Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Internet Is Very Unreliable For Accurate Information

Acts 19:32, “Some therefore cried one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused; and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together.

In 2021, I am finding myself using the internet less and less to make decisions. Like many people, I am frustrated and disgusted by the lack of accurate information on the internet, As much as I like Google Blogspot, I have to give thumb's down for Google's search engine results, because much of the results are not relevant. Here's an example:

Worst Cities for Dating

  • 1. Kansas City, MO
  • 2. Wichita, KS
  • 3. Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
  • 4. Detroit, MI
  • 5. Louisville, KY
  • 6. Greensboro/Winston-Salem, NC
  • 7. Atlanta, GA
  • 8. Pittsburgh, PA
  • 9. Houston, TX
  • 10. Charlotte, NC


And now this:

Best Cities for Dating in 2019

  • 10. Denver, CO
  • 9. Columbus, OH
  • 8. Durham, NC
  • 7. Washington, DC
  • 6. Phoenix, AZ
  • 5. Little Rock, AR
  • 4. Minneapolis, MN
  • 3. San Francisco, CA
  • 2. Charlotte, NC
  • 1. Austin, TX


So are Minneapolis and Charlotte the best or worst places for dating? You simply cannot rely upon the internet for reliable information. I won't even get into searching for information on how to lose weight, except to say that Google will take you nowhere. You'll find thousands of worthless articles, most of which provide conflicting information that contradict other websites. What's the value of Google providing search results to umpteen websites that contradict each other? You'd think that Google's software algorithms would intelligently search for patterns, commonalities and the majority of websites that agree, and then show you that information.

Sadly, the same type of confusion exists in our churches today concerning the Holy Bible. There are now literally hundreds of English Bible versions, which contradict each other and cause lots of confusion in the churches. If you are using more than one Bible, you are a confused person. You're also probably in denial, but someone who reads only the inspired King James Bible can expose your false beliefs, empty religion and neo-ecumenical apostasy in a heartbeat. 

In fact, all of today's corrupt Bibles were translated from just 2% of existing ancient texts. The King James Bible was translated from what is commonly known as the Majority Text. In other words, there is safety in numbers, and the King James Bible agrees with the majority of ancient texts. If you are using the New International Version, English Standard Version, New Living Translation, or any perversion from Brooke Westcott and Fenton's Hort's Minority Text, you are using an inferior corrupted manuscript!!!

The following eye-opening picture speaks 1,000 words against the evils of the modern Bible revisions, and the wickedness of Bob Jones University, Moody Bible Institute, hundreds of thousands of bad churches and other ungodly corrupt institutions that use, sell and promote them...

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