Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Bible Encourages Us To Invest In Heavenly Riches

Matthew 6:16-21, “Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Someone asked me today about investing in Bitcoin. My honest answer is that I don't understand it enough to really give good advice on the matter. But I did find this article.

I have always been leery of investing in anything that I cannot see, touch, eat, physically possess or live in. I can live in a home or rent it to someone. I can eat food in a restaurant business. These are tangible investments. I could be wrong, but to me Bitcoin is similar to the stock market, where you have tens of billions of dollars being invested into something that only exists on paper (or in the case of Bitcoin, a computer file). Here's some more information and a warning about Bitcoin...

My opinion is that believers are wise to invest in heavenly eternal rewards (Matthew 6:19-20). This world is full of greedy thieves, liars and cheats. In our text Scripture passage, Jesus encourages us to lay up treasures in Heaven, knowing that thieves cannot steal them, rust cannot corrupt them, moths cannot eat holes in them, and we have a sure investment. We can earn rewards in Heaven by helping spread the truth of the Gospel, which will lead others to Christ (Daniel 12:3). Also, by doing good deeds (Matthew 5:16). We can invest in eternity by laboring in prayer (Colossians 4:12). And by giving to the poor (Proverb 19:17). Even giving a cup of water in a disciple's name will be rewarded by the Lord (Matthew 10:42). Everything that we do as Christians to further the Kingdom of God, help others, honor God and sacrifice for Jesus Christ will be rewarded. Every keystroke of my keyboard and click of my mouse will be rewarded in eternity by God (1st Corinthians 3:8-9). That is why I work so hard day and night. It is 4 am now.

I personally do not think it is a sin to invest in Bitcoin. Again, I have limited knowledge, so I am cautious in my humble opinion. I think Las Vegas style casino gambling is unethical for various reasons. I don't think Bitcoin is a crapshoot, but I am not too familiar with it. I have no desire to learn about it either, I am busy investing in eternity. I think something that is unethical (not the honorable thing to do) is a sin. I think our greedy American society is a sin. You cannot eat at a restaurant anymore without them forcing you to pay them 10%, because they feel like you owe them for waiting on you. It is unethical. They have no regard for customers anymore in the United States, they just take advantage of people. I deplore forced gratuity.

The people who own the casinos don't do any labor. It is filthy lucre. The House always wins! Casinos provide illicit entertainment for thrill seekers, who blindly gamble away money. In many cases people lose their homes, cars and end up in court. The book of Proverbs has much to say about wealth obtained shadily. I think lotteries are unethical, which is gambling. I think anyone or anything that preys upon addicts, covetous people, thrill seekers and hurting people in desperation for riches, is immoral. I hate casinos! They are cesspools of immorality, substance abuse, homosexuals and all manner of wickedness.

Having said that, investing in the stock market is a calculated move. That is quite different than merely throwing some dice on a roulette table. There are many different ways to invest in stocks. At one time between 1995 and 2000, I was heavily involved in the stock market. I made 130 call option trades in one year. I paid Charles Schwab about $6,000 in commissions just in 1999. I made $140,000 and then lost all of it! But I was a nervous wreck, losing sleep when my trades declined, and felt euphoric when my positions rose. It was an emotional rollercoaster. In the year 2000 when George W. Bush became U.S. President, the ".com" years of "irrational exuberance" (as Fed chairman Alan Greenspan called it) all came to a crashing end. I ended up losing $50,000 in the stock market. I was working midnight shift between 1993 to 2000 and hated my life. In 2000 I changed to an afternoon shift. I had forgotten how good life could be. Working the graveyard shift was one of the worst decisions I ever made! It adversely affected me physically, mentally and spiritually. I wasn't investing to get rich, I just wanted a way out of Sodom and Gomorrah at the U.S. Postal Service where I worked in Chicago at O-Hare Airport.

