Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Christians Need To Write Books, Make Films, Websites

John 9:4, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.”

1st Corinthians 3:6-8, “ I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.”

Colossians 4:5-6, “Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the timeLet your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.”

In these Last Days of time, there is overwhelming curiosity amongst Christian and non-Christian people alike concerning the future. What will happen next? What does the Bible say concerning prophecy? Tragically, many books are published by cult groups like the Jehovah's Witness and Seventh Day Adventist [SDA]. I guarantee you that if you search online for prophetic subjects, you'll come across numerous SDA websites. You can spot them quickly because they use vivid colorful pictures, misquote Scriptures and usually no religious affiliation is found. SDA's know that most people run away when they find out what SDA's really believe, so they deceive people by not telling you who they are.

A good rule of thumb is to only buy materials from sources that exclusively use the inspired KING JAMES BIBLE!!! You still have to be careful. Many books available are written by atheists and agnostics, or New Agers with their polytheism, who teach Star Wars type alien fiction and quote Scriptures alongside to confuse everyone. Horror author Stephen King likes to incorporate Christian elements into his books and films, blaspheming the Holy Bible and confusing people about spiritual things (1st Corinthians 1:14-16).

Certainly, the Bible is all we need in every matter of faith, morals and life, but people are instead buying books, magazines and subscribing to newsletters in an attempt to learn the future. The sad reality is that people will by nature always listen to man, so we might as well point them to Jesus Christ in our own writings. John 5:43, “I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.”

I think it is sad that 99% of everything available is written by unsaved heathens and ecumenical apostates, leading the masses of humanity away from the truth of God's Word and into a demonic One World System. The teaching of World Unity in our churches today is a contrived hoax, a sinful idea, intended by Satan to lead churches into the New World Order. 

Contrary to popular belief, there will not be a One World Religion; but rather, all existing organized religions will adopt common agendas of the coming One World System, which include (but are not limited to) the following evils:
  1. Rejection of the King James Bible as the inspired Word of God for English people
  2. Use of the Devil's corrupt modern Bible perversions (all of which attack Jesus' deity)
  3. Idolizing present manmade Israel (aka, the heresy of dispensational Zionism fabricated by C.I. Scofield in the late 19th century)
  4. Churches substituting Bible theology (sound doctrine) with spirituality
  5. Pastors becoming psychologists and motivation speakers instead of Bible preachers
  6. Worldliness and entertainment being brought into the churches
  7. The Gospel being replaced with the Devil's heresy of Lordship Salvation (e.g., inviting Jesus into your life, turning away from sinful ways and following Christ as “Lord” of one's life to get to Heaven)
Remember, Satan's greatest weapon is to con people into living the Christian life without ever being born-again. That is what is happening in 99% of churches today. All you need is morality to stay out of jail, but you need the blood of Jesus to stay out of Hell (1st Peter 1:18-19).

Today's liberal theologians they tell us to lay aside our Bible, lay aside our Biblical doctrines and convictions, and unite together because we all believe in Jesus. It's a trap of the Devil. At all cost they are corrupting the inspired Word of God and attempting to lead people away from the sound Doctrine of Christ (2nd John 1:9). ...
2nd Timothy 4:2-4, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”
The need is great today in the world for doctrinally sound books written by Bible-believing Christians. So many saints today want to record a singing or music CD, but what about the truth? If the Lord tarries, the next generation will need the truth as much as we do today. I thank God for the doctrinally sound books that we have available from mighty men of God, but they are far and few between. Virtually nothing exists today on prophecy, written by independent fundamentalist Christian authors.

And sadly, the few resources that do exist are often horded by the greedy children of departed saints. Money means more to them than reaching men for Christ with the truth. That is why I have for the past 20 years, and will continue by God's grace until the Lord calls me home to glory, FREELY preach the truth to a lost and dying world. I have never asked or even hinted to my web visitors that I need or want their money, and I never will. I want people to know where my heart is it, in YOU dear reader! I love people because as a born-again child of God I have the blessed Holy Spirit living inside me.

Every saint literally has God dwelling inside (Romans 8:9; 1st John 3:24). And since God is love, the Lord's love is shed abroad in the believer's heart IF we choose to walk in the Spirit. We each have that CHOICE as God's children, whether to allow the fruit of the Holy Spirit to flow THROUGH US to others, or to instead become as the Dead Sea south if Israel, where water only flows in and never leaves, killing everything around it. I sure hope that you aren't a Dead Sea Christian!!!

The great need of the hour is Biblically-based books, publications, DVD films, YouTube videos, blogs and websites about Biblical matters. This may include anything about the New World Order, the Rapture, the occult, secret societies, Armageddon, the end of the world, Bible prophecy, et cetera; because these topics fascinate the masses who are infatuated with these things. It is a great Soulwinning opportunity for believers.

