Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Lame Excuse Pastor's Make Of Not Being Perfect

Proverbs 23:9, “Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.” Titus 1:13-14, “This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.”

I don't have it in for pastors. I meet some pastors who are intimidated by me because of my website ministry. They are concerned that they might be next. That hurts my feelings when they think that way, because I am not hunting to expose less than perfect preachers.

But I will say this, I am sick and tired of hearing pastors hide behind the lame excuse that they are imperfect. I understand that, but using this for an excuse does not justify intentional bad behavior or teaching false doctrines. When pastors preacher heresy, that is not just an imperfection, it means they are doing harm and they need to be exposed. Titus 1:13-14, “This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.” I expose many pastors who corrupt the Word of God and preach a false Gospel. Am I become your enemy because I expose false teachers? I am disgusted with the average fundamentalist pastor today who chooses to stay neutral in the work of God.

Tragically, many pastors are fools today! When you hand them THE TRUTH, they are stubborn and filled with pride and resentment that anyone would dare question their teaching. It is wickedness! I won't shut up! I won't dip my sails. There is no pastoral wisdom in showing respect for false teachers!!! I meet so many pastors who foolishly think it is ethical not to criticize other pastors who pervert the meaning of repentance. Although it is true that preachers have debated the meaning of repentance for centuries, that doesn't make it okay to outright teach that a person must forsake a lifestyle of sinning to be saved. That is blatant false teaching and needs to be refuted publicly!

I meet shallow pastors who are cowardly. They run from any anyone or anything that makes them uncomfortable, like me and my website ministry. Instead of respecting me as a truth-teller, they become defensive and shun me, which is not an imperfection on their part, it is willful ignorance of the truth and mistreating a brother in Christ. I don't expose pastors for being imperfect, I expose them when I give them THE TRUTH but they reject it. I don't expose them for being imperfect, I expose them for being jerks and mistreating me as a human being, even after I give them a chance to do the right thing. NO ONE has a right to shun, reject, ostracize and mistreat someone just because you don't like them.

Everybody deserves to be loved. I don't like pastors who play favorites and don't care about losing a person here or there in their church. I really hate when pastors treat non-members differently than members of their church. The Bible calls that the sin of being a respecter of persons (James 2:1). Many pastors are respecters of persons, which God hates! Jesus said if you do something to the LEAST OF THESE MY BREATHREN, you have done it unto Him (Matthew 25:40). When pastors shun those whom they don't like, they are mistreating Jesus. Shame on those shallow pastors today who play favorites, who are respecters of persons.

Pastors who reject the truth and fail to love hurting people are not weak or imperfect, they are full of sinful pride and wickedness. Pastors are supposed to be servants, not big shots in the churches. You can tell how great a man is by how he treats the least among us, those who are different, hurting or unloving. The average pastor is a coward, merely an employee who comes to work each day, who ought not be a pastor at all. I am tired of pastors mistreating me because of my website ministry. It just shows how shallow and little they are. The worst thing that can happen to any church is when all their bills are paid, and there is extra money in the bank account, and they are at ease in Zion. Nothing destroys a church like prosperity!

I will continue to expose false teachers! I will continue to expose pastors who mistreat hurting people, shun those who are different, and hide behind their position and title as a pastor. It would be a good thing if 95% of today's pastors were all fired. YOU'RE FIRED!!! Any pastor who selectively cares about people doesn't deserve to be a pastor. These pastors are quick to point out that they are not perfect, but it goes much deeper than that. In fact, they are wicked, stubborn and full of lame excuses why they refuse to love everybody and embrace hurting people with God's unconditional love.

I am leery of these yuppie type pastors today, especially these Bible college pastors, who refuse to relate to ordinary hurting people. They drive fancy cars, live in nice houses, get paid over $100,000 a year and selectively care about people. No wonder America is going to Hell. I think the biggest thing lacking in churches today is simply to love people as they are, and not try to force them into a mold. People just want to be loved, but pastors refuse to do it! If they ever decide to walk with Jesus they'll start loving everybody.

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