Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
I love this vital Bible principle in Proverbs 22:6. The most important thing that any parent can do for their precious child is to give them a solid foundation. If I could give parents one bit of advice, it would be to center their child's life around a Bible-believing local New Testament church. My second bit of advice would be to enroll your child into a Christian school. I cannot stress these two things enough. I know from experience the value of being enrolled into a Christian school. Dear reader, my website ministry wouldn't exist if it weren't for my parent's wisdom to enroll me into a Christian school instead of the damned public fool (school) system.
We all have our childhood friends that we remember. I had a childhood friend named Tommy. We were close friends. We used to hang put in his basement, listening to his older brother's 8-track tapes. I heard Boston, Black Sabbath, Foreigner, Thin Lizzy, Journey, et cetera. That was my introduction to the Devil's rock music. I hadn't been saved yet, not until I was 13 years old. We used to sneak into Tommy's brother's box of fireworks and lite them off. Those are fond memories, because I have always loved fireworks. Back in the 1970's society wasn't paranoid about fireworks like they are today. M-80's were commonplace back then, and police didn't really care if you lit them off. But today lighting off an M-80 is a felony in many states, considered an act of terrorism. Yikes!
Anyway, when I grew older my parents put me into a Christian school, where I was loved and taught the Word of God daily. My life was centered around a Bible-believing church. When I turned 18 I chose to go to Bible college, influenced by the Christian school I had been attending for the past 6 years at our Baptist church in Chicago. One day years later, while enrolled in Bible college but off for the summer, I was in my garage working on my Dad's Chevy truck. Tommy's mother was walking by and stopped in to say hello. I was glad to see her and asked how Tommy was doing, since me and Tommy had gone our own ways after grade school, and he spent much time with his biological father (his parents were divorced and remarried). She said something I have never forgotten, “I wish Tommy was like you.” I honestly didn't know what to say.
In hindsight, I don't remember what I said to her. But I do remember that I felt sympathy for her. I knew that Tommy was taking illegal drugs. I knew that Tommy didn't go to a Christian school like I was blessed to. I knew that Tommy and his parents didn't attend a local church. I didn't judge her then, and I don't today 35 years later. But I can say this—it was only because my Christian parents enrolled me into a Christian school at a Baptist church that I became the young man whom she admired. Dear friend, your children will not miraculously turn out right one day. You MUST invest in them now, while they are young, if you expect to reap goodness from them when they become adults.
During the insane Black Lives Matter movement in 2020, we saw the consequences of raising up a Godless generation of fools in the Devil's public school system. You cannot subject an innocent child to thousands of hours a year of satanic indoctrination in public schools, instilling the blatant fraud of evolutionary theory into their impressionable minds, and then expect them to grow up to be sensible, law-abiding, caring, moral and decent adults. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) uprising was nothing less than total anarchy, riotous behavior and mob rule! Cities across the United States were adversely impacted by businesses being burned to the ground, police stations being burned down, several police officers murdered, innocent people attacked and brutalized, and evil mayhem from coast to coast.
Even on the island of Guam, angry BLM protesters were standing with their protest signs outside of Home Depot and other local businesses, raising a ruckus! This is the power of the controlled liberal newsmedia. It is clear in hindsight that the BLM movement was socially engineered, deliberately fueled by the media, and intended to divide our nation. In this shocking video, Professor G. Edward Griffin in 1969 exposed the communist powers lurking behind the political scenes which are at work to subvert and take over America.
In the video Dr. Griffin rightly explains how the communist party incites bloody racial conflict, public rioting, and even recruits children to their sinister cause. Remember, it was Russian dictator Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) who also said: “The best revolutionary is youth devoid of morals.” With that truth in mind, it should be obvious to you now why the Black Lives Matter movement. The public is to be pressured into accepting measures that will move the country gradually and legally toward communism, but without calling it that.
