Wednesday, February 22, 2023

What About The Asbury Revival Event In Kentucky?

Matthew 15:7-9, Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

2nd Timothy 4:2-4, Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

It was reported in this news this week that a religious event took place in Wilmore, Kentucky at Asbury University, a non-denominational religious college founded in 1890 which was originally called the, “Kentucky Holiness Movement.” The group is closely aligned theologically with the Wesleyan-Holiness Movement, a Lordship Salvation cult which errantly teaches that Christians can attain sinless perfection in this earthly lifetime.

According to John Wesley's perverse theology, you are not saved unless you are walking in holiness. That is totally unbiblical. What saith the Scripture? Romans 7:14, “For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin. The Apostle Paul said those sobering words, calling himself “carnal.” Even the best saint is still a sinner who struggles with the fleshly nature (Romans 7:14-25). Here is some news from INSIDER about the Asbury event...
A Christian college in Kentucky is dispersing crowds of thousands after going viral on TikTok with a spontaneous 13-day worship event
Charissa Cheong | February 20, 2023
The hashtag #asburyrevival has 77.9 million views on TikTok. Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images and Asbury College website.
A Christian college in Kentucky went viral on TikTok as students worshipped for days on end. 
The spontaneous event drew in huge crowds who heard about it through social media. 
The university is now dispersing crowds to other venues due to the overwhelming attendance. 
A spontaneous Christian worship event at a small college in Kentucky is being dispersed after it went viral on TikTok and crowds in their thousands got too large for townspeople to handle, according to its principle. 
On February 8, students at Asbury University, a private Christian college in Wilmore, Kentucky, gathered for a regular, scheduled chapel service but ended up staying in the auditorium for days on end, in what staff say has been a completely unplanned act of 24/7 group prayer. 
Videos taken by those in attendance were posted on TikTok, where they went viral, with many labeling the event a revival — a religious service that can stretch for a prolonged period and intends to revitalize the spiritual life of its members and attract new ones.

The hashtag #asburyrevival has 77.9 million views, and videos show huge crowds gathered outside the university's Hughes Auditorium building, as well as vast numbers of people singing Christian songs inside. 
A large number of captions on the videos, some of which appear to have been posted by attendees and others which have been reposted and reshared by other users, point to the fact that many people in the crowds look young, despite reports which suggest that those belonging to Generation Z are less likely to participate in religious institutions in comparison to older people. 
One creator addressed the idea that Gen Z is "leaving the church" in a caption under a video of the service, writing, "We are leaving spaces where God is not free to move. We have an urgency to pursue what is real and true. We don't want a performance. We want the authentic presence of God." “Generation Z is leaving the church” No. We are leaving religion. We are leaving spaces where God is not free to move. We have an urgency to pursue what is real and true. We don’t want a performance. We want the authentic presence of God. These are the moments I could dwell in forever. This is just the beginning of what is to come. #asburyuniversity #asbury #asburyrevival #revival #genz #genzchristians ♬ original sound - Ally 
Local CBS affiliate WKYT-TV reported that tens of thousands of visitors have been drawn into Wilmore, which has a population of just over 6,000 people, at various points across the event, which has now been going on for 13 days. 
"It has absolutely been social media that is the mechanism that people found out about this," Mark Whitworth, Asbury University's vice president of communications, told NBC. 
In a video statement shared on February 19 to the Asbury University website, Dr. Kevin J. Brown, the university's principal, said that crowds at the event had gotten so big that school staff and town officials no longer had the resources to accommodate everyone, adding that local authorities had been called upon to redirect traffic away from the town. 
My humbly thoughts about this social event is that it is more typical neo-evangelical, shallow, wishy-washy, garbage. The town of Wilmore only has 6,000 residents, but 15,000 people attended the Asbury worship event. Dear reader, where was the Gospel? No Gospel was preached to those 15,000 attendees.

I noticed the following disturbing TikTok comment (by a participant of the Asbury event) mentioned on INSIDER'S webpage... “Generation Z is leaving the church” No. We are leaving religion. We are leaving spaces where God is not free to move. We have an urgency to pursue what is real and true. We don’t want a performance. We want the authentic presence of God. These are the moments I could dwell in forever. This is just the beginning of what is to come.


