vs. Old IFB)

I am a big fan of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. Praise God for their soulwinning church! So what if they think Jesus will come back at a later time than I do, the Lord is working through them to get tens of thousands of lost sinners saved! I want to be a helpful part of their ministry—by promoting their soulwinning ministry, promoting their sermons, encouraging their followers who contact me, and praying for them. 1st Corinthians 3:9, “For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.

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