Saturday, November 26, 2022

Our No Longer 'Great Country' Is Going To The Devil

Proverbs 30:14, “There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.”

The only other thing that can bring revival to America is truth-telling, uncompromising, people-loving, Holy Spirit filled, freely-given, Bible preaching across the pulpits of our nation...
“Old-fashioned, Spirit-filled, Christ-honoring, sin-hating, soul-winning, Bible preaching! It is the hope of the church! It is the hope of the nation! It is the hope of the world!” —Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001)
I've been hearing a lot in the mainstream media lately about the coming Great Reset (which is just a cute name for the Devil's sinister New World Order). I do not claim to know the future of America, apart from what anyone can read for them self in the inspired Word of God. I have been doing my best to keep up with the news and trends of our country, and in my humble opinion the handwriting is on the wall (a reference to Daniel 5:5, when king Nebuchadnezzar's son Belshazzar read the mysterious handwriting upon his wall).

Having said that, in my humble opinion, guns will be banned in the United States soon (within the next 20 years if not this year). Liberal Democrat, President Joe Biden, vowed this Thanksgiving week to do everything in his power to make it illegal to own, sell or trade “Assault Weapons.” I wasn't familiar with that term, since I am not a gun person (i.e., I don't own any guns and never have, except a Crossman BB gun as a teenager that my Dad got for me to kill rats. I haven't even owned a BB gun for the past 35 years). I personally am afraid of guns, so I refuse to own one. You literally couldn't pay me to own one! But I am all for the 2nd Amendment, without which U.S. citizens are vulnerable to government tyranny (which we are seeing everywhere today. A perfect example is the massive censorship of free speech by big tech companies on social media, which the U.S. government sanctions and empowers by use of the courts. The USA is as bad as Communist China today!).

I learned today that the term “Assault Weapons” is a fabricated phrase by the ungodly Democrats, Marxists, Communists and liberals who want to remove guns entirely from society. That is, they want to completely DISARM every American citizen!!! If you don't believe what I say dear reader, then you need to WAKE UP! I say that kindly. The first thing that every monstrous dictator throughout history did, when they invaded a sovereign country, was to disarm the people. If guns are outlawed for U.S. citizens, then only criminals and our oppressive government will have them! What our wicked city, state and federal government requires U.S. citizens to pay in total tax revenues annually is OPPRESSION!!!

I was 100% correct back in 2002 (the year I started my website ministry), when I humbly predicted that homosexuality would eventually become legal at the federal level. That prediction came true in June of 2015, when the ungodly U.S. Supreme Court legalized Same Sex Marriage (perversion) in all 50 states. In October of 2022, Canada banned guns in their country, because of what is going on across the United States. So far in 2022, the U.S. has seen 600 mass-shootings!!! I couldn't believe that number at first, but it is accurate. What will likely happen is the same tactic that the government used to legalize abortion in 1972 and homosexuality's in 2015, through incremental steps.

We will likely see some individual states outlaw gun ownership first, and then when a majority of the states have piled on the bandwagon, the U.S. Supreme Court will bans guns at the federal level for all 50 states. This is how they always get away with taking away citizen's God-given rights. The problem is not guns, it is broken people. We need to bring the inspired Holy Bible back into the school system. Better yet, I agree with President Donald Trump that we need to get rid of the public school system, and allow local cities and states to run their own schools. That would eliminate the real threat of government indoctrination of impressionable children with blatant Marxist fraud of evolution, which is intended to remove God from every child's life. Your not going to indoctrinate a child for 50 hours a week (including school and homework time) without doing major damage to that child's soul. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, which is the goal of the Public Fool System, to ruin your child and recruit them to be another pawn in the game for the coming Great Reset (aka, the diabolical New World Order).

It is tragic what happened to Billy Sunday's children, but dear friend, it is happening to tens of millions of children today in America. I implore you to get your children out of that damnable public school system as fast as you can!!! You might as well say, “Here Devil is my child, you can have him (or her).” Those teachers DON'T care about your child, they care about their paycheck. Sadly, in ungodly tyrannical states like California, it is against the law now to homeschool your child. We have lost our way in America! Greed is everywhere.

The True Cause Of Homelessness Across America

I watched a documentary today on YouTube about the housing crisis across the United States. One man was frustrated because he bought a mobile home in a community owned by a private contractor. So he has to pay HOA fees. HOA means “Homeowners Association.” That man owns his house outright. It is totally paid for. Yet he has to pay a fee every month to the HOA to have a pet in his own paid house. That should be illegal. I hate HOA's and it will be a cold day in Hell before buy a house in one. No one is going to nickel and dime me to death!

Anyway, getting back to my predictions. I humbly think that homelessness will get MUCH worse across the country. How can it not get much worse, when that wicked fool President Joe Biden allowed 5,000,000 more illegal (criminal) aliens to flood into our country since he took office in 2020? The main reason for massive homelessness nationwide is an ongoing lack of affordable housing. California alone has over 100,000 homeless people right now. ...

