Tuesday, September 6, 2022

GodTube Is Pulling On The Same Rope As The Devil

2nd Timothy 4:3-4, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."

Those apostates at GodTube deleted my channel with all of Pastor Max Younce's sermon videos. 

Sadly, the biggest culprit today (i.e., the one's who will not put up with sound Bible doctrine) are churches, Bible colleges and religious people. Go figure! Apostasy ALWAYS begins within the churches and then flows downward into corrupt society.

The hallmark trait of apostasy is apathy and indifference. Apathy is to some extent, a condition; Indifference is to the same extent, a choice. An apathetic person is without feelings, not because they chose to, but because they CAN'T, they are incapable of response. An indifferent person simply doesn't care or isn't concerned, not because they can't, but because they WON'T. Today's lame churches and the pathetic Bible colleges that influence them are indifferent!

If you talk to most professed Christians today, they just don't want to care about wrong repentance, false bibles or another gospel that cannot save. Pensacola Christian College chooses to be indifferent, idle, setting on the premises instead of standing on the promises of God. PCC is letting the world go to Hell, while Christians like me have to do all the fighting.

I am disgusted with GodTube, who are all stinking neo-evangelicals. They absolutely will not tolerate sound Bible doctrine. Neo (meaning "new") evangelicals have done away with the old hymns of the faith. Instead, they promote their horrible Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) that repeats seven words eleven times (i.e., "7/11 music"). Neo-evangelicals have substituted psychology in the pulpit today for theology. They've substituted entertainment for the power of the Holy Spirit to work in people's lives. They've substituted God's Word (the inspired King James Bible), with a bunch of watered-down, corrupt and secularized perversions of the Bible.

Neo-evangelicals are destroying the churches!!! GodTube is a part of that apostate mess. They only want weak, shallow, non-offensive, powerless, empty content that won't bring any Holy Spirit conviction or step on anybody's toes. That is, GodTube censors anything about the evils of abortion, children rebelling against parents, homosexuality, government corruption, feminism, stupid preachers who can't tell you how to go to Heaven, et cetera. Those were the type of sermon excerpts that I uploaded to GodTube, that compelled them to ban me.

SHAME on GodTube for censoring THE TRUTH of God's Word!!!

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