I decided to get out of the stock market for good in 2000. I have not bought a stock or call option since. By God's grace I began my website ministry in 2002, choosing to spend the rest of my life laying up treasures in Heaven. I have never regretted that decision. Thousands of people who come to Jesus as their personal Savior over the years because of this ministry, to God alone by the credit, praise and glory. I am just some clay, but God is my dear Potter Whom I serve and love. I don't regret my 5 years of investing between 1995 and 2000, because it taught me the value of a dollar, the vanity of earthly riches that disappear, and the great peace and joy of knowing that I have treasures laid up beyond the blue skies. It is a matter of living by faith. I have faith that God will keep His promises in His Word. 2nd Peter 1:4, “
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”

I hope you don't mind that I shared my philosophy of wealth a bit with you. I love to be helpful. Having said all that, I think it is acceptable with God to invest in things, just so long as it is not immoral (booze, casinos, abortion, LGBTQ, et cetera). Also, it is important that no one suffer as a result of our gain. The state lotteries are evil. In many cases the states promise to use the money for public schools, but then spend the money elsewhere and the children suffer. The states lie and steal the money. I think that is evil. Donald Trump is a brilliant and admirable business man. I love the guy and miss him as U.S. President. However, Pastor Jack Hyles is right that Mr. Trump's success is not "good success." Donald Trump made his billions from strip clubs, gambling casinos and houses of sin. If you'd like to hear the sermon by Dr. Hyles, it is called: "I Don't Want To Be A Success."

There is nothing more repulsive than a money hungry believer. Psalm 62:10, “
Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart upon them.” My former landlord was always thinking about money, money, money. He disgusted me. No matter what went on, he saw money! Get the hell away from me! I detest money and those who relish in it. I love to give, without expecting anything in return. Very few believers are like that. When you truly love God, money means nothing to you anymore. The Harvest Baptist Church on Guam is all about money. They live for it! They relish in it! That is why I have been denied permission to even attend church services since 2014, because Harvest sees me as a threat to their money, because I am conte0versial in my King James Bible only beliefs. My website ministry is well known worldwide and makes them uncomfortable. 

My only fault is that I loved them enough to TELL THE TRUTH. Like the Apostle Paul, I am counted as their enemy at Harvest Baptist Church of Guam because I told them THE TRUTH (Galatians 4:16). I did the right thing! I was the only one who cared enough to agree with God (Romans 3:4). Lordship Salvation is not the Gospel of free grace. The Westcott and Hort Bible revisions are all corrupted by the Devil, not inspired by God. The requirement to repent and turn away from one's sins to be saved is nowhere taught in the King James Bible. Yet, for exposing these untruths I have been blacklisted, shunned, avoided, ignored and cruelly ostracized by Harvest Baptist Church of Guam for the past 7 years!

It is my prayer that God would avenge me for their cruelty. I pray that God would avenge me of their wickedness, for them siding with error instead of truth. I pray that God would make Harvest's pastors sorry, regretful and wishing they had never been born. I want divine justice! Help oh Lord, for the godly man ceaseth! I am laying up treasures in Heaven, while Harvest Baptist Church of Guam continue to dig their own grave. This Bible, that Bible. This Gospel, that gospel. Nothing really matters at Harvest except their paychecks. Follow the money! I will be avenged someday, God promises it. Romans 3:4, “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

These Bob Jones liars and deceivers will attempt to defend themselves by saying that salvation is only by grace. Yet I can take you to the Catholic Vatican and show you where they say salvation is only by God's grace. Harvest's pastors have much blood on their hands, including mine. They have hurt an innocent man, who in fact told them THE TRUTH, but they rejected that truth. Pastors' Marty Herron and Gary Walton have my blood on their hands. These men in the clergy don't deserve any honor in any church! They do not teach the Word aright, but cast stumbling blocks before the people, by confusing sanctification with justification.

There is no greater way to lay up treasures in Heaven than to go soulwinning. But to do that we must also contend for the faith, exposing the enemies of soulwinning that hinder men from coming to THE TRUTH of the Gospel to be saved. Misunderstood repentance is an enemy of soulwinning. Lordship Salvation is an enemy of soulwinning. False Bibles are an enemy of soulwinning. Sadly, the Bob Jones crowd today are guilty of all three of these evils, working against the cause of Christ to get men saved! For exposing these evils I have been banned from attending church. I haven't had a church family in 7 years, because of Marty Herron and Gary Walton, and the Harvest Baptist Church of Guam. Bob Jones University is cult headquarters, leading the way into apostasy! They have no treasures in Heaven!!!

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