Friday, November 4, 2022

Take Heed What Ye Hear

Mark 4:18-24, “And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred. And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a candlestick? For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad. If any man have ears to hear, let him hear. And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given.”

Proverbs 4:23, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”

I often pray for God to give me wisdom, but I know sooner speak those words, but that I feel compelled to listen to the book of Proverbs. How can we sincerely ask God for wisdom without diligently reading, listening and meditating upon the Proverbs? God authored Proverbs to give us wisdom:
Proverbs1:1-4, “The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel; To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding; To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity; To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.”
I was thinking today about the sad state of today's churches. I mean, it is almost a rarity nowadays to find a pastor and church that contends for the Christian faith. I have had the unpleasant experience of running into a handful of apostate religious organizations; namely, the Bob Jones University (BJU) and Pensacola Christian College (PCC) camps. Their pastors and churches just don't care about right doctrine. Since I have taken the higher ground to contend for the faith, and to expose false prophets, these apostate groups have rejected me as a troublemaker. It is wickedness!!!

Tragically, there is a sinful indifferent, complacent, lukewarm, nothing really matters type of dull attitude that is prevalent in the PCC and BJU camp today, including their corrupted graduates and the churches they infect.  Case in point, when I attended the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam in 2018, I was zealous to share my knowledge about the dangers of the Devil's modern corrupt Bible revisions. But their shameful pastor, Sean Quinlan, got mad at me for it. Pastor Quinlan literally scolded me, calling me “obsessed over the Bible issue.” SHAME on Pastor Quinlan! Of course I am obsessed about the Devil's deadly fake Bibles revisions, and if you're not get right with God!!!

When I attended the ungodly Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in 2013 to 2014 (which is a cesspool of BJU alumni), I was mistreated by their incompetent pastors. They were preaching the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation (i.e., Calvinism). They were promoting Martin Luther (1483-1546) as a born-again believer, but I knew that Mr. Luther taught the Devil's lie of Baptismal Regeneration (i.e., the heresy that you cannot go to Heaven unless you get water baptized) his entire life. And Harvest's pastors were sanctioning, using, selling and promoting the Devil's damnable corruptible seed (i.e., the Devil's modern corrupt Bibles). So as a true friend I bought hundred of dollars of hard copies of books authored by fundamentalist preachers to give those pastors. As Evangelist Tom Ferrell rightly said: “A friend helps a friend to see.” But Harvest's rotten pastors are arrogant, proud, corrupt and rejected THE TRUTH that I handed them personally. They killed the messenger from the Lord.

Harvest's ungodly pastors called me into the office to reprimand me as a troublemaker. I was accused of potentially causing a church split. I was unjustly accused of causing “division” and “confusion” in the church by sharing THE TRUTH with my staff members and personal friends that I had made at Harvest. I was flabbergasted how those wicked pastors could actually accuse me of causing confusion, when they were allowing and encouraging church members to use DOZENS of different Bible versions.

When I visited Amy and Dave Morgan's home (members of Harvest) for a Watchcare Meeting in 2015, I counted ONE DOZEN different Bible versions on their bookshelf in the living room. Dave was a longtime deacon at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam. I don't blame Dave and Amy, I blame their ungodly neo-evangelical pastors for not feeding, teaching and warning their people. Harvest's pastors were unqualified to lead a church. They purchased a Resolving Conflict series online for $19.99, and showed those films for 6 weeks at the Wednesday night Bible study. I couldn't believe it! The church all sat their and prayed along with a movie. I didn't, I was sickened by the giant Illuminati Pyramid parked right in front of me in the film! I knew then that Freemasons had made the presentation. Oh how gullible the churches are today!

I was compelled to leave Harvest after their wicked pastors scolded me for telling them THE TRUTH, trying to help them see, as a true friend does. But they don't want THE TRUTH, they just want their next paycheck, and the next, and the next. All they want is to follow the evangelical crowd, make as few waves as possible, play it safe, and God forbid that they should be put outside the gate as being nutcases for exposing the Devil's Bibles. You see, the Devil doesn't want anyone to using just the King James Bible. But if he can't get you to use His corrupt Bibles, the next best thing is to get you to avoid criticizing the Devil's Bibles. That is what PCC is guilty of, not exposing false Bibles, false prophets and false doctrines.

