Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Pray For Me, I've Been Told To Vacate My Residence

Psalms 145:9, “The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.”

PLEASE PRAY FOR ME DEAR FRIENDS!!! Some bad news for me. I was asked last night to vacate my residence by the end of February. I was really hoping to stay here for a few years, but it wasn't meant to be. My landlord said he has a family member that needs the unit. So please pray for me that God will give me the knowledge and wisdom to figure out where to relocate. With my burning nerves, chronic neck pain, constant fatigue and relentless neck tension, et cetera, I truly don't feel up to moving again. It was very difficult last summer, and now I need to do it all again. I know that God is with me and loves me. One day at a time. GOD IS ALWAYS GOOD!!! I REJOICE IN THE LORD MY GOD AND SAVIOR!!!

I am not upset at my landlord, but I am hurt and frustrated. He told me just two months ago that I could stay here as long as I want, but now he is telling me to get out. That was terrible of him. Kindly said, he lied. Proverbs 6:2, “Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.”

When I first moved in last November, there wasn't as much as a can opener, cup, plate or chair in the unit. I had to spend $3,500 to furnish the place, so it was livable; but now he wants me out. I don't know what I am going to do. People can be so cruel.

Kindly said, it was also my landlord who multiple times encouraged me to get all my stuff out of storage from the shipping company's warehouse, to bring my possessions to the place I am renting. I was reluctant to unload my crate from Guam, because of this very concern, that I might be asked to leave soon afterward, and my stuff would become a burden for me. But my landlord multiple times encouraged me to bring all my belongings to my residence, so I did in July, and now he is asking me to leave just a few months later. I think that is rotten. But, he was kind to allow me to live here for the time I did, and he has charged me a very reasonable amount for rent, for which I am very grateful. But he did lie to me. One thing has nothing to do with the other. I am not upset, I am disappointed.

Dear friends, I need your prayers. This is a nightmare for me right now. One day I had a man's promise of a place to dwell for the foreseeable future; but now I am on a time limit to vacate the premises because he broke his word. I am glad that God doesn't break his word. Nehemiah 23:19, “
God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?

I feel overwhelmed right now. I have about a month to figure out what to do, as I am going to need the other two months to prepare to move. I may be leaving Pensacola if I cannot find an affordable rental soon. Rent is cheaper in different areas of the country; and there are other considerations as well. When I first arrived in Pensacola, I had to sleep in my car in Walmart's parking lot last summer. There is a housing crisis nationwide right now, and rental prices have soared ridiculously high, which is why millions of Americans are either homeless or one paycheck away from being homeless. Los Angeles alone has over 69,000 homeless people right now! ...
 Los Angeles alone has over 69,000 homeless people right now! ...

Increase in Homeless Population in Los Angeles | NBCLA

Homeless Crisis Escalating In Sherman Oaks;
Man Throws Feces At Business Owner

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