Job 1:20-22, Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.”
I admit that there have been times in my life when I wasn't very patient with God. I was angry at the Lord for not answering my prayers, for ignoring me and letting me suffer. But I never lost my faith in God. Mark 11:22, “And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.” In time I had to decide if I was going to place God on trial, as the heathen world does; or else I was going to give God the benefit of the doubt, taking Him at His Word in the Holy Bible that He cares about me (1st Peter 5:7), that He has a purpose for my life (Romans 8:29), that He hears my prayers (1st Peter 3:12), that He knows my every thought and action (Psalms 139:1-6), that He remembers I am made of dust (Psalms 103:14). I read in 2nd Corinthians 5:7, “(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)” If I am to walk BY FAITH, then I shouldn't be looking for visible results in response to my prayers.
One of the things that discourages me the most, is shallow uncaring Pastors like Marty Herron, Gary Walton (the Bob Jones University crowd), and Jeff Redlin (Pensacola Christian College). These ungodly men are as shallow as can be, academic types who woefully lack God's love and compassion for people. They are not church builders; but rather, church stealers and corrupters! They don't genuinely walk with God, so they don't love people. No pastor is close to God who abuses, ignores, mistreats and shuns people (which all these horrible religious men are sinfully guilty of). I've been in their churches and they are phonies.
Anyway, we ought not place God on trial for what carnally-minded pastors do to us. God is not to blame for what wicked men do! So we ought not blame God for the rotten things that bad pastors, carnal churches and horrible people do to us. We are living in perilous times (2nd Timothy 3:1-7). We live in times of a woeful lack of mercy. On June 17th, 2022 I mailed pastor Jeff Redlin an apology letter and asked for his forgiveness, with an offer to make peace with Campus Church, but he has completely ignored me, refusing to make peace. That is exactly what the Bible foretold would happen in the Last Days, people would refuse to show mercy.
Times will only get worse! I have met countless people in my life who were incessantly bitter against God. That is not good. Please don't blame God for the mess that our society is in today. Hey, God didn't legalize abortion in 1973. Over the past 49 years (1973-2022), Americans have brutally MURDRED over 63,000,000 precious babies in the womb. That is more unnecessary deaths than all wars combined!!!
Consequently, the booming "Baby Boomer" generation is now getting ready to retire, but 63,000,000 Americans are MISSING (i.e., bread winners, tax payers)!!! So there is not enough money to finance the retirement for Baby Boomers. So the federal government is raising the age of retirement up and up and up. Eventually you won't be allowed to retire until you're 80 years old! Most Americans will die long before they ever see a single penny from Social Security. Americans have done this to themselves, by recklessly and sinfully fornicating and committing adultery, conceived unwanted children. The problem is not abortion, but wicked Americans who want to continue living in gross immorality (Hebrews 13:4). Less than .001% (1 in 1,000) of all pregnancies are the result of foul place (i.e., incest, rape, et cetera). Our ungodly sinful American culture protects the rights of evildoers, and rewards fools for being reckless and irresponsible. And then they actually expect taxpayers to pay for it all.
Please don't put God on trial for what evil men do. Matthew 24:11-12, “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” God is not to blame for lying false prophets, Satan is. God is not to blame because we allow sin (iniquity) to flourish (abound). Evil is deliberate sin. Abortion is premediated murder, more than just a sin, it is evil. Looking at indecent images is evil if you planned to do it. Certainly the wicked people who produce the indecent images are evil, because they planned to do it on purpose. THAT IS EVIL!!!
There is much evil in the United States today. That is, there is much sin done deliberately. Car rental companies knowingly lie and deceive customers, offering low-ball prices that they know will not be honored when all is said and done. That $27 a day rent car will end up costing you $150 or more by the time the agent is done manipulating you!!! I've had them do it to me multiple times. Car rental companies are dirty thieves!!! The same can be said of shady hotel advertisements, shady apartment rental ads online, shady insurance company ads, et cetera. At the end of the day they are all LIARS!!!