Their diabolical strategy is to call for the quiet conversion of our government into a communist regime, but under the banner of socialism. It all boils down to control over human beings! The building of socialism is the communist revolution in America. Their answer to every problem is more government. Ronald Reagan was right that “Big government is the problem.” Total government is communism, as we see in places like China and North Korea today.
Dear friend, the public school system is the biggest enemy of our liberty and freedom! It is no coincidence that children are being lied to, deprived of the Holy Bible, and instead taught that they came from rocks colliding in space, evolution and gorillas. The Devil is destroying our American society! Take a look at these shocking eye-opening quotes by Vladimir Lenin:
- We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth... We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.
- The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.
- The best revolutionary is youth devoid of morals.
- A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
- The goal of socialism is communism.
- There are no morals in politics there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.
- Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.
- Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.
- It matters not if 90% of the Russian people perish so long as 10% bring about a world revolution.
By reading those disturbing quotes, it should be obvious to you that this is exactly what is happening in the United States today! Please consider these four shocking statements by Lenin regarding children and government public school indoctrination:
- The best revolutionary is youth devoid of morals.
- A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
- Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.
- Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.
A child spends 8 years in grade school! By hearing the blatant LIE of evolution repeated year after year, that LIE becomes the TRUTH in the impressionable minds of millions of children. Without faith in God a child has no moral compass; he or she becomes the ultimate authority. No wonder it was the infamous Satanist Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) whose life's motto was: “DO AS THOU WILT SHALL BE THE WHOLE OF THE LAW.” Truth is stranger than fiction. As I researched the sordid life of Mr. Crowley, I learned that Scientology founder Ron Hubbard (1911-1986) was a student and associate of Aleister Crowley. Birds of a feather flock together!
I have said all this to help you see the desperate need for children to be raised in Sunday School, and the need for attending a Christian school. The most dangerous thing about public schools is not what they teach, it is what THEY DON'T TEACH!!! The Bible teaches that if given a proper solid foundation, a child will not depart from it when they grow old. That doesn't guarantee that your child won't ruin their life, and the house of their life burn down. But it does mean that if that house is destroyed and burned to the ground by sin and evil, that when they repent and return as did the Prodigal Son in Luke chapter 15 of the Bible, they will have a solid foundation to rebuild a home upon. Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Pastor Jack Hyles is my hero of the Christian faith. Dr. Hyles often tells a story in his preaching about two houses that he saw while driving down the street. The first was a nice looking home, brand new, with all its charm and décor. The second home had burned to the ground and was unlivable in its present state. His initial impression was to have pity on the old burned down home, which wasn't much more than a foundation with a heap of rubbish atop it. He admired the brand new home. But then as he pondered the matter, he realized that he was thinking backwards. In fact it was the brand new upon which he now had pity.
You see, no one had ever lived in the new home yet. The new home had no memories of children frolicking in the back yard, running through the home's hallways and rooms, filled with the echoes of happy children playing, and the delicious smell of cookies being baked by a happy mother in the kitchen's oven for the family. That new home had never been lived in. It had not yet fulfilled its purpose for existence!
But then Pastor Hyles considered the old home which was now a worthless pile of scorched rubbish, where a family had once lived and enjoyed it's comfort and protection from the rain. That old home had faithfully served its purpose for existence, housing a family and giving them joy and satisfaction. Dr. Hyles then admired the home which had burned down, realizing that it had memories which could never be taken away from the family who had lived there for many years. I love the way that Brother Hyles looked at things.
Dear friend, the greatest thing you can ever do for a child is to get them into a Bible-believing church, and to enroll them into a Christian school. That is where they will receive a strong foundation. But wait, there is actually something even greater than the things I just mentioned, and that is FOR YOU to personally set the example and teach your child to have faith in God.