The most visited pages on my ministry website are the ones dealing with Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, Freemasonry, the End Times, Satan, et cetera. That and anything dealing with false religions. This is where people's minds are at! So let's give the masses what they want and use it as a wonderful opportunity to lead them into Christianity. Think about it. If nothing else, you can help to share and promote my ministry with others to help them. I don't want any credit. I will never ask or accept money from anyone.

Don't Become A Wicked Compromiser Like Jack Van Impe

Let me bit a bit candid here. If you're just another covetous religious person (i.e., you're not a Christ-loving Christian) who is going to dip-your-sails, use corrupt Bibles, avoid confrontational topics, go soft on the hellish Roman Catholic cult, and only produce materials to make money... YOU WILL BE SHAMED ON JUDGMENT DAY when you stand before the Lord. 

A perfect example is Evangelist Jack Van Impe, who was great when he started out in his Bible prophecy ministry, but then he learned that unsaved Roman Catholic were his biggest source of financial donations (simply because Catholics are so woefully ignorant of what their cult actually teaches), Jack Van Impe sinfully compromised and went to the dark side of the force! ...
“You Catholic people, listen to your priests... Thank God for these Catholic leaders!” —Evangelist Jack Van Impe
“The Catholic Doctrines Are Right On!” —Evangelist Jack Van Impe
What a wicked preacher! I wanted to vomit when I read Jack Van Impe say “Catholic doctrines are right on.” What a sellout! I have no doubt that such greedy believers make God very angry and sick! That was the greedy sin of the ungodly Old Testament prophet, Balaam (known today as: “The prophet for hire!). My blood boils when professed Christians are out to make a buck. Our dear Savior who gave everything to redeem us from the Lake of Fire deserves better than that!!! The one and only time in the Bible when Jesus deliberately blew-up in violent anger was when a den of religious thieves turned the work of God into a business. 2nd Peter 2:3 says they're already damned!

Please don't misunderstand, I'm not against selling something. I AM AGAINST dipping-your-sails, using corrupt Bibles, avoiding confrontational subjects and trimming your preaching because YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY. That's what I hate with a passion! Sell all you want; but don't you dare do like Ray Comfort, John MacArthur, Kirk Cameron, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Pat Robertson, Steven Furtick, Kirk Cameron, Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn and all these other apostates who never step on each other's toes, never expose the damned Catholic religion, never really get angry over sin, never really tell it like it is to avoid offending people. We should OFFEND THEM!!! The truth is only hate to them that hate THE TRUTH!!!

What Resources Has Given Given To You?

I have been using Visual Studio 2019
 video editing software and am very pleased with it so far. I think it is easy to use, and so far I haven't hadn't any system crashes or problems. I like to make excerpts of Pastor Max Younce's sermons. I plan to do a bunch more, I've just been overwhelmed with everything that I need to get done for the past few months. And now my landlord wants me out so a family member can live here instead. What I do is first download whatever particular YouTube sermon I want. Then I open Visual Studio and open the downloaded sermon in the editing area of the software. Then I right mouse click and select "Multi-trim Video," which opens another window, and this is where the magic happens! I can select the "start" and "end" points for my new excerpt, and then mix it down. Easy!

I encourage YOU dear friend to start a ministry, if you don't already have one. At a minimum, you should be involved with a local Bible-believing church. Hopefully your church is a soulwinning church. Sadly, 99% are not! The Baptist church that I have been attending for the past year in Pensacola is not a soulwinning church. It is the pastor's fault alone. He is incorrigible (unwilling to be corrected), so I cannot help him. He quite often tells church members where the exit door is if they don't like the way that he runs the church.

Sadly, that is why the church hasn't grown in 10 years, and at best on any given Sunday the auditorium is only 30% full at best. Of course, on big days like during the annual revival, family day and SOULWINNING BUILDS CHURCHES!!! You will need to knock on about 1,000 home doors in order to get one faithful church member. Pastor Steven Anderson is a master soulwinner! Their Faithful Word Baptist Church literally goes door-to-door soulwinning 7 days a week. That is how they built a church membership of a few hundred solid members!

Our young pastor has the wrong mindset that it is not the church's responsibility to go soulwinning. He says that The Great Commission was only given to individual believers. So there is no organized soulwinning time. I have never heard the pastor even once teach his people how to go soulwinning. It is so sad and pathetic! Pastor E.M. Bounds is so correct, who said that a church congregation rarely rises above the spirituality of the pastor. It is so true!
“When America lost her way to the right kind of church, she lost her way to living right!” — Evangelist Lester Roloff (1914-1982), "Titanic"
I am still searching and praying for a better church to attend, but for now I am attending the best church on my area. Sadly, I have been banned in writing from attending Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College, by their ungodly shameful pastors (Jeff Redlin, Tim Zacharias, et cetera, which includes the rotten PCC leadership who I also contacted for help). None of them gives a damn and have no compassion whatsoever for hurting sinners like me. PCC are a hateful bunch of authoritarian, cult running, jerk hypocrites who only love money. They would never admit to such a shameful thing, but their behavior speaks loudly and clearly. SHAME on the PCC camp who stand against nothing, love no one except themselves and epitomize everything that is wrong with Christianity in America today. People just want to be loved!

