Thursday, October 6, 2022

I Shall Never Walk Alone

Psalms 23:4, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

We often hear Psalm 23:4 quoted in movies, poetry, sermons and books. Psalms 23:4, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” I love that Scripture passage!

The word “rod” here is the Hebrew word mish‛ênâh mish‛eneth (Wow, what a big word!). It means to
 “support (abstractly); or (figuratively) sustenance; or (concretely) a walking stick.

The word “staff” is the Hebrew word shêbet, which means: “to branch off; a scion, that is, (literally) a stick (for punishing, writing, fighting, ruling, walking, et cetera).”

So we see that the Lord's ROD is for our guidance; and His STAFF is used for fighting off our enemies. That is interesting! These are but two of God's blessings for His adopted children by redemption. The Bible teaches in Psalm 23:4 that God COMFORTS us with His rod and staff, that is, we are comforted by constantly knowing that God is guiding us, and also that He is protecting us with His staff. Jesus is the Good Shepherd!

God Is With Us As Christian Believers

The world is getting crazier everyday without question. Evil in the short-term is triumphing, but righteousness will prevail in the long-term! We may be losing some spiritual battles now, but the war has already been won, when Jesus Christ raised up from the dead  2,000 years ago.

Ephesians 6:12 plainly states that our battle is “against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” If you work in a secular workplace dear reader, then you know how difficult co-workers can be. I went through hell on earth at every secular job that I ever worked. When I worked as a truck mechanic between 1987 to 1993, I had a 3 pound hammer throw at me by a co-worker. Another co-worker spit on me because he hated me as a Christian. An older co-worker befriended me and went to tell my boss what had happened, but my boss didn't care. I had my work tools stolen, my locker sabotaged, my work uniforms stolen, my work orders torn up.

Years later I went to work for the U.S. Postal Service in Chicago as a technician on their mail-processing equipment. Working for the U.S. Postal Service is worse than working in the wicked city of Sodom in the Old Testament. I worked there from 1993 to 2009. During that time I was harassed, threatened, had booze bottles put in my toolbox, had horrible lying slander spread about me throughout the workplace, was bullied so bad that for years I stood outside at the end of my shift to avoid co-workers until it was time to clock out. All it took was one or two instigators, and the whole maintenance department turned against me. Carnally-minded people go by what they hear. People are cowards, afraid of being rejected by the herd.

That is why I am not allowed to attend Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College (PCC). The ungodly Lordship Salvation pastors at the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, slandered me to the pastors at PCC, so that they have ganged up against me. What saith the Scripture? Proverbs 11:21, “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.” Proverbs 16:5, “Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished. The Goliath at PCC is supportive of the Calvinist Bob Jones University (BJU) camp. I have single-handedly come out for God against all of them—preaching THE TRUTH that Lordship Salvation is a lie of the Devil, and THE TRUTH that churches ought not be using the Devil's corrupt Bible revisions, et cetera. Sadly, nobody cares at BJU. Their complicit graduates don't care (like the perverted Harvest Baptist Church on Guam). Nobody cares at PCC! I am a voice crying in the wilderness of cyberspace.

This is one of the most important periods in human history, if not the most important ever! Words cannot describe the massive changes that are happening right now (economic, spiritual, cultural, national, international, global, galactic... everything is beginning to melt down). In today's crazy world, good is evil and evil is good; winners are losers and losers are winners! In order to get away with their utter insanity, the Luciferian elite have needed to resort to social engineering and total media control. They've had to sell the American people a culture of fraud, perversion, lies, mental illness and 2 + 2 = 5, to get away with all this corruption and wickedness.
Starting Over (“We all have to start over once and a while!”) —a helpful quote from the sermon, 'STARTING OVER' by Pastor Danny Castle
The entire American system is now totally based upon fraud. David humbly rejoiced in Psalm 23:4, asserting that even in the valley of the shadow of death, he would FEAR NO EVIL. David asserted that he feared no evil because God was always with him, always guiding and always protecting him. God is a good God! I shall never walk alone, so promises the inspired Word of God. Hebrews 13:5, “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” 

Here is a precious Scripture promise from Psalms 27:10, “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.” Isn't that beautiful? If you are all alone in the world, even if you've been forsaken by yours own parents, God will adopt you as His child (if you are born-again) and be your family!!! Hallelujah!

We Are On The Winning Side In Christ Jesus!

The glorious appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ is drawing closer each and every day. Truly, it cannot be much longer now. Look at the insane world today. Homosexual marriages were made the law of the land on June 26, 2015 by the Godless U.S. Supreme Court. America is now the laughing-stock of the world! Our nation's ungodly leaders start unprovoked wars, they destroy the sovereignty of foreign nations, they mass-murder the innocent (in Iraq 1,455,590 innocent people were murdered by the illegal U.S. led Iraqi War). They exploit the poor so that American corporate executives can become billionaires. Where will all this wickedness end? What will it take to bring America to our knees before God? I think that the time of hoping for national revival has long passed. We are now at the point of no return, to where only the wrathful judgment of God will bring Americans to repentance.

