Thursday, November 10, 2022

What About "Double Inspiration" Of The Bible?

2nd Timothy 3:15-17, “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”

I do not believe in Double Inspiration. Double Inspiration is the belief that the 54 King James Bible translators were newly inspired by God, and that the King James Bible trumps and supersedes the ancient Hebrew, Chaldean and Greek texts from which it was translated. I do not believe that. Respectfully, Dr. Peter S. Ruckman (1921-2016) did believe in Double Inspiration (as does Dr. Gail Riplinger), but I DO NOT.

I agree with Pastor Danny Castle, who said:
“Brother Castle, do you believe the King James translators were inspired? No, they were led. The words were already inspired.” —Pastor Danny Castle, a quote from the needful MP3 sermon, "Lets Get Our hearts Right!"
Yes, bravo, I fully agree!!! Since the 54 scholarly men who translated the King James Bible were already working with inspired texts, and they accurately translated those texts, they produce an inspired text when done. Our beloved King James Bible must be inspired, which simply means that they are GOD'S WORDS, not man's words.

The debate is over the meaning of the word "inspired" in 2nd Timothy 3:16. The Greek word here is "theopneustos," which means: "God and Air; or God-breathed." The King James Bible translators chose to use 5 words to translate this one Greek word into English: "given by inspiration of God."

Some bad scholars and ignorant preachers assume that the word only refers to the process of God breathing our His words to mankind, that is, THE PROCESS, not the words themselves. However, I totally disagree with that assumption. The whole premise of the "Word of God" is that it is indeed THE WORD OF GOD!!! Therefore, I think the word "inspiration" refers to THE WORDS themselves, and not just the process.

There is NOTHING in the Bible to conclusively say that inspiration merely refers to the process of God breathing His Word to man (i.e., the holy prophets of old). By "inspired," I simply believe that they are GOD'S WORDS. But if they are imperfect, corrupted, or have been diluted by men over the millenniums, then they cannot be God's Words anymore. That is the debate.

The false claim that only the "ORIGINALS" were inspired (which is tragically what 95% of Bible colleges and churches believe today), then we do not have God's Word today, because there are no original manuscripts available today. We only have copies of copies of copies of the original manuscripts.

Here is the retarded Statement of Faith from Bob Jones University's cult website:
"Bob Jones University holds to the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible in the ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS and that God has supernaturally preserved His inspired words in the totality of extant manuscript evidence." [EMPHASIS ADDED]

I would like to make two observations from the preceding ridiculous quote: 

  1. BJU foolishly doesn't believe we have an INSPIRED Bible today. As you just read, BJU thinks only the "originals" were inspired.
  2. Yet, BJU insanely thinks that God has "supernaturally preserved His inspired words" in both the Textus Receptus, Vaticanus Sinaiticus, et cetera (i.e., the total extant of manuscript evidence) available.
Okay, then why have those originals (which have allegedly been supernaturally preserved) look like this? ...

CLEARLY, in most cases where the Bible has been translated, God's inspired words HAVE NOT been supernaturally preserved as BJU erroneously claims, THEY HAVE BEEN CORRUPTED BY SATAN!!!

God has indeed supernaturally preserved His inspired Words for every generation and forever, which means those Words must still be 100% verbally inspired (i.e., Word for Word). I believe those perfectly inspired infallible Words are the King James Bible. BJU are hypocrites. Since when has God become the author of confusion (1st Corinthians 14:33)? God didn't author HUNDREDS of Bible versions, He only authored ONE BOOK. There can only be ONE true Holy Bible in any particular language.

Pastor Jack Hyles is so right, who asked the $64,000 question: "What good would inspiration be without preservation?" I like to turn the question around, what good would preservation be without inspiration. Either way, the idea is the same. What good would it have been for God to give His 100% infallible, inerrant, perfect, accurate and inspired Words to mankind; if those Words later became corrupt, fallible, unreliable and questionable? That doesn't make any sense!

Dr. Hyles made the preceding quote in his sermon titled: "THE REAL BATTLE."

To prove what I say, read Psalms 12:6-7, "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever." So what is being preserved by God in this promise in verse 7? It is clearly God's PURE WORDS in verse 6. Now take a shocking look at what all the Devil's modern Bible revisions do to CHANGE this Bible verse.

Do you see how wicked modernists have corrupted the inspired Word of God to fit their AGENDA? Since they don't believe that we have a perfect, inspired, infallible and accurate Bible today, they had to remove God's PROMISE to preserve his inspired VERY PURE words. Look what David said in Psalms 119:140, "Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it." Like David in the Old Testament, I love God's Word (THE KING JAMES BIBLE) because it is VERY PURE WORDS. Like me, David would have hated and exposed the Devil's corruptible seed. You can also hear a helpful sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles that he preached in 1994, my favorite of all his sermons, called: "THE BATTLE OF THE AGES." This sermon gave me the title for my movie.

It is so obvious what Satan is doing by corrupting the Bible. The Devil is trying to confuse everyone. David hid God's Word in his heart that he might not sin against the Lord. David knew that a young man's ways are cleansed by the Word of God. So if the Devil can remove the true Word of God from people's lives, they become helpless. Literally, like gun control, the Bible corrupting movement are spiritually disarming the people, rendering them vulnerable to Satanic tyranny.

I encourage you dear reader to keep an open mind, desiring to follow THE TRUTH and not just follow the crowd. Most churchgoers are afflicted with herd mentality syndrome, going with the flow to be accepted and avoid being stigmatized and shunned. Jesus has always been outside the gate! Anybody who raises a King James Bible only flag today is laughed at, ridiculed, ostracized and put outside the gate. Thank you for reading my blog. Kindest regards.

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