Anyway, I encourage you ladies and gentlemen to let God do something for the cause of Christ through you. There are so many ideas of things that we can all do to further the Gospel. What resources has God entrusted to you? What is in thine hand? Hopefully someone will read this and be challenged to run with it. There is a great need for books, videos, movies and resources that promote THE TRUTH. There is a great need for original content in the world today. Let's face it, nearly everybody is going in circles on the internet, passing articles and information around from other people. I am always looking for more resources to produce new original content.

A good way to do that is to go to a big library, preferably in a big city, where they have books going back centuries. Read, read, read and photo copy pages that interest you. Record source information and make a big collection for your books, videos or media that you want to produce. Start out by choosing some topics you'd like to write about, or a film that you'd like to make and go from there step by step. I am no expert at this stuff, but I am learning as I go. I am having fun doing it too! I enjoy my website ministry tremendously, even though it requires much tedious work. I enjoy it for several reasons, one reason being that I am laying up treasures in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-20). Another reason is that I know God is working through me to help others find their way to the way, the truth and the life, which is Jesus (John 14:6)

People like to send me things of interest, which I use for my articles, videos, books and blogs. One man kindly wrote to me and asked where I get all this stuff. I get it from everywhere! reading a local newspaper, a book, a movie, something someone sent me, a church bulletin, a It might be a Scripture passage I read, or a thought in the middle of the night, a word spoken at a restaurant, or a billboard message that I saw while driving. It could be something that I saw printed on a utility bill, a sermon, a spontaneous idea, news, et cetera. Every man is my teacher. I learned that from Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001), my mentor in the faith.

The world is filled with knowledge. It all depends on what you are alert and looking for. I keep my eyes open for stuff. My website ministry is only a tiny fraction of what I wish it was, or it could be, if I just knew how to make it better. One of my website visitors recently suggested that I make the search box flash, so I did, which you can see here. I always welcome helpful suggestions. I am just an amateur web designer. I am self-taught, which is a lot easier today because of helpful internet resources. You can teach yourself just about anything these days from YouTube and the internet. By God's grace and with His help I am doing the best I know how. Praise God!!!

I get overwhelmed easy due to my Peripheral Neuropathy (nerve damage in my spinal cord). I experience continual burning, tingling, a puffy sensation in my arms and legs, my right arm and leg feel half asleep all the time, I have intermittent radiating pain in my limbs, and constant toothache-like neck pain and chronic neck tension. Whew, that's a lot to type! I get depressed often and need to lay down after taking my pain medications. I don't have 30 employees, it's just little ole me and the Lord who guides my heart. Me and God form a majority, amen!

Anyway, I hope some of these ideas will inspire and challenge you to get started with your own ministry. You learn as you go. You're welcome to copy and use anything from all my websites and blogs. No credit need be given. My reward is in Heaven. I want people to copy as much as they can. You're welcome to copy my articles. Edit them as you like. I've never cared about getting credit, I just want the truth to get out. I'm not trying to make any kind of name for myself. That's the last thing I care about. It's all about the precious name of Jesus. HEAR YE HIM!

I didn't know anything about websites when I started out in 2002. You can still find an old article now and then where I used giant font, tons of annoying colors, poor formatting, et cetera. My website has grown so big that it's like the haunted mansion in the 2002 horror movie based on a book by Stephen King: Rose Red (the mansion kept growing on its own). My website has taken on a life of its own. I'm being funny of course. I'm still trying to weed out and edit old articles that need updating. Little by little I am finding them. I've pretty much stopped linking to other websites in articles, because websites unfortunately have a high turnover rate and suddenly disappear.

For that reason I NEVER change any old links. So if you ever link to anything on my websites, it will work 10 years from now (unless I have died and gone, and then my websites will be gone within one year). I know the frustration of finding dead website links. Some sites I know I can trust, like infowars.com (they never remove old articles).

We are living in exciting and frightening times of Biblical prophecy. Everyone is curious about the future. I've bought videos where the speaker does nothing but talk through the whole film. I don't like those type of films. I like photos, pictures, things happening in the background. Use music in the background, it is very effective. There's an art to making films, books and anything. Try to be original, which is why I strongly recommend going to the library. Focus on older books. I'd avoiding quoting new authors unless you know they can be trusted doctrinally. Look at their sources and go back to the original source for yourself. You don't want to be quoting somebody who quoted somebody who quoted somebody. That's not good scholarship. Go to the source when possible. Many authors don't search century old books, but you should. The truth gets distorted the farther we get from the origin (as a general rule, unless there's been new discoveries or declassified documents). Again, I am preaching to the choir. I am guilty of not following my own advice, but I am trying to do better with God's help. So don't be like me, be better than me...lol.

