Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Answer Is In The Churches, Not The White House

2nd Chronicles 7:14-15, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.

The answer is in soulwinning churches, not politics. No society can rise spiritually above the condition of its churches. God always honors repentance—whether it be a nation, a community, a church, a family or an individual. God is always looking for someone who wants to obey Him. Ezekiel 22:30, “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” What a sad commentary concerning the spiritual state of Israel. The Lord couldn't even find one man who would come before Him in prayer for the land. Job 16:21, “O that one might plead for a man with God, as a man pleadeth for his neighbour!”

Having said that, if there is any hope for America, it won't be found in the White House. The present situation with President Donald Trump is a perfect example. If there had been enough God-fearing Christians in the United States, he would have won the election by a landslide. But we've got a bunch of liberal sick-minded Americans who love mediocrity. They embrace their enslavement! What really bothers me is how the mainstream newsmedia continually criticized, scrutinized and badgered President Trump for the year prior to the 2020 election, clearly swaying public opinion against him. That should be illegal. The media is a psyops weapon, and by law should be required to remain neutral, just as are 501c3 licensed churches. 

Churches are not legally allowed to endorse a particular candidate, but the media can, which is wrong. Over 92% of web searches are filtered through Google, and by law they can censor any information they want. Google owns YouTube, so the law is the same, granting them power to censor any data they want. Sadly, they are censoring godly Bible preachers, but promoting ungodly transsexuals perverts. Truly Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Google's power is very dangerous to freedom of speech and national security! By hi-jacking social media, the Globalists have monopolized the power to shape public opinion.

Our nation has been dying spiritually and economically for a very long time. To the same degree that Americans have faith in the God of the Bible, and live accordingly, starting with believing the Gospel, we have and enjoy liberty and freedom. Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.The thieving central banks (aka, Federal Reserve) are a bigger threat to American than an invading army. Thomas Jefferson said that, and he was absolutely right. ...

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies,"  Jefferson wrote. " If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around(these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” —Forbes

Since 1913 the Federal Reserve has been ripping off Americans through fraud. Since 1971 the U.S. dollar has lost 82% of its spending value, after President Nixon took our currency off the Gold Standard. Since about 1980, inflation has continued to rise, while real wages have stayed the same. This has caused a massive homelessness problem in the United States. That is why the middle-class are struggling, and women have been forced into the workplace, and families are struggling and suffering. 

I watched a shocking video today, which just weeks ago filmed the massive homeless problem plaguing California. I quickly noticed the sign hanging on the post which reads: “JESUS, THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE.” I love that! It just goes to show again, that the Bible is true, which tells us that God has chosen the poor rich in faith. ...

James 2:5, “Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?

How many preachers have you ever heard expose the central banks? I only know of Pastor Chuck Baldwin in Montana. I also heard Pastor Ralph “Yankee Arnold make some mention about it. I'm sure there are many more pastors who preach against the central banks, but they are a rare animal and I haven't heard of them. A preacher has a duty to preach against all evil, whether it be the local abortion clinic, or the lawmakers in Washington DC who empower them! Thomas Jefferson was a wise man and warned people about the central bank.

The answer is not in the government. In my humble opinion, Mr. Trump lost because of the power of social media. We must keep in mind that the newsmedia is not honest nor fair, it is controlled by Globalists. They tell the American public (the TV viewer) what to think. It's just a job to the hundreds of thousands of people involved in the news industry. I think overall that President Trump has done a great job over the past 4 years. I have never trusted him, simply because Freemasons control our country. George Bush Sr. and Jr. were both criminals. A recent study done by the University Of Fairbanks Alaska concluded that fire did not cause World Trade Center building #7 to fall. 911 was an Inside Job! Only a naïve fool denies that. It's like the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf. The little boy kept having fun by lying that the wolf was coming. So when the wolf really came, nobody believed him, and the wolf ate him!

