Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Beware Of Liquid Devil

Proverbs 20:1, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.”

The following three photos were taken by my father in the 1970's. My Dad was a Skid Row preacher in downtown Chicago, who dedicated his ministry to helping alcoholics and drug addicts on the streets, the forgotten of our society. ...

Sadly, it was reported in the news today on February 1st, 2023 that a man who got drunk, murdered his fiancée and her baby in the womb, when his car crashed. The man has been officially charged with two counts of murder. Here is the actual wreckage. The automobile hit a street pole and was cut into three parts...

The following actual photo is of Denise Wagoner (before and after), who got drunk and crashed...

The Sad Story Of Denise Wagoner, "Just Call Me Crash"

God knows that I don't condemn anyone for consuming alcoholic beverages. I take a cup of Nyquil to help me sleep sometimes, which Pastor Jerry Falwell called “Baptist wine.” If you are using Nyquil for medicinal purposes, as I do, then I see nothing wrong in drinking it. The state of Florida took away my 10 mg of prescription Ambien, which I had taken for over 10 years. I have difficulty sleeping. Staying active during the day doesn't help. I also sometimes take over-the-counter sleep aid medications from CVS or Walgreens.

Thankfully, by God's grace, I have never drank one drop of booze. I refuse to drink beer. I hate alcoholic beverages. Recreational drinking can be deadly. I've seen too many horrible things happen to people who drink booze. The best wisdom I've ever heard regarding alcohol, is that you cannot take the second drink if you don't take the first. That man in the earlier article I shared with you, is facing two charges of murder. The state of New York is charging him with manslaughter, but it ought to be second degree murder. Regardless, if convicted of two counts of manslaughter, the man faces 50 years in prison!!! Was it worth it?

According to the law offices of Attorney's Herrling and Clark in Wisconsin...
Any amount of alcohol in a person’s system can affect their ability to control a motor vehicle and avoid collisions with other vehicles, motorcycles, bicyclists, pedestrians, or obstacles. The best way to prevent drunk driving accidents is to never get behind the wheel after even one drink of alcohol.” [emphasis added] —SOURCE
Better yet, don't drink booze at all. Search the internet and you will learn that in Russia alcoholism is a massive problem. I read years ago that in Russia, one in every seven men die because of their fondness of Vodka. That is so sad. This evil trend has led to a shortage of husbands for Russian women. I like what Evangelist John R. Rice (1895-1980) calls alcohol: “LIQUID DEVIL.” It sure is too! From the earliest historical records of human civilization, alcohol has been a menace to individuals, families and society.

According to statistics gathered by the NHTSA (National Highway And Transportation and Safety Administration)...
“Every day, about 32 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes—that's one person every 45 minutes. In 2020, 11,654 people died in alcohol-impaired driving traffic deaths—a 14% increase from 2019. These deaths were all preventable.” —SOURCE
When will humanity ever learn from our sins, failures, bad decisions and foolishness? The answer is that each generation must rediscover THE TRUTH for ourselves. Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? We all have to make our own individual choices in life. By God's grace, I have chosen all my life to abstain from alcohol beverages (e.g., beer, Vodka, wine, Brandy, et cetera). There are so many great beverage choices without consuming alcohol for recreation.

By very consistency consumer alcohol is a schedule one drug. That is, alcohol can become addictive, but has no medical purpose. Although some fools will argue, the statistics speak for themselves, don't they. Every year in the United States, thousands upon thousands of people become victims of alcoholic substance abuse. The inspired Holy Bible speaks plainly on this matter of booze. Proverbs 20:1, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” ...

Drunk Man Kills Pregnant Fiancée And Child

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