I am over 50 years of age, which is when men start having issues with enlarged prostate. Several dozen different supplements are available, with Saw Palmetto being the main thrill. But I did some homework, as I always try to do, and learned that such supplements are a total waste of money! Greedy people will LIE and say anything to get your money! I trust a doctor who has nothing to gain from warning men about useless supplements. When we consider the literally tens of thousands of deceptions, lies and falsehoods in the world today, it is not difficult to understanding why so many people hate and blame God for this world's woes and miseries. But we know Biblically that sin is the culprit, and not our wonderful Creator. Ecclesiastes 7:29, “Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.”
If your Dad buys you a Daisy BB gun for your birthday, and you go shoot your eye out being stupid with it, is you Dad to blame for buying you a BB gun? Well, he is to blame, in part, if your Dad didn't teach you how to safely use, store and handle the gun. But God has taught mankind (in His Holy Word) how to live and handle this life, but men aren't following God's instructions. Homosexuality is against God's Word, common sense and nature itself (Romans 1:24-32). Public nudity is against God's Word (1st Peter 2:11; 1st Timothy 2:9). Abortion is against God's Word (Exodus 20:13). I could go on all day citing Scriptures! We have the freedom, but not the right, to live any way that we so choose, in violation of God's Word. We have brought miseries upon ourselves in society, by disobeying God's Word.
But there are other times in life when God wants us to suffer, and go through hard times, so we can learn from them (1st Peter 1:7-9). The trial of our faith worketh patience. God's ultimate goal is to conform each and every Christian saint into the very image of Jesus (Romans 8:29). God has a plan and purpose for every life. We were created to please God (Revelation 4:11). Blessed be the name of the Lord!!!
I got rear-ended by a church bus in 1992, my type of work as a mechanic aggravated my injury, and then I fell down a mailslide at work in 2005. My neck is a mess! I suffer in relentless horrible neck pain 24/7, with intense burning nerves throughout my body, and intermittent radiating pain shooting down both arms and legs, and the right side of my body always feels half asleep, and both of my arms fell like they're inflated with air, and I feel constant irritating tension from inside my neck (intense stiffness), et cetera. I am miserable physically all the time. That is one reason why I have never remarried since my first wife abandoned me in 2006. I simply don't feel like going out to have a social life. I could marry a mail-order bride from the Philippines, and I am seriously thinking about it. I've been looking at lately. What else am I to do? I have prayed for years, to no avail. But I refuse to get mad at or blame God. It is not God's fault that my first wife divorced me. God is a good God and I know that He loves me. If God wanted me to have a wife, He would lead me and her together. I could have married a foreign wife anywhere along the way, but I have been reluctant to meet a stranger over the internet. But that may be my only option. God is good.
God is so good. That is all I am saying in this blog. GOD IS SO GOOD! He's so good to me. Never blame God for the problems, death of a loved one, sorrows, crimes, painful situations, unbearable circumstances, et cetera. I don't know what circumstances happened to the Apostle Paul in Asia, but they despaired even of life itself:
2nd Corinthians 1:8-11, “For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life: But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead: Who delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that he will yet deliver us; Ye also helping together by prayer for us, that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf.”
There is much theological debate among Bible scholars over what Paul means in this intriguing passage. Did they contemplate committing suicide? Did they want to die because of the hardships they were enduring? Did they think they were going to die because of the dire circumstances? We simply do not know for sure. The word “despaired” is the Greek word exaporeomai, which means: “to be utterly at a loss, that is, despond.” They were at the end of their rope, so to speak. I humbly think that they welcomed death because of their sorrows. The Bible doesn't say they considered death; but rather, they despaired of life. I've been there in the past! There were times in my life, more than once, when I just didn't want to live anymore. I wanted to die, but I wasn't suicidal. There's a big difference!
Dear friend, we all have burdens, a past, a Skeleton Closet, scars, sorrows of the heart and emotional baggage which we will carry until death. Settle it once and for all in your mind and heart that God is a good God, greatly to be praised, and He deserves are love and praises continually, regardless of life's circumstances. The Apostle Paul had learned this great truth, which is why while in prison he could still sing hymns, write epistles, pray and praise the Lord.
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