Wednesday, June 29, 2022

There Are No Apartment Buildings In Heaven

John 14:1-6, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

I heard a nutty preacher say something years ago that really bothered me. He said that we will live up in Heaven in apartment buildings. Folks, would you rather live in an apartment building or in your own completely paid for home? I know I want a home in Heaven!!!

Jesus said in our text Sculpture from John chapter 14 that He is going to prepare a place for us in Heaven, which in the Greek means “abode” (i.e., a place to live). As the old adage goes: “Home is where I hang my hat.” It sure is!

Kindly said, I heard another pastor say that the King James Bible translators were wrong to use the word “mansions” in John 14:2 for the Greek word mone, which means: “a staying, that is, residence.” But I personally don't think the 54 godly men whom God used to translate the King James Bible were wrong. I have often began to envy wealth famous people like David Lee Roth, Donald Trump, Gene Simmons and hundreds of other rich, famous and spoiled people. But then the blessed indwelling Holy Spirit comforts my soul, reminding me that those rich celebrities have everything now on earth, but Hell awaits them in eternity.

I know the pain of loneliness, since my former wife sadly abandoned me in 2006 (16 years ago). I have lived alone since. I have tried many times to find a Christian wife, but things never worked out. In two cases it was because of ungodly new-evangelical pastors (at the Satanic Harvest Baptist Church on Guam), who banned and ostracized me (since 2014) from attending their church services anymore, because I befriended them with THE TRUTH that the modern bibles are of the Devil, and Lordship Salvation is of the Devil, and Martin Luther did not go to Heaven (because he trusted in water baptism to get him to Heaven, instead of Christ alone). Consequently, the two women (at different times) whom I wanted to marry, rejected me because of misguided loyalty to their cult leaders at Harvest. God will avenge me!!!

Because of the divorce I lost my paid home. I lost everything! I lost my pets, not even able to say goodbye to them. I was given a court order by the judge not to return to my home, and I never saw my home again!!! My belongings were packed in boxes and sent to me. One day I had a home, the next day I had none! That is what our wicked U.S. courts do to families. That is what divorce does to a person. I know the inexplicable pain of loss, emotional torment and betrayal by a loved one. There is not a more ungodly institution in the world than the U.S. legal system. They legalize the evils of homosexuality. They legalize the evils of abortion, which is first-degree murder. They legalize the evils of divorce, which is an abomination unto God. I fought to stop the divorce, but the wolves in the court system won! My former wife refused to reconcile with me, and I have that in writing with her ungodly signature on it, as a witness before God and man that I didn't want a divorce.

I forgave my former spouse a long time ago, because I know that God has forgiven me (Ephesians 4:28-32). God promises to avenge me (Romans 12:29-21). No one has a right to destroy someone else's life!!! It is a horrible sin to file for divorce. It is even worse to complete the divorce. Only by pride cometh contention (Proverbs 13:10). My former wife abandoned me on March 20th, 2006. While praying and hoping for her return, I started a new soulwinning website in May of 2006 called:, which was my way of obeying the Bible in Romans 12:21, “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.”

To my horror, on June 5th, 2006, two U.S. Marshalls on Guam came to my job and handed me a summons to divorce court. I was working alone that night in maintenance. I turned out the lights in the parts department and wept like a baby for the next 3 hours in the dark. I wanted to die! Life is not fair folks. The Devil doesn't fight fair, he plays dirty. God has forgiven me of MUCH, so I choose to forgive others as well, which is what God commands. My website wouldn't exist today, if it were not for the evils which befell me at the hands of my wicked former wife. Genesis 50:20, “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.”

In hindsight, I definitely married the wrong person in 1987. The woman that I ignorantly married in my youth (I was age 20 at the time), was never cut out to be a wife or a mother. She was a dangerous sponge! Whatever malicious ideas that ungodly people put into her head, she ran off halfcocked with a loaded gun, knife, phone, pen in her brutish rage. But what's done is done, I must move forward with my life for Jesus Christ. I am a big sinner just like everybody else! The famous preacher, Charles Waggle (who wrote the famous hymn: “No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus”) shares my inexplicable pain of soul, because his wife abandoned him too. God hates divorce! Jeremiah 3:20, Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the LORD.

