Thursday, March 17, 2022

Though Hand Join In hand, The Wicked Shall Not Be Unpunished

Proverbs 11:21, “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.

The inspired Word of God teaches in our text passage, that though sinners join hand in hand, they shall not escape punishment. As I pondering the meaning of this Scripture today, it occurred to me what it means. You see, so oftentimes wicked people will join together in solidarity yo strengthen their cause against the righteous.

A perfect example is the homosexual agenda today in America. The LGBTQ movement is growing bigger each year, and gaining more momentum. In a very short time, I'd guess within the next generation of 20 years, we will see pastors being prosecuted in the United States as hate-spreaders for preaching the truth of Leviticus 20:13, that homosexuals are worthy of capital punishment. That doesn't mean Christians should go around killing gays, God forbid. It simply means that if our government feared God, which they absolutely don't, homosexuality would be illegal and a punishable crime.

As recently as 2003, homosexuality was a punishable crime in Texas. And in 1962 homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states. Dear reader, God hasn't changed, humanity has changed over time. We humans cannot make up our minds what is good or evil, and since we disregard the inspired Holy Bible, we never will be able to govern ourselves.  Thirty years ago pot was illegal, but now it is legal in many states. Literally, there are people rotting in prison today for selling Marijuana, in states where it is now being legally sold. Go figure! We humans are a strange bunch.

Faithful Bible preachers today, who preach the inspired Word of God as they ought, are being labeled as public enemy number one. It is because the majority of pastors today are cowards, or only in their profession to make a living, that they refuse to fight in the battle for morality in the United States. Consequently, the small number of pastors who do faithfully stand nowadays are greatly outnumbered, making it much easier for the ungodly media to intimidate and silence them. A truly “free society is only one in which it is safe to be unpopular!

Increasingly, Americans by the millions are jumping on the LGBTQ bandwagon, showing full support for this gross wickedness. But what saith the Scripture? Proverbs 11:21, “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.The Bible assures us that the victory of the wicked will be short lived. Job 20:5, That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment? We all need wisdom from the Old Testament book of Proverbs.

I couldn't help but think of the pathetic attitudes of the leaders at Campus Church and Pensacola Christian College today. When I first started attending Campus Church in July of 2021, I kindly confided in Jeff Redlin (their senior pastor) that I am a divorced man, he couldn't have cared less. He expressed no sympathy or empathy for a hurting man. The fact that my former wife divorced me in 2006, 15 years ago, meant nothing to him. You see, at PCC they look down on divorced people who desire to remarry. PCC is a cult in many respects. They abuse hurting people who have broken lives. Sadly, PCC is a mere academic institution, a place intended to provide religious services for students, and nothing else.

So when a real person like me comes along, who is suffering in pain of soul from a broken marriage, Jeff Redlin just threw me under the bus to die. Literally, that wicked pastor scolded me for saying that I hoped to find a wife at Campus Church. Who does that? What kind of pastor berates and belittles someone for being divorced, and lonely, and hoping to remarry after 15 years? Jeff Redlin is a horrible human being, with poor character, and he ought be fired from Campus Church and not allowed to stand behind any pulpit in America. Sadly, PCC pays him over $100,000 a year! You see, Mr. Redlin doesn't have to care, because he still has 9,999 more people that all support him. So who cares about one lost lamb, right? Thankfully, Jesus cares and Jeff Redlin's days of arrogance are numbered until God judges him. 1st Thessalonians 4:6, "That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified." Pastor Redlin horrible defrauded me! He abused my trust, wounded my feelings and drove me out of Campus Church by his hatred, throwing slanderous gossip in my face that he read in the ungodly internet, and his unwillingness to embrace me as a fellow brother.

In front of his wife, Pastor Redlin told me that if I did find a woman to marry, he refused to perform the wedding. What did I do to cause such hatred in this pastor? What pastor, after only knowing a hurting man for 2 weeks, would speak such cruel and hateful words against him? Dear reader, that is Pensacola Christian Collège today, a bunch of self-righteous religious hypocrites. Yes, PCC is a CULT!!! Run from the place. If you don't believe me, ask Samantha Field. She should sue Pensacola Christian College for emotional neglect, failure to report a crime and other illegal activities that went on on campus!!!