Our nation's third U.S. President (1801-1809), Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) wisely said:
“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.”
We read in the prophetic Old Testament book of Amos that in the Last Days God will cause a FAMINE OF HIS WORD!!! Amos preached against the ongoing wickedness of Israel, similar to the immoral condition in America today. As with many passages in the Old Testament, Amos has a dual meaning. Theologically, this is called “The Principle of Double Fulfillment.”

God's abundant mercy has a limit! There comes a point when God says: “That's it, your time is up!” I believe we are very near to this point in America. Our society is incredibly wicked. Our courts are cruel and often unjust. Our leaders are weak, corrupt and complacent. Our churches are full of indifference, spiritual blindness, arrogance and deadly false doctrine. Our nation's Bibles are increasingly corrupt. Our public schools are contemptible, indoctrination centers for life-destroying atheism, the lies of evolution and sexual perversion.

Our nation's streets are overcrowded with the homeless. Drug addiction is everywhere! Our nation's banking system is fraudulent, rigged and illegal by honest men's standards. Our country's borders are compromised, so that illegal aliens by the millions continue to flood into our land. President Donald Trump spent billions of dollars of taxpayer money, rightly so, to build a giant wall to prevent illegal aliens from sneaking into the country. Yet his successor, wicked Joe Biden, has allowed one million foreign immigrants to flood into our country under his watch as U.S. President.

The problem is that bleeding heart liberals love to spend other people's money. If the local police came to your home, and at gun point forced your front door open, and allowed a Mexican family to sleep in your bed, eat your food, enjoy your home, and live in your house permanently; only then would you get angry and fight to stop it! But when our government does it to us on a national level, liberals don't care because it doesn't adversely affect them directly. But it does adversely affect our country in the long run, breaking down society, causing the crime rate to skyrocket, and harming our communities. It is easy to spend other people's money! America saw her last days of greatness in the 1970's.

Our nation's moral character is corrupted. Our capacity for caring is diminished. Our code of honor is contaminated. Our children are spoiled disrespectful brats. The rigged housing market is controlled by banking thieves, as are also the rigged Stock Markets. Where is the Bible preacher anymore? Where is the soulwinner? Where are the Christians who genuinely care about people? I cannot hardly find them anymore. Everywhere I turn I see money-hungry Bible colleges like Pensacola Christian College (PCC), where individual people don't matter. If you want to be loved in today's church, you are out of luck dear friend, because it is almost impossible to find love anymore in the churches. It is shameful. Pastors don't walk with God anymore, they practice lifeless devotions while listening to religious music; but their heart is far away from God, evidenced by their woeful lack of compassion for hurting people. Even after explaining my broken life and pain of soul to Pastor Jeff Redlin at PCC's Campus Church in 2021-2022, he threw me under the bus and told me that I cannot come back to their church anymore.

Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) even allowed reporters from the wicked Hammond Times to attend the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, knowing that they were only there to find fault and criticize Pastor Hyles and the ministry. Yet, Dr. Hyles loved those reporters with God's love and wanted them to hear the truth. That is the big difference between a genuine man of God like Dr. Jack Hyles; l verses a little twerp phony like Jeff Redlin at PCC, who doesn't love anybody except himself, and only cares about going through the motions of his undeserved job. Redlin only cares about getting his 6-digit paycheck and appeasing the cult leaders at PCC. It is wickedness!!! PCC are a bunch of academic types who woefully lack God's compassion for individual people. It is apostasy!

I promise you that if you took making money out of the equation, 99% of America's pastors, preachers and evangelists would quit overnight! If they weren't getting paid they wouldn't lift a finger for God!!! That shows you where their heart is at. You can identify these phony type of men who follow the money—moving onto greener pastures when a better opportunity comes, always seeking a better paying job, a more lucrative retirement plan, et cetera. To their shame, they already have their eternal rewards!!! A true man of God loves people above money. He doesn't abandon his people for a better paying job somewhere else! I cannot even comprehend that shallow kind of pseudo-Christianity! The position of pastor is not a career advancement opportunity, it is a privileged duty from God to feed the Lord's sheep.

God pity the pastor who views his position merely as a job, like Jeff Redlin shamefully does. He speaks a lot of lies, not backed up by his behavior. Sadly, that is the case in over 95% of churches today, which is why women, atheists, homosexuals and uncaring opportunists like Jeff Redlin are now occupying clergy jobs. They are sinning against God by doing so! A pastor ought to win the hearts of his people and bond with them over the truth, not merely parasite off them until something better comes long.

If every pastor were to quit whenever a better opportunity came along, and move to greener pastures for more money, we'd have exactly what we have today in America! The love of money is the root of all evil. The love of money is the reason why today's apostate Bible colleges no longer stand for the inspiration of God's Word, because it will bring them persecution. Neo-evangelicals (like the Bob Jones University crowd and Pensacola Christian College) are destroying our churches and nation!

