Monday, December 13, 2021

Don't “Ask” Jesus To Save, He Wants You To Accept Him

John 3:14-16, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

One of the biggest deceptions taught in churches today is that you need to "ASK" Jesus to save you. The Word of God says that Christ has already paid for our sins with His precious blood. So you don't need to "ASK" the Lord to save you at all; but instead, JESUS WANTS YOU TO ACCEPT HIM AS YOUR SAVIOR! You see, God has made a way of escape from Hell, through the sacrifice of His dear only begotten Son on the cross.

So to be saved, all you need to do is to RECEIVE God's free gift of eternal life, by BELIEVING the record in God's Word that Christ DIED, was BURIED and then RESURRECTED bodily three days later for your justification. This is "THE GOSPEL" (the "GOOD NEWS") by which we are saved, to them that believe. I hope you will do that dear friend. Here is a wonderful and helpful sermon video clip by Pastor Max D. Younce...

Don't “Ask” Jesus To Save, He Wants You To Accept Him

If I offer you a gift for your birthday, handing it freely to you to take, it would be strange and silly for you to say: “Can I please have that birthday gift?” Huh? No one would do that, would they. Yet, this is exactly what so many foolish preachers tell people to do—ask God to save them! Dear reader, you don't need to “ask” God to forgive your sins or give you eternal life, because GOD IS ALREADY OFFERING IT FREELY TO YOU!!! Simply receive it by faith, taking God at His Word as recorded in the inspired Holy Bible.

Jesus has already paid in full your debt of sin dear friend. You read right! CHRIST DIED FOR THE UNGODLY...

Romans 5:6-9, “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodlyFor scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

Since Jesus has already paid our debt of sin, making eternal life a free gift, we don't need to “ask” for it. Just simply BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED (Acts 16:31b). You simply must BELIEVE (rest in Jesus) dear reader, and you will be instantly born-again. Here are 26 helpful truths to remember:

  1. We are NOT eternally saved by the repentance of our sins. We ARE eternally saved by repenting of our unbelief and believing in Jesus who saves us from the consequences of our sins.
  2. We are NOT saved by water baptism. We ARE saved by being spiritually baptized into the death and resurrection of Christ, which happens automatically at the moment of belief.
  3. We are NOT saved by our verbal confession of faith in Jesus: there are Bible verses describing people who believed in Jesus as Savior and were eternally saved, but did not verbally confess Him (John 12:42-43). These were the Jews who were afraid they would be put out of the synagogue.
  4. A believer CANNOT lose his or her salvation no matter what sins they do, or what good deeds they don’t do (even if they lose their faith or commit suicide). Eternal life is eternal. Jesus said that those who believed in Him would “never perish.”
  5. Saving faith does NOT include works. It is unbiblical to re-define “faith” or “belief” to include the obedience of good works, love, or discipleship. We are saved entirely by what Jesus did for us, and not at all by what good and spiritual things we do after we believe in Jesus.
  6. It is God’s will that we live by His grace, by faith, by His love as children of God, as his ambassadors, by his Spirit in our spirit—but none of these things are requirements of eternal salvation or allowed for eternal salvation. We are NOT saved by our changed life; we are saved by Jesus’ life, His death for our sins and His resurrection. Jesus provides salvation entirely through His finished work on the cross and His resurrection. 
  7. Believers in Jesus are not under the law of Moses—we live by the Spirit.
  8. Salvation is a FREE GIFT. It is received by those who believe in Jesus and do not also include their own good works as part of what saves them.
  9. In the end, there are only sheep and goats. The sheep are saved and the goats are damned. Those who believe in Jesus are His sheep.
  10. All of God’s general promises are for Christians. All God’s general promises are Yes in Christ.
  11. There are conditional promises of God and there are unconditional promises of God.
  12. Those who do God‘s will, will be blessed more, spiritually and materially, even if they have extreme difficulties in this life.
  13. Jesus is coming again. This is the Second Coming, when Jesus returns to judge the living and the dead and to throw unbelieving people (and people who never believed) into Hell or to take believers with Him into Heaven.
  14. There is an event the proceeds the Second Coming, which is the Rapture of the Church, which could happen at any moment, where Jesus appears in the sky and takes all believers to Heaven to be judged at the Bema Judgment Seat. This is not a judgment of sin, but a judgment of Rewards for service to God.
  15. Christians should study to know the Word and the will of God. Simply being familiar with basic Bible concepts and then assigning your own meanings to these is not biblical, nor is it God’s will.
  16. God is here now. Jesus can do anything He did while He was here physically on earth, including healing, guidance, and material blessings.
  17. God loves all people unconditionally. 
  18. All those who believe in Jesus have the privilege of living in God‘s love in their identity as holy God’s children in Christ.
  19. There is a difference between judging, being judgmental, condemning, and discerning. 
  20. The Gospel of Jesus, that which must normatively be believed to be saved, is found in 1 Corinthians 15 1- 4.
  21. All of the Bible is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness.
  22. The greatest mysteries are: God’s Aseity (His Self-existence), His Trinity nature, and the impenetrable mystery of human consciousness and self-awareness.
  23. The 99.95% preserved accuracy of the 66 books of Scripture, and also the prophecies of Scripture, are two of the strongest proofs of God and of Jesus, our God and Savior. 
  24. Jesus is coming again soon in the sky to Rapture his church; and He is coming back to Earth again soon to judge the people of Earth.
  25. People who believe in Jesus AND their good works to get them into Heaven—will go to Hell, as it says in the Bible verse: Lord, Lord, we did all these wonderful works, and Jesus told them to depart from Him; and also the Bible explicitly says that salvation is not of works.
  26. The most important thing, the way to be saved, is to believe in Jesus. Jesus is the holy and sinless Son of God, who lived a perfect holy life of love. He shed His blood and died on the cross for all the sins of everyone according to the Scriptures, He was buried, and He rose again bodily from the dead, from death to life. He was resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures. He or she who believes this Gospel of Jesus NOT also believing in in their own good works to be saved, is immediately and eternally and irrevocably saved.

Thank you for reading my blogs! Kindest regards and God bless.

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