Pastor Jack Hyles rightly said:

“Old-fashioned, Spirit-filled, Christ-honoring, sin-hating, soul-winning, Bible preaching! It is the hope of the church! It is the hope of the nation! It is the hope of the world!” —Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001)

America cannot be saved by anarchy. I am against the recent anarchy in Washington DC. That is not God's way. The Bible says that God Himself will heal the land. But the conditions have to be met. God's condition is that the people turn from their sins. This is not Lordship Salvation. Americans need to repent toward God, and that begins with believing the Gospel to be born-again. That is the first step to healing any nation, getting people saved. And then once saved, God's indwelling Holy Spirit will begin to work in that person's soul, as they nurture in the Word of God (1st Peter 2:2). God's method is soulwinning local New Testament churches. Christians have to go soulwinning if America has any hope at all. 

Local churches have the responsibility of preaching the Gospel, water baptizing them as a public profession, and then mentoring new converts. This is: The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). For many churches today it should be called: The Great Omission. And those converts need to get into church. It is a fact that over 90% of people who attend church, did so because someone INVITED THEM. I doubt if Harvest Baptist Church on Guam has knocked on any doors in 45 year since they started in 1975! They have never knocked on any doors in my neighborhood, and I live less than five minutes from the church. It is shameful.

The answer is not in the White House. As much as President Trump has won my admiration while in office, he is not the answer. President Trump while in office has called for the global decriminalization of homosexuality. Nearly all Christians overlook this and wholeheartedly support Mr. Trump, simply because he appears to be the lesser of two evils. As believers we ought not support evil of any degree. Republicans and Democrats alike are corrupt in America! In his heyday, Alex Jones used to expose the left/right paradigm 10 years ago, but then he became a Republican supporter when Mr. Trump ran for office. I was disappointed in Alex. I agree with the Libertarian mindset. I honestly don't understand why most Christians are not Libertarians, accept that they are either woefully ignorant or afraid to break away from the Republican herd. We have liberty in Christ, not the mob rule of Democracy, nor the Corporate rule of Republicans. I believe in liberty for every law-abiding individual citizen.

The Gospel Truth Must Be Preached

The answer to America's woes is in Bible-believing, people-loving, God-fearing, fervent SOULWINNING, churches! The “us four and no more” cultic attitude of churches like Harvest Baptist Church on Guam is letting America go to Hell. I've been trying to return to Harvest since 2017, simply to sit and hear the preaching, but they have banned and ostracized me for telling the truth in 2014. As a true friend, I helped their pastors to see the truth of the Gospel, but they love their spiritual blindness. I helped them to see the truth about the Devil's modern Bible revisions, but they love falsehoods. The Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation is sending millions of lost sinners to Hell. I receive heartbreaking emails all the time from people, thanking me for pulling them out of the snare of the Devil's Lordship Salvation heresy. One man confided in me that he almost commit suicide because of Evangelist Ray Comfort's false teachings. Why aren't more Baptist preachers crying aloud against Lordship Damnation? Here is a great sermon by Pastor Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold on “Why Lordship Salvation Is Wrong.

Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) was so right when he said: “The great need of the hour is PREACHING PREACHERS!!! That is why YouTube has removed and banned Pastor Steven Anderson, because he steps on toes. They accuse him of inciting hate, but dear friend, Brother Anderson was preaching THE TRUTH of God's Word. The truth is only hate to those who hate THE TRUTH! Yet, YouTube is okay with this homosexual. What do you think God's opinion is of this? Psalms 97:10, “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.” So it becomes a matter of what is evil. Who gets to decide? You? Me? YouTube? God? Yes, God.

Our Weapons Are Spiritual, Not Carnal

For my conservative readers who love President Donald Trump, it doesn't matter if Joe Biden or Donald Trump is in office, because Freemasons control our nationPsalms 47:8, “God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness.” Daniel 2:21, “And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:God sets up leaders, and takes them down. Ultimately God is always in control. Ephesians 6:13-18 teaches that our seven weapons of warfare are spiritual in nature: prayer, truth, salvation, Gospel, Word of God, righteousness and faith. I didn't see Mr. Trump in the list. I didn't see the Republican party in the list. Sadly, over 99% of churchgoers today don't use those weapons. Most churchgoers aren't even saved, having been deceived by a false gospel of “turn away from your sins” to be saved. Politics is not the believer's weapon!