There are all sorts of sounds, photos and resources which are royalty free in your own projects. CREATIVE COMMONS is all totally free to use (music, sounds, images, video clips, et cetera), so you won't need to worry about copyright claims. People's minds like to continually see and hear something. You don't want a boring monologue video. Use pictures and video clips while a person is talking, enhancing what they're talking about. A boring movie is not likely to have many views.

Getting started is always the hardest part. Just take baby steps. Ask questions. How do I do this? How do I do that? Research online. Talk to others who have done what you're wanting to do. How did they get started? You learn a little bit here and there as you go. Starting any type of ministry for Jesus is an eternal investment. Ecclesiastes 11:1, “
Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.

The great thing about living in these modern times is that anybody around the world can literally start an international ministry, right from the seclusion of your bedroom, dark closet or mancave in your garbage...lol. Heck, there are even YouTube entrepreneurs who are making a living out of their car, making videos to teach people how to live out of your automobile; and their doing it! Some of them make over $100,000 dollars a year living in a car with their laptop computer and dog! I'm not kidding. Truth is stranger than fiction! Having said that, I have no interest in monetizing any of my videos, and I never will. Kindly said, YouTube can keep their filthy lucre. Let Jeffrey Star and other ungodly characters have all the money in the world, I'm happy with just having Jesus as my personal Savior, God, Lord and Friend.

Never take somebody's word on anything. You must have evidence or it cannot be used. If you don't have solid evidence to support a quote, then say it is purported (i.e., something commonly reported without proof). Still, I really like to avoid stuff like that if at all possible. I like solid evidence. Your books and films don't have to be long, but make them interesting. You'll get better as you go. I've turned them down due to my health problems, but once you get started doors will open. It's up to you. As the popular adage goes: From 9 to 5 I made a living, but from 5 to 9 I became a success.

I wrote this blog to stir your mind and heart dear reader, so you'll perhaps think about starting some form of new ministry for your dear Savior. I heard Dr. Jack Hyles say once in a sermon that there are millions of saved Christians all across the United States who are sitting idle at home for Christ. For whatever reason they backslid and got out of church, drifting further away from the Lord. Pastor Hyles encouraged everyone to seek out those believers and befriend them with God's unconditional love, inviting them to please come back to church. I love that about Brother Hyles, he was always thinking about the down-and-out person, the person that no one cares about, the homeless person eating from a dumpster tonight, the hurting sinner who just needs someone to give a damn. By God's grace, I give a damn!!!

The Devil's children are flooding social media with heretical videos, blogs, websites, et cetera. I think born-again Christians ought to work more diligently than anyone to contend for the Christian faith. The need is great! I heard a layman years ago say that he doesn't put forth the great doctrines of the church on social media. No doubt his foolish pastor taught him that junk theology. Dear reader, there is no such thing as the great doctrines "of the church." There is only the inspired Word of God. Jesus didn't tell us to search the pastor's latest book and sermons; but rather, our dear Savior commands us to “SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES” (John 5:39a).

Every believer ought to share the Scriptures on social media. What saith the Scripture? Romans 10:17, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” If nothing else dear reader, if you don't know enough about the Bible to teach it, or you just don't feel comfortable doing it, then you can simply copy and paste Bible verses to social media. I cannot think of a better ministry than that!!! Jesus said that even if you are not actively involved in a ministry, but you help that preacher or ministry, you will receive an award in Heaven as a child of God. Mark 9:41, For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. I love that! Giving even a cup of water to a disciple of Christ (i.e., a believer who is serving Christ) will be rewarded in eternity.

One of my faithful web visitors used his own money to purchase a domain name called: GOSPELQUESTION.COM to link to my search webpage. I am humbled that he did that. He was also the person who suggested that I make the search box flash on my ministry websites, to help others find it. He told me how much of a blessing the search box has been to him over the years. That encouraged me to work even harder for the Lord on my ministry. It is truly God's ministry, which He has entrusted to me His humble servant to fulfill. I am thankful that God continues to use me as a broken redeemed sinner.

Someone recently asked me why God still uses sinful pastors. The answer is simply that all God has to work with is sinners. There are no perfect pastors. There are no perfect churches or perfect laymen congregation. There are no perfect sweet ladies singing in the church choir. No one is righteous apart from the imputed righteousness of God. If you are not 100% sure dear friend that you are a born-again child of God, then now is the time to get saved.

1st Corinthians 10:31, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”

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