Sunday, January 29, 2023

Look People In The Eye When You Shake Their Hand

1st Peter 2:17, “Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

All my life I have been frustrated when I go to shake people's hands, and they look off to the wall, or down to the ground. It is rude. At first years ago, I thought they were showing me disrespect, and in a few situations I still think that was their bad intention. However, I sincerely think that 90% of the time when people don't look me in the eye, when they shake my hand, that it is simply because they are insecure about themselves. I have seen even big grown men look away when I shook their hand. It just shows that we all have immaturities in us.

I am writing this blog to teach you dear reader, whoever you may be, to always look a person directly in their eye when you shake their hand. If you cannot look someone in the eye, because you have a grudge against them. then you should be adult enough to refuse to shake their hand. I would rather tell someone directly that I refuse to shake their hand, then to be a lying phony and go through the motion of shaking their hand, while looking off at the wall. To do so is to play games with people's minds, which I detest and won't do to anyone. It is wrong to play such games with people's minds. If you don't like someone, then don't shake their hand. If you do shake their hand, be an adult to look them in the eye, which shows respect.

When I attended the shameful Harvest Baptist Church on Guam for a year in 2013-2014, I was called into the church's office. Pastors' Marty Herron and Joe Hensen were present. Pastor Joe rebuked me for sharing sermons with other people that exposed the Devil's modern corrupt Bible revisions. He insanely accused me of “causing confusion and divisiveness in the church. Joe Hensen admitted to me that the church has at least two dozen different Bible versions circulating in the pews on any given Sunday. How can they horribly accuse me of confusing their congregation, when they already sanction and promote the use of dozens of different Bible versions? That is insanity! They are already a house confused, by their own foolish incompetence.

I rebuked Pastor Hensen back, for over an hour, explaining how Satan was using them to confuse people and send them to Hell by preaching Lordship Salvation, which is another gospel. When we were finished, Pastor Hensen put out his hand to shake mine. I boldly refused to shake his hand. I instead told him that he and Marty Herron were pulling on the same rope as they Devil, by preaching Lordship Salvation, teaching wrong repentance (aka, the "turn from your sinful ways" garbage to get to Heaven) and by using the Devil's fake Bible revisions.

I kindly told Joe Hensen that I was going home to pray for the pastors of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, that they would get right with God and stop lying to people. I never did shake his hand, but we were both crying tears when I walked out the church door once and for all in November of 2014. I told him that I couldn't shake his hand, because I disrespected him for defending the Devil's corrupt Bible, for preaching a counterfeit plan of salvation, and for teaching a false definition of what it means to "repent" to be saved. I just couldn't bid him Godspeed by shaking his bloody hand. SHAME and WOE unto the theologically incompetent pastors of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam.

And may I say, SHAME on Pensacola Christian College (PCC) for bidding Godspeed to the rotten Bob Jones University (BJU) camp. Harvest Baptist Church on Guam is a cesspool of BJU graduates, mimicking the demonic Calvinist heresy being taught at BJU today.

I just wanted to share my humble opinion about shaking hands with others. You should always look someone in the eye when you shake their hand. With men, I firmly grip their hand to shake; but with women, I gently grip the palm of their hand with my thumb and fingers. So I do shake hands very differently between men and ladies. We need a revival in America of chivalry among men, which is all but non-existent today in our depraved culture.

Also, I always hold a door for women. As a courtesy, I hold doors even for men, which is just being a good neighbour. We need to do a lot better how we treat people as believers. Whenever I go to Home Depot, Walmart or any store, I always grab any empty carts form the parking lot and bring it into the store with me. I always grab one cart, and two if nearby. I'm going that way anyway to the store, so why not be helpful? Sadly, most people selfishly only think about themselves, leaving a mess everywhere they go.

When I lived on Guam, it didn't matter what local park I visited, there was garbage littered all over the ground. People are people are people in this world, no matter where you go. In some nicer suburban areas, you'll find cleaner streets and parks, because people have more money and take better care of what is theirs. All of America's big cities are garbage dumps! I hate big cities. Dr. Jack Hyles is correct, who said that urbanization has destroyed the world. That is, people herding into big cities has ruined society. You won't see homeless people sleeping on the street in smaller well-kept towns and cities, you need to go visit the big cities like Los Angeles, Chicago and New York to find homeless people surviving on the streets for miles and miles of Skid Row. It is shameful that in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, the United States does so little to care for its down and out, the homeless and poor.

If I ever shake your hand, you may look off elsewhere, but I will look you right in the eye. I humbly think that is how everybody ought to shake hands. If you are shy, I encourage you to work at looking at people when you shake their hand. If you disrespect the person, then you should have enough backbone and character not to shake their hand at all, instead of being a big phony and a horrible coward. Shaking someone's hand is a big deal.

I have shaken hands with local pastors here in Pensacola, Florida, who shamefully look off in the distance or at the floor, while I am looking them in the eye. That is very bad for a church pastor to do. They are either immature little boys, or horrible cowards afraid to speak their true feelings. That is not the proper way of Christians who walk with God. I guarantee you that the Lord Jesus Christ would never shake someone's hand, while starring off in the distance. It is important that we show respect for people at all times, as a human being who has been created in God's own image. Every person is someone for whom Jesus Christ was willing to do, and did die, to pay our debt of sin. The way that we treat people matters.

And please never forget dear reader, people just want to be loved.

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