You see, PCC couldn't care less. They are full of lame excuses to excuse their poor unchristian behavior. Proverbs 11:21, “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.” I came to Campus Church with a kind, loving and open heart. But Pastor Redlin abused me! As a divorced person, Redlin made me to feel like total garbage! You simply don't tell someone that you've only known for 2 weeks that he shouldn't be looking for a wife at church, and if you do find a woman to marry, I won't perform the wedding. I am still shocked that a pastor would even stoop so low as to express such contempt, disregard and hatred for hurting man.

Jeremiah 10:21, “For the pastors are become brutish [lacking good sense], and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered.”

Woe unto America's uncaring pastors today! The flock doesn't belong to any pastor. The church flock belongs to God alone! Jesus told Peter to feed "MY" sheep. They weren't Peter's sheep. They're not Jeff Redlin's sheep. They're not Sean Quinlan's sheep. When I visited the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam, my former wife also attended there. Pastor Sean Quinlan shamefully didn't life a single finger to even try to patch-up our marriage. That wicked pastor never once offered to pray with me. Kindly said, Sean Quinlan is nothing but a salary-sucking parasite on the churches today, just like Jeff Redlin.

These ungodly religious men think they are full of love for inviting people into their home on occasion. But hospitality is not God's love. Love would have been Jeff Redlin comforting me as a divorced person, praying with me, offering me counsel and trying to help me in a spirit of meekness as the Bible says in Galatians 6:1-3. Instead, he sinfully condemned me for being divorced, making me feel like a criminal for even daring to hope to remarry someday. I am not an 18 year old college student at PCC, I am a 55 year old man. Who does Jeff Redlin think he is anyway? I'll tell you, he is an ungodly man who has grown TOO BIG for his own britches! He's now the big man on campus at PCC, and it has gone to his head, making him look down on sinners like me. One day Pastor Redlin is going to realize that he is a dirty sinner too!

When I told Pastor Quinlan that my younger sister died of a drug overdose in Chicago in 2016, he just sat there at Lighthouse Baptist Church like a little boy, saying nothing. When I told him on another occasion that I didn't have anybody else to talk to than him about spiritual matters, he ignored me. This is the lousy quality of Baptist pastors today, totally INCOMPETENT!!! I am so glad that Quinlan quit. Unfortunately, he is now at PCC doing damage there instead. Proverbs 11:21, “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.” The reason why these wicked men that I have mentioned are so haughty, defiant and refuse to repent, is simply because they are part of a giant organization that backs them up. They are the wicked joining hand in hand.

That is why Bob Jones University today is so untouchable. Have you seen the Satanic garbage being preached at BJU? Dear friend, I am not barking up an empty tree here. I know what I am talking about. I just took the time yesterday to type out one of Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold's sermons. It took my 5 hours but was worth the time. The sermon is one of my favorites, called: "Lordship Salvation: Caught Between Grace And Works." All of the preachers that I just mentioned are GUILTY of either preaching a false gospel, or of bidding Godspeed to false prophets! RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS!!!

I don't get paid to do this, that is, to write. I do it because as David said in the Old Testament when he went out to fight the giant Goliath: "IS THERE NOT A CAUSE?" (1st Samuel 17:29b). I love what Dr. Jack Hyles (1926-2001) said:

“The world will go to Hell unless somebody is authoritative!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “I Shall Not Be Moved

Ladies and gentlemen, I care! If that makes me a troublemaker like the prophet Elijah, then so be it. 1st Kings 18:17, "And it came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel?" I am known at the failing institution of Pensacola Christian College as the troublemaker! Oh, they are growing in numbers and popularity with man, but quickly dwindling in favor with God (Revelation 3:15-17). I am known at the apostate Harvest Baptist Church on Guam as the troublemaker! So be it! If TELLING THE TRUTH that Lordship Salvation is of the Devil, then I'll gladly be the TROUBLEMKER!!! If taking a godly stand against the Devil's corrupt modern Bible revisions makes me the BAD GUY, then I volunteer! If exposing the fraud Martin Luther (1483-1546), who preached the heresy of Baptismal Regeneration (i.e., you must be water baptized to get into heaven) his entire life makes me the bad guy, then praise God that I'm the bad guy! I must preach THE TRUTH.

