Sunday, April 3, 2022

Salvation Is Either By Faith Alone, Or Faith Is Never Alone, But It Cannot Be Both

Romans 11:6, “And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.” Galatians 3:26, “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

Getting saved is either by faith alone, or faith is never alone, but it cannot be by both. I get so frustrated talking to the Bob Jones University (BJU) crowd. BJU is enslaved theologically to the Devil's curse of Lordship Salvation. What is Lordship Salvation? It is the falsehood . All across America the Devil has crept the lie of Lordship Salvation into today's Bible colleges and churches.

Another ridiculous cliché heard today is: “Grace is free but it's not cheap.” Huh? Free” is less money than cheap! We know that salvation is not cheap, because it has been paid for by the blood of Jesus, but we don't have to pay anything to receive it. Sadly, people who believe in salvation by faith alone are falsely accused of believing in “cheap grace. No, I believe in FREE GRACE!

Do you know what “cheap grace” is? It is telling something that God won't save them unless they “repent and turn away from your sin.” These horrible people who tell us that we believe in “cheap grace” are the cheapest, stinkiest, cheapskate hypocrites in the world, because they think that their good works (which are filth rags in the sight of God) will get them into Heaven. In reality, our grace that gets us into Heaven is the most expensive thing you can imagine, because it was paid for by the precious blood of Jesus. It don't get any more expensive than that!

You'd have to be a spiritually blinded person to say that “Faith is alone, but faith is never alone.” That statement doesn't make any sense at all. It is a blatant contradiction! How can faith be alone if it cannot be alone? Huh? Sadly, this is the garbage theology that Pastor Chuck Phelps of the Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana preaches. Phelps is on the board of directors of Bob Jones University! BJU is an accursed cult today (Galatians 1:6-9).

The heathen Bob Jones University camp and other heretical Lordship Salvation proponents will say: “Well yeah, we have to repent of our sins, and clean up our life, and do good works and live a good life, but it's God who gave us the grace to give us the ability to do the works.” This is how they twist this! They'll falsely claim that you have to turn away from your sin and faithfully live the Christian life to get to Heaven, but still insist that it is not “by works because God gave them the grace to do it.

Folks, that is NOT the free grace Gospel taught in the Holy Bible! When the Roman jailor asked Paul and Silas what was necessary to be saved, here is what they said in Acts 16:30-31, “And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Nothing more was required. Paul and Silas didn't say anything about the man turning away from his sinful lifestyle, nor did they require him to faithfully run the race until the end to be saved.

We hear the Calvinist (aka, Lordship Salvation) crowd saying that salvation is by faith alone, but faith is never alone. That's garbage, you can't have it both ways! Either If faith is alone, then how can faith never be alone? It's a stupid slogan! This is just a repackaging of works salvation.

One of the leaders of the religious Reformation, Martin Luther (1483-1546), deserves much gratitude for his translation work that contributed to later giving us the King James Bible. Yet, Luther believed and taught the heresy of Baptismal Regeneration (the false doctrine that a person must be water baptized to go to Heaven). Luther believed this his entire life! There is no way that Martin Luther was a born-again believer.

Yet, foolish preachers still try diligently to portray Martin Luther as a saved man. No way! There is no way that a man is saved by faith plus something else!!! The Scriptures are very clear on that! Read Luther's catechism (written in 1529, 12 years after he alleged got saved in 1517 by faith alone). Martin Luther came out of the Roman Catholic church, but the Roman Catholic church never came out of Martin Luther! Sadly, unless he repented of his counterfeit gospel on his death bed, Martin Luther is burning in the fires of Hell forever.

Dear friend, umpteen Bible colleges and thousands of churches today need to put the “alone” back in “faith alone.” 

Pastor Steven Anderson Exposes The Devil's Lie Of Lordship Salvation

I used to live in Chicago, for 34 years. When I left I left Chicago in 2004 with my family, Rod Blagojevich had just become the governor of Illinois in 2003. I distinctly remember as if it were yesterday, that in 2002 Mr. Blagojevich promised while candidating for office that he would not raise anyone's taxes if elected. Well, the devil is a beautiful liar, as Eve learned in the Garden of Eden. Governor Blagojevich kept his promise, sort of. Instead of directly raising taxes, he started charging taxes on over 200 things which had never been taxed before!

For example: Prior to Blagojevich being elected to office in 2003, only the parts for auto repairs were taxed. But he changed the law so that from now on the labor to fix your vehicle is now also taxable. What a lying scumbag!!! In fact, Rod Blagojevich DID raise taxes, he just did it in a sneaky way. That is a classic demonic bait and switch tactic! To no surprise, Blagojevich was arrested and in 2012 sentenced to 14 years in prison for corruption in his office as governor. He served only 8 years and President Donald Trump commuted his sentence. He was released from prison in 2020.

What Governor Blagojevich did to raise taxes was extremely dishonest, breaking his campaign promise not to raise taxes. That is the same horrible type of deception that the serpent inflicted upon Eve. The serpent (Satan) promised Eve that if she disobeyed God, she would become as a god. Eve thought she would be like God, but in reality she only become a god in the sense that she could now make her own decisions concerning good and evil, and suffer the consequences. That is why we live in a fallen world today, where sickness, pain, suffering and death are everywhere (Romans 5:12).

The proponents of Lordship Salvation are just as guilty and sneaky as the Devil and Mr. Blagojevich. Those who preach the lie of Lordship Salvation deceptively talk about being saved by faith alone, but then they sneak works in some other way (John 10:10), by adding them to faith on the backside. They sinfully teach that if your faith does not produce works, then your faith is invalid and you cannot go to Heaven. What they are actually doing is putting people under the law in order to be saved, which is another gospel (Galatians 1:6-9). Salvation is by faith alone, always has been and always will be. Those who falsely preach that we are saved by faith alone, but faith is never along (meaning it results in works), are preaching a counterfeit plan of salvation!

Salvation is not a reward for the righteous, it is a gift for the guilty!

Salvation is not doing your best, it is having Christ's best put to your account through receiving Him by faith.

Turning away from sinful ways would be a work. Faith puts all of the merit where it belongs, on the object of our faith, Jesus and His work.

If to “repent” means to forsake our sinful ways TO BE SAVED, but Jesus already paid for our sins by dying on the cross, then what are we repenting from?

The true Gospel always points you to CHRIST; a false gospel always points to YOU.

We must stay true to the simplicity of the gospel!! Repentance regarding salvation is a change of mind from unbelief to belief!!! We must earnestly contend for the faith (Jude 1:3).

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