Saturday, January 9, 2021

When Men Reject You, God Has Something Special

Isaiah 53:1-5, Who hath believed our report?  and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

I heard a wonderful YouTube video sermon today by one of my favorite preachers, at the First Baptist Church Of Glenarden, Maryland, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr., titled: “The Other Side Of Being Dissed” (here's an MP3 format). Jesus was despised and rejected by men—a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. What he is in essence saying is that you would be able to tell the coming Messiah by virtue of the fact that He would be rejected by men. Jesus was rejected by men. The very Son of God came in human form and was rejected. John 1:10-11, “He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

Rejection is a sign that God doesn't want us to fit in. In the Old Testament, one of the best examples of a man who was rejected his whole life is David. This is amazing, please follow with me. By the way, I got this from Pastor Jenkins in his awesome sermon. 


  1. David was rejected by his father (1st Samuel 16:6-11). - Jesse presented all of his sons except David, overlooking him. Jesse went through SEVEN sons. David got dissed. He was overlooked, not considered. His father thought it couldn't possibly be David. He was dissed by his own father, but God had chosen him!
  2. David's own brothers dissed him (1st Samuel 17:20-28). - David saw the Israeli army hiding in a ditch, and the Philistine challenger Goliath standing in the middle of a field. David was surprised that no Israeli had the backbone to go confront the enemy. David volunteered to go fight. His brothers laughed him to scorn, rejected and dissed him.
  3. David was rejected by his employer, the king. - King Saul rejected David's request to go fight, saying he was not qualified. David's paid job was to play the harp for the king to sooth his spirit. When David offered to go fight Goliath, Saul said he wasn't old enough, and that he was not a trained soldier like Goliath. Saul dissed David.
  4. Saul hated and tried to kill David when he slew Goliath. - After convincing the king that he could fight Goliath, and the Lord gave him the victory, Saul hated David because the women bragged on him more than Saul. The king repeatedly tried to murder David.
  5. David fled Jerusalem, hid in a cave, and in the cave finds a large group of rejects. - These men were in debt, criminals, outcasts, unwanted by society—a bunch of discontented rejects. These men were desperate and asked David to lead them, and he agreed. went to join the Philistines (the very army from which Goliath fought). Pastor Jack Hyles preaches a wonderful MP3 sermon called: “Where Did David Get His Mighty Men?” 
  6. David and his army of rejects go to join the Philistines, but the Philistines reject them. (1st Samuel 30).
  7. While David and his army of rejects were away, the Amalekites took advantage of the situation, attacking their home city of Ziklag, taking captive all the women and children, and their possessions. - This is amazing! David was rejected by king Saul for defeating Goliath. So David goes to hide in a cave for his life, joining together with a band of rejects. Then they try to join the Philistines and are dissed by the enemy.
  8. David's army of rejects consider stoning David to death for their losses. - That's pretty bad when you get rejected by the rejects! By now David has been rejected by king Saul. he has been rejected by the Philistines. He has been rejected by his own army of rejects! And now...
  9. David was rejected by his own wife. - Saul's daughter Michal mocks David, shaming him for dancing in joy over the Ark Of The Covenant. Many times we are dissed by someone who should have rejoiced with us. Sadly, my wife divorced me in 2006. For the past 15 years I have rejoiced alone in the Lord. Bless His holy name! I have served God alone. I have laboured day and night relentlessly on my website ministry without a companion by my side. My former wife has no part in my heavenly rewards or me. I have endured loneliness, dissed by family, church and fair weather friends. Sadly, I have been dissed by the Harvest Baptist Church of Guam since 2014, because I faithfully told THE TRUTH (Galatians 4:16). Thank God I am a misfit like David who doesn't fit in!

I know the pain of rejection. My Neo-evangelical minister father kicked me out of his ministry and life in 2001. The mission church board dissed me for my King James Bible only position on the Bible. I was called a cult. My horrible chronic neck pain began in 2004, still with me today. My wife sadly divorced me in 2006 against my will. I have been dissed by numerous churches and pastors. I was dissed by the Christian Law Association in 2013 because of my truthful websites. I have been dissed by fair weather friends and family. I have been dissed, disliked, dismissed, dismayed, disappointed, disavowed, discounted, disapproved, but the Bible says to lift up your hands in praise when you get dissed by man for Christ's sake, because it means God is greatly blessing you. Matthew 5:11-12, “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” 

Moses got dissed by Pharaoh. Joseph got dissed by his brothers. Jeremiah got dissed by the false prophet Hananiah. David got dissed by Saul, Michal, the Philistines and his own adult children. Paul got dissed by the early church. Jesus got despised and rejected. But God did something spectacular in all their lives! God has got your back!!! 

Moses was a total misfit. Since he was a Hebrew, he didn't fit into Egypt. Since he grew up in Egypt in the Pharaoh's palace, he didn't fit in with his own Hebrew people. When he went to Midian, he didn't fit in there either. Moses didn't fit in anywhere, yet it was those very drawbacks that enabled God to use Moses to do a great things! Moses was familiar with the desert, the very place where he led millions of Hebrews. Those 40 years on the backside of the desert paid off! The life of Moses teaches us that NOTHING SHALL BE WASTED! The life of Moses teaches us that God has a place of service for a prepared man. And God will prepare that man without him even knowing it! Moses had no idea during those 40 years, that God was preparing him for a great work, to deliver the Jews out of bondage. God is amazing!

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