Anyway, there are no apartment buildings in Heaven, I assure you. Who would want to live in such a place? I suppose that there are many people, who have become accustomed to living in an apartment from necessity, settling for less than for what is best in the future, but only because they have lost sight of having a better life someday in eternity. I think everyone should have their own home.

And I can guarantee you that there WON'T be any property taxes in Heaven!!! Here in the United States, no one really owns their home. I triple dog dare you (if you own a home) to stop paying your taxes and see how fast the government confiscates your home and boots you out the door!

I heard about a woman in Chicago many years ago, whose husband worked his entire life to pay for their home. It was paid for! He died and she became a widow. The woman suffered from depression and didn't keep up with her bills. The water bill went unpaid for years, surmounting staggering debt from increasing interest charges. Her bill, which had only originally been for a few hundred dollars, was now at several thousand dollars. Long story short, the city of Chicago put her home up for auction and she lost her paid home. Folks, that is criminal. When a widow can lose the paid home that her husband worked for his entire life, over an unpaid water bill, you know that we are living in a perverse, ungodly, corrupt and wicked nation. What should have happened was to simply turn her water off permanently until the bill was paid, but NO ONE should ever be able to lose a home that is paid for in full. In Heaven that could NEVER happen. God is not a thug. God is not unjust. God is kind and ethical, always.

Don't you tell me that believers won't have a home in Heaven as nice as Eddie Van Halen's mansion was here on earth. Sadly, Eddie was a lifelong Roman Catholic, which is a false religion that puts their faith in sinful men (priests) to forgive their sins, instead of the Lamb of God with the nail scared hands and feet.

Don't you tell me that the pervert, Hugh Hefner (who spent his life as a whoremonger, mocking the moral God of the Holy Bible), had a nicer home here on earth than we will as believers in Heaven. I am not sure how God will do things in Heaven, but I can assure you that God will keep His promise in Romans 8:32, “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” I love that Bible verse! God will one day give us ALL THINGS the Bible says.

Romans 8:32 says that God will give us ALL THINGS. So I think anything that is right, holy and good God will grant. I am convinced that if you are a child of God, and you want to see your old pet pal Fido the dog, Fluffy the cat or Ben the mouse, God will grant your request. Is that not a part of ALL THING in Romans 8:32? Do you mean to tell me that our almighty God and Creator couldn't or wouldn't give back life to a beloved furry pet that you once owned? This is speculation, of course. I cannot prove what I am teaching; however, God did promise in Romans 8:32, “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”

I once heard a Baptist pastor criticize the idea that Jesus was a carpenter while on earth, and so subsequently He is building us homes in Heaven. Hey, what is so strange about the idea that our dear Savior is a carpenter also in Heaven? The Lord did promise to PREPARE a place for each saint in Heaven. To prepare something clearly implies that Jesus will do just that... PREPARE a residence in Heaven for us. I sincerely don't think we will be dwelling in stacking bunk beds, or an apartment building, or a hippie commune in the Pearly City.

I learned a beautiful truth from Pastor Jack Hyles from one of his sermons. Remember that men, and not God, put the chapter divisions in the Holy Bible. So in the original Koine Greek manuscripts of the New testament, John chapters 13 and 14 are one. So if we read chapter 13, where Jesus predicted that the Apostle Peter would deny Christ 3 times before the rooster crowed 3 times, in chapter 14 the dear Savior reassures Peter that when he repents afterwards, that the Lord is going to Heaven to prepare a place (a residence) for Peter, so that when Jesus returns for the saints, we will all be together in Heaven. That is precious! And truly, Jesus' precious promise to Peter in John 14:1-3 applies to every born-again believer.

John 14:1-3 is one of my favorite passages in the Bible. I have been reluctantly renting an apartment since 2006, after I lost my home to pay several tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees for an unwanted divorce. Lawyers are rotten thieves!!! I love that scene in the classic 1993 movie Jurassic Park, where the hungry Tyrannosaurus dinosaur east the lawyer in the restroom outhouse (I don't have to explain the symbology). Wait until you see what God is going to do to them in eternity! Hell is full of dirty crooked lawyers.

Since I once had a home, but lost it due to misfortune, Jesus' solemn promise in John 14:1-3 means all that much more to me. I don't know if I will ever be blessed to own a home again in this earthly lifetime; but if not, I know assuredly that God is preparing a mansion for me in Heaven.

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