PCC just wants to make money in the secular education business, under the masquerade of being a religious institution. PCC is really a secularized religious cult that doesn't give damn about individual people. I learned that painful fact firsthand, because as of August 2, 2022 I have been officially banned in writing by the pastors of Campus Church from attending there anymore. Only cults cast away people! A genuine New Testament church would never do that, because people need love, compassion and help. In my case, I humbly apologized three times to PCC and their horrible pastors, but they all refused to lower themselves one iota to make peace with me. God sees their haughty pride, and stiff-necked arrogance. PCC's wicked leadership is headed for a hard fall someday. Slowly but surely they are making enemies. What goes around comes around. What wicked people reap they will sow. SHAME on PCC!

Jesus said in Mark 4:24b to “Take heed what ye hear! What great advice! Have you heard the Devil's fraud of Lordship Salvation, as has John MacArthur, Marty Herron, Steve Pettit, Gary Walton and other Bob Jones University (BJU) infidels?

When I read Jesus' stern word of warning to “Take heed what ye hear,I immediately thought about all the deceived people today in the churches. Case in point is the apostate Forest Hills Baptist Church in Decatur, Georgia. Pastor Curtis Hutson (1934-1995)once pastored this church back in the 1970's. He took the place of Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980) in 1980 as his successor at the Sword of the Lord in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. How tragic that a once great soulwinning church, with a tremendous free grace pastor like Curtis Hutson, could succumb to the accursed Devil's Lordship Salvation cult.

How does that happen to a church? I'll tell you how! Whatever a pastor stops preaching about will flood into a church within 5 years. That is one way that a church dies. Or else the congregation foolishly didn't screen a potential candidate closely enough, to ask exactly what he believes about doctrine and the Bible before they hired him. Hiring a neo-evangelical man as your pastor is guaranteed to ruin your local church. NEVER ever hire a neo-evangelical.

You can tell a neo-evangelical man by these signs:
  1. He foolishly is not King James Bible only.
  2. He wickedly refuses to criticize the corrupt modern Devil's Bibles.
  3. He falsely teaches that something more is required than simple childlike faith to be saved (e.g., following Christ as “Lord” of your life, or persevering to the end)
  4. He falsely teaches that repentance means to change, to turn away from your sins. Bible repentance is a change of mind from unbelief to belief, nothing more.
  5. He introduces worldly modern Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) into the church.
  6. He shamefully doesn't teach that women shouldn't wear pants.
  7. He cares more about the organization than he does about individual people.
  8. He is charming, friendly and likable; but it is a shallow front for his lack of walk with God.
  9. He wickedly refuses to expose false prophets and false religion by name.
  10. He very likely supports and promotes infidel Ken Ham, who preaches another gospel.
  11. He doesn't contend for the faith.
  12. He doesn't believe that a person can KNOW they are saved immediately. He instead teaches that we must monitor a person's life, to see if their behavior changes. That is the heresy of Calvinism, the persevering of the saints. On the Day of Pentecost, Acts 2:41 says that 3,000 souls were saved, no probationary waiting period was necessary.
  13. He doesn't go, teach or promote public door-to-door soulwinning (Acts 20:20).
  14. The presence of the convicting Holy Spirit is absent from their church services.
  15. He preaches modern psychology and building relationships instead of Bible theology.
Those are 15 basic ways to spot a neo-evangelicals, but there are several others.

Jesus said in Mark 4:24b, “Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given.” Many people only hear what they want to hear. It is called Selective Listening, or in psychology, Biased Confirmation. If we allow our mind to adapt to a preconceived idea, no matter how deadly, wrong or false it may be, we won't listen to THE TRUTH, because we are biased toward our preconceived idea. This was why Taiwan airplane flight 006 on October of 2000 crashed on the wrong runway. The younger co-pilot and the flight engineer both warned the older pilot that he was turning onto the wrong runway, but he didn't listen because he was so sure that he was right. The Glideslope (which purpose is to show pilots where the plane is at) even showed that they were in the wrong place), but the pilot was so confident that he was right, that he murdered half the people onboard. Sadly, 83 of the 179 people onboard died! This is a perfect illustration of Lordship Salvation—it sounds so good, and seems to right, and it will preach; but it is deadly wrong!!!

What did Jesus mean in Mark 4:24b, “Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given.” Within the context of this passage, Jesus is teaching the Parable Of The Sower And The Seed. In this parable, Jesus warns about the different unfortunate things that can happen to the seed (which is the Word of God), if it is not received properly by humans:
Mark 4:18-20, “And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful. And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred.”
Literally, Jesus is warning everyone about HOW WE RESPOMND TO GOD'S WORD!!! Why is it that the third group of people heard the SAME exact Word of God as the fourth group, but the Word became choked in their lives, so that it became UNFRUITFUL to them? The Bible gives us the simple answer. It is because they prioritized the cares, wealth and pleasures of this temporary life as being of greater value than the promises of the Holy Bible. They didn't share the Gospel with others, because they were too busy with their own personal lives. God never brought forth any fruit (souls saved) through their soulwinning labors (1st Corinthians 3:7), because their was no labor to win souls. They had failed to properly hear the Word of God.