A staggering 1% of America's corporate executives own as much as the bottom 40% of wealth in our nation. U.S. Corporatism is nothing less than total fascism, and honest capitalism has been made the scapegoat! The international money barons (banksters) control the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), who own and control the United States and Israel. Nations no longer rule the world, corporations do! Remember that, corporations rule the world!!!

Amazingly, Bible prophecy records history in advance. Revelation 18:3 teaches that the nations of the world were made wealthy by the whorish woman (i.e., Illuminati controlled Zionist Israel and the United States). Revelation 17:18 identifies the woman who rides the Beast as Jerusalem (the city which spiritually is called “Sodom” and “Egypt” - Revelation 11:8). Tel Aviv, Israel, is today considered the Gay Mecca of the world. In January of 2012, The Huffington Post said that Israel “has long been a gay paradise”! The Beast which the woman rides is a Global Godless Totalitarian Communist Police State, aka, the New World Order.

Ah, but as Christians we can rest assure that God is still on His throne. We shall never walk alone as saints. God sees every evil and injustice (Hebrews 4:13). God-fearing Christians often feel overwhelmed by the wickedness of our day. Abortion is legal. Same-sex perversion is legal. Ungodly gender confusion is deliberately being promoted by the media, medical industry, schools and government to corrupt children and society. Homosexuality and adultery are wickedly legal across America. We have lost our blush and shame over sin as a society. Consequently, young people are sinning more brazenly without hesitation.

Wickedness is overthrowing America! God's judgment upon our wicked culture is coming!!! God's judgment always begins by giving a wicked nation over to itself. Our society is ripping itself apart. But one day the nukes will detonate! I am firmly convinced that Revelation chapter 18 refers to a nuclear holocaust coming upon the ungodly United States from Russia or China, or likely both. In the news this week, Russia and China united in protest against the United States, after North Korea launched a few test rockets over Japan. Leaders of Russia and China said that the U.S. provoked North Korea (and they did), by engaging in military tests in the region.

What has happened in North Korea (total communist oppression over the people) is happening in the United States, but most people are too dumbed-down to see what is happening. Our ungodly government is allowing Google, Facebook and other social media companies to censor American's freedom of speech. Pastors' Steven Anderson, Bruce Mejia, Roger Jimenez, Grayson Fritts, Max Younce and others, have had their truthful sermon videos censored and banned by YouTube, GodTube, Facebook, Google, et cetera. If Bible preachers are not legally allowed to have freedom of speech, then we have already begun the transition to becoming just like communist North Korea!!! Wake up Christians!

It seems as though the Zionist criminals who've hi-jacked the United States are above the law, since they control all high positions in government departments, and control the highest court in the land. See: President John F. Kennedy Exposes Shadow Government (this is why the Central Intelligence Agency murdered him! By the way, the CIA was started by the banksters in New York City, to have their own secret police for Wall Street). I humbly believe that Zionism is manmade Israel, not the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created by Wall Street bankers and attorneys during the Truman U.S. Presidency, which Mr. Truman later regretted. There is a conspiracy to destroy America!

Yet, listen to what the Holy Bible teaches in Ecclesiastes 5:8, “If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.” Amen! God is still on His throne, watching and recording everything in the minutest detail. God promises to avenge every evil work upon the wicked, and to recompense every good work to the righteous (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

I heard a Bible verse which warmed my heart from 1st Corinthians 4:5, “Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.” God is going to bring every work to light, both good and evil, and then all of our secret labors will come to light and be rewarded by God.

The rabbit hole of evil runs deep in America! Child trafficking is a massive evil, perpetrated by the U.S. Pentagon (see: DynCorp Disgrace), CPS (see: Boys Town, Nebraska) and other government agencies. It appears that the culprits got away with it, but the Bible says they didn't (Hebrews 4:13). It appears that the perpetrators behind the 9/11 attacks are home free, unable to be prosecuted. Ah, but God has their number! Judgment day is inevitable.

1st Corinthians 4:5 promises that God, “...will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.” The righteous are all going to praise God when the wicked get what they have coming to them. We are going to praise God when the criminal Bush family, the criminal Clinton Family, the criminal Obama Family, and all the millions of evil politicians, attorneys, judges and other accomplices who have done wickedly throughout their lives, and they stand before God in judgment to finally be held accountable and punished.

The New World Order is forming at an escalated rate. Each day we are witnessing unprecedented steps being taken to bring about a police state. California, Colorado, Illinois, New Jersey and New York are leading the way. My friend, we shall never walk alone as born-again Christians, for Jesus is with us. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ in us (Romans 8:9). The Holy Spirit is God the Father, and God the Son, living inside every born-again believer as God the Holy Spirit (Colossians 2:2; 1st Corinthians 3:16-17). Amen! I shall never walk alone! No matter how rotten, evil and insane the world gets, God never changes (Malachi 3:6). Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”
“Too many people let the failures of yesterday, and the fears of tomorrow, rob them of the joy of serving God today!” —a quote from the sermon, 'STARTING OVER' by Pastor Danny Castle

(Click here to listen to an MP3 of the song: “I Shall Never Walk Alone”)

Luke 19:10, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

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