Proverbs 11:21, “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered. The Bob Jones crowd are laughing at my ministry and articles. They mock my blogs. I have literally seen them laugh in my face, and belittle me. One hateful staff member at the shameful Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, told his wife not to even smile at me, which I clearly heard him say TWICE, as they passed by me while we were all walking. Isn't that a crying shame? What was my offense? I loved them enough at Harvest to warn their pastors about the counterfeit Gospel they are preaching, called Lordship Salvation.

I warned them about the deadly false prophet, and BJU alumni, Pastor John MacArthur. Mr. MacArthur says, and I quote: "There is no such thing as a childhood conversion." You see, in John MacArthur's ungodly world, his plan of salvation is so hard and complicated that no child could ever be saved by it. That is a false gospel!!! I just typed out a portion of Pastor Yankee Arnold's sermon called: "Easy Believism." These are great words:

"Now, I spent just a few minutes explaining the Gospel to Him. But it's simple enough so that he can share it with somebody else, and somebody else, and somebody else. Now, I believe that there are a lot of preachers who will never have the joy of this, for the simple reason, they gotta make the Gospel so hard and complicated that they won't share it. I can share it with anybody at any given time, and it makes sense, and they trust the Lord. And I've seen their lives change. When they simply believe it. I didn't try to change anybody's life, but I've seen it happen, 'cause I know that the power of the Gospel works on people." —Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold, a quote from his beautiful sermon: "Easy Believism"

Oh why do men complicate everything? Pastor Jack Hyles said these helpful words:

“More people will die and burn in Hell, because they're trusting too much!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Yea, Yea, And Nay, Nay!

“Everything that's hard and complicated about salvation is God's side of it!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Yea, Yea, And Nay, Nay!

The simple, free and easy Bible way to be saved is to just BELIEVE the Good News of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, Who was crucified, buried and ressurected from the dead three days later. He did that FOR YOU dear friend. Just BELIEVE IT and eternal life is yours!!!

God knows that I don't hate the shameful pastors that I have named. I pray for them to get right with God. I have personally dealt face to face with these wicked men, and they shirked off and rejected the truth, instead berating me for preaching THE TRUTH. The PCC camp are upset with me for exposing them, because they have caught STD's (Spiritually Transmitted Diseases) from the corrupt Bob Jones University crowd. BJU is now the fountainhead of the corrupt Westcott and Hort Greek text. Dear reader, if you don't have a King James Bible, you don't have an inspired Holy Bible!!! ALL of the modern perversions are corrupted by Satan!

Even communist Cuba has enough sense to reject the Devil's fake Bibles!!! So what is wrong with over 95% of pastors today who foolishly accept and use them? In every church I know of that uses the Devil's Bibles, the place is spiritually corrupt and dead, and the Devil's curse of Lordship Salvation (i.e., Calvinism) is preached. Please pardon my rudeness at times, I don't mean to be, God knows my heart. 2nd Corinthians 11:6, "But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things." Somebody's got to "REBUKE THEM SHAPLY, that they might be sound in the faith" the Bible says (Titus 1:13b). Unfortunately, neither the BJU or the PCC camp are listening to a word I preach, because they are full of pride and arrogance and set in their corrupt and horrible ways. Like the Apostle Paul, I am set for the defence of the Gospel, and so also should you be dear saint of God. Philippians 1:17, "But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel."

They aren't listening because they are strong in numbers, the wicked joining hand in hand. But their day of reckoning will come soon enough, because "God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Galatians 6:b7). What saith the Scripture? Romans 3:4, "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged." I am preaching THE TRUTH, while ungodly pastors like Sean Quinlan and Jeff Redlin continue to sinfully and shamefully bid Godspeed to the infidel Bob Jones camp. I speak this all in Christ's love. 1st Corinthians 16:24, "My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen."

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