We must speak the truth. Social media is a powerful tool to preach the truth, which is why Satan is censoring so much truth today. We must pray for God to keep the door of social media open for believers to speak THE TRUTH. Colossians 4:3, “Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds:As you can see, the average believer today does not LIVE BY FAITH. How often do you pray for God to preserve our freedom of speech? God is more powerful than the government (Ecclesiastes 5:8). Proverbs 21:1, “The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.” If you feel helpless dear friend, PRAY! Your God is able!!!

The weapon of salvation is simply knowing that you are saved. No believer will ever be effective serving God, until you have the perfect peace that you are 100% saved. 1st John 5:13 says you CAN KNOW that you are saved. If you are not sure you're saved, you simply need to learn who, what, where, why, how and when about getting saved. In other words, people worry because they are ignorant of how to be saved. If you are not sure you are saved, you need to settle that right now. I wrote a 42 chapter book called: 'SALVATION' to help people like you, from my own painful 7 year experience as a teenager, when I couldn't find the assurance of my salvation. The Heresy Of Having To “Pray” To Be Saved.

These are our weapons. Faith is a weapon. Our God is able. The answer is not in overthrowing bad government, but in obeying our good God. Another weapon is righteousness (how we choose to live). Proverbs 28:1, “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” Matthew 24:12, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Iniquity (unpunished evil) abounds in the United States today. I was shocked after watching this documentary of a mother who clearly murdered her own child. The mother lied and laughed in police investigators faces. Yet a mother in Texas last year was sentenced by a judge to 99 years in prison for assaulting her 2 year old daughter. The child is expected to make a full recovery. The average murderer spends 16 years in prison in the United States. Just search Google to verify that. Our whole court system is whacky.

Politics Will Never Solve Our Nation's Problems

A nation's government, families, churches and everything else, will follow the general trend of a society's spiritual condition. There are still millions of good people in America! But increasingly we are seeing wickedness at every level of society, even in our churches. The churches simply cannot compete with the television. Church is boring to most people (AND IT IS!). Somebody needs to wake the preacher up! I used to have to pinch myself to stay awake at Harvest Baptist Church on Guam in 2014, because the preaching was so dead there! Neo-evangelicals can't preach their way out of a wet paper bag! They ramble without ever getting to the point, like the late Evangelist Ravi Zacharias. That is why I get to the point often at the beginning of an article. Brother Lester Roloff is right: “We need porcupine preachers—so people will GET THE POINT!

Dear friend, Satan runs this world! There is so much evil, crime and corruption at every level of society and government in America today. We've seen again and again how the government interferes and stops anything that builds godly families. Any preacher who takes a strong Biblical stand against homosexuality today is demonized in the media, and targeted by the government. He is banned from social media. His financial accounts are frozen at PayPal, Go Fund Me, et cetera. But LGBTQ groups have free reign. When Black Lives Matter surfaced in 2020, some of America's largest corporations donated billions of dollars to their sinister cause, which in their manifesto is to undermine the tradition family and disrupt society.

Nothing except God's judgment can save America now! Americans lost control of their country in 1913 when congress let the criminal central bank take over our money. There has been nothing but havoc ever since! They are hollowing out the economy, and ultimate our money will be totally worthless. To compensate for the devaluing power of the U.S. dollar, the Globalists have been allowing U.S. corporations to exploit illegal immigrants and outsource jobs to foreign countries for as long as they can, but now the fraud cannot be hidden anymore. More and more Americans are being forced into homelessness. 