Los Angeles Homeless Skid row - February 11, 2022
(This poverty is caused by the Federal Reserve System)

Dear reader, you will hear the dumbed-down, Zionist-controlled, newsmedia blame everything for the homelessness crisis except the true culprit, which is THE FEDERAL RESERVE ACT passed in 1913. It is a classic Ponzi Scheme, where there is no actual intrinsic wealth involved. President Richard Nixon took all U.S. currency off of the Gold Standard on August 15th, 1971. The measure was allegedly supposed to only be temporary, but like all criminals who lie to steal and deceive people, it was a permanent change. Yes dear friend, your money is TOTALLY WORTHLESS!!!

Since there is no true value, all our corrupt U.S. government can do to pay their bills is either take more wealth away from WE THE PEOPLE, or print more money out of thin air. Every Ponzi Scheme in history has ultimately FAILED (and so will the fraudulent Federal Reserve System). The more trillions of dollars that our federal government keeps BORROWING in OUR name, it causes prices TO INCREASE. Inflation is a tax. INFLATION IS A TAX!!! Don't forget that. Every time that our irresponsible government borrows more money, the private criminal banking families (who own and control the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks) use the U.S. treasury to print more money out of nothing (which is called “FIAT money,” or as Dr. Ron Paul rightly calls it, “Funny Money).

Now you know why housing is so insanely priced across America. It is simple Supply & Demand economics. The more of something that exists, the less it is worth. Each time that our rotten government borrows and prints more money into circulation in society, the value of the U.S. dollar decreases, which forces prices up (i.e., inflation increases across the board for everything—food, housing, utilities, water, insurance, rental cars, dining out, prescription drugs, construction, et cetera). As with all Ponzi Schemes, the perpetrators at the top who run the scam profit handsomely, living large at the expense of the unfortunate people at the bottom of the pyramid (i.e., tens of millions of financially struggling Americans, many of whom are one paycheck away from living in their car).

Dear reader, as long as the Ponzi Scheme of the Federal Reserve System still exists, economic hardship in the United States can only continue to get MUCH worse in the future. I read a few months ago that our corrupt U.S. federal government insanely BORROWED $40,000,000,000 from China and then gave that money to Ukraine to help fight THEIR WAR! Rule number one of sound government is that you don't borrow money when you're in debt to give to other countries! In case you didn't know, the United States is over $31,000,000,000,000 in debt!!! Something is VERY wrong when our corrupt U.S. government will borrow $40 billion from China to give to Ukraine, while millions of hurting Americans are homeless, suffer from rotting teeth and cannot make ends meet financially. I truly cannot blame Americans for leaving the U.S. by the droves in recent years.

If you want to learn more about the diabolical Federal Reserve Hoax, I highly recommend that you read Professor G. Edward Griffin's prolific book titled: "THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND." Here is a lecture of the preceding great book by Professor G. Edward Griffin...

The Creature From Jekyll Island
(by G. Edward Griffin)

Freedom is NOT free dear reader. All it requires for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Our nation's third U.S. President Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) said that. Jefferson was so right!!! It saddens and frustrates me that less than .001% of pastors today ever expose the evils of the Federal Reserve scam. Besides myself, I only know of TWO pastors who expose the Federal Reserve hoax. One was Dr. Texe Marrs (1944-2019) and the other is Pastor Steven Anderson. I'm sure that there are some others, but I am not aware of any.

When Americans turn on the television to catch the news, we are told that poverty and the housing crisis in America are the result of anything and everything except the real causes, which include:
  1. The treasonous fraudulent Federal Reserve System since 1913
  2. The criminal flood of 50,000,000 illegal aliens into the country since the 1970's
  3. Deindustrialization (American companies exploiting cheap foreign labor at the expense of American manufacturing jobs), 
  4. Technology replacing humans in the workplace
  5. Misappropriation of tens of billions of dollars designated to help house the homeless.
  6. Covetoeusness and indifference among the HAVES toward the HAVE NOTS
In the preceding eye-opening documentary, Professor G. Edward Griffin gives seven reasons why the Federal Reserve needs to be abolished, not audited:
  1. It is incapable of accomplishing its stated objectives
  2. It is a cartel operating against the public interest
  3. It is the supreme instrument of usury
  4. It generates are most unfair tax
  5. It encourages war
  6. It destabilizes the economy
  7. It is an instrument of totalitarianism
The Federal Reserve System is truly THE CREATURE from Jekyll Island, Georgia, where it was wickedly devised in 1913 by an ungodly group of thieves, liars and shady con artists. Ecclesiastes 7:29, “Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.” Our nation was far better off when our money was 100% backed by gold. The original intent of paper currency was to remove the burden of carrying around bags of heavy gold coins. But evil men abused this new convenience, concocting a clever scam called: The Fractional Reserve Banking System.

This new scam started in 1913 (aka, The Federal Reserve Act) allowed the U.S. government to spend ten times more money than they had gold in reserve. Hence, the "fractional reserve" banking system. This enabled the banking elite to instigate World War I, making themselves a financial fortune from supplying BOTH SIDES of the war with tanks, uniforms, gas masks, guns, ammunition, et cetera. It was called: "The War To End All Wars," which claimed the lives of over 20,000,000 human beings. Sadly, it was not the end of all wars, it was the beginning of the deadliest kind of warfare that the planet has ever known. War is a racket!

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