Several years ago I did much research into the beliefs of occultists' Madame Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) and her ungodly protégé Alice Bailey (1880-1949). I was shocked by what I learned. Alice Bailey authored a book detailing the Luciferian plot to achieve a New World Order. She called her plot the “Externalisation Of The Hierarchy.” The following shocking quote from Alice Bailey ought to alarm every born-again Christian in the world. I'll explain the Satanic meaning and dark agendas set forth by Miss Bailey after you read this disturbing quote...
"The Christian church in its many branches can serve as a St. John the Baptist, as a voice crying in the wilderness, and as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished. I indicate the hope. I do not assert a fact. Its work is intended to be the holding of a broad platform. The church must show a wide tolerance, and teach no revolutionary doctrines or cling to any reactionary ideas. The church as a teaching factor should take the great basic doctrines and (shattering the old forms in which they are expressed and held) show their true and inner spiritual significance. The prime work of the church is to teach, and teach ceaselessly, preserving the outer appearance in order to reach the many who are accustomed to church usages. Teachers must be trained; Bible knowledge must be spread; the sacraments must be mystically interpreted, and the power of the church to heal must be demonstrated.

...There is no question therefore that the work to be done in familiarising the general public with the nature of the Mysteries is of paramount importance at this time. These Mysteries will be restored to outer expression through the medium of the Church and the Masonic Fraternity, if those groups leave off being organisations with material purpose, and become organisms with living objectives." [emphasis added]

SOURCE: Alice Bailey, 'The Externalisation Of The Hierarchy,' pp. 510, 514
Whoa! Did you understand that? Alice Bailey taught her Luciferian followers (Theosophists), that a New World Order could be advanced by infiltrating and corrupting local churches. She taught her followers to infiltrate and corrupt churches, by maintaining the superficial outer shell (core beliefs) of the church (just to keep up appearances), but then actually teach new age philosophies from the pulpit to convert the congregation to support New World Order ideologies. We see this happening today with the invasion of Devil's Bible revisions, which brutally attack the deity of Jesus, obliterate the Godhead (Trinity), and pervert the true meaning of Bible repentance to be saved. We see this Satanic corruption of the churches by their unbiblical support of manmade Israel (Zionism).

Miss Bailey further stated in her writings that, “the church must show a wide tolerance, and teach no revolutionary doctrines or cling to any reactionary ideas.” We see this happening everywhere today. Basically, Alice Bailey was teaching that we must not have pastors like Steven L. Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona (who is about as radical in his preaching as a preacher can get, for which I love the man dearly). Miss Bailey taught that churches should become Caspar Milquetoast, mundane, wishy-washy, lukewarm if you will; but not dynamic, Holy Spirit-filled and aggressive to preach THE TRUTH of God's Word.

Alice Bailey's demonic goal is to influence the churches to abandon irrefutable Bible theology, and replace it with ambiguous spirituality. She wanted tomorrow's youth to abandon organized religion, and instead pursue personal spiritual experiences. You see, when the Man of Sin (the Antichrist) comes, he will be a spiritual leader, worshipping the god of forces (Daniel 11:38b). In the previous quote which I shared with you from a TikTok youth, he or she even mentions forsaking religion to pursue something true and pure. Seeking God without theology (i.e., without the inspired Holy Bible), is like trying to drive a car blindfolded.

