Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Pitbull Christianity

Matthew 20:6, And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? Luke 5:4, Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. Revelation 3:2, “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.

I remember when I attended Hyles-Anderson College (1985-1993) hearing a bunch of fiery chapel sermons. I still remember many of them. The Bible contains some awesome phrases that will preach! Why stand ye here all day idle? Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught! Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die. I think of these truths often, which are all calls to ACTION as believers. 

I have always gravitated toward fiery Bible preachers, the Pitbulls! I'm talking about fighters like Jack Hyles, Bob Gray Sr., Danny Castle, Jeff Owens, Lester Roloff, Ralph Yankee Arnold, Steven Anderson, Jeff Fugate, Roy Thompson, J. Frank Norris, Billy Sunday and the Apostle Paul. These men are intense, and so am I, so I can relate to them. I am an independent fundamentalist Baptist Bible preacher! By “fundamentalist” I simply mean that I believe in the infallibility and inspiration of the King James Bible. I see no mistakes in the King James Bible. I don't listen to those who want to argue and debate the issue, I would rather go soulwinning. Let the deeper-lifers waste their time debating the Book, while I use the Book to win souls.

Brother, we need more Pitbull Christianity today! The churches are pathetic today!!! I am sick and tired of seeing churches advertise their “worship services.” The purpose of going to church is not to worship God, it is to organize to do God's work of obeying The Great Commission of soulwinning (Matthew 28:19-20). The purpose of going to church is to receive comfort, encouragement and be taught the Bible. The church is a hospital for broken sinners, not a museum for spiritual relics. If a hurting person cannot go to a local church to receive love, compassion, help and comfort, then prey tell me where can they go? Since 2014 the shameful Harvest Baptist Church on Guam has left me for dead. They drove me out, forgot about me, and even refused to let me come back to church in 2017 when I begged three times. What kind of so-called “church does that? A fake church, that's who!

I'm sick and tired of phony churches gathering around the Word of God, while the local community goes to Hell without hearing the Gospel. This is the doing of today's apostate Bible colleges, which are training mere academics and not church builders. Neo-evangelicals steal churches, they don't build them. Only soulwinning can build a church, and the Bob Jones University crowd don't go soulwinning, they just steal the work of fundamentalist preachers who've gone before them, corrupting those churches. 

Sadly, most of today's pastors are lazy, incompetent, untrained and unqualified to lead God's people! Just look at the mess in America's pathetic churches today! It's all about worship, getting your money, and sending the youth off to some damned Bible college to have their faith shaken in the inspiration and infallibility of God's Word. These poor impressionable kids go in having faith in God's Word, and by the time they come out are questioning God's Word, flipping through a dozen Bible versions in search of the truth. That doesn't sound like a good deal to me parents! Please be careful where you enroll your children into school.

Yes, we need some good old-fashioned Pitbull Christianity. I mean biting on the leg of the Devil and not letting go!!! Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) was right, who said: The great need of the hour is PREACHING PREACHERS!!!

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