Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Awesome Fundamentalist Preacher Quotes

“Now you say, 'Brother Hyles, you make an issue.' You dead sure better know I'll make an issue!” —BATTLE OF THE AGES (MP3, Dr. Jack Hyles, “The King James Bible crowd is going to come out on top!”)

Awesome Fundamentalist Preacher Quotes:

“The Bible is an amazing Book! When you're down, it'll lift you up. When you're up, it'll bring you down. When you're in, it'll get you out. When you're out, it'll bring you in!”

“Men do not reject the Bible because it contradicts itself, but because it contradicts them.”

“Some people give Satan a stick to beat them with.”

“God's way meets at the intersection of human responsibility and divine providence. Be actively attentive. You be submissive to God's leading.”

“Satan confuses people to keep them lost.”

“The only inspired Words of God are in the King James Bible!” 
Pastor Jack Hyles' (1926-2001) awesome sermon: “THE REAL BATTLE” (a precious quote)

“The Lord is the Director, you quit directing your life!" —Dr. Hyles, a quote from the AWESOME MP3 sermon, “Either Let Me Do It God, Or Do It My Way.”

“You don't have to know, when you know the One Who knows.” —Dr. Jack Hyles, a heart-warming quote from the needful sermon, “At First You Just Exist.”

“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you in spite of it.”

“In the world you get relief by escaping your burden, but in Jesus you're happy in your burden.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“The only difference between folks who've been to college and folks who haven't been to college is that they're stupid on different subjects.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“God loves us, not because of who we are, but because of Who He is.” —David J. Stewart

“While you're in the calm, pray as much as you think you will when the storm comes.” —Dr. Jack Hyles

“There's not a single person in this house this morning, who's unsaved, but what wouldn't be saved if you realized that the Creator of the universe loves you!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, a precious quote from the awesome sermon titled, "How To Love God More.”

“There's a judgment coming, but you have the choice to settle out of court.” —Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold

“The Christian life is not a playground, it's a battleground.” —Brother Lester Roloff

“As long as I've got breath to breathe, I'll not dip my sails. Let me tell you something—this battle we have tonight is a battle between the new-evangelical crowd and fundamentalist crowd. What it is!” —Dr. Jack Hyles, a courageous quote from the excellent MP3 sermon titled, "Nebuchadnezzar, God's Servant"

“Redemption is a work of God the Son. Regeneration is the work of God the Holy Spirit. Justification is the work of God the Father as He declares the sinner righteous in the Son. Conversion then becomes the work of the church as we change the use and purpose of a life.” ―Pastor Jack Hyles, “Conversion And Salvation” (chapter 3) from his book: “Salvation Is More Than Being Saved”

“You can't fellow-help the truth if you don't have the truth!” —Pastor Max Younce - John III, part one

“A man doesn't get better to get saved; he gets saved to get better.” —Pastor Curtis Hutson (1934-1995), “Salvation Crystal Clear.”

“You will never know down here that Christ is all you need until Christ is all you have left.” —Brother Lester Roloff

“Insanity because we're in sin!” —Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982), from the sermon “Steps In The Degeneration Of Our Nation.”

“If you go to Hell, you'll go to Hell with all your sins paid for!” —Pastor Max Younce; Bible Prophecy #5

“You can't fellow-help the truth if you don't have the truth!” —Pastor Max Younce - John III, part one

“Everything in nature obeys God except man!” —Pastor Max Younce - “23 a - 1 John 3 - v.20

“Without the Lord, the family goes to pieces.” —Pastor Max Younce - “23 a - 1 John 3 - v.20” (exact time in video)

“Let me say again that I do not believe for a second that Christian people should live like the Devil. No preacher preaches separation more than I do. I simply believe that that separation is a work of the Holy Spirit just like regeneration is a work of the Holy Spirit, and it starts after one has repented from that which makes him lost, and that is unbelief.” ―Pastor Jack Hyles, “Misunderstood Repentance” (chapter 4) from his book: “Salvation Is More Than Being Saved”

“May I ask you, reader, "Are you a soulwinner?" Remember that a soulwinner is a salvager—one who leads a sinner to choose Christ and one who leads a saint to choose the will of God, the work of God and the plan of God.” ―Pastor Jack Hyles, “What Is Salvation?”

“I believe any man in this world, can love any other man in this world, if he thinks right! The reason you hate is because you think hate. The reason you love is because you think love.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “What The Law Could Not Do”

“All things truly wicked start from innocence.” ―Ernest Hemingway, Author

“Yes, Jesus is Lord. He is Lord of the universe, and, of course, we believe that He is Lord. However, to believe that in order to be saved one must make Him the Lord of his life is just another form of salvation by works.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Lordship Salvation - An Enemy of Soulwinning

“I'm not a great preacher. I don't profess to be a great Christian. I just profess to serve a great God Who is the same yesterday, today and forever, and Who will give revival when God's people pay the price!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Ultra-Dispensationalism - An Enemy of Soulwinning”

“Yes, Jesus is Lord. He is Lord of the universe, and, of course, we believe that He is Lord. However, to believe that in order to be saved one must make Him the Lord of his life is just another form of salvation by works.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Lordship Salvation - An Enemy of Soulwinning

“Yes, Jesus is Lord. He is Lord of the universe, and, of course, we believe that He is Lord. However, to believe that in order to be saved one must make Him the Lord of his life is just another form of salvation by works.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Lordship Salvation - An Enemy of Soulwinning

“The Lord is not compelled to use theologians. He can take snakes, sticks or anything else, and use them for the advancement of his cause.” —Billy Sunday

“I don't know any more about theology than a jack-rabbit does about ping-pong, but I'm on the way to glory.” —Billy Sunday

“I want to preach the Gospel so plainly that men can come from the factories and not have to bring a dictionary.” —Billy Sunday

“The backslider likes the preaching that wouldn't hit the side of a house, while the real disciple is delighted when the truth brings him to his knees.” —Billy Sunday

“Too many churches are little more than four walls and a roof.” —Billy Sunday

“Pastor Jack Hyles says: “Bob Jones... they make light on the verbal inspiration!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “The Real Battle

“I wouldn't give you a dime for King James Bible defenders that don't propagate the King James Bible! The reason to defend it—it's our weapon!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “The Real Battle

“What we need today is men who believe in the Bible from the crown of their heads to the soles of their feet: who believe in the whole of it, the things they understand, and the things they do not understand.” —Dwight L. Moody

“When you're against the Book, you're against God!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “The Real Battle

“Don't ever preach yourself too far from the cross. Reach back often and make much of Jesus and you'll never go wrong doing that.” —Pastor Harold Sightler

Evangelist Lester Roloff (1914-1982)

“I am an old-fashioned preacher of the old-time religion, that has warmed this cold world's heart for two thousand years.” —Billy SUNDAY

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