Thursday, December 23, 2021

Ten Popular Myths In Churches Today

Acts 17:10-11, “And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. There are many "myths" in the churches today. I just wanted to write to give you some more ideas for articles, if you want to look into them:

  1. "Repent of sins" to be saved myth. Not one verse in the King James Bibles teaches to repent "of your sins" to be saved. Christ came to save us from our sins. We repent (change of mind) from unbelief to belief to be saved. It is a manmade myth. Eternal life is a free gift. Believers should turn from sin, but not to be saved.
  2. Tithing 10%. Not one verse in the New Testament teaches for Christians to tithe 10%. It is a myth. Pastors have been lying to people for centuries about tithing.
  3. Miners in Russia digging into Hell. I have a sermon by a famous pastor of a mega Baptist church, telling his congregation about Russian miners who digged into Hell and recorded people screaming. It is a myth.
  4. The Roman Catholic church has many myths. Mary being born of a virgin (i.e., her immaculate conception). Mary living a sinless life. Mary remaining a perpetual virgin. Mary being taken into Heaven bodily without experiencing death (i.e., The assumption of Mary). These are four blatant myths.
  5. The modern Bible revisions are myths in many cases. They add things that are not found in "any" original texts. This YouTube video will blow your mind about Westcott and Hort.
  6. The teaching of the "Shekinah Glory" is a popular myth in churches today. Preachers have been deceived to think the term refers to God's presence over the Ark of the Covenant, but it is an occult term which refers to the female aspect of God (SHE-kinah). There is no mention in the Bible about "Shekinah." There is information online to verify the pagan roots of the term. Pagan Judaism has crept into the churches.
  7. 'Good Friday' is a myth. The Bible says Christ died, was buried and raised up three days later. We know from John 20:1 that it was still dark when Christ resurrected, on "The first day of the week" (Sunday). So to add up to three days, it means Jesus must have been crucified on Wednesday evening, not Friday. It is a myth. The Jewish day then began at 6 pm.
  8. Religious Zionism is a myth. Not one verse in the Bible teaches that Christians are commanded to help unsaved Jews to receive God's blessing. I heard a Baptist pastor in New York foolishly say that he wanted to send his church members to share the Gospel with Jews, so that God would bless their church; as if witnessing to African Americans wouldn't bring God's blessing! John the Baptist rebuked the arrogant Jews in Matthew 3:9, "And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham." John rebuked the proud Jewish Pharisees, letting them know that God could raise up rocks for children. Galatians 3:26-29 plainly teaches that every saved person is a spiritual Jew. Romans 2:28, "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:" It is a myth that unsaved biological, national, ethnic or cultural Jews have some special right, privilege or entitlement from God. They don't! It is a myth.
  9. Pastoral authority is a myth. I know some pastors who believe they have Biblical authority over people. The only authority in a church is the inspired Word of God. Pastors are supposed to lead by example as a humble servant, feeding and watching over the Lord's sheep for their spiritual and other needs, leading them from the front by godly influence, not pushing them from the rear as a dictator. When men usurp church authority, it often becomes abusive and cultish.
  10. A young earth is a myth. Here are some helpful resources refuting a Young Earth:
There is no scientific evidence of a young earth. Pastor Max Younce in the preceding links does an excellent job refuting the fallacy of a young earth. Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, just as science evidences. The Bible teaches a very old earth, but the human race can be dated to approximately 6,000 BC. An old earth principle in no way contradicts or disproves the Bible, quite the contrary. I agree with Dr. Younce that the commonly referred to "Gay Theory" is not a theory, it is the "Gap Principle." The Hebrew words used in Genesis chapter one clearly indicate that the earth is very old, which Dr. Younce explains in detail in his helpful free online book: "THE TRUTH ABOUT EVOLUTION; DON’T LET SATAN MAKE A MONKEY OUT OF YOU!" (see link above).

God bless you dear reader, I hope these ten ideas are interesting and helpful to you. So many of the common things that we accept as Christians are false. Thank you for you blog. Merry Christmas!

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