You see friend, the answer to all this goes much deeper than merely getting the right guy voted into office. As long as our entire economy is based upon criminal fraud, nothing will get any better! And now they are working on a cashless society, which will be just as corrupt and thieving. America is caught in the grip of a Luciferian cult! The average believer is so woefully ignorant of this topic, that they can only respond with either absurd laughter, or to shake their head in bewilderment. But don't despair my fine non-feathered friends, all is well in our heavenly Father's house (John 16:33). IF you are a born-again believer, by faith alone in Jesus Christ, then you have nothing to fear, because we are already on THE WINNING SIDE in Christ. Romans 8:37, “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

Remember, our armor is spiritual in nature: prayer, truth, salvation, Gospel, Word of God, righteousness and faith. The weapon of the “Gospel” is soulwinning. Churches all across America, for the first time in my lifetime, felt like they had a champion on their side in the White House in Mr. Trump. I admit that I felt that way myself. It was refreshing to see Mr. Trump actually doing something to fight the abortion crowd. I really hate to see President Trump go. It is sad to see a bunch of liberal sinners excited that Joe Biden is coming to power. Job 20:5, “That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?

Have Faith In God

I wrote this blog article primarily to lead the reader away from expecting changes to come from Washington DC. If our federal government has proven anything, it is that they are incompetent to lead a nation. As Christians, if you are one hopefully, we are instead “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2a). Respectfully, my faith is not in Donald Trump or Joe Biden, it is in God. Mark 11:22, “And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.” 

Jesus never got involved in politics. I have known some believers to physically get angry, when they learned that I was not a registered voter. Well, why should I waste my time voting, when they are wasting my time with useless candidates? One humiliation deserves another. I'll vote when there is a candidate worth voting for. But even if I don't, God honors that. There is no place in the Scriptures where believers are taught to vote. It is completely our prerogative. I am tired of being given Skull & Bones members to choose between, like when George Bush Jr. and John Kerry ran against each other for the office of U.S. President in 2004. No thanks, you can vote for Luciferian occults if you want.

My best advice to all Christians is to find and get involved in a local Bible-believing church in your area. I prefer independent fundamental Baptist churches myself. If you attend a Neo-evangelical church, including Southern Baptist Convention churches, you'll find dozens of Bible versions. You'll find the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. The best way to make a difference for God is by living for God yourself. “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). Help a local soulwinning church. However, I wouldn't support any church that is not laboring in the local community to win souls to Christ. Find a better church!

It seems like the churches in America are losing the battle against wickedness and Satan, but it just “SEEMS that way. We know from God's Word that the world has always been a wicked place. 1st John 5:19, And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.So even in wickedness, our God is still on His throne. Ecclesiastes 5:8, “If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.” I love that Bible verse. It means that despite all the injustice, unpunished crime, corruption and blatant wickedness in our governments and world today; God is higher than they are, and He is recording everything, so that one day all men will be held accountable (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14).

I could write so much dear friend. I just want to be a blessing, by teaching others the truth of God's Word. I'll leave you with one last thought. We are commanded in Philippians 4:8-9 to think on things that are of good report, lovely, pure, honest and just. That mean by very nature that we need to somewhat live in isolation from the world. How can we do this? By simply spending more time getting involved with a local Bible-believing, soulwinning, Christ-honoring, people-loving, church.

Please don't sit around watching the bad news on TV all day. I can hear the daily news in 5 minutes. If you do, you're going to get down and depressed. I stay on topside in my mind each day. I live above the clouds (Colossians 3:1-3). I have been battling depression for many years, due to neck pain and loneliness without a wife, but I always feel uplifted after I listen to Alexander Scourby read the King James Bible, or I hear one of my favorite preachers (like Pastor Bob Gray Sr., Dr. Jack Hyles or Pastor Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold) preach the Word of God. 

I love helping people. Gladly, I spend hours on many days just answering emails. 2nd Corinthians 12:15, “And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.” For those of you who have emailed me, you know I am detailed and write very lengthy letters at times. I am just a fool for Christ. I don't claim to be a good Christian (I want to be), but I do know and walk with God my Savior. I humbly work hard day and night online to help people for Christ. I am feeding His sheep. I am very friendly if you want to write. Thank you very much for reading my blog. I love you with God's unconditional love. We're all just a bunch of sinners in this thing of life together. Jesus is precious!!!

Yours Truly in 2017

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