Let's break the preceding quote from Alice Bailey down into a few points, and examine it in light of the inspired Word of God:
  1. Apostate Churches Will Be The Nucleus Through Which The New World Order Is Implemented. Bailey says that modern apostate churches can be just as influential as John the Baptist, who prepared the way for the first appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Shockingly, Bailey is teaching that the churches can be infiltrated and corrupted so that they actually help prepare for the coming of the Antichrist. Wow! Apostate Rick Warren (who has a personal net worth of $25,000,000) has been dubbed as “America's Pastor,” yet he has relentlessly promoted “Chrislam” (Christianity sinfully yoked together with Islam), and has called for all Christians to submit to the Catholic Pope. In essence, and I say this kindly, Pastor Warren is “America's Bastard” (meaning illegitimate). Illuminati Puppet, Pastor Rick Warren, Calls Jesuit Pedophile Devil Pope Francis, “OUR POPE”! What a fraud! Please watch the video titled: Rick Warren Exposed: Roman Catholic End Time Deception! If you understand what Alice Bailey is saying in the previous quote, you can clearly see how the Devil is using Pastor Warren to reform and corrupt the churches with New World Order philosophies. Warren claims that his book on “The Purpose Driven Life” is second in sales only to the King James Bible itself. I don't know if that's true, but that's what he claims. Warren said his book has been translated into 159 different languages. That is sad and tragic, because his book is a blueprint for Alice Bailey's New World Order.
  2. These Churches Will Be Ecumenical, Soft-On-Sin, Non-Controversial And Doctrinally Deficient. Bailey states: “The church must show a wide tolerance, and teach no revolutionary doctrines or cling to any reactionary ideas.” This defines Rick Warren's ecumenical compromise and shameful teachings. Warren's wishy-washy! Alice Bailey said the churches must refrain from being controversial, by becoming widely “tolerant.” Now you know why in March of 2015, 20,562 Presbyterian ministers sinfully embraced same-sex marriages in 10,083 churches!!! WOE UNTO THOSE CHURCHES!!! The dictionary defines the word “reactionary” as “extremely conservative.” No wonder Rick Warren flip-flops on the issue of homosexuality, apologetically expressing his lame beliefs, telling everyone that he has many gay friends. The word “revolutionary” means “radical.” Bailey said the churches must not teach radical doctrines, such as the truth that salvation is by faith alone!!! The churches are infected today with the false doctrine that a person must forsake a sinful life to be saved, which is 100% works salvation. Reformation is not a requirement for regeneration!!! Amen! Warren is an unsaved spiritual destitute man, who teaches the Lordship Salvation heresy (.pdf book), pulling on the same rope as the Devil. God deliver us from this evil generation!!! Bailey's plan for the New World Order is being successfully implemented, and the average church leader is woefully ignorant of these things. By God's grace, I am trying to wake you up!!! Here's a video clip of reprobate Rick Warren saying concerning Roman Catholics, “If you love Jesus, we're on the same team.” No, Catholics are on their way to a burning Hell in their sacramental salvation!!! Salvation is by faith, not human effort.
  3. These Churches Will Transform Biblical Theology Into Religious Spirituality. Bailey says, “The church as a teaching factor should take the great basic doctrines and (shattering the old forms in which they are expressed and held) show their true and inner spiritual significance.” Whoa! Alice Bailey said that to usher in the New World Order, the churches should change the fundamental doctrines of Christianity into religious forms that put forth New World Order philosophies instead. This is why many churches today are teaching spirituality without Biblical doctrinal soundness and truth. This is why the senior pastor (Miss Gretta Vosper) of the West Hill United Church in Toronto, Canada is a devout atheist!!! She says it's more important how we treat each other than what we believe. In April of 2014, Melanie Johnson-Debaufre of United Methodist Drew University Theological School and Robert J. Miller of Juniata College appeared as part of the Jesus Seminar on the Road program. These two liberal theologians spoke at the United Methodist Church in Washington DC, presenting their argument why Jesus DIDN'T bodily raise up from the dead. Literally, the Methodist church advertised and held a Resurrection-Denying Seminar!!! This is The Emerging Church today, the fulfillment of Alice Bailey's sinister plot to infiltrate the churches and exploit them to achieve a New World Order. I wish I could shake every fool-headed pastor, and wake him up to the horrifying reality that Luciferian-worshipping occultists are behind all modern counterfeit Bible versions!!! Satan is using the new corrupt Bible versions to corrupt and change the churches, transforming them from Biblical churches into Satanic false churches. Please watch the 1:46 hour documentary on the attack against the Word of God, Illuminati Plans 2016: The End Of The World.
  4. These Churches Will Have A Superficial Outer Shell, But Lack True Biblical Christianity. Alice Bailey said, “The prime work of the church is to teach, and teach ceaselessly, preserving the outer appearance in order to reach the many who are accustomed to church usages.” Do you see how evil this reprobate woman was? Bailey is teaching that the church is to be exploited, as a whore, to deceive the masses of society. As you just read in her shocking sinister quote, Bailey says that in order to maintain the illusion of a real church (i.e., preserving the outer appearance), there should be a continuous flow of information. Now you know why these Satanic ministers always have another New York Times Best-Seller being sold in your nearest bookstore. The purpose of the New Testament Church is not to incessantly teach as Bailey claims; but rather, the Church is the Christian's spiritual family. Church is where we hear preaching to mature in the Lord, get comfort, receive encouragement, tithe and go soul-winning. Church is where we exalt the Savior, evangelize the sinner and edify the saints!!! Please read from the awesome, doctrinally sound book, The Purpose Of Going To Church (by Pastor Jack Hyles, 1926-2001). If your church doesn't have strong-preaching against sin, you're in a sick church! If your church doesn't go soul-winning, your in a sick church! If your church uses modern corrupt Bible versions, and teaches the heresy of Lordship Salvation, your in a religious cult!!! Alice Bailey said that apostate churches should PRESERVE “the outer appearance IN ORDER TO REACH [DECEIVE] THE MANY who are accustomed to church usages.” In other words, make it look like a church, but it's not a real church!!!
My friend, what you just read by Alice Bailey is a manual on how to infiltrate, corrupt and destroy the churches! It is happening now!!! Our churches are in ruins. Evangelist Billy Sunday saw this horrifying trend a century ago in 1914...

