Wednesday, February 2, 2022

If You Don't Care About Everybody, You Don't Care About Anybody

Matthew 26:47-50, “And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and elders of the people. Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he: hold him fast. And forthwith he came to Jesus, and said, Hail, master; and kissed him. And Jesus said unto him, Friend, wherefore art thou come? Then came they, and laid hands on Jesus, and took him.

I am seen a sore evil in my lifetime, which is that pastors selectively care about people. For the 99 sheep who are on good terms with the pastor, they'll speak all manner of sycophantic praises about him. They'll say things like, "Oh he is a good man!" and  "Oh, he is a humble man!" What they are really saying is that he only cares about the 99 sheep who are still in his fold. But what about that 1 lost lamb?

When I moved 9,000 miles from Guam to Pensacola in July of 2021, I chose to attend Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College (PCC). It wasn't long before I realized that their senior pastor, Jeff Redlin, only cares about the 99. I learned quickly that he is a timid coward. Jeff Redlin is a disgrace to the cause of Christ, and represents everything wrong with pastors today, selectively caring about the 99 while crapping on the individual.

I have been divorced for 15 years, not by my choice. She left me. I have perfect peace moving on. When I kindly told Jeff Redlin that I hoped to find a wife, he berated me. He literally scolded me for coming to church to find a wife. I couldn't believe how stupid this man is, jumping to such an erroneous conclusion. You'd think that a church pastor would tell me that they are glad I am there, and that I picked their church to attend, and that I am welcomed. Do you know what his first words were to me? He said, "I would never remarry you." Even if that is what he believes, what kind of heartless monster would speak that way to someone who just flew 9,000 miles (which he fully knew) and chose to come to Campus Church?

I know that I am a nobody, but people matter! Black Lives Matter is not as good a saying as, All People Matter!!! Everyone matters. If you had been the only human being ever created, Jesus would have still died for your sins! God loves you dear friend. I chose Matthew 26:50 as our text verse, because after Judas horribly betrayed Jesus, our dear Savior called Judas, "Friend." Wow! Would you or I do that? Dear reader, you are either a friend to everyone or else you are not a friend to anyone. Jeff Redlin bullcraps his 99 church members, convincing them that he cares about them, but the fact that he pulled down his pants and crapped on me as a newcomer reveals that he really doesn't care about anybody except himself.

What if Jesus only cared about the 99 sheep safe in the fold, but couldn't care less about the 1 lost lamb who went astray? What kind of cold-hearted God would we serve if that were true? I am so very thankful that God cares about everyone, especially that one lost lamb who has gone astray from the group. These damned lifeless Bible colleges today (Bob Jones University, Pensacola Christian College, Faith Baptist Bible College And Theological Seminary, et cetera) don't really care about people!!! They care about MAKING MONEY!!!

Proof of what I say is that I neve heard from Pastor Jeff Redlin again. He has my email. He knows who I am. We exchanged numerous emails, in which I sincerely expressed my frustration that he didn't care about me as a human being. Dear reader, if you were a pastor and someone confided in you that they feel like you don't care, what would be the worst thing that you could do? That's right, ignore them, don't ever email them back. And make sure to use the big size of your church as a lame excuse for not caring. You know, "I was too busy!" Dear reader, the problem is not that Jeff Redlin's church is too big, but that his heart is too small. Yes, that is 100% the problem. Truly, Mr. Redlin is incompetent as a pastor, woefully lacking genuine love for hurting people. Jeff Redlin simply doesn't care!

I went through the same horrible experience at the shameful Harvest Baptist Church of Guam (HBCG). This happened between 2014 to 2021. The Devil crept into their church, now a religious cult because of Pastor Marty Herron. Harvest preaches another gospel of Lordship Salvation. Harvest promotes Satan's corruptible seed of the Devil's modern Bible revisions. Harvest promotes Martin Luther (1483-1546) as a born-again hero of the faith; but Mr. Luther is burning in Hell forever, because he taught the damnable heresy of Baptismal Regeneration his entire life. Baptismal Regeneration is the false doctrine that you must be water baptized to enter into Heaven. Nothing could be further from the truth! The repentant thief on the cross never got water baptized, but Jesus promised him Paradise that very day. No one in the Old Testament was ever water baptized, yet Acts 10:43 says they were ALL saved by faith alone in Christ.

The Harvest Baptist Church of Guam is a House of Horrors!!! I humbly say that with sadness and a heavy heart, because I love and care about everyone. I don't get paid a penny to preach and write blogs, or make my ministry websites. All I do for Jesus Christ I do for free, expecting the Lord to reward me in eternity (Matthew 6:19-20; 1st Corinthians 3:8). April of 2022 will be the 20th year anniversary of my website ministry. I have never made or accepted a single penny for my labors. I wanted it that way to show people that my heart is in the right place. I CARE because our great GOD CARES (1st Peter 5:7). And if you walk closely with God, YOU WILL CARE TOO!!!