I heard Pastor Steven Anderson (one of my favorite preachers) say something in his preaching that caught my attention. He said that his parents drove for 45 minutes to a fundamental Bible-believing church, instead of attending a local liberal church which was much closer to their home in Sacramento, California. It was that solid Bible preaching that Steven Anderson was subjected to, which built a rock solid foundation in him upon which everything else could be built in his life. If it weren't for his parents driving the extra distance that made the difference, there would be no Pastor Steven Anderson today. Only Heaven knows how many tens of thousands of people have come to Jesus Christ because of God using that godly young man!
Tommy's mother gave me a great compliment, which really belongs to my Mom and Dad. She said: “I wish Tommy was like you.” She saw that I was clean-cut, ambitious, hard working, going to Bible college, not a drunk or burned out on drugs. To this day my heart hurts for her. I wish I could have been the son that she wanted, but in truth, Tommy didn't have the mother that I had. In truth, my mother was a drunk. She never drank alcohol until she met my father, who convinced her to start drinking. My father loved Vodka (hard liquor), but my Mom only drank beer. My mother smoked like a chimney, which put her in a wheelchair at age 54 for the rest of her life. She had suffered a crippling stroke in 1989.
So I dare say that Tommy had a better mother than I did, but I saw my parent's faith in God. My mother used to sleep on the couch, inebriated with Old Style booze, with our female dog Snooky on one side, and a King James Bible clutched in her hands on the other. I didn't have a godly mother like Pastor Jack Hyles did, but I did have a Christian mother. Dr. Hyles' father abandoned them when he was just a boy. My father stayed, although at many times I wish he had left us due to his violent anger. My father smashed a lot of furniture we had in his anger. That radical type of behavior is traumatizing to a small child. I used to urinate on myself in fear when he became violent, hitting my Mom. So I didn't grow up in an ideal home.
In hindsight, I'm glad that my parents stayed together, married for 36 years before my mother went to Heaven in 2001 at age 65, and my father in 2010 at age 76. Pastor Hyles' preaching is saturated with stories about how his mother's godly influence shaped his character, life and ministry. She taught him daily the things of God. Like Pastor Steven Anderson, Pastor Jack Hyles was not an anomaly, he was raised by a godly mother. The greatest role in the world is that of motherhood. Psalms 127:4, “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.”
My point here is that you don't have to be a perfect parent to see your child turn out right for God, but you do need to get them under the influence of Bible preaching. If you cannot find a good church or afford to enroll your child in a Christian school, then play the King James Bible in your home, listen to internet preaching with your child daily in your home, and teach your child the things of God at home! The internet is a blessing to people who don't have a good church to attend, or are unable to attend church due to poor health or other reasons. My chronic neck pain makes it difficult to sit still through a church service. I hate long sermons! Therefore, I stay homes oftentimes and listen to preaching during the week. I still attend church, but sporadically at best. The more I push myself to go to church, the sooner I burn out and stop going altogether. So I have learned to only go when I can.
Proverbs 13:20, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” Every child needs and deserves a solid foundation upon which to build their life. The Bible says that a child left to himself brings his mother to shame! Proverbs 29:15, “The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” I think the reason why the Bible indicts the mother is because she is at home with the child all day, but the father is out working to provide for his family. If you want your child to be a companion of fools, then put them into the Devil's public school system!
Proverbs 29:15, “The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” Clearly this Bible verse emphasizes the mother's incredible role and influence upon a child in the early years of development. Teenagers don't just become monsters at age 13, they were left to themselves for 12 years! Every child needs and wants their parents to set boundaries. A child needs godly reproof. This shows the child that Mom and Dad care, and shows them who is in charge, instilling in them a healthy fear of parents, law and God if they disobey. God put that padded area in the back for a reason!
At about age 2 or 3 a child needs to start learning that they cannot always have their way. There should start to be resistance to their tantrums, pouting and demands. If a child is spoiled, allowed to always get their way, you will raise an irresponsible brat who becomes reckless to society. All discipline should be done in love. For this reason a parent should never discipline a child when the parent is angry. We don't have an anarchy problem in America today, we have a parent problem! Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
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