“It would be a godsend if the Church would suffer persecution today; she hasn't suffered it for hundreds of years. She is growing rich and lagging behind. Going back.” ~Billy Sunday, 'The Need for Revivals,' from "Billy Sunday: The Man and His Message,” by biographer William T. Ellis; Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co., 1914
My humble opinion of the Asbury event is that it was not initiated by God. No Gospel was preached. There was no contending for the faith. There was no Bible preaching against sin. There was no one saved. There was only religious hysteria. Communist Karl Marx said that religion is the opiate of the people. Marx calls religion “das Opium des Volkes” [the people’s opium] (Marx: 1976, p. 378) because he sees religion as a means to escape the misery of the world. The people need this opium, that it gives itself, because the individual human lacks awareness and coping mechanisms for the world’s lack.

I humbly don't see that any edifying spiritual significance resulted from the recent Asbury event. Purportedly, 15,000 people descended upon Wilmore, Kentucky to partake of a spiritual experience, a so-called “spiritual awakening. Isn't this why 50,000 people attend a music concert? The Guinness World Book Of Records confirms that singer Rod Stewart (on December 31, 1994) drew the biggest crowd in history, an astounding 4,200,000 people to a rock concert at Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rod is my older brother! Just kidding, or am I? I don't know if Rod is related to me, but we both have the same last name. I love my last name, Stewart.

Anyway, my point is that people are drawn to sensationalism, to advertised events. What happened at Asbury University was not a revival wrought by God, it was an event hosted by religious proselytes. Since the Gospel wasn't preached, sin wasn't exposed, and nobody got born-again, I see no reason to honor this event as something initiated by the Holy Spirit. As far as I'm concerned, it was a publicity stunt by Asbury University to boost attendance next year.

I am surprised how many religious people lend credence to this religious hoax! So what that a bunch of religious people from nearby towns and cities flocked to Wilmore, Kentucky to worship God. Big deal! James 2:19, “Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. Even the fallen angels believe in God. Sure evidence that an event is NOT of God is anything that is vague, wishy-washy, ambiguous, not clearly defined what they believe, neo-evangelical and ecumenical (multi denominational gatherings).

The Asbury event drew followers from umpteen different religious faiths (including unsaved people), to come and worship God. This is NOT a revival, nor is it a spiritual awakening. It was a mere event of religious people, not born-again Christians, nor lost sinners coming to Christ while hearing the Gospel of free grace preached. 2nd Timothy 4:2-4, Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

If an independent fundamental Baptist college like Commonwealth Baptist College in Lexington, Kentucky were to hold revival services, hardly anybody except their own people would attend, because the masses hate THE TRUTH. The Asbury event was attended by hellbound Roman Catholics, Churches of Christ, Lordship Salvation cultists (e.g., Bob Jones University) and other infidels of the faith. They are all children of the devil. The lost and dying world are not going to be reached with the Gospel by hosting worshipping events. Lost sinners need to hear Bible preaching against sin, being warned of the judgment to come in Hell. They need to hear the Gospel, to know how they can escape God's wrath upon lost sinners. Religion is NOT the answer; the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer!

As we draw nearer to the now forming Devil's New World Order, we will see a continued trend for society to forsake organized religion and instead pursue personal spirituality devoid of the inspired Word of God. We will continue to see a departure from the inspired King James Bible, and people instead pursuing the Devil's corrupted Bible perversions. Local churches will continue the trend of moving away from preaching a free grace Gospel, and instead promote the Devil's lies of Lordship Salvation, Calvinism and misunderstood repentance (aka, you must “turn away from your sins” to get to Heaven junk theology).

Satan has already crept into 95% of the churches. Bible preaching nowadays has been replaced with Christian psychology. The power of the Holy Spirit has been replaced with entertainment venues in the churches. A genuine passion for preaching and upholding THE TRUTH has sadly been replaced with THE LOVE OF MONEY in nearly all churches, Bible colleges (like the shameful Pensacola Christian College) and missions. It is very difficult to find a church with a pastor who genuinely love people anymore. Sadly, at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) the cult system always comes first, individual people do not matter. There is a woeful lack of compassion and love at PCC and their Campus Church for people. I speak this to their utter shame at PCC. At PCC there is a rigid set of rules that everyone must follow, executed mercilessly with no sense of love, forgiveness, second chances or compassion. PCC is definitely A CULT!

So don't be surprised dear reader over the apostasy that we see everywhere today in the churches and Bible colleges. The inspired Holy Bible foretold that in the last days people would no longer follow sound doctrine, but instead would heap to themselves false teachers, having itching ears (only hearing what they want to hear). Beware of big religious events like what went down at Asbury University. It was a manmade phenomena, nothing more. When God is truly involved, you'll see 3,000 souls saved, like on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:41).

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