If you don't care about everyone, you don't care about anyone; because at any given time anyone could become that one lost lamb that you don't care about. Think about that. If Pastor Jeff Redlin doesn't give a damn about me as a hurting human being, then what is to prevent you from being his next victim? If PCC doesn't care about a suffering ravished girl, then what makes you think, PCC student, that you won't be next? The college doesn't give a rat's ass about you, all they want at Pensacola Christian College is YOUR PARENT'S MONEY!!! Jeff Redlin's ungodly attitude toward people who are hurting in their soul, and his wicked indifferent attitude toward doctrinal error in the BJU camp and their own, proves what I say is true! Galatians 6:7 teaches that Jeff Redlin and company will reap what they have wickedly sown.

Dear friend, if you truly know and walk with God, then no one is expendable. Due to hateful slander and attacks against me, I have had to block people out on Facebook. I had about a dozen names blocked over the past year. But this week I did something that I like to do once a year, I unblocked all of them. No one is blocked right now! Why do I do that? Simply because everyone deserves a second chance. Amen! Even our great God doesn't stay angry forever. Psalms 103:9, “He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.”

I feel sorry for people who go to their grave with bitterness. I refuse to become bitter. I am angry about falsehoods which damn men's souls to the Lake of Fire. I hate what God hates... EVIL (Psalms 97:10). But God doesn't hate people, and neither do I, and neither should you. God loves the homosexual, dearly so, but He hates the sin. Jesus hated iniquity (Hebrews 1:9). John 7:7 teaches that the world hates Jesus, because He testifies against it, that the works thereof are evil.

Where does Jesus testify against the sins of the world? He does so in the written Word of God. Remember, Jesus is the incarnate Word in the flesh (John 1:1-3,14; Revelation 19:13). The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory as of the only begotten Son of God (John 1:14). Jesus and the Holy Bible are twins! That is why Jesus said in John 5:39, “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” If you want to have the mind of Christ, then search the Scriptures oh saint of God. If you are not yet saved, you'll never understand the Word of God (1st Corinthians 2:14-16). Only a born-again child of God can understand spiritual things.

I wrote this blog to draw attention to the sycophantic, phony, shallow, fake kind of love that most pastors have for people today. The moment that you cross them, offend them, embarrass them, even question their teachings or correct false doctrine, they will write you off and count you as an enemy. That is what pastors' Marty Herron, Joe Hansen, Jared Baldwin, Gary Walton, Sean Quinlan and Jeff Redlin sinfully did to me. Whereas I was a good friend to them, handing them THE TRUTH as a true friend does, they resented and rejected it. They looked down on my website ministry and my zeal for THE TRUTH, criticizing me instead of complimenting my work for Jesus Christ. I never once criticized their work, I simply contended for the faith once delivered unto the saints (Jude 1:3). Something is very wrong with a pastor who would rather find fault in an evangelist's work, then to see the good in it. All of the aforementioned wicked men are pulling on the same rope as the Devil. They include the apostate Bob Jones University and Bob Jones University camps today.

Samantha Field was a student at Pensacola Christian College, where she was violated (I can't use the "r" word lest I get censored). As is typical among fundamentalist leadership in America, PCC leaders told her to “repent” and let it go. PCC leadership were worried about liability no doubt, so they took the easier path of trying to silence the victim. Pastor Chuck Phelps of the Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana is guilty of the same sin, covering up for evildoers. Bob Jones University terminated a female student was who also violated physically and emotionally. She has since sued BJU and I am so glad!!! Dr. Steve Pettit just kicked her out the door, throwing her under the bus. Someone needs to fire Steve Pettit and send him back to the Devil where he came from, with his false plan of salvation.

Dear reader, I love people, even bad pastors. But I am sick and tired of these self-righteous hypocrites catering to the 99, while condemning the 1 wayward lamb. People matter! Biblical Christianity is leaving the 99 to go after the ONE INDIVIDUAL. In the sermon titled, "The Necessity Of Backsliding," Pastor Jack Hyles rightly says that even one person can make all the difference for a backslidden person! All if takes is just ONE PERSON to care. I went to Campus Church with a heavy heart, having suffered much in my personal life. All I wanted was to be welcomed in love, and given a chance to get my life back together.