We see another sad example in Luke 16:19-32 concerning the Rich Man and Lazarus (this is no parable, but a true story). Jesus never said it is a parable. In parables Jesus never used proper nouns like Abraham and Lazarus (real people). So we must take this passage as true! In Hell, being in fires and torments, the rich man cried out for Abraham to send Lazarus from the dead to warn his five living brothers, lest they also spend eternity suffering in Hell. Please read carefully what Abraham said to the rich man in Hell:
Luke 16:28-32, “For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.”
Moses penned the first five books of the Old Testament (The Pentateuch). The “prophets” refer to the major prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel and others; and then the twelve minor prophets (Amos, Zachariah, Nahum, Jonah, Micah, et cetera). Abraham was telling the rich man (who is now poorer than the poorest soul alive on earth), that if his five living brothers won't TAKE HEAD TO WHAT YE HEAR the Word of God, then they are doomed!!! Jesus is saying folks that RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!! Jesus is saying that how we choose to response to the light of THE TRUTH of God's Word is very important, so critically important that your eternal destiny depends upon it (and the eternal destiny of your loved ones).

Sadly, legendary rock music guitarist Eddie Van Halen died in 2020. He was born in 1955. Eddie rejected the truth of a free grace Gospel, choosing rather to follow the accursed phony Roman Catholic cult and their Sacramental Salvation (which has never saved anybody). There is no salvation in the Roman Catholic prisonhouse of religion! I guarantee you that Eddie (who died a very financially rich man, but is now poorer than poor in Hell) is begging someone in Heaven to perform some miracle to get the attention of Valerie and Wolfgang about the fires of Hell, but they have to make their own choices.

Just like the former rich man in Luke 16, if they will not TAKE HEED WHAT YE HEAR the Word of God, then they will suffer the same fate. Granted, I cannot say conclusively 100% that Eddie went to Hell, because I don't know what Eddie believed in his heart of hearts; but I DO KNOW that anybody who follows the Roman Catholic way to Heaven WON"T go there, they WILL burn in Hell forever according to Jesus warning in John 3:3, “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” You cannot get to Heaven by being religious or partaking of some stupid church sacraments, YE MUST BE BORN AGAIN!!!

Dear reader, TAKE HEED WHAT YE HEAR!!! False prophets are everywhere today.

I once heard a pastor teach our church congregation, that if you can live in sin without any conviction from the Holy Spirit, you are not saved and cannot go to Heaven. He is absolutely right (Hebrews 12:6-8). However, after the meeting, one lady was terrified by what he had said. She was worried because of her sins. I tried to calm her by explaining that the pastor simply meant that if you don't have the indwelling Holy Spirit, you are not saved. That is all the pastor was trying to say, but the way that he said it didn't come across clearly enough, so it scared her. Oh how I wish preachers would be more careful what they say from the pulpit, so that people can TAKE HEED WHAT YE HEAR. How can people hear right, if preachers do a poor job of teaching the Word of Truth aright? We are ALL sinners I told her. That made her feel a bit better. Now, it could be that she is not saved. Only she can answer that question.

Preachers need to explain to people that having sin in your life doesn't mean you're not saved, it just means that you still have the old flesh to contend with (Romans 7:14-25). But if you can live like the Devil without being convicted about it from the indwelling Holy Spirit, then you need to get saved. God is not an absent parent. No child of God can continue in willful sin without feel like a horrible person for it, because the Holy Spirit will rip your heart out. Remember, the Devil convicts us over past sins which have already been confessed and forsaken, trying to discourage us; but the Holy Spirit only convicts us about present sins in our life, to conform us into Christ's image. Don't let the Devil drag you down into the gutter by constantly beating you up over past sins, mistakes and major bad decisions in your life. We have ALL made stupid decisions that have come back to haunt us. We have ALL sinned with our fathers the Bible says. Psalms 106:6, “We have sinned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly.”

The SAME Holy Bible is available to you dear friend as it is to me. But how we individually hear the Word of God; that is, how we personally choose to interpret and respond to it, makes all the difference in the universe and for eternity.

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