Thursday, March 25, 2021

Beware Of The Heresy Of Religious Zionism

Romans 2:28-29, For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.​

There has been much confusion caused in the churches by theological Zionists, which I am against. One such preacher is Dr. William P. Grady, who has authored about a dozen books, most of which idolize Jews as "The Master Race." It is totally unbiblical. There is only one human race. The Bible teaches that an outward Jew is not a Jew in God's sight. Only in inward Jew, that is, a born-again believer by faith is a Jew in God's sight.

The Bible couldn't be any clearer. Unsaved Jews go to Hell, just like unsaved Gentiles. And saved Gentiles go to Heaven, just like saved Jews. Galatians 3:26-29 plainly teaches that God is no respecter of person, that there is no difference between Jew or Greek, male or female, bond or free, rich or poor; we are all ONE in Jesus Christ our Savior. Since the beginning of human civilization salvation has always been through a line of faith. There never was a time when unsaved Jews were heirs of the promises of God. 

That is why I don't believe in Replacement Theology, because there was never anything to replace. The promises that God made to Old Testament Jews under Moses were conditional upon their obedience (Exodus 19:5-6). Galatians 3:16, “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.” Clearly the promises were made to CHRIST, and not to the Jews. So if we are in Christ by faith, then we become heirs of all the promises God made to Abraham and under Moses. Only those who believe in Christ will be partakers of God's blessings as promised. This is basic Bible, but 90% of churches have gone wacky nowadays with Zionism.

Other Zionists to beware of are Jack Chick, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Paul Chappell, Charles Lawson, James Knox, James Modlish, and a bunch more. Pastor J. Vernon McGee got it right about Israel. Israel is no different than any other heathen country today, and should be acknowledged as such. Luke 21:24, “
And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” This Bible verse teaches us that Israel today has NO divine promise of protection. Russia could bomb Israel today and it would be Biblical. Jerusalem SHALL be trodden down by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled (i.e., the Lord's Second Coming after the Tribulation period). During the Tribulation, one-third of Jerusalem will be slaughtered. Revelation 17:18 says Jerusalem is the whore! She will be burned with fire by the Antichrist. So much for Zionism.

By the way, "Zionism" is defined as the effort to restore Jews to their homeland. But God scattered them for a reason, because of their sin. The Jews have still not repented toward God. So God will not bless them until their turn to Jesus Christ (Hosea 3:4-5). Zionism today is the same as Abraham and Sarah taking matters into their own hands. They didn't want to wait for God to give them a son. So Sarah contrived a plot to have Abraham impregnate their servant girl Hagar (which was the sin of adultery). God refused to accept Ishmael as the son of promise. Abraham and Sarah had to wait another 15 years for Isaac to be born. This is what Zionists are doing today, trying to force God's hand of blessing upon a homosexual wicked nation like Israel. Tel Aviv, Israel, is dubbed as: "A Gay Paradise." God will not bless that filth. Modern manmade Israel is as Ishmael, that is, an illegitimate birth.

I do not believe that God is cursing the United States because of anything going on in Israel today. Unbelievably, William P. Grady in his book: "How Satan Turned America Against God," actually claims that God is cursing America because we don't help Israel enough. That is preposterous. Zionists are so brainwashed that they overlook the fact that Americans are guilty of murdering 60,000,000 human beings in the womb since Roe vs. Wade in 1971. That alone is enough to bring God curse upon America! 

America was founded by Freemasons. There was a plot for world government going back to Genesis 11:1-11 at the Tower and City of Babel. To hinder their work, God confounded them, which led to segregation worldwide. The different nations were formed. In these end times God has allowed the Devil to breakdown these lines of racial, national and religious barriers, once again finishing what Satan started at Babel. This is the diabolical New World Order.

America didn't end up in the mess it is today by mere neglect. The Holy Bible was removed from our schools in 1963, which has been the nails in our coffin as a nation. Hollywood has been progressively waxing worse and worse. But the one thing that gives it all away, and convinces me 100% that Satan is behind all of this, are the abundance of occult symbols in everything in the media, and even religion. Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). America has been targeted from day one to be used as a vehicle by which to bring about a New World Order. Here are just a few of thousands of photos I could show you of the Devil's hand in everything today. 

​These are signs of Satan, and they are everywhere today. They were here before we were born, and they'll be here long after we are gone from this world. The conspiracy for a NWO is generational, spanning millennia. What we need to do as Christians is "fear God and keep His commandments" (Ecclesiastes 12:13). This is the whole duty of man the Bible says. The Devil is always trying to imitate the things of God, so he can infiltrate and then corrupt. That is why the Devil has published literally hundreds of English Bible revisions, to confuse everybody. It is a brilliant war strategy of Satan. That is why Lordship Salvation is continually being crept into the churches, along with Wrong Repentance, to imitate the true free grace Gospel to infiltrate and corrupt the churches, making people religious instead of born-again. The Devil is a master deceiver and a liar (John 8:44). We see how easily the serpent tricked Eve (Genesis 3:1-5).