Jeff Redlin goes home to his wife each night. Delicately said, he makes love to her. He eats home cooked meals that she makes for him. I have no one. I eat at McDonalds. I have no one to hug on bad days, or hug me back. Yet Pastor Redlin in his wicked selfishness actually expects me to be alone for the rest of my life, and never remarry. That is the pathetic PCC attitude toward divorced people. Does anybody else see something wrong with that? I sure do. What saith the Scripture? 1st Corinthians 7:1-2, "Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband." I know a Christian man who spent $20,000 on prostitutes over the years, who had carnal knowledge with over 150 women, because of self-righteous fools like Jeff Redlin who forbid divorced men to remarry. Why do you think there are so many pervert Catholic priests? They are not allowed to get married!!! Kindly said, I wish Redlin's wife would divorce him too, so he can see what loneliness and being without a wife feels like. But he has wife, so to hell with divorced men, right! God's judgment is upon the ungodly self-righteous PCC camp.

I don't know about you dear friend, but I love and care about everyone, not just the 99 who like me. I can't stand today's hateful pastors in the BJU and PCC camp, who throw away people like me who dare to question their teachings. The ONLY authority is the inspired Word of God in the King James Bible. If you don't have a King James Bible, you don't have a Holy Bible. Only the inspired King James Bible uplifts, honors and proclaims Jesus Christ in all His majesty and glory!!!

I care about the INDIVIDUAL, and so does God. We read in Matthew 10:29-30 that God sees the little bird that falls from the sky. Matthew 10:30, "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered." That number changes moment by moment on my God loves me and cares about me so much, that He even keeps tract of the number of hairs on my head. Wow! So do you think God misses, ignores or overlooks thousands of Bible verses being corrupted? No way! All of the Devil's Bibles completely removed the word "begotten" from John 3:16 and 1st John 3:16. That is an attack on Jesus' deity (that He is almighty God). Jesus is not God's only Son. I am a son of God according to John 1:12. I am an adopted child of God, and so are you if you are saved (Romans 8:15). But Jesus is the only BEGOTTEN (biological) Son of God, making Him also God!!!

Please trash your modern Bibles and use only the harder to understand King James Bible, because at least you know you're not being misled. The big deception is that the modern Bibles may seem more easy to understand, but when verses are corrupted they aren't God's Word anymore!!! I'd rather have a Bible that is harder to understand, but is accurate; than to have a bible that is easier to read, but it corrupt. In 2nd Peter 3:6-17 the Apostle Peter said he had difficult understanding the Apostle Paul's Epistles. So join the club!!! Did Peter set out to rewrite the Bible? No, he studied what was already written.

Today's apostate churches have multiple plans of salvation, umpteen Bible versions, and don't know which way is up. I use only the inspired King James Bible. I preach only a free grace Gospel (1st Corinthians 15:1-6). I am not confounded or confused like Marty Herron and company. John MacArthur preaches multiple gospels. If you watch his YouTube videos, you will find multiple things that he says, which confuses everybody. In one video he sounds like a free grace preacher; but in another he preaches hardcore Calvinism. RUN from this demonic imposter!!!

I feel sorry for the young girls who were ravished at PCC and BJU. It is shameful that those college administrations told their violated female students to "repent." That is how Jeff Redlin mistreated me! He couldn't care less if I ever come back to Campus Church, because the 1% to him doesn't matter. Redlin still has the 99, so who cares, right. I speak to a very few people today, who understand what I am saying. Sadly, 99% of professed Christians are so carnally-minded that all they care about is their own well-being, family and paycheck.

There is a sickening evil spirit of apathy today in the Bible colleges and churches, where people don't really matter. They couldn't care less if you come back or never return. You'll never hear from anybody again. Who cares about those violated girls at BJU and PCC, right? The reason why is because they still have their money from the 99. It is so tragic that the language of money is the only language today's apostates understand and pay attention to. If I could take away 50% of their money at PCC, they'd send a limousine to come get me, they'd take me out for a steak dinner, and be on their best behavior toward me, begging me to reconsider. You know that what I am saying is 100% true! But since I am just one sheep, they don't love or care about me. That is the Devil folks.

Look at all the millions of poor and homeless people across the United States. What are all these big churches and Bible colleges doing to help them? That's right, nothing. Where does all those hundreds of millions of dollars go? What a racket! Today's Bible colleges are a stinking money-making dirty racket. 1st Timothy 6:10 teaches that the love (or desire) for money is the root of all evil. As long as PCC is rolling in money, they won't care about one violated female student, or one hurting divorced man like me who needed their love. You're only as good a Christian as you are like God (our heavenly Father), and you're nothing like God unless you care and love each and every human being on the planet.

So when you meet a pastor or religious group who are okay if they lose you, then you know that they know nothing about the holy caring God of the Bible. Jesus left the 99 sheep to go after that one lost lamb who was in trouble. ALL LIVES MATTERS to God!!!

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