Sin Is Why America Is So Messed Up Today

So having said all that. The Devil has been targeting Americans for generations now with immoral music, immoral Hollywood movies, insane ungodly laws, oppressive government agencies, and relentlessly promoting garbage like abortion the LGBTQ agenda. I am shocked that any sane person would accept this as okay. Yet humans are so easily manipulated and desperately wicked the Bible says (Jeremiah 17:9), that anything is possible (Jeremiah 7:9-10). So all of the mess we see in America today is the consequence of a nation that has gone the way of many nations before, such as the Roman empire. Mankind has never been able to govern himself. That is why God gave us the Holy Bible. Every legitimate court system in this world has some basis in the Old Testament civil laws.

Of the 6 judges who removed the Bible from our public schools, 4 of them were Freemasons. So when we consider the sinful heart of man, and that there is a blatant Satanic conspiracy at work to kill, steal and destroy America; it is obvious why our nation is in the mess it is in. The Devil cannot make anyone sin, but demonic spirits can inspire the sinful hearts of men with lust, greed and hate, stirring those passions to commit horrible sins. So if it weren't for all the Hollywood filth, raunchy music videos aimed at teenagers, secular philosophies, deplorable music and Satanic infiltration of churches today, our world wouldn't be near as bad. During the millennium Satan will be bound in chains in the bottomless pit. What a day that will be. The world will still have human beings in it, who will have survived the Tribulation. It will be a time of peace such as the world has never known. So we are at war today with the Devil (1st Peter 5:8).

According to Ephesians 6:12-18, our 7 spiritual weapons of war as believers are: faith, salvation, prayer, Gospel, Word of God, righteousness and truth. The churches are losing many battles today, because churches are boring compared to entertainment. That is why my Twitter posts get 38 views, and Paul Stanley of KISS gets 12,000 views. Young people today are as worldly as can be. The world has always been a wicked place (1st John 5:19). But with technology, it has allowed mankind to travel further down the road he was already on. There has never been a need to preach the Gospel any greater than today, yet our churches are in shambles, and making money is the primary and in many sad cases, the only real goal.

America is in the mess we're in today because Christians sat back idle and did nothing, while the Devil came in and took control. Every generation must rediscover the truth for itself. That is just human nature. Thankfully, I was taught well by godly men such as Pastor Jack Hyles. The mantle of sound doctrine was handed to me, and other preacher boys, and I am handing the mantle off to the next generation. 2nd Timothy 2:2, “
And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

There are so many aspects as to why America is a mess today, but the major underlying problem is a departure from faith in the Word of God. For example: The reason why there are so many homeless people, and there are rusting cities all throughout America's Midwest, is because of the fraudulent central banking system (funny money as Dr. Ron Paul calls it), and the sending of tens of millions of American jobs to foreign soil. I have been watching hundreds of YouTube videos about where to live or not live. Nick Johnson and The World According To Briggs are two of my favorite YouTube channels. But the reason why the central banks exist is because of the greed of evil people, and the wickedness of our entrusted leaders who betrayed that trust (e.g., President Woodrow Wilson).

I am shocked how many ghost towns exist today across America. Lima, Ohio was once a thriving town, but today is a deserted dump of poverty and drugs, because of the evils of deindustrialization. Our elected leaders did this to us and we let them! Since 1913 the criminal Federal Reserve Act has given wealthy private families complete control over our money supply, taking it away from congress prior to that. They literally decide what a dollar is worth. That is why Americans have to work 30 to 40 years, slaving to pay off an insane mortgage loan. The first 20 years of payment goes just for THE LOAN from the banks. They are evil criminals. But why did this happen?

It is because of immoral people who didn't care enough to fight against evil, and this all goes back to what I said about a nation having faith in God's Word. This is all about the Gospel. Born-again Christians who grow in Christ's likeness make much better citizens than unsaved people who walk in the flesh. That is why America is so corrupt today. We've got a bunch of selfish lost sinners in charge. We've got a bunch of complacent Christians hiding in their closed off churches, and preachers are mere salaried employees nowadays, not called men of God who would rather starve to death than not preach the truth! 

The churches are all about entertainment today. If there is any preaching at all, preachers dare not preach about conspiracies, feminism, the Federal Reserve, abortion or things that offend people. Pastor Grayson Fritts was forced out of his job as a decorated police officer for telling the truth about Leviticus 20:13. Pastor Steven Anderson was kicked off YouTube for preaching against controversial subjects like feminism, LGBTQ, and even Modalism. We've allowed the heathen world to put a leash on preachers today!

The quick answer to why America is so messed up is a departure from faith in the infallibility of the inspired King James Bible. These modern wishy-washy Bibles do major damage, turning people off to the Bible. Who wants a source of truth that comes in 39 different flavors? The Bible publishing craze tells young people that nothing is absolute. We've lost our conviction as a nation. Tough preachers are under vicious attack today. Never before have pastors been so discouraged. I read not too long ago that thousands of pastors quit every year. I wish they would all quit, and let true men of God stand behind our nation's pulpits. We need righteous preachers again, who have a burning passion for THE TRUTH, and a genuine LOVE for all people!

Jack Chick used to claim that 40 tornadoes destroyed the Midwest because America is not helping Israel enough. I am so sick of that kind of religious superstition. Yet, Mr. Chick showed zero compassion for lost Arabs who need Christ. That is very wrong. Jews are no more special than Gentiles. America is in the mess we're in because of our own love for sin, indifference, cowardice to stand up against the government, failure to heed the multiple warnings from our founding fathers, and a departure from faith (obedience) to the inspired Word of God. Thank you for reading. I love you with Christ's love, whoever you may be!

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